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"Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""

Posted by davwav02 on 09-13-06 at 11:55 AM
Janelle, Erika and Mike were on the view today for about 6-8 minutes. They asked Mike if he wanted to explain some of the things he said on the show, but before he got a chance, they showed the "Erika is, in fact, a ho" clip.

All of the women hosting the show started saying how much they didn't like Mike. Rosie went on a rampage saying she was disappointed in him, and that his parents are probably ashamed of him. Erika said her parents hate Mike. Basically, it was a free-for-all on bashing Mike. They didn't give him a chance to say anything. Then they congratulated Janelle on winning the audience's vote, and that was about it.

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"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by RonReports on 09-13-06 at 12:14 PM
You watched "The View" so that we don't have to. I used to watch it every day but their staff changes made it unwatchable for me.

Their bashing Mike was fair. His saying "you're a class act" at eviction after eviction was one sign that he has no class. He won, but the way that he won and the stupidity of some of his comments came back to reduce the respect that many people had for him. I respected Will for the way that he won Season 2 but I think less of Mike for the way that he played this game.

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by CattyChat on 09-13-06 at 12:51 PM
I DVR'd it and just ran downstairs to grab a quick lunch and watch the segment.

I thought it was funny and well-deserved the way Rosie tongue-lashed Boogie. He couldn't get a word in edgewise, but I don't think he cares. I think Boogie would subject himself to anything to be in front of a camera.

Even though I think Erika is a big girl and is just as much to blame for her behavior as was Boogie, I feel bad for her having to be grilled over and over. She's in denial about her role in the "HOmance" or she's just saying what she thinks will make her sound better. If she has a great family, they can get her through this & hopefully she'll end up a better person (i.e. self-respect, independant, self-confidence, dignity)

Janelle was all smiles and obviously Rosie is part of the LoJ Nothing new or surprising was really said. It was good for some laughs.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"What Mike said About Splitting the $$"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-13-06 at 01:06 PM
I saw this myself and thought it was great. LOVE Rosie

I have a question for anyone else who saw it or knows the answer...Mike said when asked about splitting the money with Will "We're not allowed to split it" What's the deal with that?? I thoought there was something in the contract that said they could?

"RE: What Mike said About Splitting the $$"
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-13-06 at 02:54 PM
Their contract says they can not split the money. They've talked about splitting it different ways through the show and said you can't just give someone half of the money, but you can buy them a present, pay them for a service or invest in their business.

"RE: What Mike said About Splitting the $$"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-13-06 at 02:57 PM
Thx Elaine! I guess the suggestion of splitting the money compromises the dynamics of a good game.

But unless the money is paid out in supplements....how can anyone stop the money from being split as long as taxes get paid??

Thx again for the info!

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by PalmBeachG on 09-14-06 at 11:43 PM
> He couldn't get
a word in edgewise>

No he could not get a word in edgewise - but NOBODY can with Rosie. She dominates the show and interupts everyone - Elizabeth, Barbara, Joy and yes Boogie. I am so disappointed this year. Boogie was not my favorite character either, but she went over the top and I don't think it is nice to bring up his mother. As far as I am concerned, that is as bad as what he did to Erica.

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by Queene1979 on 09-13-06 at 01:39 PM
Does anyone have this on youtube?

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by KScott on 09-13-06 at 02:14 PM

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by nailbone on 09-13-06 at 02:57 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-13-06 AT 03:01 PM (EST)

Hilarious!!! I'm not a huge Rosie fan, but that was fuuuuuuny!! "You have a mom?!?!"

And darling Elisabeth is still quite hot.

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by Sues on 09-13-06 at 03:11 PM
I love Rosie...I've watched everyday since she's been on....her lambasting of Booger was hysterical and much needed after last night's debaucle...

"Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by Issis257 on 09-13-06 at 09:30 PM

Interesting interview on their way to the airport to go back to L.A.

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by Lasann on 09-14-06 at 09:03 AM
Wow, Boggie and Allison have a bro with a grudge against them. I think Ericka should go to the wrap party, if she can garner the strength. Her absence will just make the talk worse.

It a Tribe original!!!

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-14-06 at 10:50 AM
Thx for this Isis

Really powerful stuff.

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by Ahtumbreez on 09-14-06 at 04:25 PM
Boogie is an ##### and delusional as well. As a Big Brother participant he can't claim "editing" as other reality stars can.

Boogie! we watched 24 hours a day, there was no editing, you are what you are, which is a total creep. And you are no Will.

"How do the LOSERs find the WINNERS??"
Posted by Savahnna on 09-14-06 at 01:50 PM
This part I'll never get......and That 70's Show will never be the same to me. And that is a sad day for me!!

I think you should go with the ''partner of Ashton Kutcher, Danny Masterson, and Wilmer Valderrama

This I just don't get. My boys on That 70's Show turn out to be business partners with the most dispicable pimp in Prime time tv??

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by tamarama on 09-14-06 at 05:05 PM

coupla thoughts:

1) They're both delusional, they're both at fault.
He used her shamelessly -- beyond game-play. He was despicable and gross and he can not blame editing.
She was dim enough to fall for it. Even after she & Janelle figured things out, she crawled back into bed with him. On camera.

2) Erika's brother is so upset at the name-calling that he called Alison a c--- to her mother?!?!? Now I have no respect for Mike, Erika OR Erika's brother. (and I despise Alison)

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by thevicster on 09-14-06 at 11:10 PM

>2) Erika's brother is so upset
>at the name-calling that he
>called Alison a c--- to
>her mother?!?!?
Now I
>have no respect for Mike,
>Erika OR Erika's brother.
>(and I despise Alison)

"RE: Interview Boogie and Ericka"
Posted by thevicster on 09-14-06 at 11:12 PM
I totally agree about Allison...if anyone should be ashamed of the way they played the game...Her first season..she was dispicable...

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by DivineWine on 09-14-06 at 11:36 PM
I saw "The View" & totally LOVED every minute of Boogie squirming & being uncomfortable on the couch! Good for Rosie to let him have it, to say what millions want to say to his face. I can't believe he STILL thinks he played a "great game", he would've been out of the house right away without Will. He should get down & kiss Will's shoes for being in the house with him to guide them all the way to the end. P.S. I notice Janelle is getting just as much attention as little Mikey.....but she's getting love & admiration!!!! Bet THAT is getting under his skin.

"RE: Janelle, Erika, Mike on "The View""
Posted by Savahnna on 09-15-06 at 11:38 AM
I loved it too DivineWine...Love Rosie AND I love your user name!!