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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 182
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Posted by Maroonclown on 05-12-05 at 09:41 AM
In last night's show the "new guy" was explaining how the raft had to leave right away or they would be stuck for another couple of months due to hurricane season. He demonstrated that the winds were coming out of the north by holding up the plastic bag.
In the closing shot last night when Katie was slumped on the beach it looked to me like the bag in the background had shifted to the south. It was blurry but can anyone confirm this for me?

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"RE: Tradewinds"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-12-05 at 10:26 AM
I taped the episode, but I didn't notice. Good catch!

I expect the whole tradwinds thing is to set up whatever disaster befalls the rafters.

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"RE: Tradewinds"
Posted by TenPin on 05-12-05 at 11:43 AM
I think the whole point of noting the tradewinds, and them changing with the seasons, is to give an explanation as to how/why the raft ends up back at the island.

They shove off quickly to set sail with the favorable winds and head out to see being carried by wind and currents. Unfortunately they left too late and a short while into their trip the winds change, current patterns shift, and wouldn’t you know it… we are back to the island. Sure they will land somewhere else, maybe they find the rest of the plane, the black rock, or the ‘others’, but they will return (at least the ones who survive the experience).

This is the obvious conclusion based on the science teacher’s deduction that the winds will shift directly from North to South.


I am a science teacher, and unless this guy has lived/researched out on a pacific island, or oceanography is his passion, his portrayal is pretty corny.

"RE: Tradewinds"
Posted by Maroonclown on 05-12-05 at 11:48 AM
I understand that. I was just making the point that, with the shifting of the plastic bag, the monsoon season appears to be upon them quicker than the "new guy" was predicting so they don;t even have a shot at leaving early like they beleived.