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"The Latest Kristin Spoilers"

Posted by Bebo on 05-03-05 at 08:46 AM
Well, her column is quite interesting this week, with juicy spoilers from a number of different shows. But you won't be seeing any of them in this preview text if I can help it.

Okie dokie, here we go:

From maebytonight: Lost! Lost!! Lost!!!
In this week's ep, Claire is terrified that someone is going to take her baby. She refuses to let him out of her sight, so Sun and Charlie must plead with her to get some sleep. Once she agrees, Charlie is stuck with a crying kid and turns to Hurley, who tries to help with a somewhat "unconventional" child-care technique. I love me some Hurley!

From francine: Holy crap. Lost is back! What will happen to Locke and Jack?
Poet, know it? Here's what I know about this Wednesday's episode: During Boone's burial service, Locke shows up and confesses that Boone's death was "my fault." He tells the truth about finding the plane lodged in the tree and how Boone climbed up into it and found the radio. "He was trying to help us. He was a hero." Jack won't be satisfied and attacks Locke right then and there, screaming, "Where were you?! What did you do to him?! You just left him to die!" Charlie and the others have to hold Jack back.

From sunnyfish: Who gets on the Lost raft?
It's supposed to be three men and a child. But no Tom Selleck.

From smilingangel079: Sawyer, Jin, Michael and Walt?
JJ, is that you?

From seba_88: Please, oh, please, tell me Walt dies! I hate him!
And that was the moment lightning struck and killed our beloved Sebastian. For the record, I love Walt, and you really should be concerned about everyone on that raft. Honestly.

From lisann22080: Is Sawyer on the raft?
Yes. Hold me.

From britago: Oh, no, my yummy Sawyer might be lost forever!
I'm gathering a search party. You in?

From tsikou: The radio message thing has us Lost fans in Greece going nuts, and we have bets. The guy on the radio is saying, "We are the survivors of Flight 815," right?
I truly believe that's what the voice said, with the emphasis on we, as in "We are the survivors of Flight 815." And that the voice was not Boone, but it was someone on the island. Got chills yet? If not, keep thinking. And don't forget what Rose told Jacky-poo way back when!

From aerynsboy: I have a feeling that Walt is a little Damien--as in The Omen!
It is no coincidence that his name backwards spells TLAW. Not to mention UOYHTIWGNISSEMOSMI.

From thelostmonster: Is Lost's cliffhanger the greatest cliffhanger of all time? Come on, give us a little tiny clue.
I have not seen it but upon hearing it, I got goosebumps, chills and called my mommy. So, yes.

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown . . . ."

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"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by volsfan on 05-03-05 at 10:18 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-03-05 AT 10:19 AM (EST)

What did Rose tell Jack way back when? ETA: never mind...she told him her husband WAS alive. I remember now.

Is it just me or is the previews for this week concentrating on the Locke gets shot but this isn't going to be anything major in the way the season plays out?

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Farmie on 05-03-05 at 11:02 AM
Thanks for the info, Bebo.

Sometimes I think I live a sorry life. Tomorrow is my 20th wedding anniversary and my dear husband asked me where I wanted to go for dinner. I told him I didn't want to got out but I wanted to stay home and watch LOST...

I've learned alot by reading this forum; things that I didn't pick-up on....but, I have a stupid question -- who is Rose? I just can't picture her. Is it the French woman?

A Goth Original

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by volsfan on 05-03-05 at 11:45 AM
Rose is the black lady that would just sit and stare into the ocean. Jack went over and talked to her and she insisted that her husband was still alive!

Also, it sounds like Kristen is saying that the peeps on the boat should be in fear for their lives. However, in the spoilerfix.com info it said something like we wouldn't believe what they find. Some speculated that they might find the other survivors from the crash. Now, I am beginning to wonder if they might something life threatening and maybe Walt saves them. What do you all think?

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-03-05 at 12:08 PM
The actual text is:

The castaways on the raft are surprised at sea by something unexpected.

So, finding the other survivors could definitely qualify.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by volsfan on 05-03-05 at 12:17 PM
For the record, I love Walt, and you really should be concerned about everyone on that raft. Honestly.

This is the part that is interesting.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-03-05 at 01:01 PM
I'll see if I can find it, but one of her earlier spoilers seemed to hint that one of the people on the raft is the person being written out of the show.

Here it is:

One of the people on that raft I can NOT imagine they would let go ... However, two of the others have already wrapped production in Hawaii. YES. Someone else is getting written off the show.

Also, it just occurred to me, the new regular character makes his first appearance in the finale. I originally thought he was at the airport, but could he be one of the members of the other group of survivors?

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by volsfan on 05-03-05 at 01:11 PM
This is where Samboohoo and I remembered someone else was getting written out of the show! Thanks DW!

Also, it just occurred to me, the new regular character makes his first appearance in the finale. I originally thought he was at the airport, but could he be one of the members of the other group of survivors?

I like this! Do you think the boat just circles the island or they find the others on another island?

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-03-05 at 02:03 PM
I was thinking either another beach or another raft.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Risti on 05-03-05 at 11:24 PM
I speculated awhile back that I think the raft is just going to be pushed back towards the islands to find people - either other survivors or "the others" - around the corner. Don't forget about the Black Rock that's never been found either, people...

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by calamityc on 05-05-05 at 01:51 AM
Yep, I think they just may wrap this season up with finding the other survivors, giving them another whole group of characters to explore if they choose that direction.
For the record, Sawyer better not be the one who dies from the raft! If he is fired, I think I will see if he needs a place to live.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by joannie on 05-05-05 at 10:00 AM
So is it safe to assume that the next character to die is someone on the raft? That leaves Michael, Walt, Jin, or Sawyer to be killed off.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 05-04-05 at 02:45 AM
Part of that Daniel Roebuck spoiler was that he was growing out his beard, which leads me to believe that he is on the island and not part of the airport scenes.

"RE: The Latest Kristin Spoilers"
Posted by Farmie on 05-03-05 at 12:17 PM
Thanks for the info on Rose! I remember her now.

I like the speculation that other survivors are found by the peeps on the boat.