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"Opera Girl"

Posted by Jadens Mommy on 01-24-07 at 10:57 PM
Like her too. She's talented. She just looks and acts weird. I'll be watching her.

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by emydi on 01-25-07 at 10:57 AM
I love her I want Rachel to make it as far as possible


"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 01-25-07 at 12:11 PM
Yeah. I had already seen that pic of your sis. They do look alike.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by emydi on 01-25-07 at 12:24 PM
I lost my sister last March she was only 28

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by tamarama on 01-25-07 at 12:53 PM
I'm really sorry Emy.
That's hard.
She was a beautiful woman.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 01-25-07 at 10:22 PM
Oh. I'm sorry about that. My condolences.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by tamarama on 01-25-07 at 12:52 PM
Not sure about Opera Girl yet. Did they state her age?

I get Simon's point -- what's HER thing?

Each song she sang was more than a different style, it sounded like a different voice -- and it shouldn't.

She looks really young, so I'm assuming she just hasn't found her own voice yet. At that age, even if you're studying opera, you're really too young to be "an opera singer." Teenagers haven't developed enough physiologically. Good for her for studying though! I wish more "singers" would actually learn how to sing.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by emydi on 01-25-07 at 01:30 PM
I'm not sure..I still have it taped so I will check. She has a scholarship but that doesn't mean a whole lot bc you can get hs scholarships...I pegged her about 19-20?

And if she looked totally different, I'd probably say the same thing tam about her singing but I think she had enough to get to Hollywood

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by prosecutor on 01-25-07 at 02:19 PM
Simon's comments to her were unwarranted, since Randy and Paula were the ones who asked her to sing opera.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by tamarama on 01-25-07 at 06:13 PM
Yeah, Randy's the one that wanted to hear the opera...

But Simon wasn't specifically complaining about the opera. He was commenting on how different each of the 3 songs was.

I was OK with his comment.

(And in reality, if you're studying classical voice & you sing other stuff, there does often come a point where you have to decide which road to go down. Not always, but frequently.)

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by YankeeDixieDoodle on 01-26-07 at 10:51 AM
The only thing she sang well, iMO, was opera. The other songs sounded too low for her vocal range. I don't know why she chose them. She seemed to be straining her voice, trying to sing that low. No matter how well she does in Hollywood, I doubt she'll last long. The opera types tend to get pickied off early.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by Brtndr98 on 02-11-07 at 08:59 PM
>Like her too. She's talented. She
>just looks and acts weird.
>I'll be watching her.

I think she should've stayed with her Opera lessons, cause' that's obviously what she's best at. But it will be interesting to see if she can live up to her claim that she can sing anything.

Personally, I don't think she can. But I'll be watching with a great deal of interest Rachel.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by prosecutor on 02-15-07 at 06:22 PM
did opera girl make it?

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-16-07 at 12:00 PM
Nope. I don't even remember seeing her during Hollywood week. It's as if she disappeared off the face of the earth.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by emydi on 02-16-07 at 03:03 PM
nope she didn't...maybe she decided not to go...she did say she could lose her scholarship to the opera school she is attending...maybe she decided not to do Hollywood.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by YankeeDixieDoodle on 02-16-07 at 03:12 PM
Yepper. If I had her scholarship, I wouldn't p*ss it away, either.

"RE: Opera Girl"
Posted by Jadens Mommy on 02-17-07 at 01:56 PM
Yup. The scholarship is a sure thing. Making it to the top 24 is not.

"RE: Opera Girl - UPDATE"
Posted by tamarama on 03-10-07 at 06:23 PM
"Opera Girl" - or Rachel Zevita is in this week's video on the Entertainment Weekly site:


She tells what happened in Hollywood (she went, she was cut first day, she did NOT lose her scholorship)

And she sings.

I like her singing in this vid better than her city audition.

(They also mention Tami Gosnell, another one that disappeared without a trace -- wouldn't you like to have her in the top 12 now? I would.)