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"Apprentice 5 summaries"

Posted by AyaK on 02-13-06 at 11:56 AM
After the nightmare of two Apprentii running at the same time, we're back to a one-Apprentice season starting February 27. If you're interested in summarizing this show, please post in this thread. Thanks.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by ARnutz on 02-13-06 at 05:06 PM
*why am I here?*

*ponders her own sanity*

Gee, am I going to get sucked in again?

*sigh* Probably!

OK! I suppose I'll do it, but I'd like an episode fairly early in the season in case I lose interest. Not the premiere, though.

"Episode 2?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:27 AM
March 6? You CAN'T have lost interest that quickly.

"RE: Episode 2?"
Posted by ARnutz on 02-24-06 at 03:02 PM
Well, you never know, Donald could totally blow it in the premiere!

That works perfectly for me, thanks!

*pencils it in on the calendar*

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by zipperhead on 02-14-06 at 10:51 AM

If it's absolutely necessary...

But only if you want some slapdash asshattery in summary form.

A Cyggie siggie!

"Episode 4?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:30 AM
March 20?

"RE: Episode 4?"
Posted by zipperhead on 02-27-06 at 10:02 AM
That's fine.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Estee on 02-14-06 at 04:14 PM
Maybe if we told them Randal was coming back... and wasn't letting Rebecca go with him...

"Want the premiere?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-23-06 at 05:07 AM
Someone has to re-introduce us to the self-promoter par excellence that is Donald Trump, and it seems like there are few takers in this thread for that role. Would you like it?

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"RE: Want the premiere?"
Posted by Estee on 02-23-06 at 03:19 PM
Let me know if this sounds familiar: 'Sure, I have to introduce eighteen contestants, but it's only an hour show... how long could the summary wind up being?'


I'll take it, but don't expect me to jump-start interest in the series again. I kill things: I don't give them CPR. And I think this may wind up being entirely in paraphrase again, just to give Donald a chance to really get some self-promotion in.

Come to think of it, that would let the contestants introduce themselves...

Monday at nine. It's a quasi-date. But if this makes me miss the Race, I'm confiscating Donald's DVR unit.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by newsomewayne on 02-14-06 at 04:52 PM
I'll try one. I've got no experience except a few word wrestling matches on OT, but I think I'm up to it.

Exorcised by Syren, 2005

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Estee on 02-14-06 at 05:03 PM
That sigpic is too ironic for this show.

(You can't banish the demons of Apprentice stupidity. There wouldn't be any contestants left.)

"Episode 3?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:29 AM
March 13?

"RE: Episode 3?"
Posted by newsomewayne on 02-24-06 at 04:37 PM
Done. But only if I can use the sigpic Estee said I couldn't.

Exorcised by Syren, 2005

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 02-14-06 at 05:31 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-14-06 AT 07:18 PM (EST)

Since beloved RTVW has contributed greatly in intensifying my bashing skills (not to mention my general b!tchiness - a good thing, no? ), I'll give one a try. (I promise not to be sappy or easy on these yokels - they've already sealed their respective fates).

However, in considering whether it's better to do all the idjits at the beginning or watch the whole season so I can adequately summarize the end.... wait. This is helping me decide.

I'd like to be near the beginning, say week 3, 4 or 5?

ETA: On second thought, whatever episode comes right after the week of March 20 (finals week for me). In other words, March 27. That one. Preferably.

pachyderm powered by syren

"Episode 5"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:32 AM
March 27, per your request.

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"RE: Episode 5"
Posted by DooWahDitty on 02-24-06 at 04:09 PM

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Das Mole on 02-14-06 at 07:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-24-06 AT 08:26 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 02-15-06 AT 08:33 AM (EST)

Actually, never mind.

Das Mole - A True Legend

Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:28 AM
Sorry to lose you from the list. If you change your mind, you know where to find me.

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 02-15-06 at 11:17 AM
Sign me up.

"Episode 7?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:35 AM
April 10?

"RE: Episode 7?"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 02-24-06 at 12:44 PM
Fine with me.

I'm a Polish hillbilly and damn proud of it.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-15-06 at 02:55 PM
I haven't volunteered because I'm afraid that my level of snarkiness won't be anywhere near equal to others. But, I have been getting some practice on the SO boards. So, if you really need someone, I'll give it a try. Preferably one far enough in that I have some hope of knowing who the asshats are and telling them apart.

A Syren Spring

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by ARnutz on 02-15-06 at 04:39 PM
Lucky for us, this time... there are NOT 5 Jennifers & Stacies!

"Episode 8?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:36 AM
April 17?

"RE: Episode 8?"
Posted by mysticwolf on 02-24-06 at 08:18 PM
Works for me, as long as it's not up against the Boston Marathon. My taxes should be done by then.

Posted by AyaK on 02-28-06 at 05:45 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-28-06 AT 05:47 PM (EST)

Yes, the Boston Marathon takes place the same day, because April 17 will be Patriots' Day in Massachusetts. Want to switch -- say, to April 3 (which ukrocks can't do)?

"RE: Um...."
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-13-06 at 07:52 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-13-06 AT 07:54 PM (EST)

Almost missed this. I can do either one. (I was joking about the marathon, it'll be over long before the show comes on. ) If you want me to switch to the 3rd, no problem. Just please confirm which one you are expecting.

An Arkie curious cub

"April 3"
Posted by AyaK on 03-14-06 at 11:40 AM
If you could do either, I'd prefer April 3.

"RE: April 3"
Posted by mysticwolf on 03-16-06 at 05:41 PM
You got it. April 3 it is.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by universityofkentuckyrocks on 02-19-06 at 07:27 PM
I'll be willing to do one, but I would really like it to be the April 6 episode since I'm on Spring break and will have time to do a summary.

ukrocks got a blog!

"Episode 6?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:34 AM
Since the show has moved to Monday, this would be April 3 -- the same week as your request.

"RE: Episode 6?"
Posted by universityofkentuckyrocks on 02-26-06 at 10:10 PM
That would not be good because I am on a collegew visit. Sorry Ayak, you might need to toss me out cuz I have a job and I will not be able to write a summary with it on monday now.

ukrocks got a blog!

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-22-06 at 05:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 02-22-06 AT 05:05 PM (EST)

Ayak, Can I pretty please have a summary for later in the season? (I now have cable, but am working on the vcr part...)

Come on Mystic, you know you want to write one..snarkiness is easy when it comes to The Donald...

"Episode 9?"
Posted by AyaK on 02-24-06 at 11:37 AM
April 24? It's the last episode before sweeps start...

"RE: Episode 9?"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 02-28-06 at 11:16 AM
That's perfect. Thanks so much Ayak!

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Sahara on 03-01-06 at 03:37 PM
Okay, I am trying to be brave...a certain someone is trying to talk me into doing this. And I am a sucker for those things.

Are there any summaries left? I think I would try it if there are. *takes big breath*

"How about ..."
Posted by AyaK on 03-14-06 at 11:47 AM
Episode 5 on 3/27? The person scheduled to write it isn't here any longer...

Soylent Green: recycling America, one person at a time.

"RE: How about ..."
Posted by Sahara on 05-09-06 at 10:08 AM
I'm sorry, AyaK, I never saw this message! I checked the thread for a while and then forgot about it, since it didn't seem I was needed. Sorry!

"Tentative schedule"
Posted by AyaK on 03-14-06 at 11:47 AM
Oops, never posted this.

We still need some more writers for later in the season!

E1 - 2/28: Estee (complete)
E2 - 3/6: ARnutz (complete)
E3 - 3/13: newsomewayne
E4 - 3/20: zipperhead
E5 - 3/27: DooWahDitty Sahara?
E6 - 4/3: mysticwolf
E7 - 4/10: Scuba Steve
E8 - 4/17: OPEN
E9 - 4/24: buckeyegirl
E10 - 5/1: OPEN
E11 - 5/8: OPEN
E12 - 5/15: OPEN
E13 - 5/22: OPEN

"RE: Tentative schedule"
Posted by ARnutz on 03-14-06 at 03:52 PM
Ok, ok! Since Estee just cannot kill off this show! (I know, it's the forcefield hair. It is immune to her powers.) Yes, the duo of Trump & Burnett has done it to me again. It looks like I'm already sucked in. (Man I hate myself for this!) I could double up for one later in the season if you don't get any more volunteers. If others step up to the plate (ha!), I'll step aside.

5/15 looks like it would work best for me. My second choice would be 5/8... because after I grade all of my final exams and have a week off before summer classes start, I would just love to torture myself some more.

"Which one?"
Posted by zipperhead on 05-10-06 at 12:05 PM
Hey, nutzie - are you doing the 15th?

"RE: Which one?"
Posted by ARnutz on 05-13-06 at 04:38 PM
*sigh* Do we even care anymore? I guess if I absolutely have to, I will, but would prefer to skip it.

...and skip all of next season as well.

"Skip it"
Posted by zipperhead on 05-15-06 at 09:34 AM
If you want to take a pass on tonight's episode (5/15) go ahead, and I will take a swipe at it.

I had thought about volunteering for the Finale, but now I don't think I want to do that one. I'm just really eager to post something on Jims' thread about best summaries and at this time I don't have anything that qualifies....

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by greeneyes on 03-21-06 at 05:39 PM
I'll be glad to help out. I can do any date you need for the rest of the season.

"RE: Apprentice 5 summaries"
Posted by Scuba Steve on 04-11-06 at 09:00 AM
Hey Ayak. Since yesterday was a double episode, does that mean I have to do both? Because it will be two weeks before the next Apprentice, I may be able to do it.

"Episode 9"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 04-16-06 at 04:41 PM
Just wanted a confirmation that I'm doing my math right--last weeks double episode was 7 and 8, right? So that means that my episode to summarize is this week, and not next week, right?

Handcrafted by RollDdice!

"RE: Episode 9"
Posted by ARnutz on 04-17-06 at 06:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-17-06 AT 06:40 PM (EST)


There is no episode this week (4/17). NBC is running a special "Celebrity Cooking Showdown" show.

Heh, like we need another "(Insert activity) with Celebrities" show!

"RE: Episode 9"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 04-18-06 at 12:58 PM
You know, I realized that right after I posted that message...I was hoping that no one would see my idiocy..

Handcrafted by RollDdice!

"Emergency Bump"
Posted by Estee on 05-01-06 at 08:23 AM
Anyone want tonight's episode? Anyone? Or any of the three that follow it...?

"RE: Emergency Bump"
Posted by KObrien_fan on 05-01-06 at 07:43 PM
I'll do it.

"Re-emergency bump."
Posted by Estee on 05-08-06 at 04:39 PM
Anyone want tonight's episode?

Anyone want next week's episode?

Anyone want Donald?

"RE: Re-emergency bump."
Posted by zipperhead on 05-09-06 at 09:10 AM
Give me some chocolate and I'll think about it.

Although, if you have seen my latest Survivor summary, you people may be thinking twice about ever letting me do another summary again. Can I take that as my mulligan summary?

"Passes over chocolate."
Posted by Estee on 05-09-06 at 04:42 PM
Go ahead. I've taken every summary as my mulligan summary.