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"Kellie and her Snot Rag..."

Posted by JustMeAndMyShadow on 04-13-06 at 00:30 AM
They both need to be tossed off the show. She made me sick on my stomach with that shot-grabbing, disgusting comment and running around tossing a nasty kleenex. Wow....what a class act....NOT!

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"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by SOfan0221 on 04-13-06 at 07:21 AM
wahl, back home y'al we always calls em snot rags. is they another namefor em? I jes can't unda stand Simon cause he's got that there accent....... Hmmm, funny I can understand Simon much more than lil ole kelli pickler.

dumb hick chick neds to go home and take her snot rag with her.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by Kipp on 04-13-06 at 07:31 AM
I agree,,,,that little showy stunt with the 'snot rag' was definitely not something that gave her any brownie points,,,she was trying to be 'too cute' and blew it (excuse the pun)

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by LisaPles on 04-13-06 at 08:21 AM
Given my current opinion of American Idol (bored, disgusted, and ready to stop watching), I think it would be great if Kellie won and she could be the "spokesperson" for American Idol. She is the perfect representative for this stupid azz show.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by nailbone on 04-13-06 at 11:19 AM
You and VoteForTheWorst.com.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by geekboy on 04-13-06 at 08:19 AM
Kellie is someone who each week continues to amaze and confuse me. I didn't mean 'amaze' in a good sense.

First, when we saw her in teh auditions, i was impressed. Then we start to see the family story, and you know the producers are doing a good job at pimping her for teh hollywood rounds and beyond. So, you also know she will be in teh top 24. No question.

Now, at the Top 24, the hick side starts to show and initially its pretty darn cute. She makes it through to the top 12.

This is where, for me at least, it starts to get old. Also, she is one of those contestants who doesn't seem to grow at all. One week she can be incredible (country week, for example) then the next you wonder how she got to Hollywood (remember Stevie week?).

Also, week to week, you wonder if the hick thing is real or a show? I've flip-flopped many times on my opinion of that.

But what really really bugs me is WHY people are obviously voting for her in huge numbers? WHY???

How did she make it through Stevie week and not be in the bottom three? Why would Mandisa go before her? Why would Bucky go before her? Why has Elliot been in the bottom three more than once, and she hasn't?

Is it teenage hormonal boys loving her midriff? Is it young girls looking at her as the second coming of Britney in a country mold? Is it Carrie Underwood II syndrome? I don't get it!!!!


"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by LisaPles on 04-13-06 at 08:27 AM
I hear you Geekboy, I just don't get it either. I really think that the majority vote is coming from teenage girls. It defies explanation as far as I'm concerned. I have really come to realize that this show is not for me. If I could tune in and get excited by some real talent being discovered, I would enjoy it. It has obviously turned in to some kind of F'd up popularity contest. I don't know why anyone would even audition for it after this season.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by prosecutor on 04-13-06 at 09:47 AM
I thinkshe is getting the votes of her entire hometown

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 04-13-06 at 09:49 AM
And don't forget VFTW is backing her also.

Siggy thanks to Syren!

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by nailbone on 04-13-06 at 11:22 AM
I thinkshe is getting the votes of her entire hometown

All 16,000 of them.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by okaychatt on 04-15-06 at 10:10 AM
<It has obviously turned in to some kind of F'd up popularity contest

Hi LisaPles.

I think AI has ALWAYS been that kind of contest. It's been more about the IT Factor with a little singing talent thrown in.

AI is not a contest to find the best singer. Never has been.

That said, I agree with you all on Kellie Pickler, though her Grandpa and brother give an indication of her background. She may be genuinely backwoods, but it's a bit hard to believe she isn't milking the role of hick as far as it will take her.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by Iconoclastic on 04-13-06 at 01:15 PM
But what really really bugs me is WHY people are obviously voting for her in huge numbers? WHY???

A lot of her appeal is that she pi$$e$ people like you off. Her core fans love the fact that so many people get worked up over her continued consumption of oxygen. She's playing the same role as Scott Savol and John Stevens. The harsher the criticism becomes, the more determined they are to thumb their nose at you and keep her on the show. And I'm not talking about VFTW, they just fan the flames of this phenomenon. (And for the record, I can't stand this gimmicky b!+ch either.)

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by CBailey on 04-13-06 at 01:46 PM
I happen to like Kellie. I think the whole snot rag thing is being taken out of tense. The reason why she stood up and gave the rag to Ryan was because he had previously asked for it from her and she told him that she was going to need it. Then after her turn when finding out if she was in the bottom three she didn't need it anymore therefore giving it to Ryan who she thought still wanted the snot rag. Ryan just played up the instance for publicity. This had nothing to do with Kellie she was just giving the rag to someone she thought wanted it. She was not putting on a show or faking anything.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by LisaPles on 04-13-06 at 02:18 PM
I don't think Kellie's actions are in question as much as her lack of good judgement with the language she used.
Clue For Kellie: Do not say things like "snot rag" when you have a TV camera and millions of TV viewers looking at you. Duh

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by tamarama on 04-17-06 at 06:29 PM
>>Ryan just played up the instance<<

What we saw was not (for once) RYAN playing up the incident...that was all Kellie -- being gross, and being an attention whore by GETTING UP, WALKING ALL THE WAY DOWN TO RYAN, and COMMENTING UNNECESSARILY on it.

Even if the hick part of her is genuine, the spotlight hungry stage hog is not a myth.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by priestdi on 04-14-06 at 01:57 AM
hey my background is snobby, snotty (hah) upper-middle class NE stock, and I personally am liking Kellie more every week.

the more I see her, the more i think she IS for real. and half the dissing she gets is just a bunch of regional arrogance. people who need to boost their own self esteem by looking down their noses at the white trash.

I thought she was cute.

I was much more offended by Ryan, who acted like a hanky with a few shared tears on it was the most disgusting thing he'd even had to fling away. That was really pathetic the way he did that. Is he really that much of a wuss? And I mean that in his own metrosexual wussy way. If he were really gay, he'd be cooler.

didn't one of the contestants on the line actually pick it up? I think so.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by nailbone on 04-14-06 at 10:06 AM
a bunch of regional arrogance.

I think this is some of it. Folks like to look down on people from the South with accents as stupid hicks, something I'm particularly sensitive to, and tired of.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by archon on 04-14-06 at 02:49 PM
Yes, some folks do like to look down upon those from the South.

But, this Yankee married a SC Peach.... And I have to tell you, I bought Kellie's story hook-line-and-sinker... At first... As the contest has progressed, it is become ever so clear that its all a schtick - playing upon the typical stereotype of a backwoods southern woman.

I ain't buyin' it anymore...


"You can get more with a 2x4 and a kind word than with just a kind word." (Marcus, B5)

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by nailbone on 04-14-06 at 03:47 PM
I ain't buyin' it anymore...

That'd be "I ain't buyin' it no more..."

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by archon on 04-17-06 at 08:27 AM
Stands corrected!


"You can get more with a 2x4 and a kind word than with just a kind word." (Marcus, B5)

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by aquariaqueen on 04-17-06 at 11:10 AM

>But, this Yankee married a SC

lol...you may have married by misrepresentation, I thought it was a Georgia peach.

I think you got yourself a palmetto!!

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by archon on 04-19-06 at 01:12 PM
True -- peaches are a GA thing. But SC produces far more than GA does... And besides, drive on i-85 -- in Gaffney -- there is a HUGE peach on a tower (i think its a water tower made in the shape of a peach). Looks like a big butt on a pole!

Cant call Mrs. Archon a palmetto -- thats what the call teh big water bugs in florida!


"You can get more with a 2x4 and a kind word than with just a kind word." (Marcus, B5)

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by okaychatt on 04-15-06 at 10:12 AM
<I thought she was cute.

Hi priestdi.

I have a hard time making the "I'm so naive" act coincide with her "naughty little minx" polish.

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Kellie and her Snot Rag..."
Posted by priestdi on 04-15-06 at 01:24 PM
yeah, I know. I'm curious about what she really is too.

but I don't think she's coming across as "naive," actually.

it's more about what she's been exposed to, in terms of culture and city life, than the sort of naivete that would be contradicted by her minx thing. to me her minx thing is more about sex, which works just fine in the backwoods, lol.

she's not doing a big-city minx thing, the younger girls on my other board think she's awful because she doesn't have any sophistication or a polished sensuality when she sings, they don't like the way she stands, etc. it's way too ... I guess tomboyish? it doesn't quite feel "polished" to me, to use your word.

And for me, that reinforces the notion that she's more or less what she's presenting herself to be.

Now I can guarantee that idol is milking it, and encouraging her to play it up. So it's exaggerated, probably. But one of the recent musical guests -- was it someone from Queen? I forget now where I saw it -- said she was the real thing, more or less.

So I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt, anyway. Until something convinces me otherwise.

"RE: Kellie, Please Don't Put Us Through The Torture! "
Posted by LisaPles on 04-19-06 at 11:11 AM
How about when Ryan said something like too bad you can't sing it again (and hopefully not suck as bad), Kellie said "I wouldn't put you through the torture". How can she expect anyone would vote for her when even she knows she's terrible!
How funny Simon said she should have just stuck to "Bewildered"! Even Paula was like, "why don't you try acting".
I (almost) felt bad for her making such a fool of herself.

"RE: Kellie, Please Don't Put Us Through The Torture! "
Posted by sica077 on 04-19-06 at 04:13 PM
I will admit that although I am not a huge Kellie fan, I try to accept her. But it almost seems like she purposely tries to look uncomfortable/nervous as an excuse for the songs she just doesn't prepare for well. I get irritated when anyone blames their nerves for a poor performance. They have been doing this for enough weeks now that this should no longer be an excuse. And if it is an honest excuse, should this person really be the next idol? As for the fact that this week's song choices were out of her realm...well, Chris is not known to sing these songs and he did a very good job of holding his own. As for her comments referring to her uneasy performance, "I'm sorry," and "I wouldn't put you through the torture," just makes me feel like she is trying to get the "emotional" votes (i.e. "Oh, I feel so bad for Kellie because even SHE admits she did badly...). I am tired of the excuses...put up or shut up!

Sorry for venting!