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"TV interviews Paula."

Posted by Estee on 03-18-07 at 09:51 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-18-07 AT 09:52 AM (EST)

The current issue, available for browsing-without-buying at better supermarkets near you.

Y'know, if you listen closely, you can actually hear what's left of her credibility dropping. 'My agent drilled me on the same old stupid excuses until I had them memorized and could trot them out for any question. The bad news is that now, they're the only things I can say.'

No, Paula, I don't believe you. The mean Internet people are going to pick on you some more. You know what you can do about that? Think. That's all. Just have an actual thought. Somewhere. Somehow. On the air if possible, just so you'll get witnesses. And that thought should be along the lines of 'What do I do after they all realize I'm useless?'

The easy answer: VH1. The hard one: change.

That's TV Guide, the shiny glossy no-follow-ups magazine of record. I was totally listening to two different microphones when I messed up the title.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: TV interviews Paula."
Posted by AshLanie on 03-19-07 at 06:56 AM
>LAST EDITED ON 03-18-07
>AT 09:52 AM (EST)

>The current issue, available for browsing-without-buying
>at better supermarkets near you.
>Y'know, if you listen closely, you
>can actually hear what's left
>of her credibility dropping.
>'My agent drilled me on
>the same old stupid excuses
>until I had them memorized
>and could trot them out
>for any question. The
>bad news is that now,
>they're the only things I
>can say.'
>No, Paula, I don't believe you.
> The mean Internet people
>are going to pick on
>you some more. You
>know what you can do
>about that? Think.
>That's all. Just have
>an actual thought. Somewhere.
> Somehow. On the
>air if possible, just so
>you'll get witnesses. And
>that thought should be along
>the lines of 'What do
>I do after they all
>realize I'm useless?'
>The easy answer: VH1.
>The hard one: change.
>That's TV Guide, the shiny
>glossy no-follow-ups magazine of record.
> I was totally listening
>to two different microphones when
>I messed up the title.


Aaah, so she was *brain washed*?

"RE: TV interviews Paula."
Posted by priestdi on 03-19-07 at 03:47 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-19-07 AT 03:48 PM (EST)

Funny how it's all in the eye of the beholder, isn't it?

I thought that was a rather good article, went a little deeper and into more detail than all the tabloid-style attack pieces I've seen lately. Good/happy news doesn't sell as well.

You prefer to think she's a drugged-out mess, fine.

But there's also a perpsective that sees her as someone who's coping with what could be a debilitating pain condition in a rather courageous way.

she's a fighter, and she's doing a number of big projects right now, simultaneously. Hard to see someone with a significant drug/thinking problem pulling that off. She jets across country to do her QVC gigs to promote her jewelry line, which she continues to develop and expand, she apparently has other lines of merchandise under development, she goes to Las Vegas all the time to work with a hotel where she's their entertainment director, and I think she has some charity endeavors underway too.

she's very non-linear in the way she thinks and talks (so am I so I have mucho sympathy) and has a sometimes whacky personality, it seems to me.

what's so hard to believe about the concept that there were technical difficulties? (sorry if I'm incorrectly presuming that's part of what you're referring to)

She'd been doing those interviews backt-to-back for hours that morning, the others were all normal.

she says she had two cities coming through her headphones at once. and didn't immediately know what was wrong. she was in a booth in a swivel chair. so while she waited for the technical people to sort it out, she swiveled around and got silly. Assuming they'd turned off the cameras while they decided which city she should talk to first.

and an interesting thing. you know the other judges and ryan too all say she never has alcohol when they go out to dinner together?

i know it sounds unbelievable, I have trouble with that too. But it's possible her back medications don't mix well, so she really can't drink.

"RE: TV interviews Paula."
Posted by priestdi on 03-20-07 at 03:43 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-07 AT 03:44 PM (EST)

ah, she was on Letterman last night, and he hit her with all the big questions. sex with contestants, drinking, drugs, painkillers, her loopy Seattle interview.

it's worth a watch, she handled it all rather well.


"This behavior is because many many years ago it happened. I was abducted by aliens, and my body's just a vessel."

smacks a bit of letterman's scriptwriters, lol, but she carried it off pretty well.