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"Drive Shaft"

Posted by starshyn99 on 02-03-05 at 12:41 PM
There is a fansite for Charlie's fictional band Drive Shaft at www.driveshaftband.com. There are a few spolierish type things contained on the site.

Some spoliers include:

There is a lot of information in the news section:

An account by Julian "Zap" Quinnell) Charlie's roadie of the months before Charlie went missing and Charlie making his solo album. - May be in upcoming episode.

There are several refrences thoughout the site to the plane crash which happened Sept. 22.

The news section was last updated Dec. 8 and Charlie is still missing. If the flight was Sept. 22, that accounts for at least 2 and a half months on the island. There go any theroies about them stuck in a timeless void.

On the Sept 23 update, it gives a lot of information about the crash - it crashed Sept 22, disappered from radar 3:24 p.m. Charlie was in seat 68G and they believe the plane is Northwest of Fiji

The remainder of the news contains events that happened before the plane crash. Maybe things in future episodes.

Other facts of interest:
When the band began to decline everywhere else, they became more popular in Australia
There is a website dedicated to Charlie's dissappearance in the news section called Charlie Remembered - contains some nice wallpapers
Also, in the Sept 23 news update, there is a pretty neat missing poster
Not sure if it is related, but the last song on Charlie's solo album is called Dues Ex Machinia which is the name of Episode 19

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Messages in this discussion
"Thanks for the link"
Posted by PhoenixMons on 02-03-05 at 01:25 PM
I debated posting this with in the links list because it is supposedly just a fan site - not in any way affiliated with the show (just some really creative fans of Lost/Charlie). I would really like to know when the site was updated to add the "Deus Ex Machina" song title in the news section, though. I hadn't checked out this site myself recently until I came across it while looking for deus ex machina references and I don't recall what was there before. If the song title has been up for a while, then maybe it is really affiliated with the show and they are just playing with us by letting us think it's just a fan-created site...

Regardless, it's a fun site!

Got blog?

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by joannie on 02-03-05 at 04:46 PM
Yes, http://www.driveshaftband.com is a very creative fan site. I have noticed a lot of discrepancies between the website and things that were on the tv show, for instance, the names of DriveSHAFT'S two albums, though I've noticed the website changing to reflect the tv info.

Also, how could Charlie have been sitting in seat 68G? Everybody knows that Charlie was sitting in the FRONT of the plane!

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by TenPin on 02-04-05 at 11:33 AM
LAST EDITED ON 02-04-05 AT 12:21 PM (EST)

Be careful of your assumptions.

We all saw Charlie go to the front of the plane when he was being followed by the flight attendants. He was in the lavatory when the plane started breaking up. He then sat down at the front of the plane and strapped into what looked like one of the flight attendant's seats.

I really have no idea what his actual seat assignment was, but it wasn't in the front of the plane.

edited for spelling attendant correct one time, but wrong the next... duh

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by lovetowatch on 02-04-05 at 03:02 PM
I think this is directly related to the show. This site has been up since the beginning. I believe it was intended to seem like a fansite. These creators are pretty brilliant. They have this site and the diary thing to keep everyone on their toes. This is one way they guarantee that people are talking and searching for Lost blogs.

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by starshyn99 on 02-04-05 at 06:28 PM
Well, one way we can hopefully tell will be if some of the information that is in the news updates and in Zap's diary are included in upcoming Charlie flashbacks. I guess we will find out next week.

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by joannie on 02-05-05 at 04:36 PM
Please correct me if I am wrong, but Charlie's last name has NEVER been mentioned on the show. But on the DriveSHAFT website, Charlie's last name is Pace. It will be interesting to see if Pace is really Charlie's last name. Next Wednesday is a Charlie-centric episode, so let's see if his last name is revealed.

"RE: Drive Shaft"
Posted by joannie on 02-10-05 at 08:07 PM
...and Charlie "Pace" it is!