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"So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"

Posted by joannie on 02-03-05 at 05:37 PM
So, who's in the bodybag that was shown in last night's preview? Is it a person at all? Is it even a bodybag, for that matter?

While pausing my video tape, I could see that the bodybag was being carried by Locke, Boone, and Sayid. Charlie was in the foreground watching. So it can't be any of them. The next clip shows Kate looking distraught, so we can assume that it's not Kate. Sawyer, Jack, Jin, and Hurley have future episodes coming, and according to TV Guide, Claire has a lot of upcoming scenes with Locke, so it can't be her.

It looks like the good guys set a trap for Ethan with Claire (or Charlie) as bait. The guns from the Halliburton are handed out and the hunt is on. But if it's Ethan in the bodybag, I don't know why Kate would be looking so upset, and I don't know why the castaways would want to bring him back to the camp---let him rot!

The only other character that it could be would be Vincent. We haven't seen him since right before the polar bear attacked Walt. Someone else mentioned that Vincent and the polar bear never seem to be seen at the same time, that Vincent might even BE the polar bear. Plus another spoiler I have read hints at Boone "discovering" Vincent by accident. If it IS Vincent in the bodybag, it will be interesting to see if he has a knife wound!

So what does everyone else think?

Oh, one more thing. I also don't think that this is "the" murder, yet. That murder will be one of the 14 main characters.

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"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-03-05 at 07:01 PM
Well, my original thought was that it was Ethan and we will see the "one of the main characters kills someone" spoiler come to fruition. I wouldn't be too surprised by Kate's reaction - I mean one of them has to have committed the murder - plus I don't think I'd be feeling too good if I just watched someone die - no matter who the person might have been. But, that just seemed too obvious.

I was also thinking maybe they find Jack's father's body...maybe somehow it's not all that decomposed (they are on a mysterious island, after all) and they're going to give him a proper burial. Sawyer would obviously recognize him (from a TV Guide spoiler, we know that he will tell Sawyer something about his parents - presumably in Sawyer's episode's flashback)

But, I kind of like this Vincent theory (the thought hadn't even crossed my mind). Ethan makes sense but I think that's probably too simple of an explanation. And Jack's father doesn't make a whole lot of sense, but it would be pretty cool. As you said, the spoiler (TV Guide) says that Boone will find Vincent after some sort of mistake. We don't know when this happens, but now's just as good a time as any.

That Vincent as polar bear theory is quite interesting! I hadn't heard/seen that one before! I don't think I'm inclined to buy it, but nothing would really surprise me so I am not going to dismiss it either. It would be interesting, though, to compare notes on when the polar bear appears and when Vincent is around - I have only seen the first three episodes once (missed the polar bear thing the first time around) so I don't recall when the polar came in relation to when Vincent was found.

If it is Vincent, man - Locke surely was right - he's had a horrible month! Poor kid. He doesn't have a single thing left on the island to keep him happy now. He needs a hug!

Got blog?

Posted by mrc on 02-04-05 at 08:15 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-05 AT 08:16 AM (EST)

Never mind.

Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 02-04-05 at 09:17 AM
Where did they get a body bag? I only saw the preview very quickly. Is it actually a body bag or a tarp or something?

Why would you bother putting a dead dog in a body bag?

I'm leaning towards Jack's father.

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by lovetowatch on 02-04-05 at 02:58 PM
I don't think Jacks father was actually on the plane. Remember the scene at the airport when he was pleading with the attendant to let him bring him home. It was against the airlines policy-or something like that.

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by blacknwhitedog on 02-04-05 at 04:31 PM
yes, they weren't going to let him put the body on the plane
but that scene was not resolved

later Jack found the coffin (or a coffin) with no body in it
he was so upset at not finding his father's body
that he smashed the coffin up

Slice n' Dice Chop Shop ©2004

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-05-05 at 12:51 PM
My original issue with it being Vincent was why they'd need so many people to carry a dog. I believe the preview showed 3 or 4 people carrying the bag (Locke was one of them, but I don't remember the others)...doesn't make much sense if it were a dog. I was thinking about the storyline more than the actual likelihood that 4 people would be carrying a dog's body.

I guess I'm back to Jack's father or Ethan again. If it were Jack's father, it would be a good lead-in for Sawyer's episode the following week.

Got blog?

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by TeamJoisey on 02-05-05 at 10:33 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-06-05 AT 02:08 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-06-05 AT 01:24 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-05-05 AT 10:46 PM (EST)

It's not a body bag. It's a blanket. The body must be lying on a board of some sort, because the back is completely rigid. It's definitely a human form, you can tell by the head and shoulders.

It's not Boone, Locke, Sayid, Kate, or Charlie: All are seen in the "body bag" scene, although Kate is seen alone. (Boone, Locke and Sayid are carrying the body.) It's Not Hurley, Rose or Walt because of the size.

Possible candidates: Ethan, Jack, Sawyer, Claire, Shannon, Jin, Sun, Michael, a red-shirt extra.

Jack is conspicuously absent from that scene. I'm convinced he would be there if the body was that of his father. I believe Jack's absence from the scenes we are shown are misdirection to lead us to believe that Jack is the victim. I believe that Jack is actually tending to Claire.

If you believe that upcoming episodes will actually include the things we've been told, you can put Jack, Sawyer, Jin, Michael in the "safe" category. Probably too much drama for it to be a red-shirt extra.

Since so much of the plot seems to center on Claire and the baby, she's safe. Shannon's got a relationship developing with Sayid, so she's probably safe.

I don't think it's Sun, because I don't think she would be involved in the "Trap Ethan" scheme.

Remaining candidates: It's Ethan.

Ethan is the easy answer. He struggles with Jack, nearly strangling him. An incensed Charlie picks up the gun Jack dropped, and shoots Ethan dead.

Or wait... Ethan followed through on his threat and ambushed Sun!

Wait! It's Danielle Rousseau!!


These reality show contestants need a reality check!

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by Drive My Car on 02-06-05 at 11:21 AM
I'm leaning towards Ethan.

Besides the French Woman he is the only one of the 'Others' that we have seen. His death would close that connection for now, letting the rest believe they are safe, and that stroyline can be reopened later.

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by Loree on 02-06-05 at 12:20 PM
It must be Ethan. All the other main characters are seen in future clips of when the raft is built and burns. So it's Ethan, the French woman or some minor character that was on the plane that we rarely see.

"Two deaths?"
Posted by TenPin on 02-09-05 at 03:00 PM

The current buzz on the website “The Fuselage” is that the person killed is…


So who is Steve? He is one of the 32 survivors that we haven’t seen much of. His big part so far has been simply appearing and stating his name. The rest of the buzz is that Ethan is in fact killed, and there are two deaths this episode.

We should know soon enough, but it is sooooo hard to wait!

"It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intellegent, but the most responsive to change."
Charles Darwin

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by zombiebaby on 02-09-05 at 07:23 PM
Maybe it could be that swimmer who drowned in the first couple of episodes? Her body could have washed up finally...

One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by joannie on 02-11-05 at 11:24 AM
Dude, it was Scott, NOT Steve.

At least Vincent is okay!

"RE: So, who's in the bodybag? ***contains spoilers***"
Posted by Roo on 02-11-05 at 02:50 PM
Was he wearing a red shirt?

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