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"5/11 Katecentric episode"

Posted by calamityc on 05-12-05 at 01:27 AM
It is late and no spoilerish stuff in this post anyway. Did anyone find they were more confused about Kate after the episode than before it?? There is still something really large we are not being told in her backstory.

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"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-12-05 at 03:51 AM
We still don't know what crime she committed, but it must have been serious.

We know she was in love with her childhood sweetheart and feels responsible for his death. It was his toy plane that inspired her to set up the bank robbery we saw early in the season. We know they buried the time capsule on 8/15.

We know her mother was surprised and not happy to see her, and called for help when she realized Kate was there.

We can assume she was on the run from the law for some time because she had a trunk full of license plates. She also was pretty deft about getting into an unused motel room to color her hair.

We saw she's pretty good at hand-to-hand combat because she decked the hospital security guard quickly and easily.

We know the Sawyer-Kate-Jack love triangle is dead.

I'll assume we're not getting many more answers about Kate this season.

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-12-05 at 06:59 AM
She also made a comment on the time capsule tape about wanting to run away, and Tom replied she always wants to run away. I can't recall the words she used, but at the time it made me think her childhood was not happy.

Just speculation on my part, but perhaps she was abused? I wonder where her father is/was?

Was it her mother who was being guarded at the hospital? I can't believe it would be a coincidence that there would be another patient needing protection at the hospital the same time Kate was trying to visit her. Were they trying to protect Mom from Kate? If so, why?


Too many questions.

Oh yeah, we also learned her given name is Katherine Austin.

bounce by Icey.

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-12-05 at 10:30 AM
I took it that the cops were in the hospital to catch Kate if she showed up to try and see her mother.

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-12-05 at 10:52 AM
I assumed she killed her father. It would explain her mother's reaction.

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 05-12-05 at 11:42 AM
That was my initial thought, as well, but hasn't she said things earlier in the season about fishing/hunting w/ her father as a child? It would seem that she had at least a fairly close relationship w/ her dad. So, either it was a close relationship that got too close, or it could be a step-dad/other family member.

Regardless, it's gotta be murder, and it's gotta be someone in her family.


"More Kate questions"
Posted by FesterFan1 on 05-12-05 at 11:50 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-12-05 AT 11:50 AM (EST)

How did the plane get from the backseat of a wrecked automobile in Iowa to a safety deposit box, that was clearly not hers, in Arizona?

Who else besides Kate (and the deceased Tom) would think the plane had any value?

How did Kate come to know the whereabouts of the plane?

Why did she think it was worth risking her life (let alone her freedom), and the lives of at least 3 others, to retrieve it?


Posted by zombiebaby on 05-12-05 at 09:16 AM
I found this to be a very dull & boring episode.

Also it appears it was her idea to tell Sun to try & poison Jin and/or Michael.

Question- did she retrieve the plane from the back seat?

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"RE: Yawn"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-12-05 at 10:31 AM
She left it. (Got it on tape.)

Doesn't she retrieve it from the safety deposit box during the bank robbery?

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: Yawn"
Posted by Alchemist on 05-12-05 at 10:35 AM
I remember seeing the plane onthe back seat when she bolted from the car and I don't remember her reaching back for it. So how was in her back pack on the beach.


"RE: Yawn"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-12-05 at 11:35 AM

She did leave the toy plane on the seat of the car when she ran.

Later in life, she persuaded a gang of robbers to take the bank so that she could retrieve the toy plane from safety deposit box 815.

And the toy plane was in the locked case full of guns that the marshall had been carrying. Jack and Kate dug up the pilot to get the key.

"RE: Yawn"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 05-12-05 at 12:05 PM
Yup. I'm just mostly curious about what her initial crime was...why she was on the run in the first place. Her mother sure was freaked out when she saw Kate by her side. I wonder what it was that Kate put her mother through...was it just the criminal thing (whatever she was on the run for at the time)...I'm thinking that Kate offed her father (or step-father, perhaps). Perhaps he was abusing her...the 'running away' theme seems to suggest some sort of abuse.

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"RE: Yawn"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-12-05 at 12:22 PM
Put me in the "Kate abused by father/stepfather" camp.

"RE: Yawn"
Posted by J I M B O on 05-12-05 at 01:41 PM

i like the outdoors and all, but put me in some other camp.

Posted by blacknwhitedog on 05-12-05 at 02:28 PM
Who sent Kate the letter at the beginning that she picked up at the motel? That made her cry- I'm assuming how she found out her mother was dying from cancer. I don't think it was from the doctor-ex-boyfriend. Who knew how to track her down? Her dad?

"RE: letter"
Posted by J I M B O on 05-12-05 at 04:11 PM

and she knew to ask for it...hmm. maybe the guy she robbed the bank with? seemed to be a flame there, but why the knowledge about her mother? the tape said she always wanted to run away, maybe she ran away with someone from her home town and they happened to hear about her mom.

i'd suspect her dad also, but why would he know where she was planning to hide out? maybe they're close despite her fugitive status.

"RE: Yawn"
Posted by KLicK on 05-12-05 at 04:21 PM
I think it must be more than "just" killing a member of your family.

She's been running for over two years based on her not knowing about Tom's daughter. Would there be that much security (and that type of police response) to capture a murderer that is not likely to kill again? If she killed her abusive family-member, it would probably be considered "a crime of passion" and she wouldn't be that big a threat to society at large. I'm not saying it isn't a big deal to kill your family member, but most women who kill don't pose a threat to the general public.

I think it's more than that. Maybe she was involved in some sort of mass murder cult or a boyfriend was a mass murderer. Maybe he even ended up in a mental hospital in CA!

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by Risti on 05-12-05 at 09:39 AM
There was also the freaky Walt bits... He touched Locke's arm, and then jerked away - sight of what's to come upon touch, perhaps? Anyhow, he apparantly knows about the Hatch, without ever being told. Even more freaky, IMO, however, was his new insistence that he and his dad have to get on the raft. With my theory about how the people on the raft stumble upon 'the others' when they take off, it really makes me wonder if perhaps Walt has already been contacted by them. We know Michael wasn't able to keep track of him 24/7...

Also... anyone else notice Mr. Newface? A high school science teacher? Sounds like a character who would be just perfect to have around for the second season. High School science teachers generally need to know a fair amount about a pretty broad range of things. He could be a good guy for them to keep around as a random knowledge box - someone to go to when you need someone to explain things like the changing weather this past season. I predict seeing him be able to tell all sorts of things - like how to set up basic machinery(pulleys, levers, etc. - all physics), improvise on growing penecillin and such as medicine dwindles(biology - Jack knows the theory, he has the practical side of being able to figure out a way for high school students to do it themselves in a lab), and a general weather/geology guy for as they 'explore' in the second season.

Anyhow, my prediction is that he's more than a red shirt to kill off in the finale. I could be wrong, of course.

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-12-05 at 10:53 AM
That was the new recurring character.

I got the feeling Walt wants off the island because he knows that the hatch is going to get opened and that being out at sea in danger is preferable to being on the island when the hatch opens.

Posted by PhoenixMons on 05-12-05 at 11:58 AM
Someone (sorry, I forget who) mentioned something earlier about Pandora's Box...I think after last night's episode, that is a very plausible theory. Perhaps opening the hatch reverses all of the previous 'good' the island has done (Charlie kicking the herion, Locke walking, etc.) or perhaps it is worse than just reversing good. I'm with Sayid on this one...if there is no handle on the outside, there's a reason you're not supposed to get in. I'll take a seat on the raft or start making my own, thankyouverymuch.

As for Walt, he definitely saw something he didn't want to see in that hatch. It freaked him out enough to want to leave the island even though he wanted so desperately to stay before that he'd burn down the raft. Did he see the "monster" or did he see the hatch and the troubles that would come as a result of opening it? Or both? Or neither? Ah, I love this show (even crappy Kate episodes are better than anything else on TV)!

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"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-12-05 at 11:40 AM
It's The Professor!!

Bring on the coconut bicycle generator!

(And hey, we already have a millionaire. He needs a wife.)

Claire = Mary Ann... Shannon = Ginger?

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-12-05 at 10:28 AM
I agree. I expect that once her "original" crime is revealed, it will be something in which she is morally innocent, but technically guilty under the law. That way, Sawyer/Jack can forgive her and love her anyway.

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by Alchemist on 05-12-05 at 10:40 AM

Well on her way to career criminal.

1. Original mysterious crime
2. Responsible for friends death
3. Bank Robbery
4. Did the Aussie farmer die while she was staying there? Can't remember that far back.


"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-12-05 at 10:42 AM
She caused him to wreck the truck trying to escape from the Marshall. We don't know if he died in the crash or not.

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 05-12-05 at 11:16 AM
The Aussie farmer died in the car accident while Kate was trying to get away from the marshall. Kate grabbed the wheel (I think) and they drove off the road and into a ravine or ditch or something. Kate tried to save the farmer (she was probably having flashbacks from Tom's death at her hands) - she dragged him out of the car and tried to drag him up the side of the hill/ravine, but then she saw the marshall and had to take off. This is way back from the first Kate episode, so I could be a little off, but this is how I remember it going down.

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"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by calamityc on 05-12-05 at 01:15 PM
It seems like Kate is a very unlucky person to be around! One of the reasons I had more questions than answers from the episode is that I just don't get the sense from the portrayal of the character that she is evil. But I do get the impression that escaping is more important to her than any person (including her first love). Based on her Mother's reaction I am going to guess it might have been a stepfather she killed that set all this in motion.
Agree that she is going to be understood in some way to allow the Sawyer/Jack connection to resume. I think it is too important to their plot to just let it go.

"RE: 5/11 Katecentric episode"
Posted by tn_peachie on 05-12-05 at 02:35 PM
If her friend died when she was escaping from the police, she would be legally guilty of murder. Depending on what we don't know and Iowa state law, running from the police could be a felony and any death connected with the commission of that felony would be considered felony murder.

"I Was Impressed"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-12-05 at 10:56 AM
Except for the longhorn cattle (I can't say for certain there are none here, but I never see any), they got all the Iowa touches right. (Which is more than can be said for the current season of 24.) They had Iowa license plates, Iowa state trooper uniforms, and the background looked enough like Iowa to be acceptable. (Note to the producers of 24 - there are no mountains here, and nothing that looks like desert.) I figure the setting was Davenport (most likely) or Des Moines. I would have said Iowa City, which would be way cool, but there's no way the ex boyfriend's wife would be staying in Cedar Rapids for a few days - she would just make the 15 mile drive back and forth.

"RE: I Was Impressed"
Posted by J I M B O on 05-12-05 at 01:48 PM
ok, so a major tangent from lost...but speaking of 24 let-downs, is it me or are they completely lacking any thought in their writing?

marwhan is this highly intelligent bad guy...yet he continues to 'hide out' within driving distance of the los angeles counter-terrorism unit? wtf?

i didn't notice the iowa rockies. exactly the kind of carelessness i'm talking about though. horrible.

"People at hotel"
Posted by AnaNg3 on 05-12-05 at 02:10 PM
Call me crazy but I though that the people at the hotel that Kate stopped at to dye her hair looked really familiar. Did anyone recognize them???

"RE: People at hotel"
Posted by J I M B O on 05-12-05 at 04:12 PM
not particularly, but i wouldn't be surprised. i was more interested in why nobody noticed someone changing license plates on their car in broad daylight!

"From another message board"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-12-05 at 03:44 PM
Don't know where to put this so I will put it here!

Someone had posted the pictures of the cars that hit Locke(in parking lot), Michael and then the one that hit Kate. In all 3 pictures the car was the same a gold Pontiac or something.

Can someone find the pictures so we can check this out?

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"RE: From another message board"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-12-05 at 04:31 PM


I couldn't find a cap of Locke getting hit, but here's a cap right before he gets hit. That car looks awfully similar.

Posted by zombiebaby on 05-12-05 at 06:57 PM
another mystery to ponder?

Thanks for finding these!

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"RE: Hmmm...."
Posted by mrc on 05-12-05 at 07:18 PM
WOW!!! That is intriguing!


A Nefarious Dice Creation

"RE: Hmmm...."
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-13-05 at 12:03 PM
I asked the guy at the obsessive fan site and got this answer.

Did the same car that hit Michael hit Locke and Kate?

It appears the same car was involved in all three accidents. Whether this is relevant to the plot or not isn't known at this time.

I don't see how it would be relevant, but it almost has to be, doesn't it?

"RE: Hmmm...."
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-13-05 at 03:05 PM
I don't see how it would be relevant, but it almost has to be, doesn't it?

The fact that the same car was involved in three accidents with three separate people who all wound up stranded on the same island has to be relevant. Has to be. Or maybe not.

If memory serves me correctly, Michael was hit in NYC, Locke was hit in LA, and Kate was hit in Iowa.

That car sure gets around.

My brain hurts.

"The car that hit Locke"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-13-05 at 01:42 AM

"RE: The car that hit Locke"
Posted by FarmBoy on 05-13-05 at 03:53 PM
That car is having quite a career as the "bad guy".

Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece