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Original Message
"The Benefactor: Episode 3"

Posted by volsfan on 10-04-04 at 07:47 PM
Let's discuss tonight's episode here!

Who takes the money and runs?

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

Table of contents
  • Dissappointed,pmspml5, 07:29 AM, 10-05-04
  • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Lisapooh, 09:02 AM, 10-05-04
    • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,volsfan, 09:09 AM, 10-05-04
      • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Lisapooh, 10:30 AM, 10-05-04
        • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,volsfan, 10:42 AM, 10-05-04
      • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Megacanuck, 12:12 PM, 10-05-04
        • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Loree, 01:28 PM, 10-05-04
          • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,skyhoneybear, 01:42 PM, 10-05-04
          • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Megacanuck, 02:24 PM, 10-05-04
        • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Oscirus, 03:16 PM, 10-05-04
          • RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3,Agman2, 04:16 PM, 02-29-16

Messages in this discussion
Posted by pmspml5 on 10-05-04 at 07:29 AM
I'd have to say that I'm really dissappointed for the first time in this show. I have always thought that Marks "tests" were kinda funny. When he had the kids make the last shot it was just cruel. His comment about he will grow from this experience. Are you kidding me? He was 10 years old. Also, my liking for Linda went from 1 to last. Cackling as a 12 year old shoots a basket for 1 million - way to competitive for me and Mark should have stopped it. I'm so glad the kid made the shot - he deserves season tickets to the Mav's.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Lisapooh on 10-05-04 at 09:02 AM
I felt bad for those kids too.

And I totally would have taken the money - not because I'd "given up" or "lost confidence". I'd have taken it because this game is just so random that I'd rather take a sure thing for less than take a chance at losing in a game of Battleship or something. I know the game is about adapting and finding ways to succeed - but I wouldn't want to put my chance at a million in something so out of my control - like a ten year old's three pointer or the whims of a second grader. Succeeding on Cuban's terms seems like something I personally am not suited to.

And enough with the Jenga. Those girls are so lucky that they got Dominick out. If they had any sense at all they would have talked to each other about how much of a pet of Cuban's Dominick is. This might be the only chance they get to take out Cuban's favorite and they decide to Jenga for it instead. Those two should have just said we're a team and you are done. Period. Femia should have really worked Tiffany over to get Dominick out - and if that didn't work she should have tried the same thing with Dominick (Cuban seems smitten with Tiffany too).

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by volsfan on 10-05-04 at 09:09 AM
I am not sure that Dominic is going to be gone. The previews said something like...see what happens to Dominic next week!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Lisapooh on 10-05-04 at 10:30 AM
he'll probably be the starting point guard for my beloved Mavreicks this year.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by volsfan on 10-05-04 at 10:42 AM
Or he may become Mark's "trophy" wife!

Director of Public Relations for GAWKUR!

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Megacanuck on 10-05-04 at 12:12 PM
Raise your hand, everyone who believes Dominic is really gone next week. Hmm, no hands eh? He's too well-liked by Cuban, so I'm sure there'll be a contingency plan to save him.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Loree on 10-05-04 at 01:28 PM
Mark is going to find some way to save Dominic. The minute I saw it was him out. I realized that Mark will have to have a twist now to save him. This is what happens when Mark leaves it all up to chance.

Plus if I was Dominic I would go to Spencer and try and convince him to team up with me to get rid of Linda. It would be worth a try.

I can't stand Linda. Heckling kids was just too low. And her attitude about beating the others up just because she can. Oh that is mature.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by skyhoneybear on 10-05-04 at 01:42 PM
I agree with everyone about the kids. Especially since they were spelling loser so big on the giant screen. I hope they got some compensation or something. If I was their parent (or a parent) I would be outraged.

Just one question? Were the basketball shots MC was making real? I mean sometimes it look put together. I know there were a few longshots, but I wasn't sure. What does everyone think?

"I don't wanna grow up, I'm a grown a$$ kid"---Kanye West "Through the Fire"
"If Karma is a boomerang, I will see you sooner than later."---Will, Big Brother 5, USA

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Megacanuck on 10-05-04 at 02:24 PM
>Plus if I was Dominic I would go to Spencer and try and
>convince him to team up with me to get rid of Linda.
>It would be worth a try.

That would be a smart thing to try. He made the agreement with his 2 teammates to abide by the outcome of the Jenga match, but Linda & Spencer are fair game. What does he have to lose by trying?

>I can't stand Linda. Heckling kids was just too low.
> And her attitude about beating the others up just because she
>can. Oh that is mature.

I totally agree. At first, I really liked her, but now she's just an annoying beyotch. Heckling the adults would have been one thing, but a little kid? I lost even more respect for Cuban when he didn't make her stop.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Oscirus on 10-05-04 at 03:16 PM
LAST EDITED ON 10-05-04 AT 03:16 PM (EST)

If he was gone they would have waited till the beginging of the next week to even begin discussing said scenario, I'm betting that he gets a bye into the final four.

"RE: The Benefactor: Episode 3"
Posted by Agman2 on 02-29-16 at 04:16 PM
I would have to agree with that. We sill just need to wait until next season.