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"Janielle - Ugh"

Posted by chappi66 on 07-13-06 at 01:57 PM
Janielle gets on my freaking nerves. She has so got to go. I am a very anti-Sov 4 person. But she especially gets on my nerves. And what I don't understand is how America can so like her. I think CBS fixed the votes some how because everyone I know that watches this show cannot stand her. Danielle or Erika is who I would like to see win.

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"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by nailbone on 07-13-06 at 02:01 PM
OTOH, lots of people that *I* know love her and think she's a great player. Especially help up next to Alison and some of the other lesser players.

A lot of her (and Howie's and Kaysar's) popularity stems from the other hamsters she played agains in BB6, and the dislike most folks had for Maggie and Cappy and the "Friendship".

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-13-06 at 02:27 PM
I'm sorry I can't give you some support here.

She plays the game well and as Nailbone said, part of her "legacy" (my words)....stem from the Maggie/Nerdherd era

I think Janie rocks!

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-13-06 at 03:01 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-13-06 AT 03:09 PM (EST)

See I liked the "nerdherd". Maggie was my favorite player. She was one of the few people who kept it honest (as possible) and was herself. She was very intellectual when it came to playing the game. She was a very hard person for them to read, even James said that. I think that is part of the reason the SOV 4 did not like her. Janielle is very backstabbing, deceptful and just an all round witch and she is very stuck on herself. She plays the game and does things to other people and then gets mad when other people do it to her. Janielle is a very vengeful player. Last time I checked, turnabout is fairplay.

On another note - I like Kaysar. If he would run with a different crowd, I would like him so much better and I think he would go farther in the game. I think Janielle is half the reason he got kicked out (twice) during BB6.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by LittleFox on 07-13-06 at 03:30 PM
Janelle is SMART! She KNOWS the game - she deserves to win.

If Ericka wins I will vomit.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Dave says sell on 07-13-06 at 03:37 PM
Janie - LOVE HER! Although I'm sure she would get on my last nerve in person, she is awesome on this show... and really smart!

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by nailbone on 07-13-06 at 03:54 PM
She was one of the few people who kept it honest (as possible) and was herself.

We musta watched different shows, cuz Maggie was a MAJOR b!tch, and not the least bit honest!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-13-06 at 04:29 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-13-06 AT 04:29 PM (EST)

No we were watching the same show, except the only major b!tch was Janielle. She was head b!tch of bitchdom.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by nailbone on 07-13-06 at 04:33 PM
She wasn't even the head b!tch of that house! Maggie, Ivette, April and Jennifer ALL out-b!tched her in b!tchiness!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster and OT Fantasy Football Champ! o-

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-13-06 at 04:41 PM
Yeah - WHATEVER!!! Well, I personally can't wait until she is out of that house. Out of all the people in that house right now, she is the least deserving of it. She needs to go back to her Cocktail Waitressing Blonde Bimbo lifestyle. As a matter of fact, I think all of the BB6 participants should have never given the option of doing all stars right now. It puts them at a huge advantage in the game.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-13-06 at 04:42 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-13-06 AT 04:44 PM (EST)

Seems like "b'tch" is subjective here...but the BB6 I watched...Janelle was so "b'tch whipped" by those girls....she didn't have a chance to hang with the girls even if she wanted to. They judged her from the second they exchanged. There were slams about her breasts/hair extentions and more if I thought about it from the get go.

The only thing honest about Maggie was her unconditional love for that freak of nature Crappy.

Back to edit......and as far as the "blonde bimbo " reference.....I would challenge anyone who thinks that to a game of chess with the woman. then we'll see who needs the peroxide.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-13-06 at 05:04 PM
She came in phony hair, boobs, attitude etc. The woman is so stuck on herself it is not funny. I am not saying she not smart, but give me a break - there have been a lot of other smart players on this show that have not had the same "I'm better than everyone attitude". Me and the whole group of people that watch this show with me about want to vomit everytime we have to look at her. SHE IS THE DEVIL!!!! HANDS DOWN!!!!

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-06 at 05:40 PM
Cappy is that you?

Welcome to the boards in any case

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Iam_Xtreme on 07-13-06 at 11:03 PM
I am just reading the boards and LMAO! I love Janie, she is a great player. I hope that she wins this season.

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"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Poncho on 07-14-06 at 12:05 PM
LAST EDITED ON 07-14-06 AT 12:06 PM (EST)


Edited to say I really like Janelle and I think she is great player. She was judged too harshly from the get go because of other jealous women.


"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by jeffr on 07-13-06 at 05:50 PM

Are you a man or a woman?

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by jeffr on 07-13-06 at 06:07 PM

It really doesn't matter if you are a man or woman. You said you were anti-sov 4 from the beginning so there is no way you would like her or the way she plays. Biased from the beginning. I had the same type of hate for the friendship group. The only diffence is they were not good players. They just had the numbers. Janielle and the rest won vetos and stayed in the game when they were completly out numbered. You and your friedship group at home just sound bitter.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by kailafish on 07-13-06 at 06:40 PM
chappi66... let me guess, you're either maghole, ivette, jen or busto?
if not, then we were not definitely watching the same show because in the previous season janey never character assassinated those girls. those bitches that you praised were so envious of her that the only thing they could do was talk her about looks(cause they couldn't beat her on challenges). that is so typical middle school attitude!
how can winning the challenges make her the devil? she's playing the game with her wit and strength how can that be against her? if you notice in the very first episode in the hamsters' first dr confessions she was the only one who did not talk negative about the other house guests. she thanked america for sending her back into the game. dianne questioned how come erica is in the house and vice-versa... how does that make her evil. i can't imagine what values these people live by.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by bdemoney on 07-14-06 at 10:06 AM
Alison? Is that you?

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by syren on 07-14-06 at 10:28 AM
The real Maggie on the feeds was a whole different person than what the editors gave us on TV.

She was evil, mean, spiteful, and just nasty.

"Okay, now what?"
Posted by Estee on 07-13-06 at 07:00 PM
Y'know, I always put Maggie fans in the same bracket as UFOs. I accepted it was possible for both of them to exist. I believed they probably did exist. I realized that they only seemed to go to extremely rural areas and appear in front of people who would never be believed when they reported one, so I never thought I'd personally see one.

Of course, that's where the similarity ends. If a UFO suddenly appeared in front of me, I'd have some idea what to do. Now that I'm looking at a real live Maggie fan, I have no clue as to what happens next...

"RE: Okay, now what?"
Posted by Snidget on 07-13-06 at 09:32 PM

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by iatovttotx78 on 07-13-06 at 10:42 PM
Shouldn't such drivvel be in Bashers?

Handcrafted by RollDdice.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by KaysarMolester on 07-14-06 at 06:27 AM
Wow! Somebody doesn't care for Jedi Janey! The fact that you think she is a fake stupid bimbo means that her plan is working..I think she is a great competitor..Knows when to shut up and when to go at it..I heart Jani

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Pretty_Kitty on 07-14-06 at 08:53 AM
In life I have a natural aversion to blonds. Im not totally sure why. However I LOVE Janelle. She's smart and athletic and so what if she's way prettier than me? I still love her. Luckliy Chappi66 on this board everyones opinion is heard and you entitled to love or hate who you want I just dont understand is all.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-14-06 at 08:59 AM
Well, I can see that I ruffled a few feathers, but oh well last time I checked we did have freedom of speech.

I have just one more thing to add. You all say that Janielle was a great player and that Maggie and Ivette were not. Well last time I checked, MAGGIE WON!!!!! not Jedi Janey. She has definitely used the Jedi Mind trick on you all.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Snidget on 07-14-06 at 09:36 AM
It is fairly rare for the best player of the game to win, playing to well gets the target put on your back.

RE: Freedom of speech, you can say what you want, but you do not have the freedom to be universally seen as correct just because you can find the post message button.

You can like who you want, why do you seem to have a problem with other people liking who they want?

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by chappi66 on 07-14-06 at 09:54 AM
I don't have a problem with people liking or disliking who they want. I simply started out a statement that said Janielle got on my nerves, which she does. Then the comment gets blast with all kinds of comments to the contrary. Last time I checked you all are the ones that are ganging up on me for NOT liking Jedi Janey and giving me a hard time about who I like and don't like. Talk about the pot calling the kettle black. You better check yourself. AND IT SEEMS AS THOUGH YOU KNOW DON'T HAVE TROUBLE FINDING THE POST BUTTON EITHER.

"WARNING - chappi66 "
Posted by Bebo on 07-14-06 at 12:23 PM
Please take a moment to read our community guidelines - there's a link at the top of the page. While we permit positive and negative comments about the show and its participants, bashing other posters is not permitted here.

"RE: WARNING - chappi66 "
Posted by chappi66 on 07-14-06 at 12:44 PM
I apologize and I have read the guidelines. I was simply responding to snidget's bashing of myself. Again I do apologize

"RE: WARNING - chappi66 "
Posted by Bebo on 07-14-06 at 12:47 PM
If you think another poster has violated the guidelines, then you alert the moderators and leave it alone yourself. "He/she started it" is not an acceptable excuse here.

Any other questions/comments about this need to be taken off the forums.

"RE: WARNING - chappi66 "
Posted by jeffr on 07-14-06 at 01:21 PM
Get'em Bebo! Just Kidding.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by nazpink on 07-14-06 at 10:02 AM
HMMMM.......it's Allstar season right? Anyway, I don't really care much about what happened last season because it's over. Maggie was a good player, she was definately a threat, I won't deny her that. But I also won't say that I was a fan of her either. I like Janelle. Yeah, she had her b!tchy moments last season, but as I recall it was more to get the nerdherds brains sizzling rather than blatant name calling which was all too often practiced by the "Friendship".

But speaking about this season, I still like Janelle. She's confident with her alliance (BB6'ers) because they are good players and she has more turst with them than she does the others in the house. I don't think Janelle has a "I'm better than everyone attitude". She knows she has to make nice with other players and let them in on the alliance. Unlike Will and Boogie who feel they are just too good for everyone and too good to hang with a middle-age man (but that's ok Boogie already looks like a fool dressing like a 14 year old boy). Janelle also doesn't go around the house dissing on the way a person looks. If anything she rallies against a person based on their game play. I like Janelle because despite the general stereotype people put her in she is not intellectually challenged and she gives it her all during the challenges. The whole thing that I found to be quite stupid and hypocritical was when Allison insulted Janelle's line of work and insinuated things about Janelle based on it when it was Allison who didn't just crawl into bed with pretty much every man during her season but groped and kissed on them just to win money!!

But hey if people don't like Janelle than so be it, no problem, just had to give Janelle my support.

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Savahnna on 07-14-06 at 10:25 AM

Unlike Will and
>Boogie who feel they are
>just too good for everyone
>and too good to hang
>with a middle-age man (but
>that's ok Boogie already looks
>like a fool dressing like
>a 14 year old boy).

>Janelle also doesn't go around
>the house dissing on the
>way a person looks.

YES. What a classic...Boogie saying in real life he would never hang out with a "middle age man"....50 is the new thirty but in Boogie's case it sure is the other way around.

And you are right. Janelle doesn't go around dissing on the other girls looks or body parts. Ali is a perfect example of why I always had more guy friends than girl....too much small talk and gossip.

In Janelle's words......Bye Bye bitches.....the rest are on their way!! Go Janie!!

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by Ems_Mom on 07-14-06 at 11:09 AM
>HMMMM.......it's Allstar season right? Anyway, I
>don't really care much about
>what happened last season because
>it's over. Maggie was a
>good player, she was definately
>a threat, I won't deny
>her that. But I also
>won't say that I was
>a fan of her either.
>I like Janelle. Yeah, she
>had her b!tchy moments last
>season, but as I recall
>it was more to get
>the nerdherds brains sizzling rather
>than blatant name calling which
>was all too often practiced
>by the "Friendship".
>But speaking about this season, I
>still like Janelle. She's confident
>with her alliance (BB6'ers) because
>they are good players and
>she has more turst with
>them than she does the
>others in the house. I
>don't think Janelle has a
>"I'm better than everyone attitude".
>She knows she has to
>make nice with other players
>and let them in on
>the alliance. Unlike Will and
>Boogie who feel they are
>just too good for everyone
>and too good to hang
>with a middle-age man (but
>that's ok Boogie already looks
>like a fool dressing like
>a 14 year old boy).
>Janelle also doesn't go around
>the house dissing on the
>way a person looks. If
>anything she rallies against a
>person based on their game
>play. I like Janelle because
>despite the general stereotype people
>put her in she is
>not intellectually challenged and she
>gives it her all during
>the challenges. The whole thing
>that I found to be
>quite stupid and hypocritical was
>when Allison insulted Janelle's line
>of work and insinuated things
>about Janelle based on it
>when it was Allison who
>didn't just crawl into bed
>with pretty much every man
>during her season but groped
>and kissed on them just
>to win money!!
>But hey if people don't like
>Janelle than so be it,
>no problem, just had to
>give Janelle my support.

You hit the nail on the head! Great post - Go Janie!

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by CattyChat on 07-14-06 at 11:54 AM
Well said, Naz.

Count me in as a Janie fan. I think she's great and she's much more sweetheart than B!tch.

If I didn't watch the live feeds last season, maybe I would have thought differently of Janelle. I saw Janie as trying to be nice, but a girl can only take so much hating and the herd were nasty to her since day 1. It was all about jealousy, because if they took the time to get to know her before making ASSumptions, they might have realized Janelle is a decent person and not some plastic, fake airhead bimbo.

So, go Janie!!!

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by amandatees on 07-14-06 at 01:36 PM
I'm a big Janie/Kaysar fan!!! Loved 'em since BB6 as they fought the good fight against the backstabbing weasels that 'were' the friendship. If either of those two win, I'll be happy


"RE: Janielle - Ugh"
Posted by HowiesBF on 07-15-06 at 02:59 PM
Count me in on Janelle's side. I really feel that "what you see is what you get" with her - she doesn't hide anything in the game. She is beautiful, smart, determined and focused, and I think she will go far in and out of the House. I found it interesting in the diary room when she confessed she didn't want to present her co-HOH (Jase) with 'two names' for eviction right away ...she thought it best to wait and see what he was thinking. Very smart - she got what she wanted in the end (Allison out).