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Forum: DCForumID7
Thread Number: 1178
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Original Message
""You, the jury""

Posted by Das Mole on 09-11-06 at 07:37 PM
I voted on the CBS site for who I thought/think should win, just because I wanted to see what the results were, but then I got this message:

"Thank you for voting. If the Jury vote is tied, your vote could help determine the winner."

Now how is that possible? WTF CBS. I hate you.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Snidget on 09-11-06 at 07:43 PM
I'm wondering if there might be fall out from the little escape from sequester incident that has been reported.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Sues on 09-11-06 at 09:55 PM
Who escaped?

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Snidget on 09-12-06 at 06:22 AM
The Will and Danielle thread http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID7/1172.shtml

There may be more than these two that went out.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by SweetPolly on 09-12-06 at 10:32 AM
>The Will and Danielle thread http://community.realitytvworld.com/boards/DCForumID7/1172.shtml
>There may be more than these
>two that went out.

Well, that makes sense. If 2 go out, there's still an odd number. Maybe only one goes out, but who? I can't see that
CBS is going to let W&D get away with this. Not for a second.
They almost HAVE to disqualify them, and anyone else who may have sneaked out, from the jury.

Tonight should be interesting.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by witchofthekitchen on 09-12-06 at 06:38 PM
Just seeing Will and Danielle's names connected makes me kind of sick!

where the deals are always "bewitching"

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Lasann on 09-12-06 at 09:27 AM
I just went and voted also. You can vote all day if you want!

I wonder who got kicked out of sequester - Howie, Will?

It a Tribe original!!!

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Elaine0 on 09-12-06 at 11:51 AM
Too bad you can't write in the name you want to win. Now how funny would it be if those two lost to a write in vote.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Just Plain Bill on 09-12-06 at 03:10 PM
<<I voted on the CBS site for who I thought/think should
win....this message:
"Thank you for voting. If the Jury vote is tied, your
vote could help determine the winner." >>

The operative word in their message is 'could.'

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Snidget on 09-12-06 at 03:17 PM
The thing is a tied jury "should" be 100% totally impossible.

When there are 7 people on the jury there is no way it "could" be tied.

The only way it "could" be tied is if there is an even number of people.

How do you get an even number of people out of 7?

That implies someone is off the jury for some reason in a way that makes it even. Although I "could" see someone refusing to vote or something which "could" also leave it tied.

Now it "could" just be See-BS once again being fvcktards and messing with us just to get people to watch when they fear the finale will tank. After all how many promos "could" make for a great show but usually are totally lame.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 03:24 PM
I know I read somewhere that the whole suggested "tie" would be if "one of the jurors couldn't perform their duties"......actually...don't quote me on the exact words but that was the intent.

I doubt Will or Danielle would get called out and disqualified on a "technicality" such as being out of the house for a few hours. IT's not like they were going up to ppl and saying "tell us what we missed".....though you never know...ha......

Nah....I think it's just a CYA for CBS if someone gets sick or something wierd happens....

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by SweetPolly on 09-12-06 at 04:36 PM
>I know I read somewhere that
>the whole suggested "tie" would
>be if "one of the
>jurors couldn't perform their duties"......actually...don't
>quote me on the exact
>words but that was the
>I doubt Will or Danielle would
>get called out and disqualified
>on a "technicality" such as
>being out of the house
>for a few hours.
>IT's not like they were
>going up to ppl and
>saying "tell us what we
>missed".....though you never know...ha......
>Nah....I think it's just a CYA
>for CBS if someone gets
>sick or something wierd happens....

ok. Just a thought here. Someone here said that the poll
was on the CBS site several days b4 the will & danielle

What if...

Someone on the jury was ALREADY disqualified, already resulting
in a 'possible' tie? Then, figuring it was already a tie, W&D decided to sneak out? Just a thought....

As far as W&D not asking people 'what did I miss?', probably not, but they could sure as heck made several phone calls.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 04:41 PM
WTH knows....

With Will and Danielle disqualified......(which I don't think will be the case.......it would be probably one less for E and one less for M. Uugghhh......chill the wine for NOTHing.....you know???......damn!!

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Miami Joe on 09-12-06 at 05:09 PM
What if Chenbot tells the Jury tonight:

"Well, since multiple people had to be disqualified from the Jury and Booger and Scrubika are definitely the second lamest final two (Maggie and Ivette from BB6 were the lamest of all time!) in the history of reality tv, and just about everyone in America (except some clowns and ayatolas) would like to see Janelle win this darn thing, we will need to replay the entire game, everyone back in the house for another 3 months of nonsense."

Yeah baby!!!! (Screams Howie, in the background)

To which the shocked television audience will say in unison:

Hell to the No!!!!

and everyone turns off their TVs until Thursday night when Survivor starts.

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Savahnna on 09-12-06 at 05:22 PM

They could never pay the house shrink enough for that. Like he's worth it...

"RE: "You, the jury""
Posted by Estee on 09-12-06 at 05:54 PM
and everyone turns off their TVs

You meant to say 'breaks their TVs into a million pieces'. I know you did.