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"April & her "down with American viewers" speech"

Posted by vbcatw on 09-20-05 at 01:28 PM
There are several players on BB6 that I do not particular but April is right at the top, mainly for the remarks she made about the American viewers. It seems sad that we are at war with Iraq and Kaysar left the show with much grace (and played with honor) and April acted like an America hater because she did not receive enough votes to receive a lousy phone call. Give me a break! This girl has serious problems. Maybe when she sees herself on tv she will understand why she was not voted America's choice. She will certainly understand why she did not get the 2nd America's choice. April disgraced America. I will be surprised if she is not met with much opposition when she gets home. I am still trying to decide who is crazier, her or Ivette, but that is another story.

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"RE: April & her "down with American viewers" speech"
Posted by leianawd on 09-20-05 at 01:40 PM
Yeah, I thought it was immature to insult American viewers of BB. It was very ironic how April, Jen and the rest of the "Friendship" made the comment that it was their game not ours when we voted Kaysar back in the house, yet expected us to give them the time of day to vote for them. Well, if they didn't think we had a right to make choices that affect them then why would I want to throw a vote at them? Why not say wow we really don't like the American choice and the fact that Kaysar was brought back and I would have been fine but to sit and call us names and make snide comments that's a different story. Of course April will try to talk and lie her way out of what she said and come up with some lame excuse. Hell, I think that half of the reason for her revelations on the treatment of others in the house (Janelle and Kaysar) before she was evicted mainly had to do with the fact that she was trying to redeem her image while she could, had she not known she was going to be evicted she wouldn't have done it until the last day on camara.

"RE: April & her "down with American viewers" speech"
Posted by Lisa0116 on 09-20-05 at 02:26 PM
Ape-ril was also convinced (by Maggot) that we didn't hear them say all of those things about the viewers because they said them in the HOH room......she probably STILL doesn't know that what she said is why she didn't get a phone call-silly BUSTO!!!!!

"RE: April & her "down with American viewers" speech"
Posted by JoshInSGV on 09-20-05 at 04:25 PM
As much as I want to believe that April's rants against the American viewers was based on her misguided notion that the HOH room was off limits for the live feeders, I distinctly remember April expressing in the diary room her disbelief at Janelle's AC victory and questioning the moral integrity of those viewer's who voted for Janelle. April said that in the diary room and she must have known that the footage would probably end up being used on the show. This is a clear example of how stupid and deluded April can be. It never dawned on her that the things she's done and said in the house would have repercussions on how people perceive her outside of the house. Of course, she will now try to explain, deny and justify her actions. But, we've all seen what a compulsive liar she is. Why should anyone believe in her good intentions now?? Like the Fiendship itself used to say: "too little, too late"

"RE: April & her "down with American viewers" speech"
Posted by tamarama on 09-20-05 at 04:32 PM
>>I distinctly remember April expressing in the diary room<<

Yes, you remember correctly -- parts of her tantrum after the phone call AC were in the diary room....DUH!!!

Compounding her stupidity, when the three of them were whining in the diary room after Janelle won the AC for "2 1/2 Men", April actually asked BB in the diary room "Wait, are you taping this?" & Maggie said "YES, they're ALWAYS taping, so be careful what you say."

DUH again. Of course, it was way too late to take back the comments about all of us being pieces of schmidt.