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"Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"

Posted by Aruba on 07-23-10 at 10:04 PM
Quite a celebration when everyone found out Annie was the saboteur. But did it dawn on any of these "Rhodes Scholars" that if they were fortunate enough to sit next to Annie in the F2 they win 500K purely out of default?! Heck, I'd put up with those silly grade school pranks everyday for a chance to win the BB title and grand prize without having to rely on a bunch of bitter, sore-losing, belly-achers to determine my fate. I'd take that in a NY minute!

What can I say; I'm a fan of the Brigade.

MATT - Is he playing too hard, too quickly? Yes, but at least he's proactively playing. I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt that Matt saw it as a calculated risk. And last season's winner "pawned" her way early on in the game enroute to 500K. I did get a kick out of the dying fiance story. But before you get too full of yourself, any man pushing 40 who wears a yamaka does NOT sell shoes for a living. Even a non-Mensa member can figure that one out.

HAYDEN - Nice job keeping the Brigade from harm's way and planting the Britney/Monet seed in the minds of Rach-don.
A little man-to-boy advice...don't get too caught up in this Confidence vs. Cockiness dilemma. Here's the deal...if a girl is physically attracted to a guy and thinks he's hott, he could be the cockiest SOB on the face of this earth, but she'll say he's "confident" because she wants to jump him. Conversely, he could be the posterboy of confidence, but if she has no sexual attraction to him whatsoever, she'll regard him as "cocky" as an excuse to avoid him. That's life, young man.

ENZO - One of the rare agreements my main man Michel and I have is we watch BB primarily for entertainment. Everytime I see Enzo's face in the DR, I start laughing even before he opens his mouth in anticipation of what he'll say. THAT'S entertainment!

LANE - Pretty impressive that a physical presence like Lane could stay under the radar by day 20, but that's what's happening. He's still in a strong (and secret) alliance and that keeps him in decent position.

RACHEL - According to Monet we can now add "stripper" and "hooker" to her list of professions which already include chemist and waitress making Rachel arguably the hardest-working individual ever to walk into the BB House.
All kidding aside, the easiest thing she could have done is react with vengence this week and put up Hayden based purely on emotion. But I'll throw her a morsel of credit for basing her decision on reason and targeting the HGs who she felt would came after Rach-don. Only problem is EVERYONE in the House is trying to break up the showmance. But at least she's thinking game. And she also gets points for suspecting something was fishy with Matt.

RAGAN - I'm still liking this guy as one of my favorite HGs this season. With the HOH competition taylor-made for a skinny, light person, I'm pinning my hopes on Ragan to win HOH. But if he wins, one slight problem--he'll have to lay on a mattress that Rach-don have been skanking on all week! EEEWWWW!!! Oh well, guess you'll have to take the good with the bad.

KRISTEN - AWWWWW, our pretty little butterfly decided to come out of her cacoon and flutter into Hayden's arms. And she's fallen into it a$$ backwards by being involved in Hayden's BB Love Pentagon (the Love Pentagon being the Brigade Four and Kristen.) But somewhere along the line he'll have to choose and the success of your game will rest on Hayden choosing you. Good Luck.

BRENDON - All he could really do this past week was try to hang low and hide between HOH Rachel's plastic boobies. Although he's got ample cleavage to work with, it's not nearly enough to hide the big target still on his back. He'll have to string some wins together to advance in this game.

KATHY - I'll move her up a little for being able to breath in the Have-Not competition, unlike another pathetic HG. Otherwise not much going on with her this week.

ANDREW - Did I hear Andrew's good-bye message correctly? Who is HE to give advice about gameplay?
I do commend Andrew for his dedication and devotion to his faith, but BB is a game that calls for complete and undivided social interaction. In order for Andrew to be high on my list, he'll have to choose between religion or being a DAW. I'm sorry if that comes off as cold, but...if you have an issue with bugs, rodents, and poor hygiene, then don't be a castaway on Survivor...if you can't carry a tune in a wheelbarrow, then don't stand in line to audition for American Idol...if you have two left feet, please don't Dance with the Stars, AND...if you are unable to fully interact with the other HGs, then don't be casted for BB. Especially in light of the tens of thousands who were denied a spot and would have better fit the bill. Nothing personal against Andrew, just my opinion.

BRITNEY - Her rentless bashing of Rachel has merit...and it would even be appropriate if it came from someone else. It's like a Primadonna calling the Diva high-maintenance. I mean really...as if Britney never used those same antics and "areas" to get things she wanted to in life? PLEEEEEASE!
By getting the POV to save herself, we'll have at least one more week of the "pot calling the kettle black." Oh BTW, stop your gloating...you got the POV out of default because you're a quitter. That's right, you quit because it was too hott...just like you quit because of your boo-boo knee...just like you quit because you couldn't breath...and I'll make any wager she will be a "Have" for this coming week by bailing out early in the HOH competition. Anyone want to bet against me?


MONET - CBS should have put a fighting octogan in the BB backyard, because with all her talk about a$$-whooping, face-punching, and b!tch-slapping, I could have smelt Pay-per-View!
But when you lack proactive gameplay strategy, you're either primed for an early exit or sleigh ride to the F4. If it's the latter, you'll have some Reality Show fans who will herald you as a great performer. But not me. You had nothing to offer this season, so I'm not upset to see you go.

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"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-24-10 at 11:57 AM
Here are my rankings:

1. Lane -- it's a real feat for someone who's as strong as you to keep yourself under the radar this long. But you've done it!

2. Kristen -- you're still a likely candidate to go far. But you've hooked up with Hayden and coupling is never a good idea.

3. Hayden -- like Kristen, you've coupled up and that's not good. And you're more physical than she is. Still, kudos to you for keeping the Brigade a secret.

4. Rachel -- smart move in putting up an open alliance and two people you know are coming after you and Brendon. Problem is, everyone is coming after you and Brendon.

5. Ragan -- I like you well enough. It's a good idea to work with Matt -- provided that it's not for emotional reasons.

6. Matt -- you're this low only because you volunteered to be a pawn. Luckily for you, almost everyone wanted Monet gone.

7. Enzo -- you're funny but I'm not sure you're the most strategic person in the Brigade.

8. Andrew -- nice move in going with the crowd and voting for Monet. However, you still need to work on your social skills.

9. Kathy -- you decided to vote for Matt as a protest move. Unfortunately, that puts a target on your back.

10. Brendon -- you're too obviously aligned with Rachel and you're a physical threat. I fear you're in trouble.

11. Britney -- complete and total witch. Luckily for you, with Monet gone you aren't a threat anymore.

Gonzo: Monet. You were in an alliance, you weren't nice and you wanted the HOH and her boyfriend gone. Sayonara.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-24-10 at 07:23 PM
I was really curious to see how you'd spin it to demean Britney despite her win in the POV which is usually your main criteria. If you had said that BB's clock probably ran fast, I wouldn't have argued with you. Usually, people overestimate time so I was expecting players to go out around 40 minutes, not to go over. But quitting? Didn't you hear her say that's what she wanted? She wanted to go out around 55 minutes and make it seem like she thought she was well short so no one did to her what Rachel did to Monet? I'd say she was smart.
BTW: Did you see her using her feminine charms once in this game?

About Andrew, BB is only a game so, as long as he follows the rules, he should play it as he wishes. I don't think your list bothers him at all.

As for my list:

1- Hayden: The guy managed to escape the pitfalls of being the first HOH. He's in a strong position and his alliances are still mostly hidden. And being in bed with Kristen isn't a bad way to spend the summer!

2- Kristen: Still boring but she's positioned herself pretty well. (caccoon!) Who knows, maybe she'll be the one to decide what happens in that alliance.

3- Ragan: Being with Matt is a good move for him. Everyone seems to like him which is even better. I like his diary room comments.

4- Matt: Volunteering to be the pawn was so risky it was dumb but he pulled it off. Now that people know he's lying he may be in trouble with the lie about his wife. He is playing too hard but not as poorly as Ronnie and he is making it fun. He gets extra points for calling out the Chenbot!!!!

5- Rachel: Her HOH rule was fun and she saw through Matt. Unfortunately, she may not be able to do much about it. Can she play without Brendon?

6- Britney: She did what she had to do. I liked her dollar bill in a stripper's g-string comment! Now, without Monet, she may have a chance to go far.

7- Enzo: Instead of trying to be right on the hour mark, going out 1 second after Britney was the thing to do to protect the brigade. I think he's trying to play it too cute. Sometimes it's better to dump the puck in the opponent's zone instead of trying to go around everyone. I wonder how his wife liked the quickie comment?

8- Brendon: He'll need to win many challenges to go far. At least he's having fun in the meantime.

9- Andrew: Maybe he thought the other hamsters were showing respect, I think they were simply happy not to have to deal with him for a whole day.

10- Lame: His name suits him. Can anyone be more boring than him?

11- Kathy: Oh yes someone can! Is BB really tougher than being a sheriff? Even the way she's playing it? She does nothing and says nothing of interest. The only thing I can figure is that it's tough to go without donuts.

Monet: Being catty without the humorous comments is a waste of TV time.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-25-10 at 06:35 AM

>Didn't you hear her
>say that's what she wanted?
>She wanted to go out
>around 55 minutes...

Yes I did hear. Question is was that said immediately and instantaneously after she bailed because it was too hot and before it became apparent the other five idiots obviously didn't have a bloody clue on how to play that game?? If that was the case then I see your point, but I honestly believe she said that AFTER. I doubt any HGS are sequestered for comments DURING compeitions and all DR confessionals and quotes are stated AFTER the fact. It's kind of like your post game/season interviews when players can say whatever they wish as a matter of self prevervation to put themselves in a better or more favorable light.

>BTW: Did you see her using
>her feminine charms once in
>this game?

No...and according to my first list this season two weeks ago, you probably won't. She is engaged to be married and unless she wants to lose that rock on her finger, she'll think twice before flirting, skanking, using "feminine charm," or any other tactic that could lead a guy on.

>About Andrew, BB is only a
>game so, as long as
>he follows the rules, he
>should play it as he

Well stated...my criticism was directed more at the morons who casted him to begin with (not surprisingly.)

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-25-10 at 12:36 PM
"Question is was that said immediately and instantaneously after she bailed because it was too hot and before it became apparent the other five idiots obviously didn't have a bloody clue on how to play that game??"

Of course the DR comments come after but that doesn't mean it didn't reflect what she was thinking all along. Is it so hard to admit she could have planned it? You don't even give her the benefit of the doubt? You simply know??? Even if you are right, she's still better than "the other five idiots".

Also, about this comment: "just like you quit because you couldn't breath". All the Hamsters that went to her afterwards commended her on trying her best until she was about to choke. What unique perspective you have to see things that those who are there don't!

"my criticism was directed more at the morons who casted him to begin with"

But isn't that like saying no Jewish person should be allowed to participate?

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-25-10 at 02:13 PM
An overwhelming number of Reality Show contestants in general would use the opportunity to "back into" a strategy or make viewers/fan believe what they were thinking all along to make themselves look better especially when giving the chance AFTERWARDS to explain what already happened. This is not a trait exclusive to only Britney, but in the case of the POV competition it would apply to her.

Of course others would run over to her and try to help her and even give words of encouragement. I would do the same...but what one does and what one actually thinks are two different animals. For example, I played soccer both on the collegiate and semi-pro level. With the World Cup recently concluded most can relate to this senario, but I had my share of monster collisions where my opponent went down and started rolling around as if he just had his spleen removed. Did I spit on the sissy and walk away? No. Although I wanted to I went over, acted concerned, made sure he was OK, and when he got up even said a couple words of encouragement. Meanwhile I was thinking "nice acting job or way to delay the game." That is the unique perspective I have. Especially when the same players keep doing the same things and it becomes a pattern, i.e., quitting or bailing out when the going gets tough.

My point with Britney is a see a pattern here. And I am willing to support that claim right now. The HOH competition will conclude tomorrow night. Please refer to my initial post on this thread and I'm predicting Britney will be a "Have" for the week by, yet again, bailing out early. If I'm wrong, I guess I'll be eating crow tomorrow night for dinner. LOL. We'll see.

I have MANY Jewish friends and most are not as rigid or regimented in practicing the Jewish faith. The same can be said about ALL religious practices...not just Judism.
So NOOOOOOOO, I'm not saying "a Jewish person should not be allowed to partipate." What I am merely saying is if religion (regardless of your faith) prevents a HG from fully and completely participating, then yes I feel that individual should not be casted. For the record, Andrew is not the first Jewish HG. Josh from BB3 was Jewish and didn't have those issues. I'm sure there were several more.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-25-10 at 06:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-25-10 AT 06:48 PM (EST)

The HOH competition will prove nothing because it would be stupid for her to try to win it. Did Will ever win one? She needed POV, she won it. That should be that. As for what others said, we had no DR comments that would indicate they were only acting concerned but we did have direct comments that she was a trooper. That should be that.

So, Jewish people should participate only if they're not too Jewish? I hope that's not what you're saying because then, I'd wonder if you'd also say that Blacks should be cast only if they aren't too black and women if they aren't too womanly.

If you aren't saying that, then what does fully and completely mean? Remember that it's only a game. Even in the world cup final, a much more important game, the players don't spend the whole game running around after the ball. They slow down, catch their breath and prepare for the next opportunity. In a game that goes on 24/7, no one plays fully and completely or else no one would ever sleep. Andrew is making it more difficult for himself but he's still allowed to play a game. If he was somehow using an unfair advantage to make the game easier then I'd understand bashing him for it but here we have the opposite.

And, since you've made a pro sport comparison I will ask: Should Sandy Koofax have been suspended for refusing to pitch game 1 of the 1965 world series because it fell on Yom Kippur? Should he be at the bottom of best pitchers list because of it?

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-26-10 at 06:12 PM
I had a yummy dinner last night. Fortunately (and not surprisingly) is was NOT "crow." LOL

Much to your chagrin, the HOH competition proved that the Britney "pattern" stays intact. No way anyone can make me believe that Britney did not want to win HOH when the competition commenced. But since another "victory" could not be attained by bailing out early...she QUIT. "And that was that!"

But I suppose it dosen't matter when a HG speaks, or what they say, or what they do, we should blindly agree and acknowledge without question...because "that is that." Even when Kathy FINALLY comes around after day 20 to inform all of America about her diabolical and genius "strategy" of performing poorly on purpose all along? What's even more pathetic than that lame attempt of backpeddling, is some viewers/fans might actually swallow that crap. But Kathy said it; we heard it...so "that is that!"

Thanks for sticking with soccer because its a unique perspective I have expereince with. Does every player go 100% for the full 90 minutes? No. Do players slow down during the contest? Yes. Here's why--In athletic contests you have offense and defense. Unlike baseball or football when the defense takes the field and the offense sits, and vica-a-versa, in soccer the players stay on the field at all times. When the ball is on your side of the field then NO you don't slow down.

For example, my position was striker (left wing.) When the action was near our goal and the fullbacks and goalie were defending, did I do windsprints across the midfield just so I could put out 100% ALL the time even when the ball was some 30-40 yards away? No. When the ball was on my end of the field and the forwards were attacking, did the coaching staff ask our goalie to dive all over the place as if he was making saves so he wouldn't slow down? Of course not. Keeping with the soccer analogy you initiated, on Reality Shows competitions and challenges are comparable to the "ball being on your side of the field." In soccer when the ball is near your goal should the fullbacks and goalie give 100%? You betcha ya A$$. When the ball is near the opponents goal should the scorers give 100%? You betcha ya A$$. So should those who participate in HOH and POV competitions put out their best efforts? You betcha ya A$$! But it doesn't matter how much I spell it out for you...you'll never agree.

Yes, in some instances I feel too much of something should exclude an applicant from being casted. But for the last time this is not about race, color, creed or religion. For example, if an applicant is too much of an emotional rollercoaster waiting to crash, then send them home. If an applicant to too much of a thin-skinned individual, then send them home. And the list goes on...

Finally to address your Koufax question: Never once did I insinuate nor will I ever suggest that Andreww be expelled or removed from the House for his religious beliefs. That being said, Koufax should NOT be suspended for observing Yom Kippur on game one of the World Series?

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-26-10 at 07:13 PM
Funny but I saw Lame and Hayden fall off before Britney. Should we believe that Hayden backed-up in his strategy also?!! You got nothing but nice try anyway!!

"Shows competitions and challenges are comparable to the "ball being on your side of the field."

Only if you've put yourself in a bad position and you need to win. A smart player manages to keep the ball in the opponent's end even during challenges.

About Andrew, you said worse than being expelled, you said he shouldn't have been cast in the first place.

To complete my thought on Andrew: If he was insisting that BB let him out of the house every week to go to synagogue then yes, it would be an unfair request because the rules force players to stay sequestered. What he did was not a reason to bash him.

PS: Even in an offense/defense sport like football, we often see star players go to the bench in the middle of a drive, even at key moments, for absolutely no other reason than to rest.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-27-10 at 05:14 AM
>Funny but I saw Lame and
>Hayden fall off before Britney.
>Should we believe that Hayden
>backed-up in his strategy also?!!

Please refer to my earlier post when I stated this HOH competition clearly favors the light and thin person. Good reason why Andrew, Ragan, and Matt were the last three standing. Hayden and Lane are anything but skinny and light. There's a difference between trying your best vs. flat out quitting. Hayden and Lane gave their best efforts in a competition that was not conducive to their statures and FELL OFF. Britney QUIT, but nice try.

>Only if you've put yourself in
>a bad position and you
>need to win. A smart
>player manages to keep the
>ball in the opponent's end
>even during challenges.

Obviously you never played soccer because I ASSURE you you NEVER want the ball in your opponents end. Any coach/manager who instructs the team to do that wouldn't have a job for long. You're the one who brought up soccer. No doubt you'll try to reach for something else to try to spin how giving up is OK.

>About Andrew, you said worse than
>being expelled, you said he
>shouldn't have been cast in
>the first place.

You're the one who mentioned suspend/expel in your Koufax example. Just keeping apples with apples.

>To complete my thought on Andrew:
>If he was insisting that
>BB let him out of
>the house every week to
>go to synagogue then yes,
>it would be an unfair
>request because the rules force
>players to stay sequestered. What
>he did was not a
>reason to bash him.

I simply do not like the fact a HG has the ability and advantage to avoid the idiots and morons production makes a habit of casting without the other HGS dare to question for obvious reason. An advantage the other HGs do not have without suffering negative repercussions.

>PS: Even in an offense/defense sport
>like football, we often see
>star players go to the
>bench in the middle of
>a drive, even at key
>moments, for absolutely no other
>reason than to rest.

Sure it occurs but it does not mean I agree with that. Trust me I could write a 1,000 word summation on my thoughts about a multi-million dollar primadonna needing to REST while he's trying to do what he's getting paid for!!! But I've written more than enough words already.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-27-10 at 08:17 AM
LAST EDITED ON 07-27-10 AT 08:19 AM (EST)

>a difference between trying your
>best vs. flat out quitting.
>Hayden and Lane gave their
>best efforts in a competition
>that was not conducive to
>their statures and FELL OFF.
>Britney QUIT, but nice try.

Yes, the difference being playing it smart! Britney was smart to get off the board. Period.

Anyway, if Lame's best effort was to tie Kathy, way to go there COWboy! Hayden said he quit also but I guess you don't believe what he said in his DR comment and spin it to the guy's advantage as usual. For big guys, Brendon and DEnso did pretty well.

>Obviously you never played soccer because
>want the ball in your
>opponents end.

Obviously, I had stopped with the soccer metaphor. The ball here was the target.

>You're the one who mentioned suspend/expel
>in your Koufax example. Just
>keeping apples with apples.

You blamed casting for selecting Andrew => You wouldn't have allowed him to play based on his religion.
If you do not blame Koufax that means you hold BB to a higher standard than the World Series!?!

>I simply do not like the
>fact a HG has the
>ability and advantage to avoid
>the idiots and morons production
>makes a habit of casting
>without the other HGS dare
>to question for obvious reason.
>An advantage the other HGs
>do not have without suffering
>negative repercussions.

Advantage???? The others were probably happy not to have to deal with him. How often has that behavior cost someone the game? Sekou, Tina S, Brad...You do not want to isolate yourself.

>Sure it occurs but it does
>not mean I agree with
>that. Trust me I could
>write a 1,000 word summation
>on my thoughts about a
>multi-million dollar primadonna needing to
>REST while he's trying to
>do what he's getting paid
>for!!! But I've written more
>than enough words already.

Then, I would buy your criticism of Andrew a little more if he was a multi-million dollar BB player who was avoiding others on a whim. Apples with apples!!

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-27-10 at 08:51 PM
I was willing to let this thread die its normal death, but with new and equally erroneous allegations, you give me no choice to respond.

>...spin it to the guy's advantage as usual....

What a bunch of donkey's dust! My critcism of Britney is the TREND or PATTERN she has shown. Please refer to my very first list and you'll see I gave Britney the BENEFIT OF THE DOUBT for bailing out early in the very first competition. That benefit will no longer been given because of the pattern she is showing. Lane's performance was disappointing and I promise you if Lane shows the same pattern I will be as rentless toward him and I am toward quitter Britney, so it has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with gender! Afterall, if I don't give Lane the same benefit I gave Britney would it be because I am partial to women??? With all due respect you are being utterly ridiculous.

Other than Kathy, Lane, and Britney, the way I saw the competition all the others were pretty close to the brink before they "quit." Given the format of that competition one can make a case that everyone other than Matt "quit." Some put out a more admirable effort than others and as I stated, Kathy, Lane and Britney's (and perhaps Kristen) were inexcusable. Brendon for his size was excellent but he has pretty much solidified his status as the competition stud for this season. Enzo is not as large as Hayden and Lane so I pretty much expected him to place where he did.

>Obviously, I had stopped with the
>soccer metaphor. The ball here
>was the target.

Obviously you did nothing of the sort. In your last post you quoted my line which was taken directly from my paragraph referencing soccer where I was responding to the soccer metaphor YOU initiated. So nice try, but no cigar.

>You blamed casting for selecting Andrew

OK...I blame Production for over 90% of the idiots and morons they cast...so what else is new???

>If you do not blame Koufax
>that means you hold BB
>to a higher standard than
>the World Series!?!

This statement makes about as much sense as putting screen doors on a submarine. With Koufax it was ultimately HIS decision to participate or not...not MLB's decision. In this instance it was ultimately CBS/BB decision to have Andrew participate. A similiar analogy would be if BB ran into Yom Kippur and CBS would not make any concessions for Andrew (as MLB made no concessions for Koufax) and then Andrew decided he would not chose BB over religion. I would respect Andrew's decision and not "blame" Andrew just as I didn't "blame" Koufax? It have nothing to do with holding one to a "higher standard." Pure rubbish; but nice try.

>How often has
>that behavior cost someone the
>game? Sekou, Tina S, Brad...You
>do not want to isolate

EXACTLY!!!!! And that is my point. Past players suffered the conseqences for isolating themselves because the perception was either "they think they're too good or us?" or "they're standing away from us because they don't like us...so why should we like them." All I'm saying is Andrew has a built-in excuse or a free pass if you may from suffering the same consequences that cost other players from doing the same who could not use religious observation as a reason. That's the advantage I was talking about.

>Then, I would buy your criticism
>of Andrew a little more
>if he was a multi-million
>dollar BB player who was
>avoiding others on a whim.
>Apples with apples!!

HUH??? WHAT??? You're all over the place like fertilizer now. What does Andrew have to do with your example of you defending the primadonna athletes who want to slow down or take breaks during the game? For the record I think Andrew has shown a decent effort in the competitions he participated in. I certainly wouldn't put him in the same category of a Britney or Kathy. That would be like comparing kosher oranges with rotten apples!!

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-27-10 at 10:40 PM
I'll have to start again.

- You said Hayden gave his best effort when he flat out told us in his DR comment that he was dropping out of the competition to avoid being put on slop. So, for me, you are ignoring his DR comment because it suits your theory.

You always choose some facts and ignore others. For example:

- Britney said she wanted to trick the other players during the POV competition => You ignored that so you can say she quit even if she won.

- Britney said she wanted to win HOH => You believed that because you can say she quit.

- Britney said she wanted to drop out of HOH => You ignored that by saying she backed into the strategy.

Very selective editing goes on in your mind!

My "opponent's end" comment was: "Only if you've put yourself in a bad position and you need to win. A smart player manages to keep the ball in the opponent's end even during challenges."

I thought it was obviously about BB, not soccer: Challenges... need to win... position to win... Did I change the channel too quickly for you?

For Andrew, you had replied the following:
"Well stated...my criticism was directed more at the morons who casted him to begin with (not surprisingly.)"

Your criticism was directed at Andrew, not 90% of the cast and the only reason for saying he shouldn't have been cast was his religious practices which I find distasteful.

"With Koufax it was ultimately HIS decision to participate or not...not MLB's decision. In this instance it was ultimately CBS/BB decision to have Andrew participate."

Koufax decided not to pitch to observe Yom Kippur, Andrew decided not to participate in the daily activities to observe Tisha B'av. Exact same reasoning. If you don't blame Koufax for not participating fully and completely in the World Series but you do blame Andrew for not participating fully and completely in BB then that must mean you think BB is somehow more important.

"Andrew has a built-in excuse"

You're the only one that sees it that way because the very next HOH put him on the block. Poor excuse if it was one!

Finally, I was saying that star Football players take a rest even during key drives to show you that your "participating fully and completely" argument against Andrew was worthless. Why bring Britney in this?

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-28-10 at 05:25 AM
I'll be as quick as possible for the Spin Doctor because this has gone on long enough...

- Out of everyone who "quit" in the HOH competition, I stand by my belief that Kathey, Lane, Britney and perhaps Kristen could have stayed up there quite a bit longer. All the others "quit" very close to the brink. Even Ragan "quit" when he knew the end was near. You know exactly what I am talking about but are spinning like you always do. But the only two I see a quitting PATTERN with are Britney and Kathy.

- Britney was bothered by the sun and heat at POV. Anyone could see that and yes she bailed out early (yet again). But for reasons already explained she backed into the victory. Her trend was the same in other competitions but the formats made it unable for her to win by bailing out early in those.

We can talk about most any player and I'll criticize the Casting Crew. We just had been talking about Andrew at the time when I once again (and appropriately) criticized the casting decision for him too. Andrew is in VERY large company in my book.

Come on....PLEEEEASE. Andrew is not the primary target. If between Kathy and Andrew, Matt and most of the House would vote Kathy out...unless Andrew does stupid things to hang himself. Actually it's blatantly obvious that NEITHER of Matt's nominations are real targets in his attempt to backdoor Rach-Don and break up the Skank-mance. You make a "poor example" as opposed to your false accusation of me making a "poor excuse."

The ULTIMATE decision of whether Koufax would participate was KOUFAX'...not MLB. The ULTIMATE decision of whether Andrew would participate was CBS/BB...not Andrew's. What's so hard to comprehend about that glaring difference???

With all due respect, I think what started out as a spirited decision has now turned into a silly shadow-boxing exhibition. Let's just lay down the gloves now and we can lace them back up after I post my next list.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-28-10 at 05:36 AM

>With all due respect, I think
>what started out as a
>spirited decision has now turned
>into a silly shadow-boxing exhibition.
>Let's just lay down the
>gloves now and we can
>lace them back up after
>I post my next list.

OOOPS... my bad. Meant to say spirited DISCUSSION...

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-28-10 at 05:53 PM
Koufax was recruited by the Dodgers.
Andrew was recruited by BB.
Again: Same thing but I understand you feel like you put your foot in an hornets' nest and want to get out of it.

As for Britney, I know she quit most challenges but that is the intelligent thing to do in this game (and often in Survivor also). The one time she didn't quit and actually won a challenge she needed, you have to spin it into another quit which is actually funny.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-25-10 at 03:43 AM
1. Britney: Hilarious and the only real reason to watch this season. Gives several gut-busting confessionals each episode, which is a plus, and she's the best looking person in the house to boot. In terms of her game, despite being on the block just last week, she's in minimal danger of actually going home as she has no real enemies in the house (she seems to have made nice with Rachel to enough of an extent). Based on the feeds, she's actually a fairly well rounded contestant too, not anywhere close to the airhead who won last year (the nice, sane airhead who won last year). Apparently Aruba knows her very well outside of the house to know how she uses her feminine wiles in real life, and can read her mind too, so maybe that's closer, but I know I enjoy the person I see on the feeds and broadcast.

2. Andrew: He's earned my respect. He's gotten so much crap thrown at him that was, for all intents and purposes, undeserved, and he has been able to weather it. I kind of like him as a person though, very "Office" like in that he'd fit in well on that show. Quirky guy, but I think he's a plus for the house.

3. Hayden: There's a lot to be said for being at the head of the game's dominant alliance and in a showmance with no real sign of people looking to come after you. He's very "common sense" focused in his confessionals, but he's done a top-tier job of managing the early game. I don't find him to be a negative attitude either.

4. Enzo: He's sort of here by default. I think he's been a surprisingly pleasant representation of an area that hasn't had the best reality reputation, and he's managed to make good suggestions within an alliance.

5. Matt: His ego is too big for what he can deliver in this game. He is playing too hard too soon, and I find that his lies and gameplay tend to benefit too much in the short-term for when he is deciding to use the cards. But I give him credit for being one of a few strategic sparks in a relatively dull game thus far.

6. Lane: I guess. I mean, I find his simplicity charming, and his conversations with Britney are pretty fantastic. There's a lot to be said for a quiet physical force when it's clear most players fail miserably to pull it off.

7. Rachel: If this was purely on personality, she'd be near the bottom: she's obnoxious. But her intuition is stunningly good, probably one of the best in the house. She could be the only one to sniff out how much of a rat Matt actually is and, in spite of a ton of obstacles, she was able to navigate her HoH without that much damage by getting rid of a threat without hurting another alliance.

8. Brendon: OK, he's a complete fool, but I give him points for having a loyalty to Andrew (especially if there's more to that than just being nice, maybe an alliance?) and for being able to win the challenges that he needs to win. He loses a little ground for failing to lock out Britney in the PoV: if both can play, each one can lock out a nominee. Simple.

9. Ragan: I get the hunch that he's playing an exceptionally strong social game, at least from what I have read about his work in playing all sides without getting mud on his shoes. I don't know if he's good enough to parlay that far enough, and his "play with honor" idea is obnoxious, but credit is needed for keeping himself completely and utterly safe.

10. Kristen: She has done absolutely nothing of note on the show.

11. Kathy: Sloth.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-25-10 at 07:03 AM

>Apparently Aruba knows her very
>well outside of the house
>to know how she uses
>her feminine wiles in real
>life, and can read her
>mind too...

Neither of the above, but I do have something...it's called observation and opinion. Why all the carrying on and obnoxious wailing and crying? This is BB12, so please don't say the "shock factor." Being nominated is a part of the game...EVERYONE in the House knows that. Simple deduction from my observation: Girls like Britney and Monet are used to getting what they want (thanks in part to their "feminine wiles") and when they don't, they carry on in the ridiculous manner we saw this past week.
BTW: This Board is based on thoughts, beliefs, and opinions. An overwhelming number of posts I read here in the BB and Survivor forums are based on what posters feel. Granted mine are with more sarcasim, satire, and wit; but they are my thoughts/opinions and I will stand by them as I would trust other posters would stand by what they feel.

>4. Enzo: He's sort of here
>by default. I think he's
>been a surprisingly pleasant representation
>of an area that hasn't
>had the best reality reputation

Other than the State of California (where more than half of your Reality Show contestants come from) is there any area that can take claim to the best reality reputation/representation? If there is, I'd be curious to know where and what rational was used to come to that conclusion.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by LFJ on 07-25-10 at 01:05 PM
Hey Aruba,

In general, I wouldn't disagree with much of what Michel has to say, as I know from reading his posts on the Survivor threads that he rocks. *Ahem* Re: Britney, though, I tend to agree with you.

I have only seen a couple of the shows, and either have to catch up on the boards or After Dark, but...

While Britney could use Monet as a safety net, she ran her mouth as often and as loudly as she pleased. Since Monet was ejected from the house followed by thunderous applause and a resounding thud, Britney has shown enough intelligence (or survival instincts) to make an attitude adjustment. *glaring light suddenly fills the void in her head* She is no longer in the Sorority House, IOW.

She doesn't strike me as the kind of person who has had enough real life experience to make it to the end.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-25-10 at 02:28 PM
I don't think Britney's going to win (early jury boot if I'm predicting), but Jordan was the same age and noticeably less intelligent and won in a rout last year.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by LFJ on 07-25-10 at 06:07 PM
You are right. The difference being, I think, that Jordan was one of the most benign personalities I have seen in the house. That, plus no one took her seriously.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-25-10 at 02:27 PM
You have a right to your opinion. You just don't have proof or really evidence for your supposition. The mere fact is that you (and I, and everyone) are seeing two (when commercials are cut out) specifically chosen and crafted hours split between ten+ people in order to craft a story. Neither of us have ever been in the situation of having to be in the Big Brother house and the effect on the psyche of being a "have not", being nominated with your best friend in the situation, and having to deal with Rachel's cackling laugh (and everyone else's worse qualities) on a 24/7 basis. You're making assumptions based on, at best, flimsy generalizations. That's your call.

As for the Enzo comment, it was a simple Jersey shore joke.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-25-10 at 03:40 PM
What is NOT a "flimsy generalization" or "supposition" is the fact that two HGs get nominated every week. If you can't deal with that then go home. This obnoxious and uncontrollable wailing is utterly ridiculous. If you still feel this is an "assumption" then the individual who coined the phrase "if you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen" must have been then most assuming person known to man.

Yes they have to put up with the Have-Not psyche and the cackling laugh...my answer to that is "TOUGH." There are SCORES of other individuals who would gladly put up with those inconveniences for a chance to win 500K. Is that another "flimsy generalization???" Fact is when things generally come easy for a person they usually react in the same manner Britney and Monet reacted this week when thing's DON'T go their way.

Winning 500K should never come easy...but I "assume" that would be another one of my exclusive "opinions."

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-25-10 at 09:30 PM
The psychological effects of Big Brother are simply way too hard to measure until you see it actually happen. Last year, Michelle pretty much disintegrated under the social pressure. Normally competent, professional people turn into utter jackasses after a few weeks in there. I don't have an issue with you doing it (I'll challenge it, but it is perfectly within your rights), but I don't feel comfortable doing it. I've seen so many people turn into horrible people during and after reality shows that I just cannot buy it any more.

I do know we've seen more than Brit cry in the first few weeks, or act in a way they shouldn't be (due to expectations). Brendan and Rachel have been crying as well (Rachel when she was nominated, Brendan because he's Brendan). Enzo's gotten a penalty day and has eaten illegal food a couple of times as a "have not" (which he knew coming in). Annie went psycho after being nominated. Basically, up until this week, every nomination or replacement nomination except Matt (who had his own plans and engineered his own nomination) has had an emotional reaction.

Combine the known hardships with those that you tend not to think about (the constant pressure to be social, fun, interesting; not having any contact with anyone you know outside of the house, restrictive diet, personal freedom being severely constricted) and these emotions are only intensified. It's why you see Brendan and Rachel being practically married after three weeks, and how Kristen-Hayden is suddenly on "Brigade" level for Hayden.) and it's not that surprising you get these reactions.

It's great that you could play this game without any emotions beyond the acceptable, but most people can't. Many college students cry when they get there after the first day because, even though they knew they were moving away from their house, they didn't realize the enormity of the situation. Someone has to lose a sports game, but players on the losing team still cry after the game.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Aruba on 07-26-10 at 06:41 PM
Yes, psychological effects are hard to predict especially when no attempt is made to measure them which brings us to your college example. Actually I saw more adverse psycological effects during finals weeks in the first semester freshman year. My personal experience was witnessing a boy who roomed across the hall from me become such an emotional wreck he keeled over and passed out during his first finals week requiring the medics to take him out on a stretcher.

We were told the next day he would be OK, but would not be returning. Part of me felt bad and my thoughts and prayers were with him and his family. But another part of me couldn't help but feel upset that somewhere out there an individual was deprived an opportunity to attend this University because only so many were accepted and he/she was shut out in place of this student who couldn't handle the stress/pressure.

Do I blame the University? No, and here's why...when I applied all they required was my application, SAT scores, and HS transcripts. No psychological evaluation was conducted. Can the same be sad for the networks who air Reality Shows? What I do know is the selection process is time-consuming and for those who reach the Finals, it culminates in being sequestered to a private combine for a two-week period. I have never actually attended this combine area, so not to be accused of any more flimsy generations, I won't speak with certainty here. But the question for you (or ayone else who cares to read) what on God's Green Earth are they doing with these applicants for two weeks if they are NOT conducting psychological evaluations or measuring mental aptitudes??? For crying out loud it should only take one day to try on bathing suits and get a body wax! That being said, their continued casting failures are unacceptable in my book.

>Normally competent,
>professional people turn into utter
>jackasses after a few weeks
>in there.

I have never bought into the theory that Reality Show players "turn into" something or become something they are not. Of course players will say that to save face or provide a lame excuse to downplay how millions of viewers saw them for the way they truly are. I've probably said this a thousand times on these boards...so now I'll say it a thousand and one time...


If a person has no control over their libido on the outside world, of course they'll be horny toads in the BB House. So it's no surprise to see those people sucking face and rounding third base with someone they've only known for a week.

If a person lives their life with honesty and high integrity, then that's how they'll act on a Reality Show. With a person who is thin-skinned and/or emotionally high-strung, a meltdown is inevitable. And someone who will try to buck the system or break a rule and hope not to get caught to get ahead in the real world, will eventually try to do the same in the game.

Once again, I don't believe being on a Reality Show creates out of body experiences...OK, I'll say it for the thousand and second time...


"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Estee on 07-25-10 at 02:27 PM
U.S Virgin Islands.

No-score win.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-25-10 at 07:18 PM
Nah, I'd give the win to Utah: Neleh and Todd.

Boston had LisLis, Osten, Morono and DDL. Rating???

I thought (wished really) that the Enzo comment was a shot at Judd and StepheMe.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Fishercat on 07-25-10 at 09:10 PM
For some reason, I always associated those two with different states. Although I thought Judd to be an honorary Jersey resident (the fact that he's an actual one, no shocker).

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by ohmyheck on 07-28-10 at 09:50 PM
In Utah we also had Tyson, David Archuleta and the sisters who unrolled haybales for 9 hours. Kind of takes the reputation down a bit.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by michel on 07-28-10 at 10:12 PM
If Lena anmd Kristy were from Utah then that's a plus in my book.

"RE: Big Brother Love/Loathe List V12.3"
Posted by Belle Book on 07-29-10 at 04:41 PM
Mine too. I really hated it that they were eliminated. Anyway, I'd say Utah has the best reputation because of Neleh, Todd, David Archuleta and Lena & Kristy. Of course, if a hamster here that I dislike is from Utah, the reputation might drop a bit.