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"The magnet connection"

Posted by TenPin on 09-23-05 at 01:24 PM
Like the rainbow connection, only different.

It doesn’t seem to be discussed much, but I am very interested in the magnetic field Jack encounters inside the hatch. It has to be very strong in order to pull the key around his neck toward it. What about his gun? Was it also been drawn into the magnetic field? It is a lot bigger than the key and would have been affected more.

The magnetic field would also explain the problems with the compass that Sayid experienced in an earlier episode. I don’t remember which episode (one of the fairly early ones last year), but Lock give Sayid a compass to help him explore the island. A little later Sayid notices that the compass is “broken” because it isn’t working properly. A compass is directed by the magnetic field of the earth and can easily be influenced by any other magnet near by.

If it is strong enough to affect the hand held compass could it be powered up to affect other objects at further distances?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: The magnet connection"
Posted by joannie on 09-23-05 at 05:47 PM
I guess the magnet can be thought of as a 'black rock.'

"RE: The magnet connection"
Posted by FarmBoy on 09-26-05 at 04:00 PM
I've been thinking about this, too. Lots of keys are made of brass (not magnetic), but not always. So, I've wondered what a key to a US Marshall's gun case would most likely be made of. It's very possible that it could be made of something else. Probably aluminum or steel.

I also wondered if the big magnet was how Locke was dragged along the ground in the season finale. This would be assuming he had some kind of metal replacements (say a hip maybe) that was part of what made him paralized. That would most likely be titanium (depending on the timeline). I'm not sur how it would react to a magnet. I know you can get magnetized titanium braclets, etc.

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