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"East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"

Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 08:13 PM
Please keep all discussion of tonight's episode on this thread until the west coast peeps have had a chance to see it.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-12-05 at 08:19 PM
Woo Hoo!

I like to give my full attention to the show so I won't be back until after. Or even later if they mention something interesting to google! I love that part of the show!

I am so fascinated by how these producers are using the internet for cross promotion!

smooches to Doc Baby!

A PhoenixMons Creation

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 08:32 PM
I am not going to post during the show either as I will watch and try to give a brief summary of what we just saw.

I am getting nervy!

smooches to zombie!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 08:49 PM
Hurley was dreaming when Jin came in and spoke English but (Jin) said Hurley was speaking Korean. Hurley was in the hatch. It was a dream though.

"Mystery of the English-speaking Jin solved . . ."
Posted by FFantasyFX on 10-12-05 at 08:50 PM
Looks like it was a dream/mental breakdown on the part of Hurley. Although, I must say that the man in the chicken suit next to Jin during the dream gave me gruesome The Shining flashbacks.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by Snidget on 10-12-05 at 08:51 PM
Have a cluckity cluck cluck day Hurley!

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 08:52 PM
That was hilarious! It sounded so strange to hear Jin speaking English.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 08:51 PM
Ana came back to the hole and took Jin and Michael but left Sawyer in the hole.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:00 PM
We have a Rose sighting! She is doing laundry on the beach. Hurley takes Rose to the hatch to show her there is a washer/dryer in it.

Jack doesn't want any of the others to know what is in the hatch. WHY?

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by FFantasyFX on 10-12-05 at 09:04 PM
It's kinda interesting to see the Hurley - Charlie relationship continue to deteriorate. Hurley keeps insisting that he won the lottery, Charlie keeps thinking that Hurley is pulling his chain, and Hurley gets more and more depressed that his friend won't believe him. I wonder where this is heading?

The bottle with messages that Mike/Sawyer/Jin were carrying and was found by Claire. Maybe Charlie will read Hurley's message (did Hurley write a message?) and realize that Hurley isn't kidding?

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:06 PM
Hurley and Rose are taking inventory of the food. Hurley tells Rose that everyone is going to hate him.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:12 PM
Michael said that they had a talk with the others and they believe they (Jin, Michael and Sawyer) were on the plane TOO.

Ana gets into it with Sawyer again and they are told to follow the others as it is getting dark

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:16 PM
Charlie followed Locke into the jungle and Locke tells Charlie about the computer and every 108 minutes. He tells him that there is a record player and that Hurley is responsible for the food.

"And behind Mystery Door #1 . . ."
Posted by FFantasyFX on 10-12-05 at 09:16 PM
Jack & Sayid are trying to break through a door in the bunker. Sayid thinks it's impossible to go through the door, but is going to try to go underneath the structure. The interesting thing is there is apparently some sort of strong magnetic field behind the door, since Jack's locket is pulled towards the door.

"RE: And behind Mystery Door #1 . . ."
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:26 PM
Sayid said he thought there was a geothermal generator no the other side of the door as the power source.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:22 PM
There are 23 survivors on the other side of the island according to one of the women.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:25 PM
OK, I am going to have to rewatch this episode. WHEW! It appeared the other survivors were living in a hatch type tunnel but I don't know if it is the same hatch and there are not 23 still living.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by Snidget on 10-12-05 at 09:28 PM
Looked like one of the Bagua's with a different center (like the shark had a different different center).

There could be more than one of the bunkers on the island??

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 10-13-05 at 00:38 AM
Since the Swan is station 3 of 6, I think we can assume other stations exist on the island. Ana Lucia's group has found one and adopted it, although this station appears to be long abandoned. which only deepens the mystery.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:36 PM
Hurley has a stick of the dynamite and he is going to blow-up the room with the food in it because he doesn't want to be responsible for telling people no. Rose comes in and stops him.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by 1derfool on 10-13-05 at 09:22 AM
What happened to the dynamite after he decided not to set it off? If it blows up so easily with just barely a touch, he couldn't have left if there... or did he, so it can conveniently blow up some time later as part of the story line?

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:43 PM
Hurley passes out food and gives Charlie the peanut butter. Looks like veryone is having a meal together. Looks they are gioing to have big meals to get rid of the food rather than rationing it.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by volsfan on 10-12-05 at 09:44 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 09:45 PM (EST)

Bernard is alive as he asks about Rose and then starts crying.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by Snidget on 10-12-05 at 09:45 PM
That was not what I expected Bernard to look like.

Lost with PhoenixMons

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by J Slice on 10-12-05 at 09:46 PM
After the whole Bernard thing, I'm crying like a baby.

but I just go along with it because I'm along for the ride, good old fun time Hurley. Well guess what? Now, I want some friggin' answers.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by Fishercat on 10-27-05 at 05:40 PM
I know it's an old topic, I apologize...but I am just catching up (28 episodes in 8 days, so yeah...) to this season, and I just have to say I'm glad I'm not the only one.

"RE: East Coast Spoiler Thread 10/12/05"
Posted by RealityRyan on 10-12-05 at 09:48 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-12-05 AT 09:50 PM (EST)

During the meeting of Bernard in the bunker, you could see a Dharma symbol on the wall... it looked to me like there was a whale's tail in the center of it

Posted by trigirl on 10-13-05 at 08:38 AM
LAST EDITED ON 10-13-05 AT 08:44 AM (EST)

Not a spoiler thread anymore...

Loved that JJ et al, got me with the white Bernard thing. Kept expecting big black man to ask about Rose (even if he is a little young for her). Keep screwing with our preconceptions, it's great!

23 survivors? Did they lose some to The Others or to the illness?

The Whale...is that the station they are in. Did this have the same logo as the one on the shark's fin? Or have we found our third logo \ station. What could they have been studying here?

eta - shark vidcap

"RE: Discussion"
Posted by volsfan on 10-13-05 at 08:59 AM
During the scene when Ana brings Sawyer, Michael and Jin into the station where they have been living is there a very skinny slumping man barely moving in the background? I thought there appeared to be someone that could be sick or hurt and not moving very smoothly.

"RE: Discussion"
Posted by batts on 10-13-05 at 09:17 AM
>23 survivors? Did they lose
>some to The Others or
>to the illness?

I'm assuming to the 'Others' because of how cautious they were of Jin, Michael, and Sawyer.

"RE: Discussion"
Posted by zombiebaby on 10-13-05 at 10:39 AM
I loved how it kept showing how reluctant Hurley was to be management and how his friend kept referring to "the man".I would bet that many of the people on that island work for Hurley in some way that everyone is not aware of!

A PhoenixMons Creation