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"Little tribute to "The Office"?"

Posted by Canada Girl on 02-10-05 at 01:31 AM
Anyone else have a little laugh when hearing that someone was going to Slough to buy a paper supply company?

Had to be a little hats off to the show The Office (about a paper supply company in Slough that gets bought out...). Wonder if JJ Abrams was a fan.

Disco ball in the oven

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"RE: Little tribute to "The Office"?"
Posted by geg6 on 02-10-05 at 09:22 AM
Yeah, I caught that, too. I giggled. It must be Abrams or maybe Dominic Monaghan. It was, after all, part of Charlie's story. Maybe it's something he suggested.

"Definitely on purpose"
Posted by shakes the clown on 02-10-05 at 12:11 PM
>Anyone else have a little laugh
>when hearing that someone was
>going to Slough to buy
>a paper supply company?

...I was gonna post about this today but you beat me to it.

Wonder if
>JJ Abrams was a fan.

...Abrams is definitely a fan. Remember, he had Ricky Gervaise (the star of Office) as a guest star on Alias a couple years ago. I watched that ep on DVD and as part of the special featurs there is a joint interview with Abrams and Gervaise that is really funny.

"RE: Definitely on purpose"
Posted by Canada Girl on 02-11-05 at 01:16 AM
I'm currently RUNNING through the Alias seasons on DVD. Always wanted to watch it, and finally started, of course, immediatly addicted.

Just checked the DVD, the episode with Gervaise is the next one I watch, woohoo!

Disco ball in the oven

"regarding Alias"
Posted by shakes the clown on 02-11-05 at 12:18 PM
>I'm currently RUNNING through the Alias
>seasons on DVD. Always wanted
>to watch it, and finally
>started, of course, immediatly addicted.
>Just checked the DVD, the episode
>with Gervaise is the next
>one I watch, woohoo!

...you'll be very suprised by his performance. It is nothing like his character on The Office, in fact, its almost the exact opposite.

As for Alias, I too went through all the DVDs recently since I never saw it before. Here is the good news...the first two seasons are great. Here is the bad news...the third season is kind of blah and the current season is downright horrible so far. This week's episode might have been the worst I've ever seen.

"RE: regarding Alias"
Posted by Canada Girl on 02-12-05 at 03:36 AM
Damn, stupid JJ spliting up his attention! Focus man (but don't take away Lost. Or Alias.)

Loved Gervaise, watched that one this evening. He's very good. Looking forward to seeing him in Mission Impossible 3 next!

Disco ball in the oven

"RE: Little tribute to "The Office"?"
Posted by teddysgirl on 02-10-05 at 07:50 PM
Absolutely! My other favorite TV show EVER!