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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 411
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Original Message
"East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"

Posted by volsfan on 01-18-06 at 08:50 PM
We have a new episode tonight! Let's keep discussion here until the westies have a chance to see the show.

Will we see the monster again?

I finally blogged

Table of contents
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,batts, 09:22 PM, 01-18-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,batts, 09:25 PM, 01-18-06
    • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 09:30 PM, 01-18-06
      • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,batts, 09:32 PM, 01-18-06
        • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 09:33 PM, 01-18-06
        • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,Chez, 12:19 PM, 01-19-06
  • WHOA!,volsfan, 09:52 PM, 01-18-06
  • Loved the last line of the show,cycles2k, 09:57 PM, 01-18-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,TotallyLost1978, 08:36 AM, 01-19-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,elaine1, 08:52 AM, 01-19-06
    • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 08:57 AM, 01-19-06
      • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,elaine1, 09:15 AM, 01-19-06
    • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,1derfool, 11:26 PM, 01-20-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,dragonflies, 08:59 AM, 01-19-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,CattyChat, 09:28 AM, 01-19-06
    • The Other Man theory,realitycoholic, 04:15 PM, 01-20-06
    • Jack's wife,blacknwhitedog, 09:19 AM, 01-23-06
    • The Other Man,Chez, 12:36 PM, 01-23-06
      • RE: The Other Man,Elaine0, 08:36 AM, 01-25-06
  • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,mrc, 10:53 AM, 01-19-06
    • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 11:13 AM, 01-19-06
      • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,blacknwhitedog, 12:11 PM, 01-19-06
        • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 12:19 PM, 01-19-06
          • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,mrc, 12:23 PM, 01-19-06
            • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,Elaine0, 01:17 PM, 01-19-06
            • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,volsfan, 03:56 PM, 01-19-06
              • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,Elaine0, 06:34 AM, 01-20-06
    • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,AugustGirl, 12:58 PM, 01-19-06
      • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,Elaine0, 01:10 PM, 01-19-06
        • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,mrc, 01:19 PM, 01-19-06
          • RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06,Elaine0, 06:48 AM, 01-20-06
    • I agree with mrc,weltek, 01:22 PM, 01-19-06
      • RE: I agree with mrc,mrc, 01:26 PM, 01-19-06
      • 2 more questions we didn't hear from Jack,moonbaby, 10:21 PM, 01-19-06
    • Agree mostly,FesterFan1, 03:48 PM, 01-19-06
      • RE: Agree mostly,Das Mole, 05:12 PM, 01-19-06
        • RE: Agree mostly,Elaine0, 07:03 AM, 01-20-06
  • Next week,weltek, 01:23 PM, 01-19-06
  • Let me be the first to say...,TeamJoisey, 00:32 AM, 01-20-06
    • RE: Let me be the first to say...,Ahtumbreez, 00:45 AM, 01-20-06
    • Agreed,weltek, 10:47 AM, 01-20-06
    • RE: Let me be the first to say...,AugustGirl, 12:26 PM, 01-20-06
    • RE: Let me be the first to say...,J I M B O, 06:52 PM, 01-20-06
      • RE: Let me be the first to say...,ruppiefan, 01:33 AM, 01-22-06
        • RE: Let me be the first to say...,AugustGirl, 11:09 AM, 01-23-06
        • RE: Let me be the first to say...,batts, 07:40 PM, 01-23-06
          • RE: Let me be the first to say...,AugustGirl, 07:25 AM, 01-25-06
          • RE: Let me be the first to say...,Lisapooh, 10:52 AM, 01-25-06
  • Hanso?,mrc, 12:58 PM, 01-24-06

Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by batts on 01-18-06 at 09:22 PM
I hope so!

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by batts on 01-18-06 at 09:25 PM
I think that what Michael is doing is REALLY STUPID. Earth to Michael..... theres a monster out there, and others and polar bears and 'others'..... why didn't he get Jacks help? He knows he can't do this alone.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-06 at 09:30 PM
WTF? Who is the man that just stepped out of the jungle?

Jack kissed the daughter of his patient...does he cheat on his wife?

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by batts on 01-18-06 at 09:32 PM
Thats the 'other' that said "The thing is.... we're gonna have to take the boy." ....on the raft hijack scene ... OMGosh

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-18-06 at 09:33 PM
That's right! He did have bushy beard. RUT RO!

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by Chez on 01-19-06 at 12:19 PM
Oo hoo! I'm so excited. My best "spoiler' yet I guessed it was that guy who said 'this is our island' - post 9 in this thread.


Posted by volsfan on 01-18-06 at 09:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 01-18-06 AT 09:53 PM (EST)

Well, now we know what happened to Jack's marriage!

"Loved the last line of the show"
Posted by cycles2k on 01-18-06 at 09:57 PM
"How long do you think it would take to train an army" - Jack.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by TotallyLost1978 on 01-19-06 at 08:36 AM
OMG that was a great ep! When "Mr. Friendly" showed up I jumped out of my seat!

Two big questions came out of this ep.....what happened to Michael..did he get to Walt or do the "Others" have him???

Second during Jack's conversation with "Mr. Friendly", he was told that it was their Island and the other's allowed the survivors to live on it. What is so special about Jack's group that they are "allowed" to live on the Island without being attacked but the Tallies got attacked nightly??? Both groups had spies sent to different camps however there was drastic differences between the end results...19 vs. 1.

With Charlie's ep. next week...will this story line continue?

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by elaine1 on 01-19-06 at 08:52 AM
Did anyone see the person Zeke referred to as Alex? imdb calls him Mr. Friendly. Wonder where they got that name from?

I wonder how long until Michael comes back, if he comes back.

People have speculated that Libby worked at the same place Hurley and Locke's mother were at. I guess they were right since Hurley said Libby looked familiar in the previews. Or is that Hurley's pickup line?

Wouldn't Sayid be a better choice in putting together an army?

Ok, Sarah was bored because Jack was always off saving the world and started seeing someone else. But shouldn't she have been a little more careful? What if the pregnancy test was positive? "Jack I'm pregnant, but on the up side it might not be yours." Or maybe seeing someone else was just a lie she told Jack. I hated her comment about him always needing something to fix. Did she forget if it wasn't for that, she'd still be flat on her back?

Many things bug me about Locke, but the one that drives me crazy is that he always calls Hurley, Hugo and now called Sawyer, James. He's like an old aunt that always has to call you by your given name instead of the name you prefer.

Despite all the complaining, I loved the episode. Lost never fails to shock me. I sure didn't see the pow wow with the Others coming. I hope we don't have to wait half a season to see more of them.

AKA elaine0. Please restore my old name.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-19-06 at 08:57 AM
LAST EDITED ON 01-19-06 AT 08:57 AM (EST)

Did anyone see the person Zeke referred to as Alex? imdb calls him Mr. Friendly. Wonder where they got that name from?

Who knows? IMDB isn't that reliable in my book as I am not so sure where/how they get their info. During the season finale, I posted that the girl (on the boat) looked like Tina Wesson and IMDB listed her as a cast member. She wasn't...

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by elaine1 on 01-19-06 at 09:15 AM
Yes, I remember you started that rumor that they picked up on. Pretty funny.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by 1derfool on 01-20-06 at 11:26 PM
Maybe I'm just strange but if I were cheating on my husband, planning to leave him and suspected I might be pregnant, I sure as heck wouldn't tell hubby about it if the test came up negative.
What's the point? "Gee Jack, I thought I was pregnant but I'm not" proves what?
There has to be a reason for that to have been written in to the script but I can't for the life of me figure out why. Unless it's later proven that she was pregnant after all? Maybe it will tie in with AL having been pregnant when she got shot?
Whatever it is, there's a reason for Jack's wife mentioning she thought she was pregnant but wasn't.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by dragonflies on 01-19-06 at 08:59 AM
I'll step out on a limb and assume that Alex is Rosseau's Alex. Too bad we couldn't see him/her.

Obviously Michael was called over to the Others intentionally, but for what purpose?

How did they light up and then extinguish all those torches at the same time?

Can I smack Jack now? I wanted more answers from Zeke.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by CattyChat on 01-19-06 at 09:28 AM
Another great episode.

What I don't like is the whole Michael the lone wolf trying to find Walt. I don't buy it. Why would he insist on doing it himself, when he KNOWS how dangerous the others are & he's not exactly a survivalist like Locke or someone experienced in combat like Sayid. Doesn't make sense that he wouldn't have the others help him.

Zeke advised Jack & all that "they" will never let Michael find them. So, I guess Michael is wandering in circles right now? What an idiot.

The biggest question left after last night's ep in my mind is who is the OTHER MAN that Jack's ex-wife was having an affair with? Everything seems to connect somehow in this show, so I wonder who the man is & if it's someone on the island or is connected to someone on the island? Sawyer? No, can't see that unless it's before Sawyer turned all tough & angry at the world. That would make a great arc though, especially with the Jack-Kate-Sawyer thing going on now.

I also loved the ending with Jack asking about putting together an army (I guess they still have a lot of firearms in the bunker?). It seems as though Sayid would be the better one to do it, though, but I think it all goes back to Jack's "god complex." He likes to be in control, although doesn't want to admit it. I think we will see the beginnings of the split next week -- Jack & Ana on one side and Locke & Sayid on the other, with everyone falling into place between the two sides.

Boy, I just love this show.

A PhoenixMons Production

"The Other Man theory"
Posted by realitycoholic on 01-20-06 at 04:15 PM
>The biggest question left after last
>night's ep in my mind
>is who is the OTHER
that Jack's ex-wife was
>having an affair with?

My first thought was that the "other man" was Desmond. That would explain why Jack was so surprised to see him: not only was Desmond the man he met while Jack was running in the stadium but he was also the man Jack's wife was seeing. It's a shot in the dark, but I'm going with it! (Either that, or the "other man" is Ethan Rom...)

Oh, and also, I wonder if Michael has gotten "sick" and that's why he went nutso and ran off...

**Work of arzt by PhoenixMons**

"Jack's wife"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 01-23-06 at 09:19 AM
people I work with think that Jack's wife was not having an affair with another MAN but with a WOMAN

notice she says "I've been seeing someone"

they also think there is a tie-in with someone on the island

2005 PhoenixMons

"The Other Man"
Posted by Chez on 01-23-06 at 12:36 PM
I'm thinking the other man could be Jack's dad. He did make the comment that probably Jack couldn't handle an affair (implicitly stating that he , the dad, could).

"RE: The Other Man"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-25-06 at 08:36 AM
After rewatching the episode I'm also wondering if the "someone else" Sarah was seeing was Jack's father becaues of his comment that Jack couldn't handle it, but some people could. Would he be that low?

Also during the podcast this week they mentioned that we don't know who Sarah was seeing and that they hope to cover more of what happened in his marriage in future flashbacks. So why bring it up if the one she was seeing isn't important to the story?

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by mrc on 01-19-06 at 10:53 AM
I thought this was the weakest episode to date. Unless there is something that connects later (which it may), I don't see that we learned anything new. We knew Jack had a need to fix things. We knew that the Others existed and were mean. We knew that Kate would somehow screw things up and the tension with Jack would throw her into Sawyer's arms. Hopefully, there is something deeper that will be revealed.

Oh, we did learn that Sawyer's name was James Stewart. But was that also an alias?

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-19-06 at 11:13 AM
We did learn about Jack's marriage which may or may not have anything to do with the island life.

The only thing we learned that I think may be something we need to keep in mind is how many "others" exist.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 01-19-06 at 12:11 PM
Did you think that Zeke guy looked strange- like something was wrong with his face?

I think Jack was right. I don't think there are that many "others". We know there are 4 from the boat- Zeke, the twins and the woman (Alex?). We know Ethan and Goodwin are dead. When we saw the legs of the others walking through the jungle, some were the children and other passengers. I think the torches or laterns thing was a trick to make them think they were surrounded.

I think there are way more passengers than "others", but they tricked them into giving up the guns/ammo.

2005 PhoenixMons

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-19-06 at 12:19 PM
You might be right about the number of the "others" as I thought Jack brought up a good point...why did they send someone to infiltrate the group.

Zeke looked like a plastic santa clause to me. He looked really fake. How did the bullet from Sawyers' gun get bounced back at him? That is something I didn't understand at all.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by mrc on 01-19-06 at 12:23 PM
I don't think his bullet bounced back. I think Sawyer pointed the gun, and one of the Others shot him before he could pull the trigger.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-19-06 at 01:17 PM
I don't think his bullet bounced back. I think Sawyer pointed the gun, and one of the Others shot him before he could pull the trigger.

That is what I thought happened. Again they got to Sawyer before he could fire.

Zeke looked like his face was very dirty, liked he'd been playing with the boars about a month ago and it was caked on his face. Definately something wrong with it. I don't remember his face being like that on the boat. We need to see him in the daylight.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by volsfan on 01-19-06 at 03:56 PM
I am not disagreeing with you but what was the sound of the bullet hitting something that sounded like it hit metal? That is why I thought the bullet bounced off something.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-20-06 at 06:34 AM
I figured the bullet fired at Sawyer hit his gun or something else near him. It did sound like it hit a tin cup of something like that.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-19-06 at 12:58 PM
Oh, we did learn that Sawyer's name was James Stewart. But was that also an alias?

I could have heard wrong, but I thought Locke told Sawyer he saw his name on the manifest as James Ford. Did I hear wrong? I'll have to go back and watch that part.

It's an Arkie.

*waves to MRC*

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-19-06 at 01:10 PM
I thought Locke said Ford, but maybe that's because we already knew his name was James Ford. I didn't hear him say Stewart.

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by mrc on 01-19-06 at 01:19 PM
Hmm. I didn't know that we knew his name was James Ford. Maybe I should do my homework more often.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: East Coast Discussion Thread 01-18-06"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-20-06 at 06:48 AM
The name was on Sawyer's file folder when he was in the police station in the finale last year.

"I agree with mrc"
Posted by weltek on 01-19-06 at 01:22 PM
I felt this was a fairly weak episode.

What should have been a huge moment (The Others meet Jack/Sawyer/Locke) was reduced to crappy dialogue.

Why wouldn't Jack have said "Look, we aren't here by choice, we just want to get home. We'd gladly get off your island if we could."

It all just seemed so anti-climactic to me.

My love of Sawyer continues to increase. Ihave a feeling a big confrontation between him & Jack is going to come re: Kate/Jack's control issues.

"RE: I agree with mrc"
Posted by mrc on 01-19-06 at 01:26 PM
welcome to the agree with mrc cult.

The confrontation was definitely anti-climatic.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"2 more questions we didn't hear from Jack"
Posted by moonbaby on 01-19-06 at 10:21 PM
1-Do YOU know where we are?

2-If you don't want us here how 'bout giving us a ride outta here with your BOAT?


"Agree mostly"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 01-19-06 at 03:48 PM
While I don't think this was the weakest episode to date, the backstory was certainly anti-climactic. This now marks 2 backstories (Jack's and Kate's) that were built up with pregnant pauses and brooding and allusions to past trauma that just simply failed to satisfy. He had a bad marriage that was essentially loveless, put his career first, and his wife cheated on him (and he cheated on her to a lesser extent). Whoop-de-friggin-do. We waited a season-and-a-half and had 3 flashback episodes devoted to this relationship for that? Pfft. As Hurley might say, "Dood, bad marriages happen. Move on."

However, I thought the whole interaction with the Others was pretty compelling and made for a good set-up for the rest of the season. We didn't learn anything earth-shaking, but we did get a glimpse into how they think and just how aware they are of the Oceanic survivors. Although I am going to be pretty disappointed if some rag-tag band of out-of-shape and quasi-trained (by a psychotic former cop, no less) crash survivors somehow defeats a group that knows the island like Hurley knows the frozen food section at the minimart. I'd like to believe that's too cheesy of a resolution for Abrams & Co.

Here's what I'm trying to reconcile in my own head following the little powwow:

It's clear that the Others (at least some of them) have been on the island for a long time and consider it their home. They aren't trying to leave, whether it's because they like it there or because they've resigned themselves to their fate and are just trying to get by as best they can. I say "at least some of them" because I have this working theory that this is an evolving bunch. I think what we'll find is that it's fairly commonplace for vessels, be they be airplanes or boats, to find themselves washed ashore of this tiny desert isle. We've already seen evidence of a boat and a plane, and the Others had to get there somehow. Personally, I don't think they arrived on the island by choice.

Perhaps an original Others vessel marooning on the island several (20? 30?) years ago, leaving Mr. Friendly and his crew to fend for themselves. As time went by, other vessels found their way to the island. This group of Others would take whom they deemed useful and dispatched with the rest; killing them if they felt they were hostile, or letting them coexist if they weren't. From Danielle's group, they just took the baby and left the others to die. Most did, and Danielle posed no threat to them, so they let her alone.

Enter Oceanic 815. They infiltrated both surviving camps with Ethan and Goodwin. Goodwin reports back about a group of survivors they can use. Their group is smaller. They'll be easier to take out. Ethan reports back as well and Claire is taken, but somehow Claire manages to get back to the Oceanic camp. Whether that was by design or by an escape is as yet unknown. It will be interesting to see if they start dealing with this in Claire's next backstory episode (which is coming up in a few episodes).


"RE: Agree mostly"
Posted by Das Mole on 01-19-06 at 05:12 PM
Your comment, "It will be interesting to see if they start dealing with this in Claire's next backstory episode (which is coming up in a few episodes)," just gave me an idea...

What if they turn Claire's "backstory" into her kidnapping? After all, since we can pretty much assume she'll have flashbacks, as someone always does, and since her story is done as far as I'm concerned...what if they turned her story into her life on the island?

It would be amazing if they started flashbacking to things on the island, and if that would be how we'd get answers to the tons and tons of unanswered questions.

"RE: Agree mostly"
Posted by Elaine0 on 01-20-06 at 07:03 AM
You could be right, but I figured her back story would have to do with her relationship with her mother. She said she was pretty much disowned by her. She seems like such a sweet girl, so why? It might not be that interesting of a story, but they keep showing issues they've had with their parents. Maybe her mother's parenting skills could tie into Claire's feelings towards Aaron.

"Next week"
Posted by weltek on 01-19-06 at 01:23 PM
Looks like we'll start seeing more of a plot around Baby Aaron. I'm so excited-that's the HUGE loose end for me from Season 1.

"Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by TeamJoisey on 01-20-06 at 00:32 AM
Goodbye to Jin.

The upcoming war with The Others will require some sacrifice. Jin and Sun have now resolved all their issues, and he has been completely rehabilitated. He's likeable, his story arc is over... he's a dead man.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 01-20-06 at 00:45 AM
but...but...but..he hasnt learned to speak english yet! Nope no dying for Jin.

Posted by weltek on 01-20-06 at 10:47 AM
And we'll get major Sun sadness drama.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-20-06 at 12:26 PM

It's an Arkie.


"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by J I M B O on 01-20-06 at 06:52 PM

I've wondered why they haven't shown him trying to learn english, or at least picking some up. If a person is absorbed in a foreign language it usually doesn't take too long to pick some of it up. Keeps him further from the main group and more expendable IMO. Could support your theory...or not.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by ruppiefan on 01-22-06 at 01:33 AM
Just a couple of things not mentioned here yet...
When "Zeke" first appears in the jungle and makes his speech about man being blessed with curiousity. that is taken from a Alvar Hanso speech, ripped straight from the Dharma video.
Could this mean he is connected to the hatch?
After the "Others" lit torches, Desmond appears to be in the bottom left corner. Check out the DHARMA jumpsuit and hair

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-23-06 at 11:09 AM
Great pic, Ruppie. Thanks for the link.

It certainly does look like it could be Desmond. I also see another person in the left middle of the screen (standing behind Sawyer), and a third person to the upper left.

Any others?

It's an Arkie.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by batts on 01-23-06 at 07:40 PM
He looks like he's wearing a black vest to me. Am I looking at the right guy?

I took the picture to my photoshop.... brightened it up by 'browser', then cropped off the edges, so it would download to this board. for anyone who wants to see the people much clearer, this is the way to do it.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by AugustGirl on 01-25-06 at 07:25 AM
Thanks Batts! Much clearer. It looks like 6 additional others standing around Zeke and his captives.

I don't see a black vest on the guy (Desmond?) standing in the lower left of the frame, but I do see what looks like a patch on his arm.

"RE: Let me be the first to say..."
Posted by Lisapooh on 01-25-06 at 10:52 AM
Kristin on E is speculating that it's Walt in the upper right hand corner. Maybe, maybe not.

doesn't Cindy, the missing flight attendant have permy hair like the person on the lower left?

Posted by mrc on 01-24-06 at 12:58 PM
The Watercooler (on Tvguide.com) comments on last week's episode speculated that the man that Jack was trying to save was actually Hanso, the leader of the Dharma Initiative. This person also said that it looked like the date on the man's X-rays was November 2005.

I can't seem to access those comments anymore. Did anyone else see them?

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004