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"What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"

Posted by ajglitch on 04-06-06 at 09:26 AM
Ok, so I suffered through weeks of Chicken Little outlasting numerous contestants who were miles above his paltry singing talent...ok he's young and perhaps will develop...but...has it really come down to a popularity contest? Looks over talent? How shallow is this show becoming? Mandisa...awesome vocals, great range, definite future....and she gets voted off before Ace? Kellie? Bucky? Elliot? Is it looks? Please don't tell me it's that she was the worst? Elliot was worse by far in his song selection...and Ace? Don't get me started on Mr Simpering, Smoldering, Come Hither Camera Orgy Boy! He was cute to start but has become annoying fast.

If things go as they are we will be left with nothing but skinny, gawsh I am so humble blonde gal, dark haired ain't I pretty and refined, I love to love the camera and "oh yeah, the audience that is watching me through the camera" smarmy boy and with any luck at all one of the few truly talented that are left, hard rocker honest guy.

My picks? Chris and Taylor...they are the best that is left but Taylor...well hun, you ain't got the perfect look that everyone wants to emulate so.....buhbye.

Sigh, as a Canadian all I can do is watch and groan in frustration.

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"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by chowdahead on 04-06-06 at 09:33 AM
i think its funny when the judges say "its a singing competition"
nothing could be further than the truth....
Mandisa got screwed...

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by nailbone on 04-06-06 at 09:52 AM
Nah, she didn't get screwed. She may have gone sooner than you'd like, but she wasn't going to win anyway. This gives her a chance to move on and go work with Barry Manilow.

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"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by sweet cheeks on 04-08-06 at 00:12 AM

Yea and I think Barry Manilow really liked Mandisa.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by sweet cheeks on 04-08-06 at 00:13 AM

Yea Mandisa got screwed but I think a producer will snatch
her up. She just has too much talent.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by prosecutor on 04-06-06 at 10:00 AM

>Sigh, as a Canadian all I
>can do is watch and
>groan in frustration.

What do you care, there never was or will
be a black Canadian idol.
Mandisa went out now based on the song choice
it sucked, even Kenny Rogers wanted her
to do something else because that song had
too many words, she was sooo out of breath
on it in places. Ya, she can sing but wrong
wrong wrong song if she wanted to stand out.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by ajglitch on 04-06-06 at 10:53 AM
What do you care, there never was or will
be a black Canadian idol.

Wow...just because I am Canadian doesn't mean my opinion doesn't count or that I shouldn't care. You totally missed my point about the fact that there are still others in the competition who were worse than her tuesday but are physically more attractive therefore still in the running. Don't bring the fact about a Black Canadian Idol into this either, it is not relevent to the conversation. Your comment is spiteful and mean spirited.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 04-06-06 at 12:00 PM
Prosecutor, that was not nice....

There are many Canadians here who offer their opinions and are a part of this community. Unfortunately, they can't vote!!

"WARNINGS - all three of you"
Posted by Bebo on 04-06-06 at 01:51 PM
Prosecutor, our guidelines clearly say that users should "help prevent forest fires". Implying that Canadians are racist is inappropriate.

ajglitch, please read our guidelines. Bashing other posters is not permitted. If you think a poster's comments are inappropriate, alert the mods and let us handle it. We've found that's the best approach for keeping discussion focused on the show instead of degrading into a flame war.

aquariaqueen, alert the mods and move on applies to you too. Jumping in like that just fuels the flames and is not the appropriate way to handle things per our guidelines.

Now, let's all get back to discussing the show.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by calimom on 04-06-06 at 02:44 PM
I can;t believe they canned Mandisa. She has a beauiful voice!! Elliot and Taylor should have been canned. Grrrrr I am losing faith in AI.

"Just a bad night for Mandisa"
Posted by Ricky on 04-08-06 at 03:51 PM
Don't worry Elliot will be gone soon enough.

I liked Mandisa in the past but I think she butchered that Shania Twain song that she sang (it's called "Any Man of Mine"). And I actually LOVE that song! I'm not suprised she's gone.

Listen to the Shania version and you'll see what I mean

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by SenecaTurtle on 04-06-06 at 02:51 PM
I am a big Mandisa fan; however, I must agree that it really was a poor song choice for her. It did not show off her vocal skills whatsoever.

I voted for her like crazy because I knew she was going to be in trouble after that song. After the 1st 30 minutes (on the east coast) I was able to get through every single time I called, which actually is a bad thing. I knew she was in trouble.


"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by LIVEURBESTLIFE on 04-06-06 at 05:21 PM
I am a big Mandisa fan. I voted for her as much as I could. I knew she was in trouble when my call went thru almost everytime.

I think the reason she was voted off was because many people were offended by some comments she made during the Songs of the 21st Century challenge week.

She commented that God is bigger than your lifestyle. And apparently an anti-gay author is her favorite author. Many people assumed she was anti-gay and chose not to vote for her.

Obviously, this is more than a singing contest it is a personality contest and a public image challenge as well.

Singing wise Mandisa was not the worst performer during Country Week and did not deserve the boot.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by xwraith27 on 04-07-06 at 04:50 AM
Well, Mandisa's already clarified that she wasn't referring to homosexuality when she talked/sang/intro-ed about "lifestyle". Unfortunately for her, the explanation came too little too late. When I first learned that she was eliminated, I was a bit surprised. But looking back, I would say that she actually kinda deserved to be eliminated.

What I mean is that for the past two weeks, she chose the wrong songs to sing, and didn't really showcase what she can do. So while the elimination was a surprise, it didn't have the same impact as when Tamyra, Jennifer, or La Toya were eliminated.

Besides, the talent this season is so underwhelming IMHO that I really wouldn't be surprised if any of them landed in the bottom three and were eliminated. I really don't see any real frontrunners this season (especially after the past two weeks) that picking names out of a bowl actually worked out better for me to predict the week's bottom three (as opposed to individually scoring each contestant).

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by LIVEURBESTLIFE on 04-07-06 at 07:17 PM
There are some definite front runners Kellie, Chris, and Taylor are the 3 favorites. They have the biggest fan base. So I don't see any of them in the bottom 3 anytime soon. But then again you just never know.

I don't think Mandisa deserved the boot. She may not have chosen the right song for her but regardless of what she sings she still sounds better than most of them up there.

Talent wise she was one of the best. I still think she lost much support when she made the comments she made. I didn't interpret her comments to be against homosexuals but many people did and in the end I think that hurt her.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by xwraith27 on 04-08-06 at 11:10 PM
"There are some definite front runners Kellie, Chris, and Taylor are the 3 favorites. They have the biggest fan base."

I read my post and I just realized that, indeed, there are frontrunners this season. What I meant to say was that although Kellie, Chris, and Taylor all have large fanbases, I personally don't think any of the contestants this season stand out like other contestants have stood out during the past seasons.

I just feel like no one of this season's top 12 has impressed me so much that I feel like picking up the phone to vote (if I were eligible to vote, which I'm not), is all I'm saying.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by butternut on 04-08-06 at 05:57 AM
I liked Mandisa too, and thought it was unfair, There were others that should have gone before her. But the day of or the day after she was eliminated, Steven Spielberg called and told the producers I believe it was that she had a face for television, so Mandisa is hoping she will get to be in one of his movies. Now I saw Mandisa on some show today, so I know this is true. Good luck to her either way!!!

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by pokerguy on 04-08-06 at 12:35 PM
Face it Mandisa had 0% cvhance of winning this. If you evcer thought this was anything other than a popularity contest you havce been fooling yourself.

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"About your sig..."
Posted by Bebo on 04-08-06 at 02:27 PM
We have strict advertising policies here - you can find the specifics in our community guidelines. Please do not use your sig line for advertisements in the future.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by Twinkles on 04-18-06 at 05:58 AM
LAST EDITED ON 04-18-06 AT 06:00 AM (EST)

In the auditions and the first couple of weeks I could hear that she was amazing but as the show continued, during more and more of her songs she sounded to me like she was shouting or belting out he songs. I wasn't wowed anymore. I wasn't inspired to vote for her.

When I saw the bottom three I figured she was the one to go even though I knew she had more talent than most if not all of the contestants remaining.

I'm no voice expert so I believed the judges who said she was great and figured I just wasn't hearing it. I just thought I'd let you know why I wasn't voting in case it might be why some others tuned out, too. To me I prefer a more heartfelt soulful rendition of music. Not super quiet like Ace but to me a voice just a bit more powerful than the music and not something that hits me over the head like Tchaichovsky's(sp) 1812 Overture in every line.

(i didn't know about the religion/homosexuality controversy. i must have missed part of a show!)

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by hoazi on 04-12-06 at 09:16 PM
Praise the lord, Mandisa is gone. Her explanation for her comments was too vague to really clear up matters. So thankful I didn't have to have her littering up my living room today. She puts the BIG in BIGOT.

"RE: What the heck is with the votes? Mandisa gone?"
Posted by pr00j4197 on 04-19-06 at 02:32 AM
I agree that Mandisa should not have been voted off. But if you listen to tonight's performances Taylor, Chris and Kellie sucked big time.

I am an Ace Fan so I don't agree with you there. I am ready for Kellie and Taylor to go. They are getting on my nerve. Kellie is really giving blondes a bad name. She is too dumb. They should send her to school, as it is obvious she dropped out of school when she was 5.

Paris' speaking voice maybe irritating but the girl can sing. As Paula would say she was definitely in her element. My final thoughts are that I hope that anybody wins accept for Chris or Taylor, its time for them to go. I will continue to vote for Ace. You can't complain if you don't vote - So pass the word and vote for ACE!

"Tylors pic...HOT"
Posted by Kodi on 04-19-06 at 12:52 PM

Go to this site guys and check out Taylors pic.. unbeleivable!!!