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Thread Number: 1102
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Original Message
"BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"

Posted by tribephyl on 08-18-06 at 06:55 AM
This thread is dedicated to the GAME known as the Picks To The End and will become the depository for all changes, updates and results for the next 100 or so posts.

Week 6 results / Week 7 changes

Eviction: Marcellas

In the house: The "war" between Janelle and Danielle continues. This week, in favor of the buxomblonde one.
However, in a final bout of rebellion each and every houseguest votes to evict Janelle's HouseJockey.
What ever will Janelle do without her unfaithful sidekick by her side? (Probably go to sequester next.)

In the PTTE:
The No-Change til Marcellas is evicted *SuperBonus* was, perhaps, timed a little wrongly.
However, a deal is a deal and it seems every single player benefitted from not changing their PTTEs.
Good on ya', everybody. (-10 points all around.)

However, it must be noted that a special few of you had a perfect week as well, having Marcellas as the next to go anyways.
Congrats ... MacabreMasquerade ~ yensid ~ KScott ~ Lasann ~ Road Kill ~ CaptainSavem!

MacabreMasquerade ~ -7 ~
X 1
Wallflower ~ -6
kingfish ~ -3
Corvis ~ -2
yensid ~ -2
ohmyheck ~ -1 ~
X 1
vince ~ -1
Das Mole ~ 0 ~
X 1
Arnutz ~ 0 ~
X 1
bdemoney ~ 1 ~
X 1
DearAbby ~ 3 ~
X 1
fullofgrace ~ 3
qwertypie ~ 4
KScott ~ 4
whoami ~ 6 ~
X 2
Lasann ~ 6 ~
X 1
survivorXXI ~ 11
FlamingCactus ~ 13 ~
X 4
Road Kill ~ 13 ~
X 2
Hoobie ~ 14
CaptainSavem ~ 14
CattyChat ~ 15
jeffr ~ 20
oasisfan ~ 20
keezrfan ~ 21
Twoman ~ 22

Visual representation of all remaining houseguests:

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) This thread is a continuation of the previous thread and will act as the entry/changes/scores thread until it gets to 100+ posts the end of the game, whichever comes first.
Make sure to make changes while responding to the NEWEST results post. Which should be up shortly after each eviction episode.

2) Posts and Edits will be accepted up to the start of each Thursday's Eviction Episode, boardtime. If you're late, I'll be referring to your last valid PTTE list.
Except in the case of DoubleEviction weeks where entries will most likely be due on Tuesday.

3) If you want to use a Free-Change Chit, you will need to post your intentions in your change entry. I'm not a mind reader.

4) Any changes to your list, without a free-change chit, will result in 6 points being added to your score.

5) Good Luck! Have Fun!

1. Since there were no changes, Will remains the favorite to win this season. Closely followed by both Erika and Janelle.

2. According to players, Janelle and James are next up on the block.

3. Howie is, by far, the most popular "also-ran" this season. Yet, not one player thinks he can win. Final2? That's it? Where's Shakes, to talk some sense into you all?


Table of contents

Messages in this discussion
"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by KScott on 08-18-06 at 11:07 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-20-06 AT 01:20 AM (EST)

14. Alison - out
13. Nakomis - out
12. Jase - out
11. Diane - out
10. Kaysar - out
09. Marcellus - out

08. Janelle
07. Chicken George
06. Howie
05. Danielle
04. Erika
03. Mike Boogie
02. Will
01. James - WINNER

"Week 7 Change"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 08-18-06 at 05:24 PM
1.) Alison
2.) Nakomis
3.) Jase
4.) Diane
5.) Kaysar
6.) Marcellas

7.) Howie
8.) Erika
9.) Janelle
10.) Kitchen George
11.) Mike Booger
12.) Danielle
13.) James
14.) Will!! Winner

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by Das Mole on 08-18-06 at 07:07 PM
Unfortunately, I have to use my last free-change chit this week. Damn. I hope I can get the rest right.

14. Alison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas

8. Howie
7. George
6. Danielle
5. James
4. Janelle
3. Boogie
2. Will
1. Erika

Oy vey.

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by ARnutz on 08-18-06 at 09:33 PM
Using my final free change chit:

Already out:
14. Alison
13. Nikomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
09. Marcellas

08. Howie
07. James
06. George
05. Erika
04. Janelle
03. Danielle
02. Will
01. Booger will be the WINNER because I hate him the most.

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by bdemoney on 08-18-06 at 11:29 PM
Using my final free change:

Alison -first out
Will - winner (again)

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by Lasann on 08-19-06 at 00:35 AM
LAST EDITED ON 08-19-06 AT 00:40 AM (EST)

My last free change:

14. Allison
13. Nakomis *sob*
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas
8. Howie
7. James
6. Danielle
5. Erica
4. George
3. Boogie
2. Will
#1 Janelle

It a Tribe original!!!

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by vince3 on 08-19-06 at 01:35 AM
8. Jedi Howie
7. James
6. Darth Chicken George
5. Erika
4. Danielle
3. Mike Boogie
2. Jedi Janelle
1. Evil Dr. Will!

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by survivor_21 on 08-19-06 at 09:55 AM
Hopefully I can make some changes now that will keep me from making more changes in the future!

Will (Winner by a 4-3 vote)

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by ohmyheck on 08-19-06 at 10:01 PM
cashing in my last chit.

14. Alison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas

8. Howie
7. Janelle
6. George
5. James
4. Danielle
3. Erika
2. Boogie
1. Will

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by Wallflower66 on 08-20-06 at 02:12 PM
Trying to cut my losses:

Chicken George
Mike Boogie

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by DearAbby on 08-20-06 at 05:29 PM
I guess it’s time to cash in my last chit.


Mike Boogie
Janelle ~ winner BB7

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by kingfish on 08-20-06 at 06:25 PM
My Schlitz's have long since been used, I will take my next hit.

- Alison (gone, the BB house landed on her, and she melted)
- Nakomis (gone too, the BB house gave her the finger and the front door)
- Jase (gone too, what a dique)
- Diane (Gone. Mute. Yea. But I'd do her!)
- Kaysar (got rug-doored)
- Marcellus (broke the BB7 gaydar)
- Howie (He didn't listen to his mother who TOLD him the light saber would put out an eye. Or a Howie, as the case may be).

Chicken George
Mike Boogie
Janelle - winner (actually, I think she's toast, but I'm willing to back her because the spinning clown head might explode in frustration if she beat Will, and seeing that would make betting on a almost certain loser worth while).

And, if I hurry, I get to post next to Trixi. I heard a "OH Cabana Boy, come over here Cabana Boy". So I better put on my best Sig....

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by whoami on 08-20-06 at 06:45 PM
Time for me to use another chit.<>


Courtesy of Dear “Trixi” Abby

"Wk 8a Results / Wk 8b Changes"
Posted by tribephyl on 08-21-06 at 04:24 AM
Eviction: Howie

DarkSide Padawan does in his Jedi Master. If only DarthChicken had not listened to the Evil Emporer of Chill.

In the PTTE:
Lots of changes this week as most of you had Howie as your Final2. Not all of those changes were free. I hope you all made the necessary adjustments for the coming weeks.
MacabreMasquerade continues to hold onto her lead, but not by much. 9 others are breathing down her neck, all within 6 points of her lead.

MacabreMasquerade ~ -2 ~
X 1
ohmyheck ~ -1
Arnutz ~ 0
Das Mole ~ 0
Wallflower ~ 0
bdemoney ~ 1
Corvis ~ 1
DearAbby ~ 3
kingfish ~ 3
yensid ~ 3
vince ~ 5
KScott ~ 6
Lasann ~ 6
whoami ~ 6 ~
X 1
qwertypie ~ 7
fullofgrace ~ 8
FlamingCactus ~ 15 ~
X 4
Road Kill ~ 15 ~
X 2
survivorXXI ~ 17
Hoobie ~ 20
CaptainSavem ~ 20
CattyChat ~ 21
jeffr ~ 22
oasisfan ~ 24
keezrfan ~ 27
Twoman ~ 26

Visual representation of all remaining houseguests:

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) This thread is a continuation of the previous thread and will act as the entry/changes/scores thread until it gets to 100+ posts the end of the game, whichever comes first.
Make sure to make changes while responding to the NEWEST results post. Which should be up shortly after each eviction episode.

2) Posts and Edits will be accepted up to the start of each Thursday's Eviction Episode, boardtime. If you're late, I'll be referring to your last valid PTTE list.
Except in the case of DoubleEviction weeks where entries will most likely be due on Tuesday (or Sunday).

3) If you want to use a Free-Change Chit, you will need to post your intentions in your change entry. I'm not a mind reader.

4) Any changes to your list, without a free-change chit, will result in 6 points being added to your score.

5) Good Luck! Have Fun!

1. Will and Janelle look to be sharing the prize this season as votes between these two are tied as most popular winner of AllStars. James is the only other HG who's close.

2. DarthGeorge's highest ranking is 3rd. Does no one think he can win?

3. Other than being a distant second choice for winning, James is by far the most popular next evictee.

"RE: Wk 8a Results / Wk 8b Changes"
Posted by fullofgrace2470 on 08-21-06 at 09:28 AM
Man do I svck at this! Here's my new list

14. Allison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas
8. Howie

7. James
6. Danielle
5. Ericka
4. Chicken George
3. Mike Boogie
2. Dr. Will
1. Janelle-Winner!

"RE: Wk 8a Results / Wk 8b Changes"
Posted by KScott on 08-23-06 at 00:58 AM
14. Alison - out
13. Nakomis - out
12. Jase - out
11. Diane - out
10. Kaysar - out
09. Marcellus - out
08. Howie - out

07. James
06. Chicken George
05. Danielle
04. Erika
03. Mike Boogie
02. Janelle
01. Will - WINNER

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"Week 8 Changes"
Posted by Captain_Savem on 08-24-06 at 01:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 08-24-06 AT 06:06 PM (EST)

1.) Alison
2.) Nakomis
3.) Jase
4.) Diane
5.) Kaysar
6.) Marcellas
7.) Howie

8.) James
9.) Erika
10.) Kitchen George
11.) Mike Booger
12.) Will
13.) Danielle
14.) Jedi Janey!! Winner

ETA: If my "luck" holds, I've just given Danielle the kiss of death.

Handcrafted by RollDdice, yo.

"Week 8b results / Week 9/10 changes"
Posted by tribephyl on 08-25-06 at 06:10 AM
Eviction: James

Cheese and Whine party. Table of one.

In the PTTE:
Only a few players made changes this week, all of them w/o freechange chits, so an addition of 6 points was added to their total for this week.
Luckily for them, they all got James eviction correct.
As did the largest number of folks since the beginning of the PTTE w/o changing their lists at all.
Congrats...Arnutz ~ kingfish ~ yensid ~ vince ~ Lasann ~ CattyChat ~ oasisfan ~ Twoman ~ DearAbby. You all get a 0 score for the week.

ARnutz pulls into first along with MacabreMasquerade.
Within 6 points? Ten other players!
Looks to be a close contest this season.

MacabreMasquerade ~ 0 ~
X 1
Arnutz ~ 0
ohmyheck ~ 1
Wallflower ~ 1
Das Mole ~ 2
Corvis ~ 2
kingfish ~ 3
yensid ~ 3
DearAbby ~ 3
bdemoney ~ 4
vince ~ 5
Lasann ~ 6
whoami ~ 8 ~
X 1
KScott ~ 12
qwertypie ~ 13
fullofgrace ~ 14
Road Kill ~ 17 ~
X 2
survivorXXI ~ 18
FlamingCactus ~ 21 ~
X 4
Hoobie ~ 21
CattyChat ~ 21
oasisfan ~ 24
CaptainSavem ~ 26
Twoman ~ 26
keezrfan ~ 31

PTTE Memo: Next thursdays show will have two evictions back-to-back. Make sure you have the next two evictees correctly placed.

Visual representation of all remaining houseguests:

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) This thread is a continuation of the previous thread and will act as the entry/changes/scores thread until it gets to 100+ posts the end of the game, whichever comes first.
Make sure to make changes while responding to the NEWEST results post. Which should be up shortly after each eviction episode.

2) Posts and Edits will be accepted up to the start of each Thursday's Eviction Episode, boardtime. If you're late, I'll be referring to your last valid PTTE list.
Except in the case of DoubleEviction weeks where entries will most likely be due on Tuesday (or Sunday).

3) If you want to use a Free-Change Chit, you will need to post your intentions in your change entry. I'm not a mind reader.

4) Any changes to your list, without a free-change chit, will result in 6 points being added to your score.

5) Good Luck! Have Fun!

1. Janelle reclaims the top spot as most popular projected winner.

2. George and Erika lead the popular vote for as the next two evictees.

3. Off the radar for the next two evictions? Boogie. Not one player thinks he'll be voted out on Thursday.

"RE: Week 8b results / Week 9/10 changes"
Posted by KScott on 08-28-06 at 05:34 PM
14. Alison - out
13. Nakomis - out
12. Jase - out
11. Diane - out
10. Kaysar - out
09. Marcellus - out
08. Howie - out
07. James - out

06. Danielle
05. Erika
04. Chicken George
03. Mike Boogie
02. Janelle
01. Will - WINNER

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: Week 8b results / Week 9/10 changes"
Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 08-29-06 at 10:04 PM
I'll use my final change chit.

6. Danielle
5. George
4. Will
3. Janelle
2. Erika
1. Boogie

By the way, I'm a he, not a she, lol.

"RE: Week 8b results / Week 9/10 changes"
Posted by whoami on 08-31-06 at 06:02 PM
Need ( want to )use my last


Courtesy of Dear “Trixi” Abby

"week 9/10 results / week 11 changes"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-01-06 at 06:15 AM
Eviction: Danielle/George

Danielle is evicted followed closely by George.
Boy, the sequester house sure will be boring.

In the PTTE:
MacabreMasquerade, the manly man he is, continues to lead the group and with his final free-change chit now gone, he better hope he made some good last minute changes.
The list of players that remain within the six point range of his lead is shortened to eight.

MacabreMasquerade ~ 0
yensid ~ 3
Arnutz ~ 4
ohmyheck ~ 4
Das Mole ~ 4
Wallflower ~ 5
kingfish ~ 5
DearAbby ~ 5
Corvis ~ 6

Lasann ~ 7
vince ~ 8
whoami ~ 8
bdemoney ~ 9
fullofgrace ~ 15
KScott ~ 19
qwertypie ~ 19
Road Kill ~ 22 ~ X 2
survivorXXI ~ 22
FlamingCactus ~ 29 ~ X 4
CaptainSavem ~ 30
oasisfan ~ 32
jeffr ~ 32
CattyChat ~ 33
Twoman ~ 35
Hoobie ~ 37
keezrfan ~ 37


PTTE Final4 Quick-Look
4 of Final 4:
whoami erika boogie will janelle
kingfish erika will boogie janelle
Das Mole janelle boogie will erika
MacabreMasquerade will janelle erika boogie

3 of Final 4:
yensid boogie howie erika will
CaptainSavem boogie will danielle janelle
survivorXXI danielle boogie janelle will
vince danielle boogie janelle will
Wallflower danielle boogie janelle will
ohmyheck danielle erika boogie will
DearAbby danielle will boogie janelle
KScott george boogie janelle will
Lasann george boogie will janelle
fullofgrace george boogie will janelle
Arnutz janelle danielle will boogie
Corvis janelle danielle will erika

2 of Final 4:
Road Kill erika kaysar danielle will
oasisfan howie boogie kaysar janelle
bdemoney james boogie danielle will

1 of Final 4:
jeffr danielle kaysar marcellas janelle
FlamingCactus george marcellas erika james
Twoman howie kaysar erika diane
keezrfan janelle james howie jase
Hoobie jase janelle howie james
CattyChat kaysar marcellas howie janelle

0 of Final 4:
qwertypie marcellas george danielle james


Visual representation of all remaining houseguests:

Housekeeping Procedures:

1) Changes for this "week" will be due by Tuesday September 5th, 8pm boardtime.

2) If you want to use a Free-Change Chit, you will need to post your intentions in your change entry. I'm not a mind reader.

3) Any changes to your list, without a free-change chit, will result in 6 points being added to your score.

4) Good Luck! Have Fun!

1. Janelle remains in the top spot as most popular projected winner.

2. Oddly enough Danielle is the most popular next evictee. Even though she is now two evictions ago.

"RE: week 9/10 results / week 11 changes"
Posted by Das Mole on 09-03-06 at 01:46 PM
If I don't change my list, I believe I'll end up with 8 points tacked on to my score by the end. Hopefully if my predictions are right, I can save myself 2 points of hurt.

If I'm wrong, well...

...my bad.

14. Alison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas
8. Howie
7. James
6. Danielle
5. George

4. Will
3. Erika
2. Boogie
1. Janelle

Oy vey.

"Corvis' Final Change"
Posted by Corvis on 09-04-06 at 04:38 PM
LAST EDITED ON 09-05-06 AT 08:55 AM (EST)

One last change since I'll get more than six points guaranteed if I leave it alone...

14. Alison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas
8. Howie
7. James
6. Danielle
5. Chicken George

4. Will
3. Mike Boogie
2. Janelle
1. Erika - WINNER

"RE: week 9/10 results / week 11 changes"
Posted by KScott on 09-05-06 at 09:39 AM
OK, this is it, I will not change it again.

04. Will
03. Mike Boogie
02. Erika
01. Janelle - WINNER

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: week 9/10 results / week 11 changes"
Posted by fullofgrace2470 on 09-05-06 at 11:25 AM
Ok, I think I'm saving myself some points by doing this.

14. Allison
13. Nakomis
12. Jase
11. Diane
10. Kaysar
9. Marcellas
8. Howie
7. James
6. Danielle
5. Chicken George

4. Dr. Will
3. Mike Boogie
2. Erika
1. Janelle-Winner!

"RE: week 9/10 results / week 11 changes"
Posted by yensid on 09-05-06 at 11:32 AM
I hate to do it but I don't see any other choice.

3. Janelle
2. Boogie
1. Will

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by Lasann on 09-12-06 at 02:22 PM

and the winner is???

Fembots by Tribe:
L.O.J., One for all, all for Janelle!

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by KScott on 09-12-06 at 03:00 PM
Mike or Erica. Oh, you mean here, well I know who it isn't!

"RE: BB AllStars PTTE: Lists, Results and Changes Vol. 2"
Posted by tribephyl on 09-12-06 at 05:04 PM
All will be revealed Wednesday morning.

Posted by tribephyl on 09-13-06 at 07:06 AM
Eviction(s): Will/Janelle/Erika
Winner: Boogie

Straight to the final scores.
Mike Boogie Won?!
Whoda thunk it? Well, almost nobody really, if one is judging by the PTTE results.
Only 2 players predicted that MikeBoogie would win the All-Stars season.

keezrfan ~ 63
jeffr ~ 62
Twoman ~ 62
Hoobie ~ 57
CattyChat ~ 54
oasisfan ~ 52
FlamingCactus ~ 50
CaptainSavem ~ 40
qwertypie ~ 39
Road Kill ~ 38
survivorXXI ~ 31
KScott ~ 29
fullofgrace ~ 25
bdemoney ~ 21
vince ~ 17
Lasann ~ 16
whoami ~ 16
Corvis ~ 16
Wallflower ~ 14
Das Mole ~ 14
DearAbby ~ 13
ohmyheck ~ 13
yensid ~ 12

Coming in 3rdplace...
kingfish ~ 11

Coming in 2ndplace...
Arnutz ~ 10

Totally holding sway over the PTTE the entire season, getting only 3 HG's out of position and finishing with an amazing final score...
MacabreMasquerade ~ 0
Congratulations, MM...
Here's a comemmorative siggie to mark this auspicious occasion.

* Thanks everyone. I had a good time, I hope you did to.

Posted by yensid on 09-13-06 at 08:07 AM
Thanks Tribe! It was a blast.

I would also like to invite everyone over to play this season's The Amazing Race PTTE. The initial sign up thread is up and ready for players.


Posted by Wallflower66 on 09-13-06 at 08:34 AM
A big CONGRATS to MM for winning the game! You were too tough to beat! Great job!
And thanks, Tribe, once again, for another great game!

Posted by bdemoney on 09-13-06 at 12:04 PM
Wow! Great job MM!

Thanks Tribe for running the game. We all appreciate it! (at least I know I did).

Posted by ARnutz on 09-13-06 at 01:25 PM
Holy cow!!! I thought 4th in the BBRAT was awesome, but I took 2nd place here?!?!?! *boggle* Wow!!!

Congrats to MacabreMasquerade! How awesome is it that you got a zero score??? *stands in awe*

Thanks again to you, tribe, for running the game! I look forward to doing it all again next year!

Fembots by Tribe: L.O.J., One for all, all for Janelle!

"You lied!"
Posted by KScott on 09-14-06 at 11:53 AM
You promised to take me to the final 2!!!!!!! It's still kinda fuzzy but it was when there was that double eviction, I know you said you would take me to the final 2.

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: You lied!"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-14-06 at 04:28 PM
Uh... *stalls to come up with a good excuse*

Oh! Right! I promised if I got HOH I would take you, but then I threw lost that comp and the decision was out of my hands.

yeah. that's it!

"RE: You lied!"
Posted by KScott on 09-14-06 at 04:31 PM
Yeah, WhatEver, you know you "threw me under the bus"! Just wait until I see all of those diary room confessions!

I got Bobbed
A good friend will come and bail you out of jail...but a true friend will be sitting next to you saying, "Damn... that was fun!"

"RE: You lied!"
Posted by ARnutz on 09-14-06 at 04:51 PM
Don't worry. Next time we're on AllStars you will definitely be in my alliance.

Actually, you should pity me for being used so badly by that Booger guy! HOs before BROs, remember?

Posted by whoami on 09-13-06 at 07:32 PM
Congrats MM for a great showing.

Thanks tribe for hosting this game.

Courtesy of Dear “Trixi” Abby

Posted by MacabreMasquerade on 09-14-06 at 11:00 AM
LAST EDITED ON 09-14-06 AT 11:00 AM (EST)

Thanks for the great game guys! I look forward to losing spectacularly next year.

Posted by Mr Black on 09-20-06 at 07:42 PM
Me thinks you cheated, MM, but, regardless however you did it, you deserve my kudos!!!!!!!!!