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Forum: DCForumID77
Thread Number: 109
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"Behind the Music?"

Posted by bacon on 02-11-05 at 10:15 AM
I hope we don't have to see a Charlie-centered episode for a long time. It's almost like they've turned his life into a "Behind the Music" special. For a show that seems to shun obvious storylines, Charlie's past life seems to be nothing but one big cliche. The only thing missing is to have the rest of his band crashland on the island so they can have a reunion.

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Messages in this discussion
"the good news"
Posted by shakes the clown on 02-11-05 at 12:22 PM
Hey Bacon, I don't think you have to worry about it anymore, it seems to me like Charlie's backstory is finished. In fact, so far, his is the only story that has been fleshed out in its entirety. So, I would expect the rest of the episodes to focus on all the other characters and answer the rest of the backstory mysteries that haven't been resolved.

As for Charlie, now that his story is done we finally understand why he feels the need to protect Claire so much.

So don't take the simple fact that I think Shakes is godlike to mean that I think he isn't an ass. -Samiam 10/12/04

"RE: the good news"
Posted by mrc on 02-11-05 at 02:14 PM
If he weren't a hobbit and if there weren't rumors that he cannot be the one dying, I would suggest that the completion of Charlie's back story was his death knell.

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"Plenty more..."
Posted by J I M B O on 02-11-05 at 04:57 PM
I dunno, we still don't know when he chose to grow a beard...or why he never got braces as a child. And that thing he stole? I'd love to see a half dozen flashbacks on where he sold it and how much it got him. Or even some backstory on Churchill's actual use of it.

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