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"4/6 Episode Discussion"

Posted by volsfan on 04-06-05 at 07:59 PM
Well, here we go. Boone is struggling and Jack sent Kate to Sawyer to get all his alcohol. What happens next?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by volsfan on 04-06-05 at 08:51 PM
Boone dies while telling Jack, "Tell Shannon..."

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by J Slice on 04-06-05 at 08:52 PM
My tears actually started when the baby was born...

Boone's death just kept them coming...

Stupid tv, messing with my emotions.

Posted by moonbaby on 04-06-05 at 09:07 PM
Tissue? I cried too.

Locke is in trouble deep.

"RE: *honk*"
Posted by J Slice on 04-06-05 at 09:10 PM
It looks like Sayid (or someone) actually shoots Locke.

Holy crap.

"RE: *honk*"
Posted by KLicK on 04-06-05 at 10:00 PM
I have a feeling that shooting is "island real" more than "real real." ;)

I, too, started crying when the baby was born.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-06-05 at 09:21 PM
Help me out here. Why does Jack think that Boone was murdered?

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by J Slice on 04-06-05 at 09:23 PM
Because Locke told Jack that Boone had fallen off a cliff while boar-hunting... Boone told Jack about the hatch, and Jack knew that Boone's leg had been crushed, not fractured from a fall-impact.

Ohhh, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry-dome!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Scarlett O Hara on 04-06-05 at 09:26 PM
Thanks for that J.Slice. Now I thought Boone got injured when he climbed up in the plane and it fell out of the tree? Is that how it got crushed?

I apologize for my ignorance ... I missed last week's show.

I just love the new siggie JS ... it looks just like you!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by volsfan on 04-06-05 at 09:35 PM
Yes that is what happened to Boone. I think Boone said just enough to Jack for Jack to think something else happened than what Locke said. Then Jack found out that the leg had been crushed and he knew something fell on it!


"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by J Slice on 04-06-05 at 09:44 PM
Thanks, hon.

It is, of course, me.

Ohhh, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry-dome!

"Preview Recap for the Canadians?"
Posted by Risti on 04-06-05 at 10:08 PM
I don't know why CTV insists on trimming off the previews, but they do.

As for the episode itself...

1) What the heck was Locke doing all episode?

2) Did it not seem that this was a very 'un-island'-ish episode? No freaky visions or monsters. No visitors sneaking up on Claire while she's in labour in the middle of nowhere! I can't even recall a mention of the numbers anywhere. It was quite a contrast to have such a real epsisode after last week's more supernatural episode. Are they setting us up for next week?

Also, am I the only one who thinks that somehow, considering we weren't shown the end of the ceremony, that Jack still found a way to walk away from the alter? Or did I just fall too hard for all the misdirection. Oh, and we haven't gotten any hint that he was married before on the show... have we? And obviously he isn't wearing a wedding ring anymore(if he ever did), so <i>something</i> happened.

Also.. broken back that Jack was involved in healing... Did anyone else catch undertones of Locke's miracle and the fact that he said last episode that Jack <i>wouldn't know what is wrong with him</i>...

"RE: Preview Recap for the Canadians?"
Posted by sharonk52 on 04-06-05 at 10:31 PM
" we haven't gotten any hint that he was married before on the show... have we? And obviously he isn't wearing a wedding ring anymore(if he ever did), so something happened.

Also.. broken back that Jack was involved in healing... Did anyone else catch undertones of Locke's miracle and the fact that he said last episode that Jack wouldn't know what is wrong with him?"

Yes it was really a good and sad episode and I can't wait to get the answers to those questions!
And if Jack did get married what happened to his wife?

"Jack's Wife"
Posted by calamityc on 04-06-05 at 11:35 PM
I didn't see that coming at all. He has a very tangled relationship with his Father, but this is the first episode he has even given a thought to a wife. So now we have a new mystery, did she die? We certainly had it emphasized that he has a problem letting go.
I was glad the script had Boone go before the additional trauma of cutting off his leg. I was cringing over that one.
I don't think Jack could have saved Boone even if he had known the truth about the injury, but Jack does not seem to see it that way.
Until Locke lied about that, there wasn't that much blame to attach to him. He did tell Boone over and over to get on out of the plane.

"RE: Preview Recap for the Canadians?"
Posted by dabo on 04-06-05 at 11:46 PM
Jack's fiancee had a big 44 on the back of her shirt.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by trigirl on 04-07-05 at 09:01 AM
Great episode. I actually didn't cry until they were all on the beach with the baby. Didn't pull on you heartstrings in a sappy way.

I too kept expecting Jack to bolt at the altar. Since his wife is actress Julie Bowen (of 'Ed' fame), we must assume she signed on for a continuing role. Could be an interesting storyline. Pregnancy perhaps? Remember Jack's reaction to finding out the patient his father drukenly operated on had been pregnant?

Sigh. I'll miss looking into Boone's dreamy eyes. Hope he shows up in Shannon's flashback....we haven't had one directly from her yet.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by volsfan on 04-07-05 at 09:49 AM
Since his wife is actress Julie Bowen (of 'Ed' fame), we must assume she signed on for a continuing role.

I don't think we have to assume this at all. This show is very much like Will and Grace was a few years back...actors/actresses were calling to be on the show rather than the show trying to find actors to guest star. A show like this with it's faithful following can support having guest stars for an episode or two. IMHO!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-08-05 at 07:41 AM
I believe she has a reoccuring role on another ABC show, Jake in Progress. I read in the paper that an actress from Ed would be John Stamos new love interest, then while watching Lost recognized her in the Jake promo.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by jkokoj on 04-07-05 at 09:16 AM
I think my mouth was open the whole episode! Last night was amazing on such a human and emotional level. Matthew Fox did a great job in his role as well as Sun!

I just bawled like a baby at about the halfway mark. I just could not believe what they were showing us. It really was an incredible night. I went from crying to smiling and crying about the baby, Claire was so happy. Kate also showed her emotional (and acting) range last night for the delivery scene.

As for Locke, WTF, why did he leave?? And Sayid shooting Locke just left me dumbfounded as well. I thought we were only going to have one death?! Or will Jack refuse to treat Locke after he is shot?

Geez so much to say. I may come back later when I can think a little clearer! lol

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 04-07-05 at 10:04 AM
Looks like from the previews Sayid gets Jack's key to the gun case and shoots Locke. Except you can't tell on this show if it's something that really happens or if someone is just imagining it.

Ian Somerhalder was on Good Morning America this morning. He said he was told a few weeks before shooting that his character would be killed off and that it was really hard- he is really close to the cast expecially Matthew Fox.

"Tell Shannon, Tell Shannon..."
Ack tell Shannon what!!!

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by volsfan on 04-07-05 at 10:22 AM
"Tell Shannon, Tell Shannon..."
Ack tell Shannon what!!!

He loves her!

"Tell Shannon"
Posted by Drive My Car on 04-08-05 at 08:48 PM
I think it was more than " I Love her."
I've been thinking that he wanted to warn her, maybe about Locke.
He did end up telling her about the hatch, didn't he?
Even after the dream where the island kills her, I seem to remember he did tell her about the hatch.
The knowledge could be dangerous for Shannon.

The reason I think it's more, is because if was as simple as " Tell Shannon, I love her.", then wouldn't they have just shown him saying it?

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by motormouth on 04-07-05 at 11:54 AM
Are you saying it wasn't his choice to go? For some reason during the spoiling I thought someone said that whoever was leaving had a reason to go back to LA. It makes me much sadder to see him go if it wasn't his choice.

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren!*

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 04-07-05 at 12:09 PM
From the GMA interview, it did not seem like it was Ian's choice to leave the show. But I also thought there was a spoiler that the actor wanted to go back to LA. So, not sure.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-07-05 at 12:42 PM
There was a spoiler to that effect from the Lost message boards. There was this in TV Guide yesterday.

OK, here's some scoop, er, I mean, inside dope: The soon-to-be-whacked castaway will be back next season in one form or another. And the actor/actress behind said castaway took the news of his/her character's passing badly. Very badly. Source: Ask Ausiello @ TVGuide

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by syren on 04-07-05 at 02:02 PM
This is what is on Netscape today.

" ''Pretty devastating,'' says Somerhalder, of getting the bad news from Lost producers. ''Thank God I already had four glasses of really good pinot in me.'' It's two months later on a gray March day in Hollywood. A cold and a night of clubbing have left Somerhalder wiped. A patch of skin across one of his perfect cheekbones looks red-meat rare — a chemical burn from the prosthetic he wore during his final moments as Boone. ''The week I got the call, I started looking for a house in Hawaii. Now I'm looking for a house in Venice Beach,'' says Somerhalder, an unlit cigarette wagging from his lip. After bumming a light from a passerby, he takes a stab at perspective: ''I guess this is TV history, huh? The first main character to be killed on Lost.''"

It also gives a Brief obit:
"Boone Carlisle, 28, son of a bridal-shop magnate; died from injuries sustained while investigating a small plane stuck in a big tree (said plane fell out of said tree while Boone was inside); took to his grave the possible revelation that there might be other survivors on the island (voices on the radio in said plane suggested as much). For the actor, playing the death scene really hurt. Like, really hurt: ''I was spacey and nauseous and a little pissed. It's hard walking a fine line between lucid and not lucid while Matthew Fox is ramming a needle into my chest.''"

I am so addicted to this show.
Coherent perceptions or reckless rambling

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Chez on 04-07-05 at 02:46 PM
Notice the obit does not mention his father. I continue to suspect that Locke is Boone's father.

"Other survivors?"
Posted by mrc on 04-07-05 at 03:54 PM
took to his grave the possible revelation that there might be other survivors on the island (voices on the radio in said plane suggested as much).

I may be dense, but I didn't get this from the radio transmission.

A Nefarious Dice Creation

"RE: Other survivors?"
Posted by Risti on 04-07-05 at 04:33 PM
I saw in another forum that some people have interpreted the response over the radio to being

"We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815."

""no survivors""
Posted by PhoenixMons on 04-07-05 at 04:34 PM
I think this is because the guy on the other end of that radio said "there were no survivors on Oceanic 815". If they thought that there were no survivors then (and there were, what, 48 of them) that there might be other survivors on that island from previous crashes. If this island is somehow hidden and/or unknown, then people would assume that there were no survivors when there might be, KWIM?

Got blog?

"RE: Other survivors?"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-07-05 at 04:36 PM
The closed captioning read "There were no survivors of Oceanic Flight 815" but as Risti points out, some are maintaining that what was actually said was "We're the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815".

Posted by brvnkrz on 04-07-05 at 10:24 AM
I didn't get home until 10 minutes before the ending last night and then found out that my VCR didn't tape the entire episode. I am so bumming. This was one episode I did not want to miss.
At least I caught some of the highlights here and I caught the last ten minutes of the show.

Yep, another Syren

Posted by Breezy on 04-07-05 at 11:08 AM
It's things like this that are making me think more and more that I do need to get the DVR from Comcast.

"RE: Yikes!"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 04-09-05 at 00:33 AM
Yes, you do.

"RE: *sigh*"
Posted by aaron2kristie on 04-11-05 at 03:59 AM
or try shareaza

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Roo on 04-07-05 at 10:33 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-07-05 AT 10:34 AM (EST)

How does Sun know so much about medical care? Could she have been a nurse?

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by J Slice on 04-07-05 at 11:02 AM
I'm leaning towards that.

She was so... perfect last night.

She's my favorite for a reason.

Ohhh, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry-dome!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 04-07-05 at 11:22 AM
This episode was so good I taped it and watched it twice last night!

Something I noticed from the previews. At the end of this episode, Jack is packing water in a bag to go look for Locke. He is on the beach. It appears from the previews that he doesn't have to go look for Locke because Locke shows up on the beach. He is wearing his white Tshirt that is bloody from carrying Boone. Then we see that Jack's key is missing. We see a Sayid with a gun. Then it flashes to a scene where it appears Locke is shot and we hear a gun shot. But Locke is wearing a different shirt- a dark shirt. I don't think he wears a dark shirt- he has a plaid short sleeve shirt and a white tshirt. So maybe the scene of him getting shot is a flashback scene and maybe it's how he got paralyzed? Just speculation.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Misty Twist on 04-07-05 at 11:47 AM
OH, that's interesting. Never thought about it being a flashback.....good one.

I really hope Locke doesnt' get shot b\c he is my favorite and Sun is totally growing on me. She rocked last night.

And what's up with Jack telling Kate Boone was murdered? I don't think he was murdered. And he was murdered it was by the Island not Locke. I think the Island didn't want him in that plane or using that radio so it made the plane fall and killed him off before he was able to tell anyone about it. The plane had been perched up there all that time, thru rains, winds etc... and all of a sudden it was so unstable it couldn't hold him. The ISLAND killed him!!!!!!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by J Slice on 04-07-05 at 12:19 PM
Be that as it may, Jack didn't see nuthin'

Ohhh, if anyone needs me, I'll be in the angry-dome!

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by MDSkinner on 04-07-05 at 03:04 PM
That is a very interesting thought, especially since we have yet to see anything about how Locke was paralyzed. I would say that is as good a guess as any, and it would kind of fit into the idea of previews purposefully being misleading. Will be interesting to see.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by joannie on 04-07-05 at 04:27 PM
The next new episode is Sayid-centric "The Greater Good" (aka "Sides"), so I doubt if the Locke-getting-shot scene is a flashback because only the flashbacks of Sayid will be covered.

At least that is how it normally works.

"RE: 4/6 Episode Discussion"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-08-05 at 02:40 PM
He also has a dirty rust t-shirt he wears sometimes - that's what he was wearing in that shot.

"Does Anyone Else Think "
Posted by Devious Weasel on 04-07-05 at 02:47 PM
It's kind of funny (not ha-ha, the other kind) that Boone died of injuries sustained in a plane crash?

"RE: Does Anyone Else Think "
Posted by motormouth on 04-07-05 at 03:04 PM
Heh. I never even thought of that. I just kept expecting him to have a broken neck, after the dream with him refering to the sitter who died after breaking her neck and all.

*WooHoo, I got me a Syren!*

Posted by trigirl on 04-07-05 at 03:05 PM
Boone died of injuries sustained in a plane crash

I immediately thought that too.

"RE: Irony"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 03-01-06 at 08:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-01-06 AT 08:33 PM (EST)

I just started catching up with Lost by watching the DVDs. And I think that the real irony is that according to IMDB.com, Ian Somerhalder was the first actor to be cast on "Lost", and now he also has the dubious distinction of being the first regular cast member who has been killed off on the show.

"RE: Does Anyone Else Think "
Posted by volsfan on 04-07-05 at 03:23 PM
Yeah, how crappy is it to drop 25,000 feet from the sky and live and then die falling off a cliff in a plane!

"RE: Does Anyone Else Think "
Posted by TeamJoisey on 04-09-05 at 00:36 AM
You are not the only one who saw the irony.
Within a minute my son asked:
"Did Boone just die in a plane crash?"

These reality show contestants need a reality check!