"As long as Josh is safe, it doesn't matter what happens.""Every female on the planet is a threat to me."
"I know what the vote totals are and I'm going to let America do the dirty work while pretending I care too much to swing the ax myself."
"Doesn't anyone realize how well I understand this trauma after all the times I was B2 on Dancing With The Stars?"
"I'm just here to get a paycheck. No one told me I'd have to judge people."
Pick your favorite.
*nods silently*
I thought it made for a shorter headline.We have reports that she cried backstage for thirty to ninety minutes after the credits rolled, only stopping when Rachel stopped in to tell her all was forgiven. Of course, these reports come from the show and those who just left it and are still under contract, so please pass the salt.
But she personally said she'd do it all over again the exact same way. So as far as that goes, let the 'coward' label stand.
lol...."I'm just here to get a paycheck. No one told me I'd have to judge people." What a disaster she is!