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"Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"

Posted by flower2 on 07-31-07 at 10:05 PM
I really admire the fact that Jameka has taken such a strong stand for her beliefs. She committed to fighting for anyone that pulled her name in the power of veto game and she maintained! Additionally, it was admirable that she didn't compromise herself by selling out for $5000, that she admittedly could have used. Unfortunately, many people won't appreciate what she did and will probably use it against her to evict her from the game. Nevertheless, way to go Jameka, for standing on the Word!!!

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"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Glass on 07-31-07 at 10:11 PM
I'm curious Flower, do you also think it was immoral for Dustin to take those prizes, or not? And why?

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by go Daniele and Dck on 08-01-07 at 11:08 AM
I think it was a mistake, people seem "jen"uinely upset and realize how selfish Dustin is. A lot of true colors were reveled this week.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by frisky on 08-01-07 at 12:38 PM
But wouldn't you expect anyone to be on this show to be selfish?

Everyone got themselves on that show for one reason: self. Self-adoration, self-promotion, self-serving, selfish, self-get-rich.

Why in Jameka's name would anyone apply to be on a reality TV game show for "the greater good?" Or for the good of anyone but themselves?

I'm not saying it was the brightest move, because you have to play the political game along the way to stuffing your pockets with half a mill, but it should not be an enlightening moment for anyone to find that anyone who signed up to be on the show is taking care of themselves.

Except, perhaps, for Jameka. I'd be interested in knowing why she applied. Did she have a typo in a web address and end up at the application and figure it was God's will?

Jameka, IMO, had no right to be upset at Jen for throwing the Veto comp last night knowing that she was throwing the win to Jameka. What happened to "the winner is predetermined" and the hampsters are just "walking the walk?" Isn't God directing everything in this game? Wasn't Jen throwing the game because it was meant to be?

Rolly made this.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by zipperhead on 08-01-07 at 01:12 PM
Ouch! Ouch! Ouch!!

You're making too much sense and now my head hurts from all of your high-falutin' logic!

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 08-01-07 at 03:45 PM
I don't see the big deal at all. Everybody knew that either Jen or Kail would come off the block. that was the plan all along, or so I thought. So big deal. Dustin gets some cash and a trip and Jen comes off the block and is replaced with Nick. the plan worked out the way the house wanted AND Dustin got prizes. I fail to see the problem here.
I don't see the problem with Jen throwing it either. Either she would win or Jameka would win. either way, Jen comes off the block. Which was part of the plan.

RIP, Bill Walsh

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by nazpink on 08-02-07 at 01:01 AM
Amen! I would have admired Jameka for keeping her word if she had done so graciously. I really don't know why it mattered whether Jen gave Jameka the win or not.....either way Jen was coming off the block.

Personally, I find it rather insulting to God that these people think he has nothing else better to do than to play the puppet master in a reality show.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by RonReports on 08-01-07 at 12:54 PM
Dustin was right to take the money but he should have explained his reasoning better. He should have said that there were other good candidates for eviction, and for that reason it did not matter if Jen left this week or another week, as long as someone like Nick would be eliminated this week instead of her. In fact, it is even better this way because Nick was unable to compete for the Power of Veto to try to save himself.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 08-01-07 at 10:02 AM
While admirable, I am afraid that she probably won't receive the same respect....but it's just how she wants to play the game. I bet everyone on the block will want her to play for them on the POV competitions!!

Glass, selfish, maybe. Since he was willing to backdoor someone, it didn't bother his strategy, this time!!!

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by frisky on 08-01-07 at 12:50 PM
I admire people for standing up for their beliefs.

This is why I think Jameka is the biggest hypocrite. She didn't "sell out" for $5000. Don't you think, though, that she sold out for $500,000 just by being on your TV screen?

Anyone who believes as strongly as Jameka claims to believe would spend three months of "free time" giving to church, community, the poor, the sick, the weak, etc. I know people like this; I know of their tireless, selfless, and often thankless efforts, in the name of their faith. I don't share their beliefs, but I admire their steadfast devotion to their faith. I admire that they don't preach -- they walk the walk and they give of themselves to their fellow man often to their own detriment.

Not Jameka. She's got three months on her hands and she's a hampster in the Big Brother house, a TV game show where lying and deception are primary themes.

So, I guess I agree and disagree with what you are saying. I admire people who stand up for their beliefs. I just don't believe Jameka is one of those people.

Rolly made this.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by nazpink on 08-02-07 at 01:03 AM
And how many were disgusted with Jameka comparing God to a gangsta? LOL....I really had to bust a gutt and roll my eyes at that one.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by jtb3rd on 08-01-07 at 01:39 PM
What makes her think the WORD wasn't for her to win POV and keep the nominations the same??????????
I have a big problem with the fact she is using the WORD of God as the reasoning behind this, come on. That is the biggest crock of them all. Her "interpretation" was that God made Jen pull her name out and win POV to save Jen. Did God tell her this? How does she know God didn't want her to play the POV and keep Dustin's nominations the same. Give me a break, she backed herself into a corner and couldn't get out. Don't stand there and say this God's will when you are playing "A GAME". I thought we were past all this "God's will" when Deion Sanders retired. Give me a break. I'm sorry but my God has much more important things to deal with then some stupid people playing a silly game.


"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Aruba on 08-01-07 at 06:38 PM
First of all, what Jameka did is more admirable than some sleazeball lying, deceiving, and backstabbing their way through the game. But this was not a case of an individual who keeps her word because that's what she promised...PERIOD. By bringing the Lord and His Divine Intervention into the mix (church organ music in the background) it's a classic cop out IMHO. It didn't have to be anyone's business WHY she felt inclined to keep her word; but by using the Cross as a shield, Jameka was able to deflect alot of potential criticism (with the exception of Evil). So let's not put too big a feather in her cap.

As for Dustin...unlike last season when a similiar format was used in the POV, the players taking the prizes pretty much took themselves out of he competition. Not the case last night. Dustin still realistically had a chance to win POV even with the prizes. Actually if Jen had not "thrown" that last question out, I believe Dustin still wins. So I wouldn't criticize him at all for taking the prizes.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by heather751 on 08-07-07 at 06:19 PM
Personally I think Jameka uses all that religious talk as a cover up. She is just as dirty of a player as the rest of them and if not shes a fool! It is only a game and I don't God is watching to see who plays the best and worst. If you are going to win you have to play a little dirty. In the end this will all come back to kick her in the butt. Everyone will see that she has slid underneath the radar and she will be evicted...well, thats my plan anyway

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by whoami on 08-01-07 at 08:47 PM
I think that what Jameka did was something to be admired. She kept her word. That is a big thing to do in the BB house where everyone thinks they have to lie, back stab, deceive, and manipulate everyone to win.

So what if she thinks that is what God wants her to do. If she believes this then that is what she must do.

I do not know about you but I serve a God who wants to be involved in my every day life, and if that involves how I play a game then I have to do what He wants me to do. Not doing what God wants you to do is disobeying Him, and disobeying him is sinning, and that in not what He wants.

I would not want to serve a god who could care less what I do in my life.

Hurray for Jameka

If any of you people do not want to believe in a God who cares about people then that is your choice, just don't put down people who worship a God who cares about people.

How you play a game is how you are in real life when push comes to shove.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Aruba on 08-01-07 at 09:26 PM
For most of us it's not a question of whether we believe in a God or her caring about people. I serve a God...and the God I serve says in the Good Book that your good deeds and godly intentions should be done privately and/or without public announcement or fanfare.

I'm perfectly OK with Jameka keeping her word and her godly intentions...but it should be kept to HERSELF. What I criticize her for is this need or desire to announce God's will and intentions in the House. She's no dummy...it's her shield so she hopes she'll be absolved by the HGs. It won't work with Evil; we'll have to see about the others.

I would NEVER put down anyone who worships a God. When I worship a God it's MY business. When someone else worships a God it should be THEIR business...and no one else's business (unless of course they congregate together in a place of worship). And I believe we ALL can come to a conclusion that the BB House is NO place of worship.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by frisky on 08-01-07 at 10:46 PM
Yeah, it's the whole "thou protest too much" thing. She makes the decision, then she goes around and claims she's doing God's work. It's so in your face that it's almost like she's trying to convince herself of the merit of her argument.

Again, I don't deny someone their faith and I admire someone's strength in maintaining their faith in seemingly impossible circumstance.

In Jameka's world, everything she does is divine and is God's will. God knows how the game is going to go and the winner is predetermined. Fine.

But she doesn't stop there. Jen threw the veto comp and she whispers that she can't believe Jen did that. But isn't that what God wants, since it happened that way? Why are her movements through the game divinely mapped and others are not? How can she judge Dicque and Jen when it was God's will that they all end up in the house together?

Rolly made this.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Glass on 08-02-07 at 11:22 AM
Not to mention that she then says in confessional that she regrets saying she would take Jen off the block... as if not having promised that would have made it any less God's will.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Memaw on 08-27-07 at 10:02 AM
"And I believe we ALL can come to a conclusion that the BB House is NO place of worship."

But...it's not the building but the body (...of a person) that's the place of worship...

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by prncss764 on 08-02-07 at 08:04 AM
Sure she was true to her word, but Jen took advantage of her. I am just tired of her and her holier than thou attitude and then she is gossiping behind everyone's back with Amber all night. She has even talked about Amber before, so I do not know what she is about anymore. I think it is great she stayed true to herself, but it was bizarre to do so at her own risk and to that of her alliance, especially when they were asking her not to do it.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by fedcamper on 08-03-07 at 08:54 AM
Jameeka has Calvinist beliefs that everything is predetermined, therefore there is no free will, no decision making- if you make your own decision, it can only come out wrong. Which must be why God goes not grant the gift of intelligence to some people. It would only be wasted.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by charli_baltimoreny on 08-06-07 at 04:43 PM
I'm sorry...I'm a Christian..but Kail and Jameka are wrong for bringing God in this game when it's convenient. Jameka wasn't thinking holier than thou when she was vying to get Zach out and the only reason she wanted to change noms for POV that week was to get Zach up on the block. She's a sorry game player...she needs to buck up and play the game. Sure she stayed true to her word, but that was because if she didn't tell the LNC...then she would risk more chances of being nominated the next week. Trust, what she did was more for herself than for any divine reason. Give me a break! I was so pissed that she used that lame excuse and messed up the game.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Shannonh2007 on 08-10-07 at 08:31 PM
Jameka said that Daniele is a Christian. Really? Hmmmm.....living together out of wedlock with her shack-up boyfriend. Christian? I think not.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by J Slice on 08-10-07 at 08:34 PM
My boyfriend's pastor dad did that...

He's pretty Christian...

You should really read my crappy blog

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Snidget on 08-10-07 at 09:06 PM
While I know a lot of Christians do try to live as sin-free as possible and have various forbidden behaviors there are a couple of things to remember.

1. Not all sects of Christianity stress the same things, so just because something might make one kick someone out of any given church doesn't mean it gets you kicked out of all of them. Some sects are much more liberal about somethings that others, and I do not believe one sect can say other sects are not Christian. My church growing up had quite a few people from another sect that weren't welcome there, but were welcome to worship with us.

2. I know of no sect that say if you ever do anything sinful after accepting Christ into you life you are no longer allowed to ever be a Christian. Christians, as best as I can tell, are just as sinful as anyone else. We even say that in church every Sunday, we are all sinners and we need forgiveness for that. Jesus died for our sins so we could be forgiven, not so no human would ever sin again. Now my sect did say that one should strive to lead a holy life, but with the full knowledge that one would always fail. What you did to atone for your transgressions was between you and God, and not for other people to judge. If it is good enough for God, who am I as a mere human to say it doesn't count.

Cooling off with Agman!

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by daniellealltheway on 08-16-07 at 04:05 PM
Im sorry i am a christian and i DO NOT like the way Jameka is playing. She called Dicks mother a B***h that is NOT the christian thing to do. she should have held her head high and walked away. we all know that ##### can be just that, a ##### but you don't let anyone steal your joy which is what she did. THis is a game and they have to realize folks are going to do things to get you riled up. They will ALL feel like fools when they realize Eric is playing them ALL.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by butternut on 08-24-07 at 10:31 PM
I do not at all agree with what Jameka is doing. I shudder when she calls herself a Christian, then she has to be bleeped several times. Ok, we are ALL only human, and we will all fall short, but then she goes off to pray. This is where I really have a problem. She prays out loud, for all of America to hear. I do not agree with that. Is she for real, or is she trying to look good? In the Bible it says, when you pray, don't stand out on the corner to be seen by man, but go somewhere in secret, to be seen by God. She should have prayed in her head, not out loud.

And when exactly did Amber start talking like Jameka? God told her she would win POV? Me thinks her overactive tearducts is making her a little crazy. She is not even convincing when she cries anymore, at first I bought it, but not anymore. Definitely not an oscar winning performance. lol

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Memaw on 08-25-07 at 10:54 AM
Are you not in agreement with the fact that Jameka is a Christian or on her actions of praying in a public place.

Because being a Christian only means that one has faith in believing JC was the Son of G, he died on the cross for "ALL" mankinds sins, (past, present, & future) and that G raised him from the dead on the 3rd day, & he's no longer dead, but alive.

Many seem to forget that Christianity is a "BELIEF", not a "RELIGION". It is the way people practice their "religion" which makes up for the many disagreements in today's world.

And, did Jameka actually pray for all America to see. Or, was she actually praying in private,(a whispering mode) but Big Brother Recording for "Ratings", turned the volume up on it. What "I" saw was someone not really "praying on a corner" for all to see, as you put it, but that she was just praying in her "temporary housing".

As a matter of fact, from what I saw, the others across the yard couldn't actually "hear" what she was saying. They could only "see" that she was giving the appearance of praying by her outward actions.

I can only imagine how really stressful it is to live in the Big Brother House, and can only come to the conclusion that Jameka probaly just forgot where she was for the moment, (on live TV)

I believe she probably felt as though she was just praying in her own "living environment", which in actuality, makes it her "closet" and not the "corner".

As for Amber, she IS A VERY EMOTIONAL and "I" believe to be a very unstable person, still seeking out the way of life. With anyone who is that emotional, anything can seem to set the tears a running down their cheeks.

I don't agree with your choce of words concerning Amber, when you commented "not a winning Oscar" performance" when that's not what I believe Amber is there trying to do there. (win an Oscar) She's just trying to win the million dollars like everyone else there.

This posting was not meant to be taken offensively, so please don't see it that way. Thanks.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by butternut on 08-25-07 at 05:22 PM
Are you not in agreement with the fact that Jameka is a Christian or on her actions of praying in a public place.

Oh, I do not deny that she may not be a Christian at all, I know we are all human. I might lose it and say some choice words myself if I had to live with E.D. The praying part may very well be that she did not realize it, but it is the BB house, so surely she knows she will be heard. It is just not my style is all to say it out loud where it can be heard by others. If I were in that house, I would tend to want to be out of sight when I pray, that is just how I prefer it myself, unless I was praying with others. And like I said, I know there is no perfect human here, so no offense.

As for Amber, when I said no oscar winning performance, I meant that it seems so fake to me, for the most part. I do agree that she has some problems though, and her crying seemed very real, and I really believe that she really felt that too, but lately, it just seems so very fake to me.

But you are right it is a game, and people are trying to win, so they are just doing what they feel they have to do. I am not offended at all, and hope I did not offend you.

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Memaw on 08-25-07 at 11:12 AM
You have your right to not like the way a player is playing the game, however, don't all "Christian's" fall short, according to the Bible?

My next question is this: Did Jameka really allow ED to "steal her joy" or just a moment of "happiness"?

Being joyful is an action, not an emotion. There is a difference you know between the two...

I believe at times anyone who watches as well as being a player when it comes to the Big Brother show tends to forget that it is just a game. Anyone who skims through these message boards should be able to see that.

As for Eric, I'm waiting to see how that's going to play out too. I really don't see him going all the way to the end. I do believe he will be booted out before then. (at least that's what I'm hoping, However,imo, I actually think America is playing "Eric" more than they have him being America's Player and playing the others.

And, I just can't wait to see what's going to happen in the sequestor's house before the final vote comes into being! Is Jen really going to go, or is she not going to go like she said on the eve of her being ousted out of the game...

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Memaw on 08-28-07 at 09:40 AM
Did Jameka really allow ED to "steal her joy" or just a moment of "happiness"?

Being joyful is an action, not an emotion. There is a difference you know between the two...

"RE: Jameka--true to her WORD!!!"
Posted by Memaw on 08-25-07 at 11:15 AM
Haven't you heard? Today, according to different polls and studies, there seems to be more Christians that are either divorced, living with a mate or being a teen who's pregnant...then their are non-christians.

"RE: Jameka--Amber need to go"
Posted by cinbad on 08-28-07 at 09:51 PM
Jameka, being the "Christian" sure has worn some very low cut, showing lots of skin dresses during eviction shows. Her and Amber need to go!!!!!!! Amber needs to take meds for depression, her crying is getting riduculous!!!!!!!! They both should be embarrassed with their behavior!!!!!!!

"RE: Jameka--Amber need to go"
Posted by Memaw on 08-29-07 at 10:24 AM
I agree that both Amber and Jameka need to go; however, I don't think that "clothes" makes a Christian.

And when the show is over and they get a chance to watch theirselves on playback, I'm sure that not only the 2 of them, but all the rest of the house will end up being embarrassed with some of their behaviors. Wonder what's going to happen the the newly formed closer relationship between Jessica & Eric when she finds out that he was being used as a pawn as "America's Player"???