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"Chicken Little Takes A Fall"

Posted by Maniac on 03-23-06 at 11:24 AM
America got it right last night on Idol when the dweeby Kevin was sent to do volunteer work singing at senior centers throughout America. I don't know about anyone else, but I hople Ace is next. His annoying falsetto could kill an army of seasoned warriors.

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"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by FancyNancy on 03-23-06 at 12:37 PM
I was very disappointed with last nights results on American Idol. This is the first year I have watched and there were other males whose vocals didn't stand up to Kevin. I realize he would not make the "American Idol" winner but I really thought he would go a couple of weeks or more further than he did. I still can't figure out what is keeping Bucky on and Taylor needs to find a new life. How can you compare either of them to some of the vocal range most of the females have in this competition. What is wrong with America? Kevin you deserved better. And Simon, you need to just drop off the face of the earth. You have no talent or class. What are you doing even being a judge of anything.

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by nailbone on 03-23-06 at 03:07 PM
sorry, Nancy, gotta disagree with most of that. Kevin does have a good voice, but he's not marketable as an "American Idol" so it's just as well that he doesn't go farther. I don't really think Taylor is either, and Bucky only slightly more so, though he's got a good Suothern Rock style that could be marketed.

As for Simon, class, not so much. But talent? He's the only one of the judges that really makes any sense. When he's not being shouted down by Paula or berated by Ryan, he makes good comments and gives good advice, most of the time. Randy is better this year than in years past, but Paula is pretty much useless.

Sig by Arkie!!

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"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by KoalaChick on 03-23-06 at 04:37 PM
Right on about Paula, nail. US Weekly is coming out with a story that she was thisclose to being fired after the pizza and salad remarks, and her constant crying, lateness...she's just a mess. BUT, it says they were considering Britney or Jessica to replace her. From bad to worse, IMHO.

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by jags on 03-23-06 at 12:55 PM
I could not agree more, yes he had a decent voice but there was nothing about him that said american Idol. He stood out because he really did look the cartoon character Chicken Little. He was not cute by any means according to my daughters. If he gets a record deal he will be a novelty like others I will not mention who because I will ruffle peoples feathers.


"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by Lasann on 03-23-06 at 04:23 PM
I shut my eyes and listened when Kevin sang his finale. He has a very good voice. Simon said this is a singing competition, but it really isn't. On singing talent alone, IMHO, Kevin beats out most of the men. Bucky is just horrible in my opinion.

Next week I am going to close my eyes so I'm not distracted by their looks and see if my opinions change.

I lvoed Kevin's voice *sob*. Everyone is so loving on Chris but, based on voice alone, I don't see it.

Anyone know who they are singing next week?

A girl can have dreams! -
Tagged by ARKIE!!!

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by KoalaChick on 03-23-06 at 04:36 PM
Thorry, I jutht can't take a thinger with a lithp theriouthly.

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by Lasann on 03-23-06 at 04:41 PM
Ow, that'll come back to haunt you. I can't remember who it was but there was a singer with a stutter so bad he could hardly finish a sentence. He was, however, a very successful country singer. Who was that? Someone help my memory.

A girl can have dreams! -
Tagged by ARKIE!!!

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by nailbone on 03-23-06 at 04:45 PM
PpppppMel PpppppTillis.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by KoalaChick on 03-23-06 at 04:49 PM
That was Mel Tillis, but the difference was, he didn't stutter when he sang. Kevin can't thtop the lithp and it's distracting.

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by nailbone on 03-23-06 at 04:49 PM
Next week I am going to close my eyes so I'm not distracted by their looks and see if my opinions change.

I did this, and it didn't much change anything. Chris still has the most radio friendly voice, for the current charts, of the men. Add in the video-friendly aspect, and it's Chris all the way.

Same for Katharine. Mandisa and Paris are good, too, but a bit too Broadway.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by Maroonclown on 03-23-06 at 04:41 PM
Maybe this is just mean or I'm being too judgemental on what people's heads look like but I couldn't get over the difference in head size between Kevin and Ryan when they stood together. It really looked like Kevin was superimposed on the screen next to Ryan because the size difference in their heads just didn't look right.

Kevin has this big round ball of a head with teeny tiny features and Ryan has a normal sized head with features that are the right size for his head.

Sorry for obsessing on this but it really freaked me out.

arkie spring thing

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by Lasann on 03-23-06 at 04:42 PM
I know what you mean. He has the tiniest little mouth. But Donald Trump has a tiny, itsy bitsy mouth too.

A girl can have dreams! -
Tagged by ARKIE!!!

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by AmericanGal15 on 03-23-06 at 06:07 PM

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by AmericanGal15 on 03-23-06 at 06:14 PM
omg i hate bucky

"RE: Chicken Little Takes A Fall"
Posted by crs3192 on 03-23-06 at 07:59 PM

Wow. Scratch that, and flip them around, and you've got it!