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Thread Number: 14
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"The Diary"

Posted by blacknwhitedog on 10-14-04 at 11:34 AM
from the ABC website

At first I thought it was Locke's, but now I think it is the brother's- (the lifeguard)- Boone.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

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"RE: The Diary"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-14-04 at 01:33 PM
Is it me, or is anybody else unable to make out the majority of the writing on the diary paper? Can anyone translate it?

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 01:45 PM
I can do it if you want.

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 01:44 PM
I would say it's Locke's as he says he played backgammon with Walt and called him a "good lad". Don't know if a young guy would call a boy a "lad".

A Gothmog original.

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by spacey on 10-14-04 at 01:53 PM
I don't think it is Locke because on one of the last pages he mentions the guy in the checkered shirt went boar hunting and that was Locke. I think it is Boone because I think I remember him borrowing a pen from Claire.

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 01:55 PM
You're right. On day one he writes "Parents must be worried". Is Boone the musician? He might call the boy "lad".

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-14-04 at 03:20 PM
thanks nookie, et al.
I thought it was locke's too.

p.s. And darn you all for getting me hooked!

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by PepeLePew13 on 10-17-04 at 07:23 AM
>You're right. On day one he
>writes "Parents must be worried".
>Is Boone the musician? He
>might call the boy "lad".

Boone's English as well, isn't he? English people use the word "lad" a lot.

©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Scratch and sniff
"RE: The Diary"
Posted by Brownroach on 10-25-04 at 06:04 PM
I think it actually says "good kid". Though you could also perceive it as "lad."

Bridge for sale to highest bidder. Call 1-800-BRroach.

"The Diary = Day 1 / Night 1"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 01:56 PM
Day one
Can’t control hand from shaking – Plane Crash!! All that life flashing before your eyes … not true. Didn’t know what happened. Remember sucking wind and and noise … deafening noise. Head still ringing. Not a believer of GOD but I prayed. Amazingly still in one piece. Couple of scrapes and bruises. Found this notebook and decided to write … didn’t know what else to do. Where are we? Just mountains and water … everywhere.

Night one
Getting dark now. Never saw so many stars. Campfires scattered along the beach … ours is the biggest. Something smells … burnt bodies? I’m sick to my stomach. Can’t eat plan meals this fat guy’s been handing out. Where is the Coast Guard? Why aren’t they here yet? Tried my cell phone…no connection. Parents are probably worried sick. Gotta stop writing … so tired.

"The Diary = Day 2 / Night 2"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 02:03 PM
Day two
Nice man in checkered shirt offered me an orange for breakfast … still can’t eat. We’re all wondering what that noise was last night. Some off to look for cockpit … not me. Something scary out there. Pen is running out of ink … typical luck. More later.

Borrowed pen from poor preggo lady. Huddled under a raft when it started to POUR … still got soaked. Drying in sun now. Walked down the beach. Saw some good waves. Big fight on beach when I returned. Tempers starting to flare. Finally ate something … sea urchin SUSHI! Still hungry. Transreceiver found, but not working. Some looking to higher ground. I hate hiking. No survivors in cockpit. They probably think we’re dead too.

Night two
Played backgammon with Walt today. Good lad. Boredom has set in and I’m officially burnt. It always hurts more once the sun goes down.

"The Diary = Days 3 thru 6"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-14-04 at 02:23 PM
Day 3
There’s a doctor on the island. He’s with some guy in bad shape. Has a piece of metal from plane sticking out of his side. Went over there to see if Dr. had any sun block – no luck. By the look of shrapnel guy, things could be worse.

Night 3
Found my check on bag today!! All clothes, no toiletries. So, now I have a bathing suit. Still no sign of surfboard. Always fantasized about being stranded on an island and it’s really not so bad … worse part is hunger. And, of course, looking at perfect pushing lifts (?) and not having my board. Thinking of my family and friends tonight. I miss them.

Day 4
No signal out, which means no call for help. They asked for electronics to boost it, so I gave up my cell phone. It’s of no use to me anymore. We’re rationing food and setting up tarps to collect rainwater – should have plenty cause it started to pour again today – out of nowhere, just torrential. I set up a makeshift shelter against a tree. It’s home … for now.

Night 4
The shrapnel guy is driving us all nuts with his screaming – poor guy. Why hasn’t anyone come to rescue us? I haven’t seen one plane pass overhead. It doesn’t make any sense.

Day 5
Heard a gunshot last night. Who the hell has a gun? Walt found his dog today. I miss my dog. Took a nap in the shade, white fine sand, feels good except for the twisting pangs of hunger in my stomach. Quit smoking last year, but who the hell cares now – bummed one from this guy named Sawyer (?). The nicotine satisfied my hunger.

Night 5
Dog woke me up and now I can’t go back to sleep. Some commotion by the fuselage, but I’m too tired to find out what’s going on. Sleeping in the cool sand and the breeze is keeping the bugs away. Now, if that dog would just stop barking.

Day 6
We’ve been asked to gather firewood. Wild boars were in the fuselage last night and we have to burn the bodies that are inside. Claire, the pregnant lady who loaned me her pen, is going to hold some sort of memorial. There was another fight today – figures it was Sawyer, only this time he got into it with the fat guy over peanuts – literally!! I have a few extra packages but I’m not sharing them. Is that selfish? The guy in the checkered shirt is going hunting for boar – never had boar meat, but I’m hungry enough to try almost anything.

Put on my suit and walked down the beach for a swim. The water is really beautiful here. The fat guy was down there with a friend trying to spear a fish. What a riot (?) that was – First time I laughed since we crashed! I’m back on the beach now, trying to turn an earring into a fish hook. If I can find something to use for line, I’ll be in business.

Night 6
We read the names of the dead tonight. One of them was sitting next to me. Surreal. I can’t believe this is happening. And still can’t believe rescue hasn’t come. The signal fire has been burning for days.

"RE: The Diary = Days 3 thru 6"
Posted by Smooth23 on 10-14-04 at 05:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-04 AT 05:34 PM (EST)

Thanks for posting this.
I beleive the diary belongs to the girl that conned the hobbit into catching her a fish, whats her name. They showed her doing what was apparantly crosswords, though they didn't say as much, she just said "Whats a 4 letter word for I don't care?". It really could have been a journal or something, but what really matters is the fact that she has a pen and is into using it.
Also I noticed at one point she was fiddling with a bikini top that was on top of a pole-The diary said a swimsuit was found. Plus she acts like the surfer type.

"RE: The Diary = Days 3 thru 6"
Posted by SurvivorBlows on 10-14-04 at 08:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-04 AT 08:44 PM (EST)

>Thanks for posting this. I beleive the diary belongs to
>the girl that conned the hobbit into catching her a
>fish, whats her name.

After actually being able to read entries, yes, based on the phrasing, attitude, etc. it's definitely the diary of the hot chick sister

Didn't they show her writing on something during the first two episodes?

The only wierd part was this:

"Put on my suit and walked down the beach for a swim. The water is really beautiful here. The fat guy was down there with a friend trying to spear a fish."

...she asked the guy to catch her a fish -- so why would she call him "some guy?" But didn't they actually show the "do you have any sunblock?" scene on the show? This is a little confusing, LOL

"RE: The Diary = Days 3 thru 6"
Posted by Smooth23 on 10-16-04 at 09:18 AM
She didn't call him some guy, she called him a friend..

And I do recall the sunblock scene vaguely, if I recall it was in or by the tent with the guy that had the shrapnal in his head. Can't recall anything other than that about it.

Posted by Deonna on 10-14-04 at 05:22 PM
Thank-you!! I could not read it at all!



Posted by AugustGirl on 10-14-04 at 05:26 PM
Nookie is the best! I was having a hard time reading it too.

a Gothmog original

*smooches* to my Ya Ya's

Posted by Deonna on 10-14-04 at 05:32 PM
I love this show! Thanks!

*Big Smooches for you*


Posted by zombiebaby on 10-14-04 at 06:40 PM

I have not seen you in forever!!! I am glad you watch this show too! Isn't it great!

Thanks to Ms. Nookie for her transcribing.


Handcrafted by RollDdice

Don't Google "hairy toes"!!

Posted by Deonna on 10-14-04 at 09:04 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-14-04 AT 09:05 PM (EST)

I great to see you too!! I have been busy really busy at work. *grumble, grumble*


"RE: The Diary"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 10-14-04 at 10:19 PM
Another theory would be that it does not belong to any of the main characters.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

Posted by shakes the clown on 10-14-04 at 10:26 PM
>Another theory would be that it
>does not belong to any
>of the main characters.

...that's what I think.

So don't take the simple fact that I think Shakes is godlike to mean that I think he isn't an ass. -Samiam 10/12/04

"RE: agree"
Posted by Swami on 10-15-04 at 09:40 AM
Agree. Diary author is an observer not a player - at this point anyway.

a slice of Slice
If Kali doesn't scare you, nothing will!

"I GOT IT! ;)"
Posted by Angelfood on 10-14-04 at 10:28 PM

Posted by blacknwhitedog on 10-25-04 at 12:10 PM
Can you please transcribe Day 7/ Night 7 for us?


a Phoenix Mons creature

"Day 7 / Night 7"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-25-04 at 12:54 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-25-04 AT 01:04 PM (EST)

Day 7

Joanna drowned today. She’s someone I went diving with in Australia and she ended up on my plane. She even switched seats so we could sit together and talk about the trip. She was travelling the coast, diving the Great Barrier Reef. It just doesn’t make sense, she was smarter than that. She knew about the rip tides and how to swim parralel to the beach.

To make matters worse, someone stole all of the remaining water. I know there’s a way to turn salt water into fresh water, I just don’t remember how. I asked Sawyer for more smokes which he hasn’t returned with yet. Back to the lovely addiction.

Night 7

They found the guy that stole the water, but it’s still not enough. The doctor says he found a new source inland. I’ll go fill some bottles, but I’m staying right here on the beach in case a plane flies over. I met this guy named Charlie tonight – used to be in a band called Drive Shaft. I have one of their CD’s. He’s got a tattoo that says “Living is easy with eyes closed”. Obviously a Beatle’s fan. After this experience, my eyes are wide open.

"RE: Day 7 / Night 7"
Posted by Tamena on 10-25-04 at 01:10 PM
Ya beat me to it by 2 minutes LOL
*scowls at her ISP for being slow and cranky*

Day 7
Joann drowned today. She's someone I went diving with in Australia and she ended up on my plane. She even switched seats so we could sit together and talk about the trip. She was traveling the coast, diving the Great Barrier Reef. It just doesn't make sense. She was smarter than that. She knew about rip tides and how to swim parallel to the beach.

To make matters worse someone stole all of the remaining water. I know there's a way to turn salt water into fresh water, I just don't remember how. I asked Sawyer for more smokes, which he hasn't returned with yet. Back to the lovely addiction.

Night 7
They found the guy who stole the water, but it's still not enough. The doctor says he found a new source inland. I'll go fill some bottles but I'm staning right here on the beach in case a plane flies over. I met this guy named Charlie tonight - used to be in a band called Drive Shaft. I have one of their CD's. He's got a tattoo that says "living is easy with eyes closed"
Obviously a Beatles fan.
After this experience my eyes are wide open

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: Day 7 / Night 7"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-01-04 at 00:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 11-01-04 AT 00:23 AM (EST)

I think this eliminates both Boone and Shannon as the diarist. They are seated together in the center section, Shannon on the aisle, Boone in the center, and an empty seat to Boone's left. The seat across the aisle from Shannon is also empty.

I don't think our writer is one of the main characters.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: Day 7 / Night 7"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 10-25-04 at 02:09 PM
thanks Nookie *smooch*

a Phoenix Mons creature

"Day/Night 8"
Posted by Schnookie Palookie on 10-29-04 at 09:13 PM
Day 8

I just realized something - I've got a 6,000 dollar credit card bill. Good luck tracking me down for those payments! Still, I'd pay double that to get off this island. Things are starting to get dodgy: There was a huge fight today between Michael and the Korean guy. If Sayid and Sawyer hadn't pulled him off, I think he would have drowned Michael. What a pycho - I feel sorry for his wife, she seems so nice. We need to get out of here.

Night 8

There's a big debate on where to set up camp. Hurley told me that he, Charlie, Locke and some of the others are moving to the source of the fresh water - Jack says there is shelter there. I don't care if there's a four star hotel, I'm not going in that jungle! How many times do I have to tell these guys, when the rescue planes fly over I don't want to miss my chance to signal them. I've got my little mirror all ready. Kate isn't going either. I trust her.

"RE: Day/Night 8"
Posted by greenmonstah on 10-30-04 at 10:57 PM
I have been catching up, now that it is post World Series. This diary comes off of the website? It has not been referenced in the show, right?

I am thinking it serves as a basic recap for the viewer-- especially where no recap is offered at the onset of each show. (or maybe my replay TV is not catching the recaps?) It is an interesting way of drawing the viewer into the plot. Is this diary suppose to make its way onto the actual show?

As a side note, I just got through watching Babylon 5 on DVD...this show has the almost the same premise of "who are you and why are you here". I find it remarkable that the show is called Lost. This title will continue to take on a deeper menaing for subject and object as the show progresses.

"Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by Tamena on 11-05-04 at 09:47 PM
Day Nine
I don't feel very good. I've been nauseous for two days. I saw Jack today when he was picking up supplies to take back to the new shelter- he told me to try and stay out of the sun. What does he want me to do - Move to Seattle? I was going to move my stuff into the infimary beacuse it had a cover on it, but Sawyer got there first. That guy is really starting to get on my nerves. He won't give me any more cigarettes. Not for free anymore - Pig.

I think Sayid is up to something. I saw him talking to Kate and Boone and he was holding this long pole with some sort of electric thing on the end. Then he and Kate took off into the jungle. Strange.

Day Nine (Cont)
Jack is dead! Charlie just came running on to the beach all covered in first. He said there was a cave-in at the shelter and that Jack was buried alive. Michael and a few of the others went to see if they could help but it sounds like it's too late. And where is Kate - does she even know? What the hell are we going to do now? What if someone gets hurt? Oh my God, what is Claire going to do?
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by tvhead on 11-08-04 at 11:27 AM
doesn't it sound like the pregnant girl ?
jack told her to stay out of the sun, she is keeping tabs on waht's going on and didn't she try the sea urchin when it was
offered ?

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 11-08-04 at 11:29 AM
Claire is the pregnant girl.

It's either Shannon (the sister) or some other un-named passenger.

Almighty Icecat!

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-09-04 at 09:42 AM
I'm voting for someone unknown to the viewing audience, that way the diary can talk about any one of the main characters.

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 11-09-04 at 12:49 PM
it does sound like the pregnant girl except for the "wont give me anymore ciggarettes"part

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by tvhead on 11-10-04 at 10:26 AM

isn't it the pregnant girl who is keeping track of all the
personal effects of everyone; and if someone won't give her cigarettes because she's pregnant, doesn't mean she doesn't smoke.
she was flying internationally in her eighth month wasn't she ?

"RE: Day 9/ Day 9 Cont - translated =)"
Posted by Drive My Car on 11-10-04 at 10:33 AM
The pregnant girl is named Claire. The diary mentions Claire.
The writer isn't any of the main characters, because so far the writer has written about all of them.

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by MVC1225 on 11-10-04 at 06:07 PM
The diary mentions that one of the persons that dies was "sitting next to me" and that Joanna changed seats so they could sit together. I know she fights with her brother but Shannon, one would assume, would be sitting with him not in between the dead person and Joanna.

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-10-04 at 07:07 PM
Welcome to the boards.

As I said above, Shannon and Boone can clearly be seen on the plane sitting in first class during Charlie's run for the rest room. They are seated together in the center section, Shannon on the aisle, Boone in the center, and an empty seat to Boone's left. The seat across the aisle from Shannon is also empty.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 11-11-04 at 09:20 AM
I don't think the diary is Claire's but interestingly enough, on last night's show, Claire (the pregnant girl) is shown writing in a notebook when Charlie comes by to talk to her.

Almighty Icecat!

"Day 10 and Day 10 Con't"
Posted by Tamena on 11-11-04 at 02:06 PM
Day Ten
I went to the caves yesterday to see about Jack -
it was pretty crazy. Scott told me before I got there
Michael was able to dig a small tunnel all the way through to where Jack was. Charlie crawled through it to help him,
only to have the entire thing cave in again! People were
freaking out especially Kate and trying to dig them out, but there was no chance - way too much dirt and rocks. And then
just when we were about to give up, they both came walking out of the jungle. ALIVE! I was caught by surprise at how relieved I was to see them. I mean I've only known these people for 10 days and when they came walking towards me
I almost cried with relief. It makes me think we all have a real chance of making it through this together. Maybe...

Day 10 Con't
Sawyer got stabbed! I don't know who did it but I think it
was Jack. I saw them getting into it over by the old infirmary tent - if Kate hadn't walked up at the last minute I think they would have brawled.

Larry hit on me again today. He actually told me he wanted to "ask me out". Uh, out where exactly? I mean what's he going to do, take me skating? Honestly there is NO WAY I'd go out with him - I was hoping he'd forget it *** but the guy obviously isn't taking a hint.

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: Day 10 and Day 10 Con't"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-11-04 at 04:03 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-11-04 AT 04:07 PM (EST)

OK, so the writer is probably female, and probably single.
Not Claire, not Shannon, not Kate, not Sun.

So it is most certainly an unnamed person who is not a major character at this point. I'll guess the writer is never identified.


Who is Larry?

"New Diary Up...Day 13"
Posted by Tamena on 11-19-04 at 08:01 AM
and this one has decent hand writing LOL no need to translate I think.
So now we know it's atleast 2 ppl writing this thing, but not sure who yet. I think they're both people on the beach tho...so far anyway.

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: New Diary Up...Day 13"
Posted by 1derfool on 11-19-04 at 10:33 AM
>and this one has decent hand
>writing LOL no need
>to translate I think.
>So now we know it's atleast
>2 ppl writing this thing,
>but not sure who yet.
> I think they're both
>people on the beach tho...so
>far anyway.

I don't think there's more than one person writing the diary. The handwriting was sloppy the first few entries because the writer was still scared and jittery from the crash. Over the next few days the writing becomes clearer. It's still the same basic handwriting, just a calmer writer.

Every regular and some previously unseen characters are mentioned, so it has to be 'someone else' writing it. Obviously it's a female, young (not over 30 since she's being propositioned), probably physically fit due to the surfing reference, but it's not one of our regulars.

"RE: New Diary Up...Day 13"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-19-04 at 04:25 PM
LAST EDITED ON 11-19-04 AT 04:36 PM (EST)


(not over 30 since she's being propositioned)

Here, dood. put on this helmet.

These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: New Diary Up...Day 13"
Posted by 1derfool on 11-19-04 at 05:48 PM
> Here, dood.
>put on this helmet.


Actually, I'm female, way past 30. I'll stick to my original opinion, the writer is a female, under 30. Considering some of the other female survivors we've seen, all shapely and cute, why proposition an 'older' one? Since they have no idea if or when they'll be rescued, do you really think any guy looking for a hot date on a desert island is going to ask Rose or similar aged "statuesque" females?

"RE: New Diary Up...Day 13"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 11-19-04 at 09:05 PM
All in fun.

I'm not disagreeing about the diary.

I'm just thinking that your opinion that no one propositions women over 30 is likely to draw some heat from some other posters.

Hence the helmet joke.

I happen to know a very beautiful woman over 40 who I proposition all the time.

Posted by AugustGirl on 11-19-04 at 04:58 PM
.... us over 30 females are way too used up to get propositioned. Used goods, ya know.

If I could see the markings on the back of my neck, I'm sure it would say "Expiration Date: Aug 10 1988"

"RE: Yeah....."
Posted by motormouth on 11-19-04 at 05:49 PM
This? Is why I am dreadng turning 30. *I* don't think it's old but obviously some do.

*my twins b-day is on Aug.10th!*

"RE: Yeah....."
Posted by Tamena on 11-19-04 at 10:01 PM
30's only half way there...things don't start getting REALLY GOOD till ya hit 40 trust me =)
I'd never go back to 30...full steam ahead and damn the torpedos...Tam's in town and she's better than ever! hehehehe
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

Posted by zombiebaby on 11-20-04 at 03:06 PM
Yup past your expiration date.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

Don't Google "hairy toes"!!

"RE: sniff"
Posted by Tamena on 11-21-04 at 04:15 PM

Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.

"RE: It's Claire"
Posted by spacey on 12-02-04 at 12:41 PM
I think the mystery is solved. I noticed last night that when Claire was sitting in jungle after her nightmare Charlie came up to her saying "Dear Diary......" making reference to her writing in a diary as she sat there. Claire is the diary writer.

"For the last friggen time, ITS NOT CLAIRE!!!!"
Posted by shakes the clown on 12-02-04 at 12:48 PM

Day 6
We’ve been asked to gather firewood. Wild boars were in the fuselage last night and we have to burn the bodies that are inside. Claire, the pregnant lady who loaned me her pen, is going to hold some sort of memorial.

...unless Claire is either schitzophrenic or an NBA player who only speaks in the third person!

So don't take the simple fact that I think Shakes is godlike to mean that I think he isn't an ass. -Samiam 10/12/04

"RE: For the last friggen time, ITS NOT CLAIRE!!!!"
Posted by Roo on 12-02-04 at 01:01 PM
Considering the sleepwalking and the dreams, I'd say the former is possible .

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: For the last friggen time, ITS NOT CLAIRE!!!!"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-02-04 at 01:36 PM
umm, it's not Claire

day 15 http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/diary13.html

day 16 http://abc.go.com/primetime/lost/diary14.html

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 12-09-04 at 09:57 AM
whoever the author of the diary is, they have a back story

You can't tell me that I survived that week in Louisiana to be thrown back into this again. I told myself every single day in the hospital that all I had to do was stay alive. Just survive and make it to the trial. And the rest of my life would be perfect- that's what this trip was supposed to be about!

Day 17

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by DRONES on 02-10-05 at 04:06 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-10-05 AT 04:06 AM (EST)


Has anyone figured out the diary belongs to?


"RE: The Diary"
Posted by BLefeb1781 on 05-19-05 at 12:21 PM
Just took a look at ABC.com and it looks like the writter of the diary is named Janelle Granger from Hermosa Beach CA. Maybe a new Character for next season??


"RE: The Diary"
Posted by calamityc on 05-19-05 at 12:23 PM
Thanks for the heads up Brenda!! Going to look lickety split!

"day 43"
Posted by Lost on 06-01-05 at 09:31 AM
LAST EDITED ON 06-01-05 AT 09:35 AM (EST)

The diary has been updated with day 43. The last page is pretty creapy.

Darn, I thought these would turn out to small to read. Here's the link.

"RE: day 43"
Posted by dragonflies on 06-01-05 at 11:08 AM
ARGH! Now it's going to be even harder to wait until fall!

another syren masterpiece

"RE: day 43"
Posted by calamityc on 06-02-05 at 03:56 AM
Went over and read this during the morning. Made me wonder if the season opener is going to be another attack, or if the diary writer will just continue to be an unseen character.

Graciously supplied by RollDice(twice!)

"The Diary Day 14 - 43 "
Posted by Stormy Valley on 06-10-05 at 03:32 AM
Day 14

Boone came to the beach earlier to tell us all that Jack and Charlie and a few others were all playing golf. I thought he'd been in the sun too long (he seems a little soft to me), but I didn't have anything better to do, so I followed the crowd as he led us into the jungle. Sure enough, there they were, Michael, Charlie, and Jack in the middle of what Hurley called the "Island Open.". I don't know how he did it, but Hurley managed to build a 2-hole golf course! It was incredible, people were actually laughing.

Day 14 (cont.)

I had forgotten what laughter sounded like. Everyone got really into it, even betting on the action -- I won an extra helping of boar meat off Larry when Jack made his putt -- what a sucker! People are already lined up to play tomorrow. I never was any good at that game. But I suppose now I've got the time to practice ...

Night 15

After our golf game yesterday, I decided to hang out at the caves for a while and enjoy my extra serving of boar meat. We were all having a good time, sitting around the campfire. Sawyer even broke out a couple of bottles of airplane booze and cigarettes. Larry was off behind the fire staring at us. The guy really creeps me out. So When everyone else headed back to the beach, I decided to camp out at the caves. It was pretty comfortable until Claire woke up screaming. I guess she was having some sort of a nightmare. My sister had the craziest dreams when she was pregnant. Anyway, after that I couldn't fall back to sleep, so I hiked back down here to the beach where I found Sawyer cozied up with that chick Kate. Should've walked back with him when I had the chance.

Night 16

Hurley is out taking names and info from all of us because someone attacked Claire - and apparently this time it wasn't a nightmare. I don't know what good it's gonna do having a list of our names, but at least maybe we'll all feel safer - ha! It's scary to think, but we really don't know who we're stuck on this island with. Someone could be a pedophile or a drug addict. For all I know, Larry could be a rapist - if his name even is Larry. Gonna have to be a little more careful?

Day 17

My God, we've been sitting here on this island for over two weeks, sleeping next to people who could be capable of anything! And I'm never going to turn my back on Larry again. People aren't always what they seem, if anyone knows that by now, it's me. I suppose after surviving the crash I just assumed it couldn't possibly get any worse here. I'm sure most of us did. We were wrong? I wasn't prepared for what happened this morning. I got to the caves to find all hell breaking loose. Before I could ask what was going on, I saw Sayid on the

Day 17 (cont.)

ground - he didn't look good at all, but that was nothing compared to the panic going through the camp about Claire (the pregnant lady) and Charlie - They've been kidnaped! Everybody is pointing the finger at this creepy guy named Ethan, but nobody really knows what the hell is going on. I spent most of the day looking for them with Michael and a few of the others, but we didn't have any luck. I knew there was something wrong with this group and now I have to worry about what some sicko is doing to Claire. God, it's like the night- mare is starting all over again! You can’t tell me that I survived that week in Louisiana to be thrown back into this again. I told myself every single day in the hospital that all I had to do was stay alive. Just survive and make it to the trial. And the rest of my life would be perfect - that's what this trip was supposed to be about! I'll tell you one thing: I'm not going to be a victim. Not again? No way! From here on out, I'm taking care of myself. And if anyone else tries to pull anything, I'm going to be ready for them.

Day 22

There is something seriously wrong with this island. I was woken up this morning by the sound of waves crashing on the shore - big ones, at least 10 feet. I've spent enough years in the water to know how the tides work and never, ever have I seen the tide come up this far, this quickly. Maybe it has something to do with being close to the equator, but it was as if someone flicked a switch and turned on the waves. The water is rising fast - too fast! The shelters we've fashioned were being swept away and everyone was in a panic to rescue as much as possible before it was too late. I had to make sure I saved my dive bag, (can you imagine if that washed up somewhere for somebody to open???) and saw that Larry had it in his hand! I got right in his face, and told him to give it back right now. He laid some story on about how he was just trying to help make sure I didn't lose anything - does he think I was born yesterday?

Day 22 (Cont.)

I never thought it was possible, but the plane wreckage is actually being carried away from the beach! It's as if the sea is taking what it was owed. I didn't think I would miss that horrible hunk of twisted metal, but, losing it makes me feel like we've said goodbye to the real world. Maybe forever. We're moving to a new camp further up the beach and out of reach of the waves (at least for now). Everybody seems to be comfortable there, but not me. Something bad is going to happen. I can feel it. So I've decided to stop trying to deny it . . . and start to get ready. Each morning I'm swimming a little farther and in the afternoons I run up hill to the golf course. Getting stronger - every day. And when I feel like quitting, all I have to do is remember the consequences of not being prepared. I'm eating as much as I can, trading anything and everything for a little extra meat. Need the protein. Need to keep pushing.

Day 23

I feel awful today. I need more to eat - the fruit and small amount of fish I've been getting just isn't enough. What happened to the boar? I only started training again a few days ago, but I am already exhausted. Swimming is still easy for me, but my legs burn like fire every time I run up that hill. I have to stop and lay down for a while up at the top because I'm too spent to walk back down again. Yesterday I fell asleep at the top of the hill and when I woke up, it was pitch black. I was just laying there looking at the stars, feeling safe for the first time in a long time when something strange happened. I could have sworn I heard whispering all around me. I didn't have my dive bag with me, so I felt even more vulnerable. But let me tell you, the pain in my legs went away in about one second and I was ready to fight. But there was nobody there. I didn't like that feeling at all and I think I make it back to the beach in about 5 minutes flat! I can't let my guard down like that. Ever. Not here...

Day 24

I was out running again today when I came across Locke and Boone in the woods. They were with Walt, teaching him to throw a knife at a tree. How crazy is that? Who lets a ten year old play with knives? And I thought those guys were supposed to be hunting? Is this some sort of target practice? When I returned to the beach, Sawyer told me that Michael decided to build a raft. Didn't he see 'Castaway'? Looks may be deceiving, but the waves breaking on the outer reef have been over ten feet since we got here. I've offered to help look for a better place to launch while I'm out running. Maybe on the leeward side. Thing is, we have no idea how big this island is...

Day 25

Claire is back! - shaken up, but still alive. And to everyone's relief, Jack says the baby seems fine, but what's strange is that she doesn't remember anything that happened to her. No recollection of the last eight days! And she doesn't remember any of us - not even Charlie. The entire camp is starting realize the danger that surrounds us, We posted guards around our perimeter during the night, but I'm not relying on anyone else to protect me. I'm spending the night next to the biggest fire I can find with my dive bag at my side.

Day 26

Out running on the beach this morning, scoping potential places to launch the raft, so my attention was on the shoreline, not the tree line. You know that feeling you get when you just know someone is behind you? Well, I had it - bad. But when I turned around, there was nobody there. I picked up the pace and moved closer to the water. A few hundred yards later, I felt it again, so I whipped around, fists ready. And this time, I swear I saw someone in the distance. I moved toward them, but they disappeared into the fog. Weird. Someone or something was following me - I know it. But that's not the worst of it. As I backed up,

Day 26 (Cont.)

scanning the area, I tripped over something and fell hard to the sand... and that's when I saw him -- Scott from camp was laying there all twisted and bloody. And it was no accident - every major bone in the guy's body was broken. That could have been me! We have to get off this island...

Day 27

Charlie shot Ethan! A bunch of people went out into the jungle armed with guns - where are all these guns coming from!? - and, using Claire as bait, brought Ethan to them. Apparently, they all agreed to catch him and keep him alive, but Charlie had other ideas. He fired without asking questions. Some people are angry, even afraid of Charlie, but I'm the last person to pass judgment about something like that. I mean, Ethan kidnapped Claire, strung him up by his neck and left him to die. What did they expect him to do? I bet Ethan killed Scott, too. What a psycho! Maybe now we can all rest a little easier. The good news is that the boars are back! In fact, one attacked Sawyer's tent last night - serves him right. That guy can be such a jerk. I don't know why Kate hangs around him so much. Anyway, now we'll finally get some meat - I'm so sick of fruit and fish...

Day 30

That Korean guy starting screaming at his wife again - just for wearing a bikini. What a jerk! It's like a thousand degrees here. Michael saw what was happening and got up in his face - those two really hate each other. With this heat, I suppose we should expect tempers to flare...

Day 31

Someone set the raft on fire last night, creating a pretty huge blaze. All that work, gone to waste! People are pointing the finger at the Korean guy, who took off into the woods. But I saw that little kid Walt playing with matches yesterday. #1, what the hell is the kid doing with matches? Those are a valuable commodity on this island. And #2, why would anyone burn down our only hope of getting out of this Godforsaken place?

Day 32

The surprises just keep on coming! Sawyer found the Korean guy out in the woods and brought him back to camp to face the music. It took about three seconds for Michael to jump him and I think he would've kicked the crap out of him this time if his wife hadn't spoke up and screamed for him to stop - IN ENGLISH! Why on earth didn't she speak up before!? I wonder if she heard me talking trash about her husband? I wonder if she even cares? At least now I know his name is Jin!

Day 33

Went swimming this morning - always makes me really hungry. Still no meat. What happened to that boar that attacked Sawyer's tent the other night? I really don't know what the heck Locke and Boone are doing out there all day, but I think I'm going to follow them tomorrow and find out for myself...

Day 34

I knew it! I knew they weren't really out trying to hunt for boar... This morning I got up and headed down to the beach for my swim like always -- only this time I didn't go in the water. I walked down the beach a ways and then hurried back into the bush to hide and watch the camp. Just before the sun came up Locke and Boone set off on to go hunting... and I followed them. They walked for a long time, way over an hour into parts of the island I haven't yet explored. And just when I thought they might actually be trying to locate food they arrived at their destination. I don't know what else to say except that there was this huge... "thing" made of metal and surrounded by what looked like concrete. I couldn't get close enough to see exactly what it was, but one thing is definitely clear. Whatever it is -- It's man-made. And Locke and Boone are keeping it a secret. I don’t know what they would do if they knew I had followed them, but I going to make damn

Day 34 (cont.)

sure they don't. And I don't ever go anywhere without my dive bag anymore -- ever. What the hell is going on here and why is everyone keeping secrets. All I want is to get off this damn island and if whatever is in the jungle can help with that, Locke and Boone have no right to keep it to themselves! Who do they think they are, anyway? God, I'm so confused! I just want to go home...

Day 36

I think they must have found something out there. Yesterday, when I was following them it looked like he and Boone were arguing - - probably about something to do with that thing way out in the jungle. And then today, I heard that Boone had suffered some sort of an accident. Yeah, I know how dangerous "accidents" can be. And so does a certain someone who lives back in Louisiana. Or who used to anyway... I wanted to see for myself, so I got over to the caves as fast as I could, but the situation over there was total chaos. Hurley told me Jack needed room to work and not to

Day 36 (continued)

crowd them. Still, I got a good enough look inside the makeshift O.R. Jack put up to see Boone - - and it sure wasn't pretty. And in the middle of all this I heard Charlie ranting about Claire having her baby, right now! I didn't know what to do, so I just ran back to the beach and found a quiet place to write all this down. I opened my dive bag and made sure my kit was ready. Something about the cold steel in my hands makes me feel better. I'm not sure, but people are saying Boone could die tonight. And get a load of this... nobody seems to know where Locke is. But I've got a pretty good idea. And I think I'm going to find out what he's up to.

Day 38

Where are we? Two nights ago, after all the insanity with Boone I grabbed my kit from my dive bag, strapped it on my belt and set off to try and find Locke. I just knew he would be at that thing way out in the jungle, and sure enough, when I arrived as the day was turning to night, there he was! It's a hatch. I know that sounds crazy (why do people always

Day 38 (continued)

think I'm crazy!), but that's what it is. A hatch out in the middle of the jungle on a deserted island! Locke was kneeling on top of it and his shirt was covered in blood but I don't think it was his because there was so much -- he'd be dead by now if it were. But he didn't look good. He was on his knees, crying and pounding on it and staring into what looked like a little window. And then a light went on... from inside the window on the hatch! I gasped -- I couldn't help myself -- and I thought that Locke must have heard me, but he didn't even turn his head in my direction. If a light went on from inside this hatch then something or someone must have switched it on! Why haven't they come to help us!! I'm beginning to feel like we're all part of some horrible experiment. People are dying out here! I only know one thing for certain: I'm not going to be one of them...

Day 42

Someone poisoned Michael, which means someone is pretty damn desperate to stop the raft from launching and I think I know who. Is he crazy? That's probably our best chance of rescue at this point. I've been talking with Sawyer, trying like hell to bargain my way on the raft, but that guy is one tough negotiator. I offered everything. Everything. He says he's going to talk to Michael for me, but we all know Sawyer doesn't care about anybody but himself. And my chances don't look good -- there isn't even any room for Walt's dog. I've gotta get the hell out of here...

Day 43

That crazy French lady showed up at our camp tonight. She's really off her rocker! She said that her ship ran aground on the island 16 years ago. She was pregnant and everyone with her got sick and died, so she had to deliver the baby on her own! One night she spotted black smoke on the horizon -- then some people came and took her baby. And now she says those same people are coming for us.

Day 43 (continued)

Personally, I wouldn't have listened to word out of her mouth, had I not seen the dark smoke myself (or that hatch). Now everyone is starting to panic. IF her story is true, then who the hell are these other people? And why are we running? If they pose some sort of threat, there are enough of us to face off with them. And if not, maybe they can tell us something about this place. Maybe even how to get out of here... Jack, Kate, Locke and Hurley are going out into the jungle. They say they have some kind of plan -- they're going to get "supplies". In the meantime, we're supposed to get the raft up and running again -- it fell off the launch rails earlier and the rudder broke. Charlie is collecting messages to put in a bottle that the raft group will take with them. I wish I could shove this whole journal in there, but I just ripped out a page with my name, city and state on it - just in case: Janelle Granger Hermosa Beach, CA

Day 43

The raft finally set off. It was weird - emotional on so many levels. I wanted go be on it so badly, but at the same time I was scared to death of it. And now I'm afraid for them - afraid they'll fail... Everyone else is moving to the caves, in preparation for some sort of attack, but I'm gonna wait right here for these other people. Or the rescue boat -- whichever comes first. I'm through running. A few other people are going to stay here too. And of course there's Larry -- I can't seem to get rid of that guy! Something goes wrong, I've got my dive bag by my side. And I'm ready to use what's inside.

Night 43

Okay - I'm starting to wish that I went to the caves with everyone else. Apparently Rousseau took Claries baby. I knew it. There are no other people coming for us! She's just a complete nutter. Charlie and Sayid went after her. But what the hell is out there? The black smoke has turned to an orange glow. Must be pretty big group of people -

Night 43 (cont.)

maybe the same people that are in that hatch? Or maybe another group of survivors from our plane??? There are only a few of us here on the beach, huddled around this puny fire. Larry is sound asleep, snoring - better that than bugging me all night. I'm feeling really alone - a little frightened I guess. The three other people with us are friends, but I never really met them before today. Two guys and another woman - all from Australia. What was that! A bright fiery flash - then a loud bang. The ground is shaking -- like an earthquake rumbling. And the wind is howling - enough that our fire went out. And now I can't really see. Why is she screaming? Someone behind me? I can't find my bag

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 09-22-05 at 12:59 PM
Looks like they got rid of the diary for season 2

Handcrafted by RollDdice 2005

"RE: The Diary"
Posted by BLefeb1781 on 09-24-05 at 02:30 PM
The diary is now located under "Found" on the ABC page and there is a new person writing in it. What happened to the Janelle?? Something tells me that the "others" will be attacking the caves on Wednesday.


Posted by miamicatt on 09-28-05 at 05:22 PM
Most recent entry:

Found this journal down at the beach. It was half-buried in the sand and I thought that someone would probably want it back, but I can't figure out who it belongs to. After reading it, I must say, I'm intrigued -- who the hell is this person? What exactly happened to her in Louisiana? It makes me uncomfortable knowing that I am forced to share this island with someone so...unsteady. Still, there's something about her strange blend of confidence and paranoia that I find very interesting.