Is someone keeping a time line on events before the crash? Some things we know like Danielle being on the island 16 years and Locke was in the wheelchair 4 years. But what about other things? When did Locke meet his father? When did Charlie start the band? How long ago did Jack operate on his wife? Someone suggested that was about 15 years ago. I only read the recap for the Shannon/Boone backstory. Did it seem like Shannon's dad died that long ago? From what I read I got the impression it had only been a few years.I'm trying to figure out if there is some connection with these people. Did a significant event happen to all of them at the same time. This week showed the connection between Jack and Desmond years ago. Did others have similar connections.
I really don't think that Jack operated on Sarah 15 years ago. First of all, he wouldn't be the "chief surgeon" on a surgery when he was still an intern or something, so unless he was Doogie Howser, you have to consider how long it took him to go through college, medical school, and his residency before he could be the head surgeon on something like that. If that was 15 years ago, then Jack would have to be at LEAST 45 right now, and I don't think he's meant to be that old. I'm guessing that it was more like 5-10 years ago, tops.
LAST EDITED ON 09-23-05 AT 07:05 PM (EST)I'm trying to figure out if there is some connection with these people. Did a significant event happen to all of them at the same time. This week showed the connection between Jack and Desmond years ago. Did others have similar connections.
I have been trying, too. This is what I have come up with, and it's from memory, so I'm not sure how accurate or complete it is:
Hurley connected to:
- Locke: He owns the box company that employs Locke.
- He was at the same mental institution Locke's mother was at (but not sure if they were there at the same time).
- Rosseau: The numbers.
- Jin: He is on TV (the news?) when Jin goes to rough up the Korean minister or secretary or whatever.
- (This one I have only heard about, I never noticed it myself) Sawyer: The woman who announces Hurley's winning numbers is someone Sawyer dates/has dated.
Sawyer connected to:
- Jack: Met Jack's father in a bar just before the father died.
- Boone: They were at the police station in Sydney just before the flight.
Jack connected to:
- Shannon: Mr. Rutherford (Shannon's father) dies while Jack operates on the other victim of the crash, his future wife Sara.
- Desmond: Meets Desmond while running the stadium, and the two have an odd exchange. Jack recognizes him down the hatch.
I'm sure there are more, but those are the ones that have stood out to me. Mr. Rutherford and the Lotto Girl were things I didn't notice myself, but were so compelling when I did read about them, that they've stuck in my mind.
check out the sledgeweb lost website it has a really thourough timeline