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Forum: DCForumID69
Thread Number: 993
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Original Message
"X-Factor U.S. signs Britney Spears to judging panel."
Posted by Estee on 05-09-12 at 10:48 PM
Imagine you're Simon and you've just hand-picked your replacement Paula. What's the first thing you do to trigger a relapse?
Fifteen million dollars. Wonder how much that is per coherent opinion.
Table of contents
- Final seat: Demi Lovato.,Estee, 06:33 PM, 05-14-12
- RE: Final seat: Demi Lovato.,Snidget, 09:15 AM, 05-15-12
- Britney breakdown count:,Estee, 10:41 AM, 05-25-12
- I watched a bit,moonbaby, 06:58 PM, 09-14-12
- The many faces of Britney,moonbaby, 12:21 PM, 09-21-12
Messages in this discussion
"Final seat: Demi Lovato."
Posted by Estee on 05-14-12 at 06:33 PM
I think Simon's trying to put himself in a savior role. I'm not buying it.
"RE: Final seat: Demi Lovato."
Posted by Snidget on 05-15-12 at 09:15 AM
Blarrrrgh.I dunno what demographic Simon thinks that is going to attract, but I really don't think that even I can tolerate those two women.
"Britney breakdown count:"
Posted by Estee on 05-25-12 at 10:41 AM
One.On the first day.
The on-pace number is just a theory, right?
"I watched a bit"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-14-12 at 06:58 PM
and it wasn't any better or worse than before. I might even watch again. But I miss the hosting dude
"The many faces of Britney"
Posted by moonbaby on 09-21-12 at 12:21 PM
OK really just one. She excels at the WTF face.