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Thread Number: 961
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"Pain upon pain."

Posted by Estee on 02-15-11 at 09:56 AM
The following link goes directly to a VFTW article concerning Juliana Ramos (Chris Medina's fiance') and her feelings regarding the way she was treated by the show. As such, there is potential non-PG13 language use ahead: approach at your own risk. But I'm still linking to it because this time, I think the Worsters are discussing the issue intelligently from multiple sides -- and by this point, there's been enough debate that they're likely speaking for some of us.


It's not a question of whether or not to feel fury. It's a question of where to direct it.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Pain upon pain."
Posted by cahaya on 02-16-11 at 11:19 PM
The problem is not the back story, but the ill-advised bringing her on stage. As to where to direct the blame (or fury, as the case may be), almost anyone could have said no, let her sit outside, but no one objected to her being on stage. So I consider everyone, both in production and in her family, responsible for the consequences.

"RE: Pain upon pain."
Posted by mindy23 on 02-18-11 at 11:07 AM
>The problem is not the back
>story, but the ill-advised bringing
>her on stage. As to
>where to direct the blame
>(or fury, as the case
>may be), almost anyone could
>have said no, let her
>sit outside, but no one
>objected to her being on
>stage. So I consider everyone,
>both in production and in
>her family, responsible for the

What you said!

"RE: Pain upon pain."
Posted by JessicaRN on 02-24-11 at 04:56 PM
This is sad, but I totally agree with all of you. The family knows her and should know her reaction to certain things. They allowed it. Usually by this point in the process, the contestants have had more than one audition, so the family went to the additional effort of bringing her. Just because they may have been asked to, doesn't mean that they had to say yes.

"Round Two."
Posted by Estee on 12-20-11 at 01:03 PM
The Worsters have their initial spoiler list for the upcoming season: the three hundred people who received golden tickets and reached the first Hollywood stage. Medina's name is on the list.

"Is it possible to inflict imaginary pain upon yourself?"
Posted by DeeannMorrill on 07-05-12 at 06:46 AM
Is this even possible?

It's possible to actually physically make your heart hurt, I've done it before, not purposely but this pain wasn't 'normal pain'.

It usually happens when I feel let down, or something hurtful happens or is said. I don't get upset or cry, my mood hardly changes but I do get this very strong pain 'in my heart' so to speak. If I actually cried, it would hurt 10x more?
