Wondering if I'm the only one here...but i'm starting to get the feeling that the judges would like to see Jordin and Phil in the finale.
Anyone else starting to get that feeling? I know they all love Melinda, and Melinda has nothing to worry about after the season is done. Personally, i think she should be the winner, and very well may be...but...
why the sudden Phil love? I actually am not a fan of his voice.
I love puppies! S. Cowell
Hmm, I haven't noticed Phil pimpage yet. Nope. I think this is the order they want:3. Melinda
2. Chris
1. Jordin <---- Winner
Snidget Mommyfied me!
I'm with you on JOrdin...but Chris? I havne't seen much Chris luv, but a whole lotta Phil luv teh past couople weeks.geekboy
I love puppies! S. Cowell
Sorry GB but the judges have tongue bathed Chris just about every show (only 1 I can remember where they didn't) and it's totally undeserved. He sucked Tuesday night and they pretty much pulled his pants down right there on national TV and kissed his a**. Major pimpage going Chris' way.
Snidget Mommyfied me!
He did suck. He slurred some of his syllables up and down the scales so much that it really got on my nerves. That kind of singing always does. It just isn't my type. They did pimp him Tuesday night. No doubt about that. They really laid it on.
But, it's Jordin who got the most pimpage that night. For one of her worst performnces of the season. It hideously, excruciatingly overdone. Best vocals, Randy? Fantastic, Paula and Simon? What happened to you guys Tuesaday night? Collective brain-fart?
Simon Cowell predicts a Melinda and Jordin finale.I would love to see them in the finale as well.
Jordin has the whole package that Simon likes, that's why he wished Antonella could sing. Imagine if Melinda had Halle Berry's bod. She more has Patti LaBelle's bod (IMO).
Jordin will most likely win because the teeny bopper factor. The judges always said the contestants at that age were too young etc etc but with Jordin they are pimping her, as you all call it.
>Sorry GB but the judges have
>tongue bathed Chris just about
>every show (only 1 I
>can remember where they didn't)
>and it's totally undeserved.
>He sucked Tuesday night and
>they pretty much pulled his
>pants down right there on
>national TV and kissed his
>a**.Yeeecccchhhhhhhh!!!That was quite a graphic way of putting that! I'm going to have to go take a shower and clean myself off. Tongue bath!!!! You have left a very vived picture.
90 percent of life is half mental
>I'm with you on JOrdin...but Chris?
> I havne't seen much
>Chris luv, but a whole
>lotta Phil luv teh past
>couople weeks.
>I love incorrect spelling
greekboy.Were you drinking when you wrote that post?
I agree with Mags about that being the order the producers would like based on how the pimpage and comments feel like to me.They may know they won't get it (Simon's Melinda/Jordin finale comment) but I think they'd rather not have Melinda in the finale so one of the more commercial-type peeps could win.
It's a tribe creation!
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-07 AT 07:53 PM (EST)Nothing to see here.
LAST EDITED ON 05-15-15 AT 10:54 AM (EST)Just like most of my posts!
A tribal creation
You're not the only one here! Us rats are here too!