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"TV Guide Listing"

Posted by zzz on 06-26-03 at 10:19 AM
Below is the listing for the primiere of BB4 from TV Guide Online. It looks like they are doing what they need to do to avoid Danielle backlash--i.e., contestants refusing to be honest in private interviews. They basically just keep getting more and more like survivor every year. I don't know if that is a good thing or a bad thing.

Does anyone know what the "twist" is that may have houseguests "running away" the first day?

Here is the listing:

Big Brother 4
60 min.
The reality series begins its fourth edition with the promise of a “shocking twist” that could mean that some of the 13 houseguests won't be sticking around. “It will be mentally and emotionally taxing for them,” reports executive producer Arnold Shapiro. “It will be interesting to see if by the end of the first show all 13 are still in the house.” Another change is that “the last seven people who are evicted will be sequestered at a secret location where they will not have access to the show,” Shapiro adds. Only those seven will vote for the winner. He hopes the change encourages the players to be more candid since there will be no fear of angering a voter. Julie Chen hosts. (VCR Plus+ 9755)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by SaphireLady on 06-29-03 at 03:46 AM
So did Danielle sue them or something? I mean, she did what they asked her too. She said they were the ones who told her to count down. It sucked that when she did what they told her to do, she ended up screwed cause they showed tapes to the people who vote. I think this is a good change. It is unfair to ask for honesty if the producers of the show of going to have it bite you back.

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"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by survivorscott on 06-29-03 at 04:24 PM
I think this change stinks.

That was the appeal of it. the fact that you may be out of the house but not out of the game. with 24/7 survelance you eventualy figured out what people thought of you.

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"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by queerk on 07-11-03 at 00:33 AM
I disagree, I liked Dani, she deserved to win, she played right and because of her semi-PRIVATE thoughts which the evicties saw she lost. The voters on survivor don't get to see what the others have to say, no one complains about that. It makes it more real, it's like they vote from their perspective inside the house, not from the viewer perspective, if we wanted that they should go back to the caller voting.

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by xxinvincible on 06-30-03 at 05:20 PM
The twist is that some of their ex lovers will be in the house.

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by LadyT on 06-30-03 at 06:26 PM
for future reference, please put spoilers in the spoiler forum.

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by magic_star on 06-30-03 at 06:29 PM
Yeah, now the twist is on all three forums!

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"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by xxinvincible on 06-30-03 at 09:44 PM
Its not really spoiler info...they have it on CBS commercials.

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 07-02-03 at 05:10 PM
yeah, I saw it on a commercial and on the radio this morn. Would have been better if they'd have kept it a secret!

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"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by Kokoro on 07-11-03 at 02:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-13-03 AT 04:52 PM (EST)

I wish they'd kept it a secret as well. It would've at least made the first episode more entertaining.

And what's happening is exactly what everyone said would happen. The most interesting part of the show was being lost because the producers handled the entire process very badly. Until they sequesterd the jury, we would no longer be seeing the b*tchy sniping that makes this show so much more fun (yet trashy ;) to watch. Thanks a lot, Arnold (oops....and I wasn't being sarcastic - I'm glad for the change!)

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by queerk on 07-11-03 at 03:33 PM
No one ever makes that complaint about Survivor. If they wanted people voting who can see inside the house they should have the audience, and not the former houseguests vote.

"RE: TV Guide Listing"
Posted by HealingHeart on 07-11-03 at 00:19 AM
I really like the tist I think it will add alot to the game ...honesty, and alot of fighting and clawing LOL