Ok, so this isn't really about "Lost", but it involves Sayid so I wanted to put it here. Hope that's ok...Last night I rented a movie called "Bride and Predjudice" and Sayid was one of the supporting actors in the movie. It was one of the worst pieces of crap I have ever put in my DVD player. It's placed in India and this family is trying to marry off all her daughters. Sayid plays a possible suitor and he literally sings and dances within the first 10 mins of the movie. I don't know if it was him singing but both the singing and dancing were unbearable to watch.
I love musicals and heck, I love cheesy musicals at that, but this one I had to FF through every song and dance. Sayid is one of my fave characters but this was pathetic. So unless you're a die hard fan, stay away from this one. Anyone else see this want to add their thoughts???
--Donna :~)
Funny, Sayid was in another god awful movie, Rollerball. I just flipped to USA network yesterday and caught the end of it and there he was.