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"Will Chris win??"

Posted by Angelfood on 03-02-06 at 12:18 PM
Vote here.
a thread to talk about all things chris, good or bad.
Love him, or don't love him quite so much. I mean, does anyone even dislike him?? That doesn't mean his style - that may not be your thing. But the guy gives his heart & soul in every show, just like Taylor.

He's praised by the judges and an audience-pleaser as well.

Is he the current front-runner?
Can he/should he be compared to Bo?


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"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 03-02-06 at 12:25 PM
Love, Love, Love me some Chris. I think he can and will win this year. He's got the complete package, looks, presence and a killer voice. I voted Bo all the way last year and was disappointed he didn't win. Comparison for the two?....for me only in the fact of how much I love them both as performers and rockers. Bo was southern rock all the way. Chris, to me, is more modern rock. Both rock it out in different ways.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by geekboy on 03-02-06 at 12:45 PM
I think Chris is an incredible rock singer, but i have my doubts if he can win this thing.

What is Chris going to do when they have Country night? or 'big band' night? Or when he has to stretch that rock voice into places its never gone before?

I will be very pleased if he can do it, but I do believe that the front runner to win this thing is Taylor (if he gets better with song selection).


"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Magnolia_Rocker on 03-02-06 at 12:51 PM
Let me preface this by saying I love Taylor also, he's number 2 in my book but....I think Taylor has just as much potential to bomb on Big Band or Disco night as Chris has. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that these boys will choose just the right song for them in any genre that's thrown at them. They can do it but will they is the question.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Glow on 03-02-06 at 03:06 PM
*gets out pom poms*
I love Chris. Love him.
Will he win? I have no idea.
Should he win? In my opinion? Absofrigginlutely.
Can he be compared to Bo? Sure.
Should he be compared to Bo? Nope.

Go Chris!

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by bicbic911 on 03-02-06 at 03:50 PM
We watched the show again this morning, and I told my husband I wouldn't be surprised if he won the whole thing if he continues on this road. Bo did really well last year on the theme nights, picking just the right songs.

Chris's performance was .....AMAZING. Still giving me chills after repeated watchings.

I still love Taylor, he's my favorite, and I want him to stay.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by emydi on 03-02-06 at 04:51 PM
I hope so and after last nite he is def front runner.

But he'll get a recording contract out of this

He'll do fine in the other genres (same with Taylor) now Bucky, if he makes it, may have some trouble...

I'm no. 1

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by brvnkrz on 03-04-06 at 11:18 AM
That's a really nice cheer, Glow. But it didn't rhyme.

An awesome Arkie siggie

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by CattyChat on 03-02-06 at 05:07 PM
With AI voters, not sure if he'll win. He's my fave right up there with Taylor -- the two best in the competition IMHO.

"Is he the current front-runner?" -- I sure as heck hope so.

"Can he/should he be compared to Bo?" -- No, NO, NO. Two very different genres, first of all. Secondly, I think Chris both outsings and outperforms Bo.

I LOVED Bo last season, but I think part of his appeal was that finally AI broadened the pool and brought in rockers like Bo. He had an edge and maturity over the contestants last year. Overall, I don't think he is that great and if he were competing against Taylor & Chris this season, people would be saying Bo who???? After watching a season of RockStar I realized how Bo didn't quite cut it compared to the rockers there, either. Sorry, Bo.

Kind Creation of ARNutz

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by pinkytiffy23 on 03-02-06 at 05:55 PM
Chris to me...has it all. Nice, laid-back personailty, cute, not too young or too old, With the best wow voice.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by shanana banana on 03-02-06 at 07:18 PM
*Love* Chris. With a capital L.

I am interested to see how he does on the different show nights, but I think he can pull it off and make each song his own. It's going to be interesting to see how any of the guys do on the varying theme nights -- each one of them has a particular niche carved out already.

I love Bo, but Chris is totally different than Bo. Rawer and harder. I.love.it.

(I love Elliott, too, but I know this is a Chris thread. lol)

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Kattrikk on 03-03-06 at 02:14 AM
I absolutely love Chris. He is by far my favorite. I also love Taylor but Chris (like Bo) has real life stage experience to draw from and boy, does it show. Chris seems very pleasant, and Plus, he's hot. Not pretty, mind you. I am not a fan of the pretty ones. I like the edge.

Can he win? I really hope so, but I don't know if voters are ready to crown a rocker yet. All I know is that I have already found my favorite. I hope at the very least that he makes it really far!

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by indyblu on 03-03-06 at 08:13 AM
I really liked Chris performance the other night. He nailed that song!

If he doesnt win (I dont think he will really its Taylor's to lose) maybe he can geta movie deal with his twin brother....Vin Diesel!!!LOLOLOL

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by OklaBlue on 03-03-06 at 02:54 PM
I hope he does! I'm a grandma...he reminds me of my son a bit in looks. Don't take this wrong, but even for an old lady...he is HOT! I love Chris. I hope he wins! Will be interesting to see how he handles other music. He's great to look at, and a nice, clean, family man. His smile is captivating. His voice was the best of all the guys. Better than Bo! He probably already is getting contract offers put together. Even if he doesn't win this AI, Chris will be a winner!

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by dragonflies on 03-05-06 at 10:04 AM
Yes, he should.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 03-06-06 at 09:48 AM
I hope he goes far....in my book, he's top 3.

However, I have little faith in those who vote....namely the little pre-teens. They just don't get it. And they have more ambition to keep redialing---I try my best as a 40+ gal.

I love that he wears a wedding ring, and is proud of the fact of being married with children. That's darn hot to me!!!!

And his chiseled muscles are steamy too.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by nailbone on 03-06-06 at 02:11 PM
Can he win? You bet! He's definitely one of the top 3 as far as talent, personality, "it" factor.

Will he win? Who knows? I hopes he does, but every season we're surprised by someone that advances that shouldn't, and someone that gets booted that shouldn't.

He can be compared to Bo because this early on, he stands out head and shoulders above the other guys, like Bo did last season.

Sig by Arkie!!

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"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Reeflex7 on 03-06-06 at 10:49 PM
Right now he is being very smart with song selection, but it is too early too tell with him. I want to see how he handles those curveballs like "Songs from Musicals" theme night first, before I start placing odds on him. He's extremely talented, but I see him as more of a one-trick pony at this point...once he ventures out of that modern rock comfort zone I think he's going to struggle a little bit.

I hope I'm wrong, because he IS fun to watch.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by aquariaqueen on 03-07-06 at 01:23 PM
Musical night....hmmm....Jesus Christ, Superstar?????

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by shawnar on 03-07-06 at 07:47 PM
I love him and he's so hot!!!! I also like that he's a family man and proud of it! I think he will be in the top three mabye the top two but I still think Taylor will take it. I think at the very least he will get a great contract.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Reeflex7 on 03-07-06 at 09:45 PM
"Musical night....hmmm....Jesus Christ, Superstar?????"

I'm thinking "Hair"

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by nailbone on 03-08-06 at 04:38 PM

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by tamarama on 03-08-06 at 04:36 PM
I agree that it's too early to tell.

Taylor, Elliot & Chris (probably in that order) are my personal top 3, but we've all seen things change a ton once they move into the top 12.

My ONLY complaint about Chris is that he seems to be holding back. I want to see him really let go like the Rock Star contestents did. I feel like he's toned it down because it's primarily a pop contest.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by miss lissa on 03-10-06 at 00:17 AM
I like Chris alot, I think he has a great voice and picks all the right songs to sing. He will go far in this competition.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by nailbone on 03-10-06 at 12:08 PM

I agree. I hope Chris sings something a bit more lively soon. Stevie Wonder Week will definitely be his first real test.

Sig by Arkie!!

Holey carp! My blog! MySpace!
Official OT Tassel Adjuster o-

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by Glow on 03-13-06 at 02:26 PM
For anybody that's interested.
Chris' band's website
The Chris Crew
The second link plays an Absent Element song, "Breakdown", with Chris on vocals. Very cool song. Cool guy. Lots of pictures. *swoon*

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by prosecutor on 03-14-06 at 12:30 PM
Honestly, I hope Bucky sneaks in there to take it
all the way to the win. Hahaha.
I mean this guy what's the deal? Am I missing something?
I am not a fan.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by hplotr251 on 03-20-06 at 11:35 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-20-06 AT 11:36 PM (EST)

I cannot describe how much I love Chris. He will win, or should win just like last year Bo should have won. But I don't compare them in any other way except they are both rockers. Chris is more modern. I don't understand why everyone is worried about him on theme nights, but not worried about Taylor.

Has Taylor gone out of his comfort zone yet? I've been watching from the beginning and I can't remember a time. So far he has done all that easy listening bluesy, soul-y kind of stuff that he loves. So can Taylor do better than Chris on say musical night? I doubt it. what has happened to make anyone believe he could do better? nothing.

Chris Rocks, Chris should win. He's got it all.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by LisaPles on 03-21-06 at 08:30 AM
I think Chris is very talented and I think he will only do better as he gets more comfortable with the whole production. I'm not sure yet if I will be voting for him all the way, I'm still trying to find out who my favorite is.

Will he win, I'm not sure. Not everybody out there are cool rock fans like oursleves! Let's not forget that Carrie Underwear was able to win the competition last season. Lame! Makes you wonder who the heck is voting! I was voting for Bo, but was glad for him in a way when he didn't win. He doesn't need Idol.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by daninLA on 03-22-06 at 01:39 PM
I am getting a little tired of his turning everything into a rock song. Getting too predictable and stale. I didn't care for the way he changed "Walk the Line." It sounded alright, but really didn't go with the lyrics. Sounded more like he was going to a funeral than promising another to be faithful. It was way too melodramatic. He has not shown much range so far. He would be good as the lead singer of a rock band, but I have serious doubts about his success as a solo singer.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by frankz on 03-22-06 at 02:53 PM
I couldn’t disagree more. I thought Chris’ version of Walk the Line was great. I’d buy that album today.

Reminds me of Johnny Cash doing Rusty Cage. I love genre bending remakes. A very good job IMO.

Wheelie by RollDdice
There are plenty of businesses like show business

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by shanana banana on 03-22-06 at 03:38 PM
LOVE Chris.

I have nothing else to say.

"RE: Will Chris win??"
Posted by hplotr251 on 03-22-06 at 10:43 PM
I have heard a few people criticize Chris for turning everything in to a rock song, but I don't understand why that's a bad thing. He IS a rocker first and foremost so why should he veer from that. Even the judges themselves, including Simon, commend him for not budging. I think if all of the sudden he sang something in a pop way, his fans will feel slighted like he sold out or something. It's so obvious people love him just the way he is. Listen to the audience during the show and results-people go nuts over him!! I thought his version of Walk The Line was awesome. He took a song from the fifties and didn't try to sing it just like Johnny Cash, he made it his own and I too would have bought that from him in a heartbeat! KEEP ROCKIN' CHRIS!!

"Chris's Voice"
Posted by CSHS79 on 03-25-06 at 01:37 PM
I'll give you that he has a nice voice. But what bothers me is that he can't step away for more than a few seconds from the mike
stand. In fact during Higher Ground he carried the mike stand all
around the stage with him, what's up with that? Until I see him move away from the mike stand and I mean for more than a few seconds, the jury is out for me with Chris.

"RE: Chris's Voice"
Posted by geg6 on 03-27-06 at 09:33 AM
What!?!?!? Carrying the mike stand around while singing is a problem? I really don't get that. Loads of rock singers do that. I guess I simply don't understand how that is relevant.

Goddess of the Steeler Nation
Unless you're kidding, in which case, sorry!

"RE: Chris's Voice"
Posted by Glow on 03-27-06 at 09:38 AM
As I rewatched (and rewatched and rewatched) his performance from last week, I thought of this post (posted in the forum a few times), as I watched him walk to the front of the stage without the mic stand.

glowie chris