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Posted by Rennah on 05-11-05 at 10:06 AM
Why was Vonzel so upset last night? Why did Paula ask her if she was OK?

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"Two rumors"
Posted by Breezy on 05-11-05 at 10:19 AM
She was homesick. -press release

Her Dad was diagnosed with cancer. -according to local radio stations in her area

The peeps on idolonfox.com seem pretty split on which rumor is right. *shrug*

Save a horse, ride a cowboy. Sigpic by Syren.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-11-05 at 10:34 AM
There was also a rumor about her Yorkshire Terrier being hit by a car.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by Devious Weasel on 05-11-05 at 11:04 AM
Is that how they make Yorkshire Pudding?

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by Flairmarq on 05-11-05 at 11:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 11:21 AM (EST)

Whatever it was, it is giving her a boost in voting. Let's just hope it wasn't faked so she could get more votes.

I had a question--is it just me or does her daddy look like Huggy bear from Starksky and Hutch?

"The Simon of the Wabash Valley"

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by charmed_1102 on 05-11-05 at 01:26 PM
I totally agree with you, I sure hope it wasn't fake. I know people are saying that it is because of her father or her dog. But I believe she knew that she did not do a really good job on that song and she is like you said trying to get people to feel pity for her, so she can get votes, I didn't like the judges response to her song, they always say the same thing the whole you started shaky and off pitch but you pulled it off...pulled what off its just 1 high note...oh well...that's me...I just hope that she's not faking it.

P.S...If someone have have a great voice like they said about Vonzell, she should have put more effort in it specially since her dad's there.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-11-05 at 01:34 PM
If none of the rumors are true (but she DID say she'd had a very bad day), then what the frick would you do if you'd blown a song when it counted the most? She was overwhelmed in the moment. We shouldn't be bashing her on this.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by charmed_1102 on 05-11-05 at 02:19 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-11-05 AT 05:14 PM (EST)

Anyways,,,She obviously wasn't having a bad day when she was singing the second song...

P.S. OF course she did a good job on her second song, its her kind of music, just like Carrie did great on her first song.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by charmed_1102 on 05-16-05 at 05:35 PM
you're right what else can we do...he crying worked really well...

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-11-05 at 11:44 AM
bwahahaha... only saying this because I believe the rumor about her Daddy over the Yorkie rumor.

Baby V has a right to get weepy over her Daddy being in the audience! She's made it so far - the scenario is overwhelming for someone as nice as Vonzell.

P.S. Baby V's brothers are HOT. Major hot. That family has good lookin' genes. Baby V is a beautiful girl.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by Former CBSer on 05-11-05 at 01:00 PM
Vonzel is great but her family takes away from her performance by their outlandish dress. The two guys in hats looked like organ grinder monkeys last night. The should not upstage her like that. I didn't particularly care for her songs last night but she did sing a lot better than Carrie.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by Roo on 05-11-05 at 02:59 PM
I thought her dad sitting out there in his Huggie-Bear outfit was adorable. The man is proud of his daughter, and he brought out his Sunday best to watch her in LA. I don't think it takes away from her at all.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Two rumors I heard"
Posted by pebbles10 on 05-11-05 at 06:39 PM
I heard this morning on a local radio show - from a woman who says she knows 2 people who work "behind the scenes" at Idol - Vonzel had previously met a girl through "Make a Wish" and it was this girls wish to meet Vonzel - anyway - this girl died yesterday. I also heard the one about her dog being hit -but the "Make a wish" girl rumor is is from a "reliable" source- or so she says?

"RE: Two rumors I heard"
Posted by Bebo on 05-11-05 at 11:02 PM
I think it was TV Guide Online that said Vonzell had one less young fan, so that explanation makes sense.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by okaychatt on 05-11-05 at 07:14 PM
<Is that how they make Yorkshire Pudding?

Bad dog! Go lie down on your time out cushion. Go on - get!

Everyone is entitled to my opinion.

"RE: Two rumors"
Posted by BriarRosie on 05-17-05 at 06:01 PM

::sploosh:: Great. Look what you made me do. Now I have to wipe off my monitor.

Funniest thing I've read all day.

"RE: Vonzel"
Posted by Fox41 on 05-11-05 at 09:54 PM
I agree. Her Dad (& that other guy sitting with him) really need to tone it down in the Huggy Bear Pimp wear department. That mess has got to go. I know you want to look your best on national TV but damn!!!

"RE: Vonzel"
Posted by Julietinlove13 on 05-14-05 at 11:16 PM
It is understandable that Vonzell had a rough night but I think Paula asking her how she felt was Paula's way of saving her. If she was having a bad night and the judges were aware they could have simply said "It was not your best song" and leave it at that. I am not an Anthony fan but he is the only one who nailed both his songs and he got voted off. All I am saying is that it is fine for Vonzell or any other contestant to have a bad day and off singing night but I don't think the judges should point it out because it is bound to bring sympathy votes.

"RE: Vonzel"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 05-17-05 at 12:50 PM
Who 'are' these sympathy voters?? I know we all have talked about them but no-one I know votes this way... at least they don't tell me they do!

BTW I heard that Anthony was going around saying there was nothing going on with Vonzell... so I don't know if what we speculate is true, if he just wasn't privy of it was all nothing...?

"RE: Vonzel"
Posted by nailbone on 05-17-05 at 03:15 PM
On a radio program last week, Carrie said that all of them are just exhausted, and that she had the same kind of melt-down that Vonzell had, only after the show was over. She just held it in a little longer.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: Vonzel"
Posted by ginger on 05-18-05 at 02:14 PM
Well, I think V. went too far in the "cheered up" direction. You do not SMILE while belting out Chain of Fools, fool!

Bravo for ancient Clive, correctly questioning her soul content there.