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"D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"

Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 02:38 PM
Please keep all discussion of tonight's wonderland of previously-fired idiots on this thread until the West Coast gets to find out who's been stuck with Toral this time. 'I won't demean myself by appearing in the Too Hopeless To Help final workforce!' It's against her religion, y'know. She's a devout Weaverite. And the rest of the people -- sorry, 'worthless subhumans' -- in Suite #2 have been really mean to her by not talking to her after she locks herself in the bathroom all day, every day. But Toral has found something more powerful than her faith. It's called 'an EPMB contract'. So Toral will be part of the final task, and the final task will be 'Get Toral to do something.' Anything. Except breathing, pulse rate, digestion -- you know. The usual automatics. But provoking brain activity counts.

Of course, this means at least one of the other returnees must be more useless and pointless than Toral.

...I don't know -- did anyone die?

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by ARnutz on 12-08-05 at 03:14 PM
You mean Stacy (with a Y) finally got out of the suite #2 bathroom long enough for someone else to hide in there? *boggle*

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 07:10 PM
You don't understand. She uses me as a sounding board. And she Never. Shuts. Up.


"How about Marcus?"
Posted by davwav02 on 12-08-05 at 06:13 PM
I think that...the best way to put it...um...would be to consider that Markus may be a member of one of the teams...because he may provide to be a valueable asset, in terms of providing...and he may help to provide one of the teams with a helpful amount of research in terms of researching and being able to perform in a way so as to facilitate the team in a way that is best advantageous to them.

...and if he doesn't:
Well just remember that he said that if you would have gone with his idea, you wouldn't have had to worry about losing and being in the situation where you might not win and he really should have been given more of a chance to demonstrate his immense abilities, but since everyone, including Donald, is intimidated by him, the world is simply not ready for such an advanced individual as Markus.

"RE: How about Marcus?"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 07:13 PM

Well, at least Markus can keep the food orders straight. It's beneath Toral to deal with something as lowly and common as eating. The one factor that might have Markus not showing up is a loophole in the contract. Of all the male contestants, he's the one who combines 'completely disgusted with the process' and 'completely in love with himself' into 'If I can, I'm not showing up.'

But then, you can say the same for Toral.

"One week later..."
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 08:57 PM
...Donald is still walking down the hallway...

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:03 PM
Randal and Rebecca to have a very nice dinner with George and Carolyn. 'Tomorrow will be hell.'

Now we know Markus is coming back.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kathliam on 12-08-05 at 09:08 PM
Maybe it's just me, but there are an awful lot of sparks flying between George and Carolyn. A little sump'in, sump'in going on?

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:11 PM
They're just co-stars.

And the Final Two finally get to pick their own teams!

And Rebecca still screws it up!

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kathliam on 12-08-05 at 09:13 PM
Yea, like Jennifer Aniston and Vince Vaughn are just co-stars.

Seriously, they obviously have great affection for each other. Nice to see that between co-workers.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:10 PM
Rebecca just mentioned Toral for being on her team. WTF is she thinking? That may be her mistake. OMG...she took Toral.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kathliam on 12-08-05 at 09:14 PM
Yikes! Not only does Rebecca have Toral on her team, she has Joe Piscipo (Mr. Juice) as her celebrity. Uh-oh. She's toast.

"And our Special Guest Celebrity:"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:13 PM
Joe Piscopo.

"With our special guest failures:"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:14 PM
James, Josh, Mark, Toral, Marshawn, and Chris.

"RE: With our special guest failures:"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:20 PM
I am not sure Rebecca picked the best team here. I think she could be in trouble.

"RE: With our special guest failures:"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:22 PM
Okay, who just said 'Git r' done?' And why weren't they shot immediately?

"RE: With our special guest failures:"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:24 PM
Was it James? I heard it but I was paying attention to something else.

"RE: With our special guest failures:"
Posted by kathliam on 12-08-05 at 09:24 PM
Okay, who just said 'Git r' done?'

Apprentice Larry?

"RE: With our special guest failures:"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:42 PM
It was Mark...the guy with the southern accent.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by kathliam on 12-08-05 at 09:36 PM
The editing certianly makes it seem that Reeeca's task will succeed...

Which means Murphy's law will kick in soon.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:39 PM
You know this hour will end with both teams looking as if they will not make it!

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Estee on 12-08-05 at 09:54 PM
Cue Piscopo ducking out on the event.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by mysticwolf on 12-08-05 at 09:53 PM
Party Central vs. raiding Yahoo for furniture and logo's? Sorry, Randall may have the education, but he seems to be floundering with this task. Even the sponsor seemed concerned, and his teammates are wondering. He's coming across as more of a detail person than one that conceptualizes and figures out how to capitalize on that vision. Not good at a Trump position, imo.

And, I, too, thought he'd be a clear winner - but Rebecca is actually listening to her client & adjusting. Randall seems to be clueless and his "team" somewhat nonexistant (at least in terms of doing actual work).

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by volsfan on 12-08-05 at 09:59 PM
I agree...so far Rebecca seems to be the more adept at making changes on the fly and going with the flow. Randal may be a detail person but so far it seems the details he is worried about isn't getting the job done.

I wouldn't be surprised if he wins it though. Keep in mind...editing.

"RE: D-Apprentice #4 Episode #13 East Coast Spoiler Thread"
Posted by Master B on 12-09-05 at 01:36 AM
LAST EDITED ON 12-09-05 AT 01:39 AM (EST)

LAST EDITED ON 12-09-05 AT 01:37 AM (EST)

>I agree...so far Rebecca seems to
>be the more adept at
>making changes on the fly
>and going with the flow.
>Randal may be a detail
>person but so far it
>seems the details he is
>worried about isn't getting the
>job done.
>I wouldn't be surprised if he
>wins it though. Keep in

yeah, editing!!.. but we can watch the deleted scene clip at yahoo
