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"2/9 - Spoilers/pics"

Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-09-05 at 02:18 PM
A bunch of articles as well as screen caps from the Homecoming teaser and promo pics from Numbers...


First, the caps...

Teaser caps from Homecoming...

(blown up - who are those three people in the background - they appear to be random extras)


And now from Numbers...


Now Kristin's 2/8 chat transcript...

From larrypigtails: Lost! Why do we have to wait so long for new episodes?
See? This is why the new Alias and 24 skeds sorta kick #####, no? Yes, we have to wait, but there is plenty coming up to make it worth it. Claire returns, but that doesn't mean a romantic relationship surfaces between her and Charlie any time soon. There's also sparkage elsewhere on the island (Kate and Sawyer), and we'll learn about another lady in Charlie's life.

From dreahere: Kate and Sawyer? Do tell.
Mmmm-hmmm. They grow closer as we learn that Sawyer and Jack have more in common than you think. As Maggie Grace told me, "You'll see more of the connections between the characters and their pasts, and where our lives intersected before the plane crash." And it is a good twist. Let's just say Sawyer may have something to do with Jack's reason for trekking to Australia.

From elizaldet: Does Hurley win the lottery on Lost?
Baby, you've got his ticket, which, inevitably, is anything but lucky, FYI.

From aver: I don't want Daniel Dae Kim to die on Lost! He's a hunk we can't afford to lose.
Here, here. And though members of the cast were guessing it might be him, the real deal is that no one knows yet. JJ told me so himself. So, hang tight.

From tarheelteacher: From looking at the promo pictures for the next four episodes of Lost, I know none of the main 14 die this week, so whose body they are carrying?
It is someone we have seen before!


And an article from Sci-Fi Wire

The writers of “Lost” have been planning ahead, charting the course of the second season and even what lies beyond.

"We definitely have big ideas about what we want to do down the line, past just the second season, and a lot of ideas for the second season already," creator J.J. Abrams recently said at the ABC Winter Press Tour.

But whether or not those ideas will include definitive answers to the many questions about the mysterious island is anyone’s guess, as Abrams remained tight lipped about some of the finer details.

"There isn't one answer to everything," Abrams said. "It's, like, this island has an amazing history that we've talked about, and things will change as we go, it always does. But you don't have the time or the energy to figure out everything in the first season of a show that if you're lucky, you get five, six, seven, eight years to do. But we have a few really big ideas that we hope we're on long enough to tell."

Like many high profile writers, Abrams maintains that the key to a show's success isn’t a high-running mythology or an excellent story arc, but the characters the show itself revolves around. So instead of becoming overwhelmed with the mythology of the island, the second season will feature more important stories for the central characters, with the greater story of the island taking a little more time.

But Abrams did offer one hint for attentive viewers.

"I don't know if you can see this yet, but every flashback makes reference to something else," he said. "So you'll get a beginning, middle and end of that flashback story, but you'll wonder, 'Wait, what the hell was he there for? That's weird.' And that will help prompt the next flashback. At the end of the day, what I think is cool about it is you'll be able to take the Sawyer (Josh Holloway) flashbacks, all of them, and you could cut them together so you see them as an entire sort of movie of this person's life. See where they started, see what happened to them over time, and make a sort of linear thing.”


And an article from Insidebayarea.com

IN ABOUT 24 hours, we're going to get a fresh dose of "Lost," the hot ABC sci-fi series about the strange adventures of plane crash survivors stranded on a mysterious island. The previews for a new episode — after weeks of reruns — have been deliciously teased by ABC.

Whose body is being carried by three "Lost" regulars in the rolled-up blanket? Could it be Jack, who was in a gun tussle with Ethan?

Were the producers fulfilling their promise that one of the 14 main characters would get killed this season before the May finale?

TV watchers are being separated into two camps: Those who get "Lost" every week, and those who get lost just thinking about it.

"Lost" offers more twists and turns than a Sunday drive down Highway 1. So, to help out those watchers (or would-be watchers) who are seeking some guidance, here's a primer in time for the new episodes that start airing at 8 p.m. Wednesdays on ABC-Channel 7.

At least 46 people survived the horrific plane crash of Oceanic 815 that originated in Australia and ended on a tropical island. Each episode corresponds to one or two days on the island, so at the end of the season, they will have been stuck there for about a month.

Each survivor is linked in some way to the others, and at least three have killed people in their pre-island days.

This isn't "Survivor: Mystery Island," although the concept came from an ABC executive trying to cash in on CBS' hit reality series. The odd happenings on the island have some fans speculating that the survivors are not on an island at all, but are instead stuck in purgatory to atone for their earlier sins. Others think the people are part of a mad scientist's petri dish.

Odd things happen on this island. A marauding polar bear pops up occasionally. And some sort of "monster" lurks in the treetops.

There's also a mysterious man named Ethan Rom, who wasn't on the plane's roster and kidnaps pregnant castaway Claire. When last we saw an original episode three weeks ago, Claire just popped out of the bushes, mussed but unharmed. Is she still pregnant? That question alone has dominated Web site discussions about the series.

In a recent interview with "Lost" producers Bryan Burk, Damon Lindelof and JJ Abrams, the trio said that Claire was still pregnant and promised "the monster" would be revealed before the end of this season. They did give us one clue: It isn't a dinosaur. We also got him to admit that this thing is bigger than a breadbox (much) and lives in the trees.

But other intrigues will remain.

"There is another mystery that will make the monster pale in comparison," Lindelof promises. "We walk a tightrope every day trying to reveal enough so that viewers don't feel like they are getting strung along, and not so much that they lose interest.

"It's like 'Jaws.' It was so much scarier when all you saw was the fin and the tail rather than the actual shark."

In fact, all the producers admit that when they read the message boards on the Web, they are shocked at how close viewers are to discovering the island's mysteries and where the characters are heading.

"Sometimes they are so spot on, we wonder if they have seen the scripts or know someone in the writers' room," Burk says. "Then they stray so far off the mark, we know it's just a coincidence."

We do know a few things, however. We know that actor Greg Grunberg was asked to come back for the season finale. He was the pilot we saw getting ripped out of the cockpit and brutally killed by something we think is the monster.

Or was he killed?

In the recent Boone-centric episode, Boone tells Locke he's going to tell Shannon about a metal hatch they found on the jungle floor. Locke beans him and ties him up. Boone wakes up hearing Shannon scream. Eventually, he discovers "the monster" has killed her. Psych! It was just a dream sequence. Or was it?

At least we know we've seen the shadow of "the monster."

"Actually, we showed the shadow of the so-called monster during the (aforementioned) Boone episode," Burk says. "We were going to reveal it then, but because of the success of the show, we will put it off for a while."


And a brief character synopsis from Insidebayarea.com

Here's a rundown of the 14 main survivors:

- Jack (Matthew Fox) is a doctor who turned in his alcoholic doctor dad after his intoxication resulted in the death of a woman and child. Jack was picking up Dad's remains and taking them back home. After the crash, Jack saw a zombie-like Dad. When Jack finds Dad's casket among the wreckage, it's empty!

- Kate (Evangeline Lilly) is a felon who was being transported back to the United States by a marshal. In a flashback, we see her involved in a bank robbery to retrieve something in the safe. It's a toy airplane with — gasp! — the number 815 on it. In that episode, she reveals that the airplane belonged to the man she loved — and killed.

- Sayid (Naveen Andrews) is a former Iraqi Republican Guard who has tortured people to death in the line of duty. He's being a good guy right now, but he did torture a fellow survivor for the good of the tribe. Contrite, he then wandered into the jungle and was trapped by the mysterious French woman. The woman has a hut with electricity and also may have killed her friends and family, who were all shipwrecked on the island decades ago.

- Michael (Harold Perrineau) and Walt (Malcolm David Kelley) are estranged father and son. When Michael's ex-wife dies in Australia, he's called in by the widower to take Walt, who creeps out his stepdad.

Walt has some serious mojo going. The polar bear seems to be manifested because Walt saw it in his comic book. And we learn that Walt's "different" in a flashback in which he not only gets a rare bird he's reading about to appear, but it crashes and dies in a collision with the living room window.

Do bird killers count in the island murderers total?

- Claire (Emilie de Ravin) is a very pregnant single woman who was given her plane ticket by a psychic predicting dire consequences if her baby was "raised by another." Claire was kidnapped by mysterious Ethan Rom (anagram for "another man" if you double up on two letters). Right before she disappeared, she discovered a bassinet with a plane mobile. Ooohhh....

- Hurley (Jorge Garcia) is the large, friendly man we know too little about. But that's going to change in a future episode in which we discover that he achieved the American dream, only to have things go oh-so-wrong.

- Sawyer (Josh Holloway) is the chameleon who turns out to be nicer than one might suspect. He's in love, or lust, with Kate. When he was a kid, his mom was taken in by a con man who seduced her for her money. When his dad found out, he killed Mom and then himself, leaving Sawyer alone in the world. Again with the killing ... And as a creepy side note, he took the name Sawyer from the con man. What's up with that?

- Jin (Daniel Dae Kim) and Sun (Yunjin Kim) are a married Korean couple. He worked for her ruthless father and Sun, believing he had changed into a bad person, decides to leave him. She learns English without his knowledge, and has kept this little talent secret.

- Charlie (Dominic Monaghan) is the drug addicted has-been musician with the group DriveSHAFT who had a crush on Kate, and later on Claire. Charlie was with Claire when she was kidnapped, and Ethan strung him up for dead. But Jack revived him. Or did he?

- Locke (Terry O'Quinn) is an enigmatic man who has become the spiritual leader of the group. Turns out Locke was a paraplegic before the plane crashed — and now he walks just fine. Did the real Locke die in the crash? Does "the monster," which Locke encountered early on, endow certain people with powers?

- Shannon (Maggie Grace) and Boone (Ian Somerhalder) are siblings, but only by marriage. That's a good thing too, as they had a torrid one-night stand the night before they boarded the plane. Boone's been working with Locke trying to pry open the baffling metal hatch, which they've kept secret.

For those who would rather wait for the DVD of the first season, it should be coming out at the end of August — just in time to catch up before the second season premiere of "Lost."


And The Secrets of Lost (from Australia's TV Week)

TV WEEK gets to the bottom of the hit new show’s biggest mysteries

1. Jack (Matthew Fox) was supposed to die at the end of the first episode. “We thought it was in the spirit of the show to shock people,” says series co-creator JJ Abrams. However, a network executive talked JJ out of killing off Jack, convincing him that people would bond with the hunky doctor.

2. Matthew originally auditioned for the part of Sawyer (Josh Holloway), but JJ had other ideas. “We stopped him right in the middle of his audition and said, ‘Could you read for this other guy, Jack?’ He was obviously right for it.”

3. Yunjin Kim, who plays Sun, originally auditioned for the part of Kate. JJ thought she wasn’t right for the role, but decided to write another part for the actress, and came up with the idea of a couple who didn’t speak English. “I was like, ‘Hey, I don’t even need to read a script!’ ” Yunjin says.

4. Evangeline Lilly was hoping to be cast as an extra, but landed the lead role of Kate. “It totally floored me,” says the Canadian actress, who had not had a major speaking role before then.

5. The part of Hurley was written for Jorge Garcia after JJ saw him on an episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm. “This part has allowed me to do things that I’ve never done before, like run away from a burning plane wing that explodes behind me and dive down into the sand,” Jorge says.

6. The cast don’t know what the monster is either. Maggie Grace, who plays Shannon, says they’ve tried to find out from on-set writers. “We’ll all go out for drinks, wait till the wine kicks in, and go, ‘So, about that monster?’ ”

7. It was no coincidence that Walt (Malcolm David Kelley) was seen reading a comic book with a polar bear in it before a polar bear appeared on the island. “Every prop is absolutely intentional,” says series co-creator Damon Lindelof.

8. The flashbacks aren’t there just to fill in the back story. “The idea that these people – way before they got on this airplane – have interacted with each other either directly or through third parties is one of the cool pieces of tapestry of the show,” Damon says.

9. There are people on the island who didn’t come from the wrecked plane.

10. There will be romance. “I have a feeling that in the short term, it’ll be Sawyer and Kate,” guesses Matthew, “and in the long term, it’ll be Jack and Kate.”

11. Maggie wouldn’t mind seeing Shannon hook up with Charlie (Dominic Monaghan). “His English accent is incredibly sexy,” she raves.

12. The title of Charlie’s band Drive Shaft’s one hit, “You All Everybody”, was inspired by something said by one of the audience members of The Maury Povich Show. The song itself will be heard in a later episode.

13. Tom Cruise’s cousin, William Mapother, will be joining the Lost cast as a character called Ethan.

14. The characters will continue to look good as the series goes on. “The plane had 250 passengers, so there’s enough stuff there to keep themselves groomed,” explains costume designer Kathryn Morrison.

15. Just don’t expect to see them in any new-season fashions. As Kathryn says, “We can’t use a great new Cavalli or Prada outfit that comes out after 2004.”

16. The plane is a surplus Delta Air Lines L1011, which was taken apart and flown in pieces to Hawaii (where the series is shot) at a reported cost of $A330,000.

17. Some locals believe the set is haunted. Scenes have been shot inside an old warehouse which was the site of Hawaii’s worst mass murder, when a man killed seven of his colleagues in 1999.

18. Matthew probably could survive on an island. “I go on eight-day treks in the Wyoming Mountains where I’m literally living off the trout I catch,” he reveals.

19. So could Evangeline. While doing missionary work in the Philippines, she lived in a grass hut.

20. Matthew likes to get naked on the beach at cast parties. He claims that filming in Hawaii is “conducive to skinny-dipping”.


And a little piece of info on Terry O'Quinn from TV Guide:

Get ready for a double dose of the mighty Quinn. Terry O'Quinn, who stars as Lost's spooky philosopher Locke, may be returning to his old Alias stomping grounds. J.J. Abrams, co-creator of both series, is mum on the specific details of how he'll bring Agent Kendall back, but he will say, "We wouldn't have Terry (come in) unless it was worth his time." O'Quinn is all for the guest spot: "J.J.'s certainly been very good to me." We'll say.

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"Epi 20/21 titles"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-09-05 at 03:18 PM
The titles of two upcoming episodes are available (we have learned up to episode 19 - Deus Ex Machina (a Locke episode)

Episode 20 - Do No Harm - supposed to be a Jack episode
Episode 21 - Sides - supposed to be a Sayid episode (YAY)

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"Six week break!"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-09-05 at 03:31 PM
Seems there will be a six-week break between Numbers and Deus Ex Machina (epis 18/19) so that they can have the max amount of new shows during April sweeps. It appears that Deus Ex Machina will first air on April 13th - Numbers is set to air on March 2nd! What on earth will we do for SIX WEEKS?

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"RE: Six week break!"
Posted by volsfan on 02-09-05 at 04:22 PM
I don't care what sweeps it is...I am getting urinated off the way they are airing episodes! This is worse than ER. It's like we get one episode a month! URGH!

"Sayid is HOT!"
Posted by jkokoj on 02-09-05 at 04:02 PM
That is all!
thanks mons!

"DVD News"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 02-09-05 at 04:39 PM
Saw this today

02/09 - The Lost DVD is coming out in early September. Cocreator Damon Lindelof tells that they have an "amazing amount" of extras planned, including "awesome commentaries," deleted scenes between Locke and Hurley, Sawyer and Charlie and Locke and young Walt; footage of the Boeing 747 being cut up in the Mojave Desert and transported via barge to Hawaii; and a look at what went into making the original polar bear sequence. But here's the best part: Lindelof says he and J.J. Abrams are considering making an original mini-movie that "answers one of the questions we've been asked very frequently about the show but have made no attempt to answer so far. It has something to do with why the plane may have crashed." Source: Ask Ausiello @ TVGuide

"RE: 2/9 - Spoilers/pics"
Posted by volsfan on 02-09-05 at 10:34 PM
I was disappointed in tonight's show. I thought we got more questions and yet no answers.

"RE: 2/9 - Spoilers/pics"
Posted by Roo on 02-10-05 at 01:00 PM
Not to mention that the amount of commercials drove me bananas.

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"RE: 2/9 - Spoilers/pics"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 02-10-05 at 01:15 PM
yeah, Charlie shot Ethan- just great! no answers!

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"you guys need to relax"
Posted by shakes the clown on 02-10-05 at 01:33 PM
Personally, I don't mind at all that we haven't been given any answers yet. You have to appreciate the slow build up of the story. I'm more interested in everyone's back story and how they all might be connected than I am in the mysteries of the island itself.

Until we have everyone's back story flushed out I don't see why the producers should give us any big answers. Remember, this is going to be a long running story, not some movie of the week where everything is tied together by the end of the third hour.

We still know nothing about Hurley and we have loose ends with everyone else's backstory. Once those are tied together and we know why they are on the island then I'll be interested in learning about the island itself.

"I know I started this but"
Posted by volsfan on 02-10-05 at 01:37 PM
I think you are right. I have to keep in mind why I like this show so much...the mystery! So, I guess I was complaining when in reality if we had answers the show might not be as interesting for me.

Thanks clown!

"agree with shakes"
Posted by Tiger Lily on 02-10-05 at 03:09 PM
I have to say, I am loving being kept in suspense. The more mysterious it gets, the more I look forward to the next episode. I know others are saying that the lack of answers is making them bored with the show, but that's definitely not true for me.

I think most of us just have too short attention spans.

I blame the media-blamers.

"disappointed for different reasons"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-10-05 at 03:49 PM
I was disappointed because I thought it was too focused on the 'drama' aspect of the whole Claire/Ethan/Charlie thing and not enough of about the questions (answered or unanswered). One thing...we didn't find out why Ethan wanted the baby, did we? According to pretty much every spoiler I'd seen, we were supposed to find out WHY. I don't care that we didn't find out, I just thought we were going to is all.

I like the questions...and I think we got a lot of subtle hints tonight...but I thought the episode as a whole was just trying too hard for the Claire/Ethan crowd.

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"Episode 21: title change"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-21-05 at 10:42 AM
The title of Sayid's next episode (formerly titled 'Sides') has been changed to The Greater Good.

More new spoilers to follow...

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Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-21-05 at 10:57 AM
Opted to contain them in this thread since there are only a few new spoilers...

Episode description of ...In Translation from TV Guide:

There are no polar bears on the prowl tonight. Nor does any other crazed creature -- human or otherwise -- emerge from the jungle. The episode is purely and simply about the survivors seething emotions: their wraths, dreads, suspicions and recriminations...

The plot centers on the mysterious burning of Michael's (Harold Perrineau) raft, a catastrophe he blames on Jin (Daniel Dae Kim), an enemy from Day 1. Jin's subsequent interrogation is framed by more on his backstory: revelations of a troubled relationship with his wife, Sun, and her despotic father.


Also from TV Guide...an excerpt from 'Ask Ausiello':

Question: Is the talented but underused Daniel Dae Kim ever going to get his own Lost episode? — Ray

Ausiello: Not only is he going to get one, but it airs next Wednesday. And I hear we're going to be seeing a lot more of him in the future.

Seems to me he isn't dying any time soon


Then we've got this FANTASTIC tidbit from Spoilerfix:

02/17 - A jungle trek obsesses Hurley, seeking the elusive Rousseau and the secret to numbers on her map matching his winning lottery picks that made him a multimillionaire (which he doesn't reveal to fellow survivors) and cursed him with family tragedies.

So Hurley's winning numbers are both linked to Danielle's map AND the hatch (from a previous spoiler). My speculation is that Danielle's map numbers weren't latitude coordinates (as Sayid assumed) but some sort of combination to open the hatch (which has no apparent entrance from the outside, as we've seen). That Hurley's numbers are the numbers seems to be VERY close to getting into why each person was on that plane and subsequently ended up on the island. We know it's not by chance (spoilers from eons ago), so perhaps Hurley's winning numbers set this whole thing in motion...or he was just one small part of the 'grand design'.

Verrrrrry interesting...

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Posted by moonbaby on 02-21-05 at 11:57 AM
Great info, PM. Maybe Hurley is the one who finds a way into the hatch.

Posted by jkokoj on 02-21-05 at 12:13 PM
Thanks mons...those really add up to loads of Hurley for us in the future. I am still wondering if he is going to be the one who bites it though. It is very risky to go looking for our French woman, let alone going into the jungle with the "others" and goodness knows what else. If Hurley undertakes that alone (based upon him not telling anyone about his numbers) will he "disappear" or actually be killed?

"2/23-Possible Jin/Sun spoiler?"
Posted by zombiebaby on 02-23-05 at 07:37 PM
Read this today in my newspaper on Jin

In tonight's episode (WABC/7 at 8), Michael accuses Jin of sabotaging the survivors' raft, escalating their rivalry, and Sun surprises everyone with a revelation.

"The episode will raise a lot of questions," Kim says, "but it will also answer a lot of questions. The audience will see Jin in a different light. There's the question of who Sun's father really is.

"He's a very powerful man, and powerful men have their fingers in a lot of pies. In Korea, there are large corporations and they don't handle just one industry, they have products that span every industry. They're mega-corporations, and her father is the head of one."

Here is the link to the story for the rest:

I thought briefly that Sun's father might have something to do with the airline itself maybe? Whatever it is he might be the link for everyone!

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"RE: 2/23-Possible Jin/Sun spoiler?"
Posted by lroy on 02-24-05 at 00:16 AM
Hi all, on the television in in the house of the Secretary, there is a clip showing Hurley walking to a car. The daughter is watching TV and it's oniy breifly, but i rewinded it andit was him. Probablly something about the american millionaire visiting Korea.

"RE: 2/23-Possible Jin/Sun spoiler?"
Posted by AugustGirl on 02-24-05 at 06:59 AM
I saw that! I cannot wait for Hurley's episode.

Welcome to the boards, Iroy.

Posted by Breezy on 02-24-05 at 08:55 AM
I missed that!

Is Hurley's episode next week?

"RE: Thanks!"
Posted by volsfan on 02-24-05 at 09:18 AM
I caught this scene as well, I just didn't know where to put it! Bring on the Hurley episode and then Vincent!

Posted by jkokoj on 02-24-05 at 09:49 AM
Hiya! Where you been???? Welcome back!

Last night was excellant! I saw Hurley on the TV too and thought it was imagination! So glad to have that confirmed. It appears the connections are getting a little tighter.