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"Hey BB3 Fanatics let's vote..."

Posted by BaquaR13 on 07-19-02 at 05:44 PM
I thought it would be a good idea, since no one else did, to start a voting thread for who we think will be nominated. I know that this info has already been released (probably) on the live feed so don't vote if you already know. Put in the subject (after replying to this post only) the names of the two people you think that Marcelles will nominate. I will start the voting!!!

The True Survivor Fox!!


Table of contents
  • Josh/Roddy,BaquaR13, 05:46 PM, 07-19-02
  • JOSH/Roddy or Eric,Red Lady, 06:43 PM, 07-19-02
  • Josh/Lisa,Kokoro, 09:12 PM, 07-19-02
  • RE: Hey BB3 Fanatics let's vote...,corcam, 01:26 PM, 07-20-02
  • Josh/Roderic,sherlock, 09:26 PM, 07-20-02
  • Josh and Roddy !!!!!,katem, 01:47 PM, 07-21-02
  • Too late, but...,nailbone, 10:40 AM, 07-22-02
    • Veto Power,CSHS79, 12:09 PM, 07-22-02
      • RE: Veto Power,mrquisp, 04:31 PM, 07-22-02

Messages in this discussion
Posted by BaquaR13 on 07-19-02 at 05:46 PM
I know he will nominate two guys, he has bonded with most of the girls. I dont think Lisa is in trouble, because i think he has forgiven her for the nomination. Josh is the "anti-christ" in his opinion and Roddy seems to be one of the powerful males, close to Josh.

The True Survivor Fox!!


"JOSH/Roddy or Eric"
Posted by Red Lady on 07-19-02 at 06:43 PM
JOSH is a given. No reason for Marcellas NOT TO nominate him.
RODDY/ERIC are so interchangeable at this point, it's hard to decide between the two of them. Eric's got a wee bit'o Will in him IMO--he's confident (firefighter), working the guys and the gals equally (ie: smoking cigars w/ guys; later, flirting w/ Lisa over a game of *strategy*, I mean, chess.) Plus, he wears a similar floppy hat that Will wore, AND he pulls it off! I think if Eric hangs around, he will prove the more interesting of the two. Can you really name anything distinguishing about Roddy? And not that he is 1)White and 2)Male

Red Lady

Posted by Kokoro on 07-19-02 at 09:12 PM
Josh is obviously getting nominated.

Lisa will be nominated only because she did the same to him and although I doubt there's a huge grudge there, it's better to keep an old "enemy" than it is to make a brand new one. Plus, I think pretty much everyone would believe she's safe against Josh, so no hard feelings. No reason for Marcellas to draw the scorn of the "alpha males" just yet.

Now let us never speak of S3 again.

"RE: Hey BB3 Fanatics let's vote..."
Posted by corcam on 07-20-02 at 01:26 PM
I think it would be more practical for Marcellas to go to a well liked person that anyone would veto like Chiara or Jason, and make a deal with them and tell them the plan, kind of what Lisa did but an actual plan that would work.

Then after the veto hopefully Josh wouldn't win it and someone would indeed save the nominated houseguest like last week, then he could easily get rid of Josh,

I think more than likely everyone can't stand him, and if he is put up for nomination someone can't come along and save him with the stupid veto.

Posted by sherlock on 07-20-02 at 09:26 PM
Sorry, I can't tell the difference yet!

"Josh and Roddy !!!!!"
Posted by katem on 07-21-02 at 01:47 PM
The two major asses of the game. Although the firefighter, as gorgeous as he is, seems to be in this category as well.

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"Too late, but..."
Posted by nailbone on 07-22-02 at 10:40 AM
Well, I see I'm too late to put in here, and that he nominated Josh and Tonya.

So I'll add that I think whomever wins the veto WILL use it. And I'm afraid that they'll veto Josh, cuz as obnoxious as he is he seems to hold some power over the others that they want to keep him around. Surely they're not thinking this early that they wanna keep him around as the "evil" one to go against in the end...

- This Space For Rent

Daytime, nighttime, anytime, things go better with Rock! - Def Leppard

"Veto Power"
Posted by CSHS79 on 07-22-02 at 12:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-22-02 AT 12:25 PM (EST)

As it stands now Eric&Roddy will vote Tonya to save the 3Amigos alliance with Gerry,Jason & Danielle voting for Josh. Amy's vote could go either way unless she discovers Josh was the 4th vote against her.Lisa & Chiara have talked about the final 6 & it being Lisa, Chiara & Tonya vs Eric,Roddy & Josh & if they could tip things now I think they might since I doubt they'd vote Tonya. But don't forget the veto which Roddy said he'd use saving Josh and I think that also speaks for Eric.Anyone else getting it would probably leave it as is, if they're smart.

"RE: Veto Power"
Posted by mrquisp on 07-22-02 at 04:31 PM
I still don't know why Marci put Josh and Tonya up for eviction. I don't disagree that Josh deserves it, but he should have saved Josh for the veto replacement nominee. As I said in a different post, this would basically set Josh up as a sitting duck with no where to go. By nominating Josh in the onset of the eviction process, he could be saved by someone's veto power, thus making his likelihood of surviving further enhanced. But, if Marci was smart enough, he should have had two likeable people up for eviction, and having one of them being vetoed.... thus setting Josh up for eviction as the replacement.

With my comment of Josh surviving far... every week that goes by means that Josh can survive until the end. If you want to set yourself up as the eventual winner, you need to be pitted against the most hated of the group (which, in this early process, would be either Josh or Gerry). Therefore, if Josh survives, there is likelihood that he will be kept on for quite a long time to ensure victory for the other.

'nuff said