Questions, Answers, walkthroughs, and discussion about how it relates to the show (maybe some hints or speculations).Who's tried to play this besides me?
Screens I've gotten:
Beach with wreckage,
more beach.Inventory:
Medicine, Transceiver, Wires, Metal, Handcuffs.took me awhile to figure out how to get to the different screens (there's an area on each that you can click).
And that red flashing dot? just takes us to the main site.Hmn..
smells like "viridian room" to me.
p.s. I thought it was weird that there was a wheelchair in the game, but not after last night.
I was playing with that thing too LOL cept the kids kept coming in and asking what I was doing and trying to "help" me. I'm sure you can figure out how well THAT went =)
The message boards over there are pretty interesting too...they've come up with a bunch of really cool thoughts on what's happened/happening.I'm having WAY too much fun with this show btw...don't know if anyone else is having the same obsessive problem with it that I am, this one's gotten under my skin tho, not that I mind really *grin*
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
Rules: who knows? But here's what I've gathered from the ABC forum and playing:
1. Seems to be, that you can only go so far each week. Either we learn more of what to do (from the ep), or they allow us to do more each week.
2. you can save to file or favorites (to save your inventory and/or progress so far).
3. Supposedly, you can right click and select "play".I will check these out and get back to y'all.
There's also a boar hunt now.Have you figured out how to pick up any of the objects that move? Not the inventory (I have what you've listed), but such things as birds flying, coconuts falling, bottles hidden in grass etc? I'm thinking they might be there for some future use, you can find them right now, but can't save them until some later episode that they come to play in is aired? But since we've seen the wheelchair in last week's episode, you'd think it could be used/saved already?
LAST EDITED ON 10-19-04 AT 05:37 PM (EST)Hello wonderful (tee hee),
No, I haven't. Don't think that its possible yet.
This is my take on that (and I have read a bunch on the ABC msgbds): I believe that those are put there as clues to what the next (or future) episodes will be about. (I discuss that more below). I have just found this last week, but it seems that they are adding a page every week (like Boar Hunt is new this week), so I believe that things will open up as the season progresses, which is kind of fun to follow, or frustrating if you had hopes of getting far in the game. I just wish that they would post some rules to the game, (of what to expect and that you can only go so far), if that is indeed the case.
I am considering doing a walkthrough and posting it here. Whatdya thinK?
So, concerning the above, here is an example:
**POssible spoiler**
(below - be warned,
don't read if you don't want to know)
Now, this is no big deal or big spoiler, it has been advertised in the "next ep" and in other discussions, but this week's episode deals with the castaways and water, somehow. Also, maybe we will be able to use or take the water bottle after the episode. ?? i don't know yet, just a guess.
>I am considering doing a walkthrough
>and posting it here. Whatdya
>I'm game. Make a thread just for the game and update it weekly.
One stupid thing I did and can't seem to undo.... I dragged the metal to a tree thinking I could chop it down to reach the coconuts (store some food items in inventory?). Then I attached the wire to the metal, hoping to be able to swing up there to grab them. The metal and wire are now stuck in the tree with no hope of getting them down. So, it's either a flaw in the game, or I accidentally did something that's going to prove right eventually. Unless there's a way to remove the items, they're stuck in the tree for a while. I might just have to delete some cookies in the browser and start over again in case the items are needed somewhere else instead.
I did the same thing, and so did others.
So, it Must be what we are supposed to do.Besides, even if you Could undo, you can't really get any further.
I didn't move the stuff off the inventory area, but I did stack them on top of each other...but was able to undo what I did *sheepish grin*My problem is now I forget how to navigate thru the screens LOL I can get the first beach, the plane and the jungle...then I just keep looping back thru all them.
What am I doing wrong this time??? Haven't seen the boar hunt yet but I did get to a second beach the other day *and now I can't get back hehehe*~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
to exit the 2nd beach (the one with a little metal on the ground and not much else - p.s. make sure you get the wires from one of the containers):far left side of screen, halfway up - your pointer will turn into a hand, click it and it will take you back to another screen (can't remember which), but if you click on the green mountain, and you will get to the "loading boar hunt" - but I have yet to see a boar.
I can't seem to get to the second beach anymore *pout whine!*
not sure why, already got the wires and metal...
also remember seeing a water bottle, but don't remember where!!HELP!!! hehehehe
tanks in advance!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
I did the same but I was actually looking for an option to get rid of the inventory since it was getting full. Also it seemed to have opend the farther path...
You've probalby already figured this out, but:Drag metal to tree. Then drag wire to it. Then drag transponder to it. They all connect. It will open a door to the mountain.
Also, here, you san set off the firecracker that you find in the mountain area and from the beach area click on the flag to access a pasture type place.
Finally found my way back around the different pics hehehe
I blame it on being blonde!!still can't pick up the water yet tho
Do I have all the scenes now?
Dark Beach
Forest with the hand cuffs
Plane with the radio
Light Beach with the wire and metal
New Forest/Boar hunt with the water?I am SO confused! =)
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
*Snoopy Dance O Joy!*
I finally found the cave! woot....
now I'm OK till next week when I'm lostededed again =)~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
Okay, now that I have the metal and wires attached to the tree and another episode has aired, I can get to a cave area. I have found an axe in one of the boxes.
Gothmog, thou art a choodessny chellovek and a dobby droog!
Yes, same here.And that's about it.
I guess they are saying that an "axe" will be key next episode.
ditto.I've been trying to stick the axe into everything, but it doesn't work.
I'm guessing it has something to do with the crate on the cave screen.
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
Your WSC3 SR Winner
Now I can't remember if I saw it already...
back in the pic with the front of the plane in it, near where the bird lands, there's now something that looks like a chrysalis maybe? You can click on it but nothing happens yet *OK it's 7:30 am and they may not have enabled it yet tho*Or did I totally miss something again?
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
I just noticed that today too, except I thought it might be some sort of canvas knapsack or cloth.Anybody found the gold watch yet? I sure hope there's more new things/places than just that for this week, it's quite a disappointment finding just the watch.
I can open a secret cave (off to the left) that I couldn't before, but I can't enter.
Gothmog, thou art a choodessny chellovek and a dobby droog!
I found the watch. I alos noticed the "thing" in the tree on the fuseloge screen, but I couldn't get anything to happen.The "new" cave doesn't work for me either.
there is a crate on the cave screen if you click on the boulders to the right of the screen, but nothing happens with it either.
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
I do not see the watch. Where did you find the watch?
Without making it too easy for you, here's a hint. Use a tool you've already got and whack a few things lying around in one of the earlier scenes.
I didn't have to whack anything to get the watch. I just clicked on it. It still shows up on that same screen even though it is in my inventory, too.I'm wondering if the game, or my computer, is screwing up.
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
If you have the watch, you should be able to go to the cave area (where you got the axe), put the cursor over the left area where a bunch of vines hang down, and the new cave should open for you. I had to use the axe on something to get the watch.
Gothmog, thou art a choodessny chellovek and a dobby droog!
The new cave opens- but nothing else happens. Maybe that's it for this week.
(I'm OK with this game moving so slowly in the beginning, but it needs to pick up speed before everyone gets bored with it.)
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
I am OK with it moving slowly too, but some instructions or some kind of direction from ABC would be nice.
Right, so you can see the entrance to another part of the cave through the vine. But you can't enter can you? I can't.I have the watch, the ax, the medicine, the handcuffs, and the transmitter. I use to have the metal and wires, but I used them to hear that message in French. Just wanted to make sure I'm caught up.
You are pretty much caught up.
I have clicked on anything and everything in all the scenes, and never got the watch to appear until I thought I'd use the axe on a few things. Maybe it's a sign .... the game materializes our thoughts just like the island does in the show!!! FreakyLOL
Thanks. I was going crazy trying everything I could think of. Missed that screen for some reason.
Found a map for the game on the abc site!
don't look at it if you don't want the spoilers! It's a full pic by pic description of what's where and how to get to each item and map page.
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
The link is not working any ideas?
Also, I have been unable to get anywhere other than the beach, jungle, fuseloge.
Has anyone found anything new today (11/04/2004)?
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
The caccoon thing looks more like a caccoon now but nothing new seems to be happening.
No update yet would be my guess~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
I noticed that it looks bigger now.
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
The only new thing I found was at the Beach and Wreckage area where you get the Medicine. If you click the Nap Sack that you got the medicine from you get a extra space for Items in the INventory screen.
Hello Orion!Welcome to the boards.
I haven't found anything either. I tried what you posted and it worked.
I keep thinking we are all missing some BIG obvious clue.
Where are the real gamers?
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
yeah, not much new.I've gotten frustrated and just figure that I should check back every 3 weeks - so I can actually find new stuff all at once. Or just wait til the season ends, and then play it.
got onto the next screen and got a bottle rocket =)
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-04 AT 00:58 AM (EST)Now just go back to the Beach Crash Site and click the Medicine pouch and the Medicine will now be off to the side. Other than that there's nothing to do yet ^ ^
Yes there is silly! =)
in the cave sceen you can get past the boxes on the right side now and into another forest sceen~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
LAST EDITED ON 11-10-04 AT 04:22 PM (EST)I know that.. I meant that after you go there and get the Rocket go back and get another extra space added to the inventory ^ ^
Anybody had any luck other than the bottlerocket and the "new" jungle screen?
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
What about the cave screen.... The cave use to open up for me, but I couldn't enter. Now the vines don't move covering it all up! I started new game, and now I can't get the watch, it just doesn't appear like it did before.TenPin
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intellegent, but the most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin
You have to use your ax on the piece of metal to regain the watchThe cave it seems is closed off to us after the Jungle was provided for us.. hehe
whew... I thought it was something I messed up.The vines don't open now.
It's midnight EST, three hours after the show ended, and I can't find anything changed.
Took em almost a week to update the game last time. I hope they don't pull that again this week~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
You guys have opened the suitcase and found the "Watership Down" book, right?
I've been Sliced!
"Shrinks are just friends that you pay for." - Tech
I've got it- It just does like the mug shot of Kate, though. I keep thinking we should be able to do something with them, but I can't make anything happen.Sometimes I wonder if the game is working right or if I've missed some big important obvious clue.
Bovinated BR549- An Original Draco Masterpiece
There's now an entrance into another part of the jungle. Here you can pick up another item to add to inventory: eucalyptus leaves. There also seems to be a rope hanging from a tree in the previous jungle scene, but nothing happens when I click it. Must be like the mug shot, book, and bottle of water.Can't wait for more updates to the game!
There's a flag on the second beach scene now too =)
Looks like they're gonna play golf hehehe~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Karma doesn't come back on people because some universal controller-god pushes buttons. It comes back on people because they dig holes for themselves to fall into.
LAST EDITED ON 11-18-04 AT 05:11 PM (EST)OK I am an idiot. I have all the inventory, but no matter what I do I cannot get the watch. I put the axe over the wreckage like your suppose to do, but the inventory box is covering it when i do that and when i try to click on the place where the watch is it never uncovers it. PLEASE tell me what I am doing wrong. I am sure it's something very simple but I just can't figure it out! HELP!
You need to move the ax over the right side of the wreckage on the beach.
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
Hi there where did you find the next screen and a bottle rocket
For those still playing...There's a golf flag on the beach that leads to the golf course.
Nott much to do there, unfortunately.The first jungle screen (Watership Down) now has a snare trap.
There's a second jungle screen where you can collect eucalyptus.
Connect the transciever to the bottom of the wires stuck to the tree,
and you can fire the bottle rocket.The second cave entrance used to open, now it does not.
And I really want to chop open that crate!
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
just got to golf course is there an update yet? doesnt seem like much is happening. I still have medicine, handcuffs, euchalyptis, watch and an axe.
Waiting for the update this week I was wandering around and suddenly found the tranceiver in my inventory again.I this happening to anybody else?
and have they not updated yet or do I just need to look harder?
I checked at about 2 a.m. Thursday 12/2, and they had not updated.The radio is wacky, because it won't leave the inventory.
And it is annoying having to launch the damn rocket every time.I love the show, but my patience is running out with this web game...
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
How do i get to the old game?
Well, there are a few things that have been updated. However, the flare rocket and transceiver continue to show back up in one's inventory. First, when you are out on the golf course, you can add a bottle of liquid sedative. Secondly, there is a path that leads back to the caves now.Speaking of the caves, you can get inside the hidden area or "cubby" now. Unfortunately, I can't find anything to do there at this point. Finally, there is a noose of some sort hidden in the second jungle scene.
A lovely creation by the lovely Syren
Hmm, I found the noose but I can't seem to get to the gold course.
You need to set off the rocket again... and each time you visit... in order to get to the golf course.This "game" is boring the carp outta me.
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
I just picked up the game agian after being off for about a month. can someone run it down from the begining?
One fan has posted and online guide here.Good luck! Tell us if you discover anything new. Personally, I don't think they're going to update until the new episodes begin in February.
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
Thanks found that after I posted. Any updates since then?
So what is the point of the game anyway? Is it just a way to mimic the show? It would be really cool if things could be found/done before the eposide airs and serve as a little tease to the upcomming episode.Oh well, we can dream can't we.
"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intellegent, but the most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin
Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be a point. It's boring.They have not updated in weeks. They probably will update again after Wednesday's new episode.
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
Has there been any updates on the game?
Not that I can find
i only have the transceiver medicine and hand cuffs and i dont no how to get to any other places besides the beach with wreckage, forest and fuseloge
PLZ help
LAST EDITED ON 01-31-05 AT 00:27 AM (EST)welcome to the boards!
Try this site for help...
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
Just thought I'd check on the game to see if there have been any update... not yet. On the ABC web site they have this brief messageThanks for your patience while we work on the next installment of the Lost game!
Who knows if it will even be back at all.
Thanks for checking.I gave up on that game a long time ago.
I guess they did too!!
These reality show contestants need a reality check!
THERE IS NEW STUFF! I was trying not to give up on it, and they came thru with some new stuff....So, I think it left off where you go into "The Cubby" and you can open a suitcase there and NOW you will find a toy plane in on it and it will be added to your inventory list.
Then you have to go back to the "Boar Hunt" scene, and there will be a hatch thing and then a piece of paper next to it with the "special numbers" written on it: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42.
So then you have to run your mouse over behind the tree with the transiver and arrow and everything stuck into it, and you will find an opening into the french lady's place, where Sayid was taken when he was captured by her.
SO you go in there and there is a box sitting on a table and you click on it and it gives you six spaces with 00's on it, and you have to click the mouse over each 0 and it brings up numbers...and you have to put in the "special numbers" in the order on the paper and then you just click out of it when you are done, and that automatically gives you a battery in your inventory area.
So, when you are done with the box, you move your mouse over to the ladder and it opens into the "Jungle" scene, and when you go there this time, the cradle that Locke made Claire is sitting there just rocking...and thats as far as it goes I believe.
I havent tried anything else but maybe some other people can figure some new stuff out....yeah?
does anyone know what to do with the battery. idea what to do with the battery. What about the other inventory stuff?
Haven't figured it out yet. I'll post if I do.
the sedatives appear again in the golf area, so I'm thinking we need to use that next
In what episode did they use a battery if any? I don't remember.
Not sure it means anything... If you click on an inventory item, drag to the left (screen right) ajacent item as if trying to stack it, it wouldn't spring back and you can move this item around the whole game screen. If you do the same with an item on the right (screen left), it jumps back.
Also the bottlerocket and the transceiver do not reappear in my game.
I'm pretty sure that once you get the crib that's the last item for this installment. We have to wait for the next one.
just wondering if anyone else noticed the vines in the scene where the bird is that the four vines that are moving are two identical pairs. And I also noticed when you get a hand curser and nothing happens it usually means you can use an item. I don't mean in the places where leaves or bushes move or after you have done something but when nothing happens.
LAST EDITED ON 04-11-05 AT 01:20 AM (EST)YAY I found something...a GOLD WATCH....I dont think its a new item but if anyone doesnt have it and wants to know how to get it I can tell ya.
Also, everytime I return to the game, I always get the rocket back in my inventory and I have to set it off again to get to the golf course. Yet, whenever I go back, everything is still up to date from where I left it last time, like the cradle is still there. So, I dunno...I would like to get rid of some of my inventory though cause theres getting to be a lot of stuff! SO far I have:
Toy Plane
Gold WatchAnyone know what to do with these items if anything?
where is the watch? i found it the first time i played, but can't remember where since i started a new game...
in the crib scene (once you've been through Follow The Trail aka French Lady's Lair) if you click in the middle of the trees towards the right you go to a new beach scene with suitcases stacked up, a reel of copper wire and a bottle of wine.I can't figure out what to do with them though
OK. I figured out how to leave the island. Follow the Trail to the French Lady's Lair. Do the thing with the numbers. Then go back to the jungle crib scene, and click just to the right of the middle of the screen in the trees.That takes you to a new beach with suitcases, called Sawyer's Stash. Put the toyplane on the suitcase, then add the coil of wire to inventory. Then click the upper left area of sand.
That takes you to the raft. Put the coil of wire on the raft. Wait and watch the raft set sail.
And that's the end.
Numbers hurley gets it from the french lady for the "transmitter" sayid is "going" to build.
It is currently possible to "win" the game ... i.e., set sail from the island![]()
WHAT A RIP OFF. I can't believe thats it. What was all the other inventory for? do I open Sawyer's suitcases on the beach?? Thanks!
you don't -- at least in this iteration. read above for what to do at "Sawyer's Stash"
Well, maybe the other inventory things were just bogus, like stuff to throw us off course or something...I dunno! But thats a lot of extra stuff!
Well, that was incredibly dissappointing! I thought something exciting and dramatic was gonna happen...I guess not. Anyways, it was nice while it lasted.
My only hope is that the PC , Xbox or PS2 version is way better than what ABc pulled out.
What a rip off of an ending. I guess they were way over budget!
I found the plane, and used the code on the lock box to get a battery but am unsure how how this relates to the baby bed next to the rabbit book.
Any ideas?
A real uneventful ending to the game! Just you pushing the raft into the water and a black screen saying "Readt to get lost again?"
All you need to do is put the plane on the suite case and pick up the spool of wire.
Let me know if you want more info.
I'm hoping that they update it to include use of the other inventory items; remember, just because you're on the raft doesn't mean you're off the island for good. Perhaps the only "real" way off the island is with the sedatives & wine![]()
Hey i need help beatin the game... i dont get how it works? i cant use the dynomite...
How did you get to the more beach?
Can someone help me on getting off the feusilage set? I have no clue what to do...
Welcome to the board!At the fuselage screen, you can observe the moth cocoon, look at Kate's mug shot, and collect the transmitter by clicking on the cockpit door.
To leave, click near the left edge of the picture, just above the area that peels away to reveal a dark pit.
Good luck!
Anything new about this? It just seems to me like that can't be it. What's the point of having a coil, tranceiver, and battery if we can't make a...satellite? Is that what they built? Please, someone smarter than me (ha! like that's a challenge!) figure this out!!!
I haven't been to the site in awhile, but I think those three things make something (possibly a satellite) in one of the screens. I can't be much help, as it has been awhile, but I do know that they're there for something.
Handcrafted by RollDdice ignore this space. ignore, ignore, ignore this spaceIcecat is da bomb!
4 8 15 16 23 42
Well, I thought there'd be more to it than this. Maybe later? Thanks for all the help getting through though!
Is the game not there anymore? I was reading about it and thought "hey, this sounds really cool", but I clicked the link to it and it took me the list of games on abc for lost, and there was one similar to this game, but it was still totally different...
>Is the game not there anymore?
> I was reading about
>it and thought "hey, this
>sounds really cool", but I
>clicked the link to it
>and it took me the
>list of games on abc
>for lost, and there was
>one similar to this game,
>but it was still totally
Kay....I've been so puzzled by the same thing. I just heard about the game (Mission Survival) a few weeks ago and it's NOTHING like the one being discussed here. So, I don't know if two entirely distinct ones or if the M.S. game has changed that much. I wish someone would answer this for us, lol (please, please); thanks in advance if anyone would respond.
I agree! I've played the game currently up; all I have to do is kill the boar w/ the knife and it says I beat the game???Is that all there is to it? Is this even the same game?
it is a different game. the old game was similar, but this game is easier and you can get through it quicker. i'm not sure if killing the boar is all there is to the current game, but i can tell you that it is not the same game being discussed here.
On the new lost game has anyone figured out how to use the items re: dynomite + matches, map and compass, etc.. I figured out the water cooler and bottle. I have found numerous items but they do not show a significant value. Any help on different levels would be appreciated.
I'm pretty sure the game doesn't really have a point to seems to me like the whole premise of it is nothing more than a simple interactive thing...doesn't appear as though there's actually a true objective.