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"I *heart* Hurley"

Posted by moonbaby on 02-11-05 at 08:37 PM
He's just a likeable guy. Bring on his episode!

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: I *heart* Hurley"
Posted by TenPin on 02-14-05 at 02:54 PM
I am very excited to see the upcoming Hurly episode too. It should be pretty cool. I saw this interesting pic on CrewPix.com.

It is of Hurley crossing a rope bridge… this must be part of his trek to find Danielle (the French woman). It is interesting because who built the bridge?

I don’t know if these are from the same episode, but there is also pictures of a different plane that crashed on the island. The caption mentions that Boone comes across this crash site and finds drugs in the plane.

And finally there is this picture titled “losthatch”.

Well, well, well… the plot thickens (add evil, maniacal laughter)


"This pic?"
Posted by volsfan on 02-14-05 at 03:45 PM

cracks me up! I have been around photo shots and things like that when we use things to set the scene but the trees in those planters look funny to me. HEHEHEHEHEHEHE!

" I *heart* Hurley"
Posted by Drive My Car on 02-14-05 at 05:00 PM
Me too!

"RE: I *heart* Hurley"
Posted by dabo on 02-15-05 at 00:38 AM
Kirstin Spoilers


Invisible text follows, don't scroll if you don't want to know:

From boyee: I read your column about someone dying on Lost, and I nearly had a heart attack. Pleeease, I beg of you: Tell me it's not Dominic Monaghan.

It's not. But I can tell you that this person is well-loved, well-featured and, well, doomed. It is one of the 14 series regulars--one of the biggest characters--and the episode is guaranteed to make you bawl your ever-lovin' eyes out.

From tarheelteacher: Male or female who dies on Lost?

Consensus. Should I answer this? Or is it telling too much? Let's vote. Who wants to know?

From lobsters: I want to know! Spill! (Sorry, pregnant-lady hormones got the best of me!)

Okay, then, out of love and respect for lobsters and her beloved unborn child, I will tell you this: (Do not read if you don't want to know.) It's a boy!

From colin_rip: Wait...a boy? Or a man?

I was just being funny. Don't read too much into that, peeps.

From annsensei: Didn't you already tell us a long time ago that it was a boy?

Yes, I did say that before--that was a spoiler a couple of months ago referencing Ethan about someone we know and love killing another cast member. But now I'm talking about the biggie--the one that hasn't happened yet.

From freakyme: I know you can't tell us exactly who dies--frankly, I don't want to know--but can you tell us how?

Do not read if you don't want to know: Basically, something catastrophic happens, and because someone lies about what happened, the victim ultimately can't be saved.

From brini: Is the medication/schizophrenia thing still going to happen on Lost?

I'm told now that writer-producers decided not to do that storyline. But the original plan, from what I understand, was to have Boone be psychotic and on meds which were running out. But like I said, from what I understand now, that's not gonna happen.

From waterdancer1: What's the dealio with Lost? Are Shannon and Sayid going to go a bit further?

On our local ABC 7 here, they did a whole "Secrets of Lost" shebang, and Naveen Andrews said this when asked about that: "Oh, it's definitely going to happen. I can guarantee you that. I mean, one of the things about this show is that we do push the envelope." Other highlights from castmembers: Ian Somerhalder said, "Something's coming up for my character, and it's definitely going to change the experience of the island, gonna change what we know of the island, and what we think of it, and that's huge." Matthew Fox said, "Jorge's episode will have a sequence of numbers in it that will be very, very significant." Jorge Garcia said, "Look at TV within TV. Wink, nod, that's all you get." Harold Perrineau Jr. said, "I think you should pay really close attention to what Walt does, and the things that happen around Walt."

From jen31cw2: What do you think of the Lost season finale spoiler? I know producers said it was false but close. Any insight?

I think the whole thing is a joke. Here's what I've heard of the finale: We'll go back to the very beginning, when they all boarded the plane. Also...Ha! Love it! Just got a call from a source who wanted to spread this word to you: There's buzz over at camp Lost that there's going to be an episode from the perspective of the dog, Vincent! And it's actually very relevant, because we see what happened in the cargo hold.

From mhs82: So, do we (1) see Claire pop the baby before season's end on Lost, and (2) find out who Ethan was and if there are more like him?

(1) Yes, and let's just say that episode is all about the circle of life, and (2) I do not know.


"RE: I *heart* Hurley"
Posted by realtyamazed on 02-15-05 at 01:01 AM
Thanks for the pics guys!!

Posted by mrc on 02-15-05 at 08:23 AM
So, it sounds like Claire, Shannon, Sayid, and Charlie are not the "big" death. Jack seems pretty safe as well. I'm thinking Walt or Michael look like pretty good bets.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
Brothas are given token spots in reality TV and now one of them won't make it on the island?! Tsk, tsk!

"RE: I *heart* Hurley"
Posted by jkokoj on 02-15-05 at 10:42 AM
Thanks for those pics! The spoilers are interesting too. It is amazing how many people have some of these theories already out there. There have been some peeps here who have stated that Vincent/dog is very important. Also, we have all talked about Walt's importance to the island.

The death....hmmm...I really think it is going to be Hurley. Everyone loves Hurley. He is the big loveable guy that is trying to help and keep everyone happy and light hearted. I don't see that with Michael or Walt.

Posted by moonbaby on 02-15-05 at 12:12 PM
I agree, everyone loves Hurley. I hope it isn't so

"RE: wah!"
Posted by dabo on 02-15-05 at 12:18 PM
Big to me would seem to indicate a main character, and I think Hurley has been a secondary character thus far.

I'm pretty certain Walt is safe, especially if he's the Anthony Freemont of the series.