Track the distortions here. Because it's just not a vote-based campaign unless someone's rewriting their entire life to make themselves more appealing to America. And frankly, it's just not a FOX show unless every single last one of those editorial cuts is being ignored.Watch this one carefully. She's just desperate enough to be dangerous.
'I was second place last week? Time for that House On Fire poll boost!'
This is the VFTW research thread concerning The Life And Lies Of Stacey Fakethis. It is not PG13. It is not kind. What it is would be accurate. Because unlike Stacey, they are capable of revealing the truths about her life. And she may take an ax to their servers to make it stop.To paraquote Smarterthanpickler, she's not a plant: she's the damn forest.
So if you're a contestant on a vote-based reality show, would you rather have the American public associate you with Scientology or Louis Farrakhan?How about both?
There's got to be a timer ticking now, right?
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-11 AT 07:49 AM (EST)Simon and Reid just got the reveal.
Great shocked expressions, aren't they? Wonder how many takes that needed... And for whatever it's worth, Perez Hilton has
picked upstolen the Worster's article, so the story is getting that much closer to the mainstream.What this means is that the panel can no longer claim they had no idea. Half of it now has some sort of concept to carefully ignore and deliberately forget -- or, if the backlash builds, call attention to on stage. If there's any backlash at all. And that's still in doubt.
Even so -- tick. tick. tick.
I like on her top 12 interview she claims she didn't work at all for 10 years. It sounds like she implied the last 10.Does that mean all the 200* credits on IMDB were volunteer donated hours?
I also don't know how many of those years she was married, and may not had to have had to work.
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-11 AT 07:56 AM (EST)And then she happily tweet-exchanges with Adam Lambert about how if she'd known he was at one of her recent performances (which for show purposes did not happen), they could have been friends the whole time... She can't even keep the lie going when she's off-camera: the concept that people may be paying attention to her activities after the credits roll has completely escaped her.
Right now, my best-case (and near-impossible) scenario is that everyone calls her on the huge pile of feces live!, tosses her off the show on the spot, cleans up the puddle of mixed mascara and blood, then replaces her with Ms. Gibbs. But I still think the producers will keep going for the self-tied blindfold until the story reaches the central media and they can see if people care in ratings-damaging numbers. If that population is very low, ignore. Moderate, tearful apology and promise to go to some kind of rehab. (She'd be so good at tearful apologies, right?) Ultra-high and more than the door might hit her on the way out.
I also don't know how many of those years she was married, and may not had to have had to work
Not to mention all those hours lost to having an affair (or plural).
Does that mean all the 200* credits on IMDB were volunteer donated hours?
Technically, if she donated every last penny of mandatory SAG wages to Scientology...
Well, someone tweeted VFTW to Stacy and discussion of Perez's copy of the article is happening on the feed. Apparently Perez and Stacy had some words before the article went up.The tweeter made it sound like they thing Perez is making it up. Well he may be the type to hold a grudge, I think he understands slander laws and that well enough to only post the things that anyone that cares to check.
Also Radar Online has picked up the story, and ONTD is starting to photochop Stacy with a bunch of celebrities.
I'm suspecting they will just ignore it on the show. Even if the online fan community picks up on it, I don't know how deeply that will penetrate into the general public/casual viewer.
And while most of the singers that make it on the show have some history of performing, that isn't what is upsetting people. It is the playing the poor pitiful victim who never got to go out and try to meet celebrities and get roles/gigs that is what bothers people.
I think too many buy into the fame is easy to get and maintain. Most of the "overnight success" types worked hard for years to get a break.
I dunno, I find I had a dream and I have worked hard and long to achieve is more compelling than I never did anything until the day I showed up at the cattle call (for whatever reason/sob story the person never bothered to work on their talent).
LAST EDITED ON 10-28-11 AT 10:31 AM (EST)Apparently Perez and Stacy had some words before the article went up
Talk about hornet vs. wasp... Let me guess. He had the wrong Stacey Francis. He'd created the whole IMDB page all by himself. She was misquoted. Or did we actually get the old-fashioned 'How dare you!' that privilege so loves to unleash?
Well he may be the type to hold a grudge
I'm suspecting they will just ignore it on the show.
*nods* Probably. But the more she repeats her core lie now, the louder the background noise will become. And every time the judges play along with it, we'll know that for this show, the sob is all and the song means nothing -- again.
'And nothing happened' is the worst of all possible options because it will encourage people to follow, match, and surpass her. And for us? Trust no one.
I never did anything until the day I showed up at the cattle call
I'm waiting for her to retreat all the way to humble milkmaid.
One of the pictures the Worsters were using was pulled. I wonder who pulled it?
Apparently the pre-article twitter dust up was Perez commenting that Stacy should not go for the pop star route because of her age. Not that she isn't a good singer, but it sounded, to me, more of a why fight that battle type of advice. The it will be hard enough to get fame in a genre you may be more suited for.While Perez may have his head up his butt a lot of the time, I do think there may be some logic to his opinion.
Also known as 'Everyone else is lying! Evil Worsters! They made up my IMDB page just to hurt me! And they digitally inserted me into all those shows! Plus I'm pretty sure one of them leads the Nation Of Islam!'Which is pretty much the tone of this 'But she hasn't performed in twelve years, give or take twelve years!' article. E! is on her side. At least until not being on her side gives them a True Hollywood Thirty-Second Filler.
Sources. Yeah, right: sources... And what's being left out and distorted says more than what they put in. By the way, telling the truth is bullying. Well, at least we can't accuse E! of that...
We now have a rumor that at her original audition, she did tell the panel about her Broadway experience and even said she was looking for a new baby daddy. So if you want to create the idea that the show gave her this storyline in order to fill out their minimum sob quota, you might be able to start it here. Personally? No bloody sympathy whatsoever. IF she's got any working brain cells at all, she had to know this couldn't be kept up forever.
She claims Simon discovered her. Simon may be starting to wish he could reverse the process.
Compare and Contrast"I haven't performed in 12 years bcuz I was in a domestic abuse relationship," she tweeted this morning. "And then I was told I was too old."
"Stacy stopped singing when she was 30 years old because of that relationship," a source tells me. "She had some gigs here and there, but she's never lied about that.
There were reports posted on VFTW during the audience attended audition stage, before all the hype, so I don't know why the person would have lied to hurt Stacy before any of us knew what her editing would be.
"Stacy stopped singing when she was 30 years old because of that relationship," a source tells me. "She had some gigs here and there, but she's never lied about that.'She's never had sex, but she keeps turning up pregnant.' Admittedly, 'gigs' could represent acting work only -- but we know she's voice-performed within that span. So this propaganda article can't even be bothered to take out the internal contradictions. Whatever she's paying her PR rep, it's too much.
"I haven't performed in 12 years bcuz I was in a domestic abuse relationship," she tweeted this morning. "And then I was told I was too old."
Kind of makes you wish for a marriage/divorce/affair timeline, doesn't it? But then, we all know the calendar lies -- or it will once the Sources get ahold of it.
There were reports posted on VFTW during the audience attended audition stage, before all the hype, so I don't know why the person would have lied to hurt Stacy before any of us knew what her editing would be.
Precognition! (Yet another ungodly ability brought to you by the Worsters, who secretly lead the Nation Of Islam. Why is this starting to sound like an Illuminati layout?) Jeannie Deva for voice and performance training for Celebrities, Pros and those striving to be.
Jeannie Deva's Celebrity Client list includes:
Stacy Francis (Warner Brothers, also backup for Prince and Madonna plus Broadway lead roles)Boot Camp Jeannie's not going to ask Stacy for a testimonial.
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-11 AT 09:09 AM (EST)"StacyFrancisLies' has been trending on Twitter.
She still has her defenders, many of whom were present in a recent livestream chat. Of course, other people showed up -- quite a few -- and chased her out of her own defense forum. The Worsters have been quick to caution their people not to start trouble off-board, but it's not as if they don't have company at this point. They're also celebrating more than a little -- prematurely. I don't think it ultimately means anything unless the show kicks her off or she gets voted out and finds little to no work available.
Meanwhile, we have this 'it's not her fault' article blaming those evil editors more than anything else. The article has some points (because the editing is at least the accessory here), but ignores most of the others.
The commentary, however, went into the fun zone in a hurry.
LAST EDITED ON 11-02-11 AT 09:27 AM (EST)Now it would be interesting to know if her tweets are really her thoughts or are also heavily crafted and edited by the producers.
There at least seems to be a problem with what the word "worked" means.
Her tweets say no work for the last 12 years. I think she/the editors are using full time steady employment for an extended period of time.
One off gigs as a backup singer during a tour or at a club IMO still count as work. It isn't steady, and you can't always rely on it to make the next month's rent, but it is working, IMO.
No one who says she has work has claimed she was a household name, just there is a difference between someone who can't even get themselves to an audition, and someone who is going to auditions and doing well enough to get occasional parts and gigs and seems to be doing the reality TV circuit in hopes they get name recognition by the general public.
ETA: I can understand that "poor pitiful me" makes a better backstory than "tried everything under the sun and didn't get the big break". I actually prefer the look how hard I tried and still didn't get anywhere story, unlike what the editors always seem to think America wants to vote for.
Having read several articles going both ways on this, it seems clear that she is being misrepresented -- by both the producers and by herself.The way the contestants are being manhandled -- back story, arrangements, song choices, everything -- I'm fairly convinced she (and just about everyone else, including our rehab guy Chris) are being told, "Here's your official back story and we're both going to stick to it. It's part of the 'complete package' that we're making you out to be. Follow it or we'll see you're out of the show, one way or the other."
Gospel Music Community worries Reality TV draws Fame-SeekersHow shocking!
I ran through a large number of responses before going for this one: how did they miss what, to them, would be an even more major part of the story? Namely, that Fakethis (from all available evidence) went for the gospel music competition as a practicing Scientologist. The deity whose word she wants to spread is apparently Xenu.I can't imagine that going over well.
My understanding (which may be flawed) is that at least at the lower levels of Scientology you do not have to give up your original religion. So a fair number of people will claim to be both a {religion of birth} and a Scientologist.I mean it is one way of making it easier to convert the masses. After all with Christianity as it spread you didn't have to give up cherished traditions of the old religion, but over time the old ways got a new interpretation added until the original intent seems to be mostly forgotten.
Brutal slaying of the savior combined with egg laying rabbits?
That may be the reality -- but I doubt it's the perception. And in these groups, the perception is all that's ever needed.
Isn't it nice to live in a world with no consequences?I never really thought of FOX as a haven for Scientology before...
Not a single word. Her image opened and closed the pre-credits sequence. Pimp spot. A hug from Simon which was meant to take back any legitimate criticism he'd tossed at her. Shielded from her own scandal and faults on a level political figures can only dream of.
Next year: singing murderers. Don't worry, they were innocent all along -- at least after the network paid off the jury.
LAST EDITED ON 11-03-11 AT 07:55 PM (EST)Celebrity and a minor in Freewinds.
Still, she's only a junior with extracurricular credit for Music Audition at Tom Cruise's birthday party. is funny is I totally believe even with the gigs we have seen the evidence and even her defenders admit happened, that she has issues with keeping the lights on and the car payments.
I don't understand why she feels it is so important that no one would hire her. Other than she really loves the Simon is the only savior thing.
A lot of singers that work regularly can't make ends meet. Why is it so horrible that anyone thinks she actually could, on occasion, get a singing job. I like the fighting against all the odds story much better, but I guess she was told no one will vote for her if she has been working hard to make it.
So says Simon.
Keep two things in mind:
E! has acted as a show house organ once already.
Remember Simon's supposed shock when he first 'learned' about what was going on?
I'm sure there's more to consider here, but you're probably already racing for the nearest toilet.
And no one is making the case she was a wildly sucessful star. Just the "Zero work of any kind too scared to sing anywhere by my bathroom," story is a stretch.Add some "lady doth protest-a-tweet too much," and that keeps it way more alive.
A, you know I was very lucky to get an occasional paying gig that never amounted to anything, would have made it all stop.
She had to know people google. Everyone always googles the mega pimped early on, and eventually mot of the contestants. Even if you delete the stuff you have direct control of (as many shows seem to require you to do) there will be traces of it out there.
It's frequently hard to believe exes because of the number of axes they bring to grind (or nooses to tie), but he comes across as being more credible than she does, especially after she decided to start her latest lie of 'Amazon now carries demo CDs.' If he's being falsely accused of abuse here, then he's a victim -- and she just opened herself up to a libel/slander suit.Also, you almost have to like someone who identifies himself as Stupidwhitejerk.
Well I could see her calling it a "demo" even though it was for sale. I think CD Baby is all self-published, so she could see it as a thing to promote herself to agents, etc. rather than I'm selling my own stuff out of a virtual trunk.Although she backtracked to demo after first denying it existed, so hard to know what the real deal is. Now taking it down for sale may be one of the things that all X-factor (and other shows) require. Basically as "they own your butt" and don't want you making money on the side.
The one thing that tends to argue against it originally being set up as a demo is I'm not sure someone like Brandy would duet on a demo or not. But I don't know the ins and outs of that. Would someone like that do it as a favor like that, or is there and expectation of it will be for sale and possibly make some money.
We're at the point where if someone told her the ultimate proof of her previous career was her possession of two arms, the next sound you'd hear would be a hacksaw.
I don't know why all the people are "but Adam had a career" don't see the difference between, never denied it, didn't make up a sob story and what Stacy is doing.Like everything else, it is the cover up. How much is she'd do anything for screen time, and how much the producers felt she had the story arc...anyway, I think she likes all the attention, even the negative stuff. As she can't let any of it pass without making a deal over it. Some people lurve the drama. what do people mean when they say someone is "complicated".
stacyfrancis stacy francis
I think all the @franatics should tweet @simoncowell and tell him to stop being so mean to me! he has a new twitter page..
OK, I could see one of the tweens on the show playing that game but a grown-azz woman?I really shouldn't roll my eyes that hard.
I was thinking about all the media interviews she's been trying to give and being at least partially indulged in -- I'm at the point of wondering how many Scientologists work for E!, Overlook Machine #1 -- and wondering how she thinks everything she says is going to be kept separate from the show. In particular, from her treatment on it. She seems to feel any backlash has to be in her favor. I'll scream about unfair treatment, judging, closeups on my epic bitchface -- but all they'll do is treat me better so it won't happen again.Grown woman? This is the sullen teenage attitude: I Am The Only One Allowed To Have Feelings added to a healthy dose of It Doesn't Matter How Much I've Lied, Only How Upset I Get Over Being Caught.
What are the media contact clauses in the show's contract? Is she allowed to give all these exclusives without a producer supervising her, which means the show wants this to continue in the hopes it brings ratings? Can she speak to anyone at any time with no worries? Or has she already violated her terms a dozen times and they're just waiting for the right moment to tell her?
The no-longer-remotely-reliable DialIdol program had her tracked high last night: defenders to take away the pain that criticism caused, plus Xenu may be hosting a bulk dial/tweet/post party. I think she's safe tonight and for a few weeks to come. But the more she offends the panel, the more she has to be clear of B2.
At some point, it stops being 'How do I get people to vote for me?' and turns into 'How do I make the panel vote to keep me?'
She's already lost one vote.
Hard to know if Xenu related or X-factor loves the hype related.I think a fair number of the interviews I've seen are "behind the scenes at the X-factor, so I would think the producers let the press in for them.
I'm surprised at the seemingly unrestricted access to twitter, but given they are using twitter for voting the tight control on the official twitter of AI probably isn't in effect.
My guess is as long as the twitter numbers are high they don't really care what goes on, just helps with the hype machine and if the peeps want to make fools of themselves, so much the better as that probably gets more attention than peeps being sane, mature, and appreciative.
My guess is X-factor doesn't care what is being said as long as something is being said.
and if the peeps want to make fools of themselves, so much the better as that probably gets more attention than peeps being sane, mature, and appreciative*imagines Survivors tweeting from in-game*
It's doable: you'd give each one something to compose on and then just send the tweets out to coincide with episodes
I know what you mean and I can easily picture the show going in that direction, especially since the Credibility Be Damned approach was on board from day one. I just want to think Fakethis can reach a point where she's more trouble than she's worth.
You'd think she'd know enough to understand that the really early über pimpage often goes to someone that has a bus in their future.Although she seems like the kind that may take the being on every last preview as a sign that she is TCO. I find more often the Chosen one gets some early coverage, but if you get way too much that means they are planning you for the build 'em up to tear 'em down. Especially with the emotional roller coaster she lives on.
And if they had seen any of the previous reality TV bits they probably knew she was a goldmine for the glorious crash and burn edit.
The judges may not have been in on that, but I'm sure someone in the production staff picked her for this script.
Ultimately, what bothers me about her elimination is that I can never trust the producers of this series enough to believe she was B2 on an honest vote count. Given the shenanigans of the UK edition plus the dubious editing and scandals swirling around her like gnats drawn by flop sweat, it's hard not to believe she was dumped last night because the show was afraid her lies were getting too close to verification as such. Or maybe they just got sick of the drama. Possibly they wondered how much she would lie to them too, especially when it came to contract time.Yes, I wanted her gone. But I wanted her gone by either open disqualification or America's ballots. I'm not sure this was either one. The Agenda is all...
For what it's worth, we may be on the approach to the really fun part: her post-ouster interviews. People might directly ask her about all those IMDB and singing credits. She'll have to ignore them in person while desperately spinning out the next sob story, which is probably going to be 'That was a rigged result! They got rid of me because they were afraid I'd win!' And then the desperation will really set in, we all find out what she'll do to get still more attention...
If her children show the slightest bit of talent at anything, get ready for Famechausen By Proxy.
From the post show interview.Who will they talk to now that she is gone?
I think she is confused by someone having an authentic reaction to something. Sure Astro may have had bad behavior, but I do think he was honestly peeved, and not old enough or trained enough to hide it. And not everyone goes to begging and pleading to get their way.
Stacy has blocked the Worsters from posting to her Twitter feed.How many? So far, pretty much all of them...
Poor WebbyShe seems to have a rather loose definition of being beaten up.
Did she really think calling Cowell he one and only savior in all of show business would make him want her to win over someone in his group?
I pity the person from RTVW who had to interview Stacey.
As one of the last people to see Whitney Houston alive and the last known to have a fight with her, Fakethis is back in the news. And for her, that means back in the financial black, because she will tell the story of that fight and her love (which varies depending on who she's speaking to) for her (sometimes) idol to anyone who presents her with a check. British tabloids, American media, someone handing her a five on the street. Anyone. And she will keep telling all the many versions of her story for as long as people will pay to listen, but only during those rare moments when she isn't using all that time to promote herself. Isn't Xenu generous, killing her (alleged) friend just to give Fakethis another shot at fame?So remember: if you're famous, do not let yourself be found anywhere near Fakethis. Because eventually, she'll need to do this again. And her 'eventually' is in about twelve minutes.
LAST EDITED ON 07-20-13 AT 09:49 PM (EST)
And something about a reality TV show coming up, no wonder she's gotta insert herself in another scandal.