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Thread Number: 184
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"Why is this show so popular?"

Posted by Dirk_W on 05-13-05 at 00:24 AM
We were really excited when the show started, the first few
episodes were good, but then it started getting in to their personal lives, flashbacks, etc. I mean, we could care less
about those people's private lives, let's see the island, etc.

So, is it still popular??

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"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by motormouth on 05-13-05 at 01:36 AM
Welcome to the boards Dirk!

It seems that most of the posters here still like it, or at least are interested in it. Everyone certainly has a different idea as to what makes it entertaining, I for one like the insight to their pasts, personal lives.

It sounds like you were more interested in the island itself, and I am hoping we get more info about it as we go. I keep thinking that everything we learn about the survivors history will somehow come into play with the island and it will all be directly linked.

At any rate, I am still very much enjoying the show and I hope it can continue to keep me interested. Maybe the finale will give you more of what you are looking for..?

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren and a bounce from IceCat!*

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by syren on 05-13-05 at 08:52 AM
I love this show. I think that the flashbacks into their private lives has to be shown because in some way they are all intermingled; and everything that is happening has to do with their past as much as their present.
I want to see more of the island too, but I feel the flashbacks are there for a reason.

Almost like this show as much as Survivor.

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by Maroonclown on 05-13-05 at 09:20 AM
I love the flashbacks. It adds a certain depth to the story and quite frankly gives a structure to the show that could keep it running for quite a while. If they showed nothing but Island stuff the show would get tired very quickly. What they do is show an hour of someone's background and a little island stuff. It's like a plan for longevity of the series.

What I also love about the back story on the characters is when we see other characters in teh background. For example, we saw Sawyer being arrested when Kate was in the police station after the robbery.

Many, many layers to this show. That's why I love the back stories.

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by Q on 05-13-05 at 12:10 PM
I still love this show.

I also like all the background flashback stories as well, for many reasons.

1) they are interesting stories in themselves
2) they have much more to do with the storyline than we realize. This show has so much conflict, resolution, redemption things running around. These back stories show how all the castaways have issues they left behind. Can they move on with their lives or will their pasts consume them the way the island is consuming them, or are they one in the same.
3) it allows them to justify their actions on the island. We know why Shannon is so involved with Boone via their history, we know that Locke was paralyzed, and not only paralyzed, but due to a kidney donation to a father that then abandoned him AGAIN. Similar to that story line, Walt felt abandoned or unwanted by Michael his father, but we learn through the flashbacks that it was Walts mother keeping them apart not Michael.

Anyway I can go on and on and on, but without the Flashbacks this show would go noplace. They need them in order to explain/justify characters actions on the Island, why some want off so bad, and why others would not mind staying and leaving the past behind.

It is astonishing how foolish humans can be in groups, especially when they follow their leaders without question - States: The Bene Gesserit View. All States Are an Abstraction.

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by batts on 05-13-05 at 12:26 PM
For me the flashbacks are clues as to what is on the island, or what the island is about. I still cant put it together, but the flashback to Hurley winning the lottery with those #'s from the crazy guy. I am trying to figure out what kind of monster crunches invisibly through trees, with a greenish blurry appearance, and how those #'s mean anything to it, or... Oh I dont know..... dont listen to me...... I'm still LOST

did anybody see the 'Sermon on the Mount' scene when Sayid, in order to get better reception, pointed to the hills? It looked like 100's of people with shawls over they're heads...

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by motormouth on 05-13-05 at 01:40 PM
>did anybody see the
>'Sermon on the Mount' scene
>when Sayid, in order to
>get better reception, pointed to
>the hills? It looked like
>100's of people with shawls
>over they're heads...

No, I never noticed that. Is it an illusion or do you think we were supposed to catch it? It sounds horrifying to me.

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren and a bounce from IceCat!*

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by batts on 05-13-05 at 01:53 PM
its almost like an illusion. I have replayed it 50 times and it looks like 100's of people (in the time of Jesus) gathering at the foot of a hill.....
I've been watching hill scenes and mountain scenes pretty closely, and this one really caught my eye!

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by syren on 05-13-05 at 02:09 PM
Well crap. I wish I had taped the shows now, so I could see what you are talking about.

Hi Batts.

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by batts on 05-13-05 at 02:48 PM
It was on the 'refresh your memory' show a couple of weeks ago and I caught it then. I only caught it cause I've been looking for hidden hints in the hills and mountain scenes... and I saw that! (I wanna see that monster) I replayed the first scene on one of the first shows of the 'monster id' crashing through the trees dozens of times trying to see the 'thing' but only see a wierd green blur....
... but yeah, I found that scene very interesting.... hmmmmm

I like MY sig pic better than syrens siggy

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by syren on 05-13-05 at 08:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-13-05 AT 08:29 PM (EST)

Your's is still one of my favorites.

"RE: Why is this show so popular?"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-13-05 at 02:50 PM
This is exactly why I am getting the DVD set as soon as it is released.

a J Slice original. bounce by Icey.