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Thread Number: 571
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"Ace Young-different ending in re-cap"

Posted by mmellor on 03-22-06 at 01:14 AM
Do you feel duped? I do. After watching Ace's not so great falsetto ending to his song, I was a bit diappointed. However, as I watched for his call in number, I was suprised to see a completely different ending to his song!
I thought each contestant had one shot at getting it right for us, the viewers. I feel lied to.

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"RE: Ace Young-different ending in re-cap"
Posted by niteowl on 03-22-06 at 01:19 AM
For the last people, they don't have time to get the clip up there, so they use the one from the rehearsal before the taping.

"RE: Ace Young-different ending in re-cap"
Posted by Snidget on 03-22-06 at 11:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-22-06 AT 11:22 AM (EST)

Yep, each person gets a dress rehersal, which is taped.

The clips at the end of the show are from the dress rehersal because of time constraints.

They will never be from the live show.
They never promised you they would be from the live show.
I know editing software is better these days, but there is no way to put the live clips together in time for the end of the show.

There is no conspiracy to dupe people by letting the contestants do 650 takes until they get a good one for the end of the show clip. Sometimes the dress rehersal clip is worse than the actual performance, I've seen that happen as well. Some people need the rush of the live performance to do their best.

Almost every live performance has a dress rehersal with costumes and lighting and usually an audience to react to it.

Having a dress rehersal allows for last minute fine-tuning of the performance and making sure everyone knows thier cues so they shine the lights in the right spots and all of that. Are you saying they should be thrown on stage live without anyone on the crew knowing anything about what they are going to do. Might make for good television when the band/backup singers/light and sound guys all screw up on every other performance, but would not be fair to the contestants in any way.

Why should Americal Idol be totally different from every other show since the begining of time?

ETF: clarity issue, a verb got lost in the rewrite.

"RE: Ace Young-different ending in re-cap"
Posted by Macfever on 03-22-06 at 11:09 AM
I think he will be one of the last 2 standing along with my sweetie and i hate to say it but will lose to my sweetie and kathrine will take the AI.