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"Simon's Strategies"

Posted by kahanasunset on 05-02-05 at 11:09 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-04-05 AT 02:31 PM (EST)

Simon knows that his negative comments spark huge knee-jerk votes from the belly of America. So he disses Scott, knowing that the result will be a non-deserving bootee. The theory: Simon wanted the bootee to be Constantine (he's let it be known that he likes Bo a lot, probably better than C.). Simon did this so the final showdown would not be a "battle of the rockers" but a battle between Carrie and Bo - with Carrie hopefully the winner.

Agree? Disagree? Other strategy thoughts/opinions? (Including from other seasons.)

BTW, Constantine knocked my socks off singing My Funny Valentine on Ellen after he got booted. (I didn't see his original performance of MFV.)

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"Not so sure about that."
Posted by Harrison on 05-03-05 at 02:15 PM
Simon loves Carrie (that's obvious) and he has to know that his comments spark huge knee-jerk votes from the belly of America, so he disses Scott, knowing that the result will be a non-deserving bootee.

So, essentially, your theory boils down to this.
Simon has been providing an honest (in this case, negative)review of Scott- not because he wants to be honest, but because he wants Scott to stay?

I guess I just don't follow the logic.
I suspect that, of the three judges, Simon provides the most blunt and honest assessment as a means of preserving his integrity rather than in the hopes of effecting a certain result.
Put another way; of the three which do you take more seriously?

I'm not sure that Simon is working to construct a battle between two specific singers here beyond the fact that he would like to see those who he perceives to be the best up there.

He is up there to provide his opinion, after all.

Machiavellian theories aside, I can't hold the fact that Simon doesn't appreciate Scott's talent against him.

Can you?

"RE: Not so sure about that."
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-03-05 at 02:25 PM
...but because he wants Scott to stay? I guess I just don't follow the logic.

You're not following me here. Simon doesn't care about Scott staying - far from it. He wanted Constantine out because Constantine was more of a threat to Carrie and Bo than Scott is.

"RE: Not so sure about that."
Posted by DonnaLynn on 05-04-05 at 01:40 PM
I honestly think that Simon is HONEST. Heck, he does NOT LIKE Scott, but last night he was able to admit that Scott did a great job doing "On Broadway". I also do not like Scott at all, but he did do a kick a** performance... I don't think there's any ulteriour motive for Simon here. I think he's plain and simple honest.

--Donna :~)

"RE: Not so sure about that."
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-04-05 at 01:57 PM
Simon likes to jerk votes around via his comments. After all, it's *his* show and he wants to maintain control.

"Wrong Simon"
Posted by Bebo on 05-04-05 at 02:17 PM
Simon Cowell is a judge, but the show belongs to Simon Fuller.

"If there was ever a time you wanted permission to run over a clown . . . ."

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-04-05 at 02:18 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-16-05 AT 09:20 AM (EST)

Hmmmm..... I thought Simon Cowell had a hand in creating Pop Idol in Britain before the American version.... but it IS Fuller. Thanks.

Still - it's obvious that Simon does consider it his show in a way. And it's obvious that he wants Carrie to win. (Just watch his face and body language closely during and after both contestants.) But he knows Bo is more deserving.

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by theking0075 on 05-04-05 at 04:31 PM
Simon Cowell created Cupid. A show about a really annoying woman, with two really annoying friends, and everybody kept voting for her to end up with the guy she liked the least beacuse we all hated her, but in the end, they fixed the vote so that the guy she liked the best ended up winning, even though America was trying to pull a huge prank on Simon with the other guy winning, but America ultimately got the last laugh as the woman beating winner ended up not purposing at the end and the nice guy everyone was voting for is the only person from the show anyone remembers now.

Man, I was addicted to that show!

"Evil" Dr. Will: Reality Show Legend!

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by ohboy on 05-05-05 at 08:55 AM
I think Simon is catching on when he says negative things about the contestants they get sympathy votes. So I think that is why he is being nice to Scott and Anthony

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 05-18-05 at 08:03 PM
I watched the show
and I still don't get it.....

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by scottyg124 on 05-16-05 at 03:11 PM
Simon C. Is also a producer right?

"RE: Wrong Simon"
Posted by DontGetMeStarted on 05-18-05 at 08:20 PM
he is just a judge.
he formed a couple of boy/girl groups in the UK but I think... he passed on the Spice Girls and the other Simon (his pal) ok'ed them... I could be wrong but this is what I am remembering ... ??

"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by Junene on 05-16-05 at 03:50 AM
Simon wanted Constantine off the show because he did not vote for him at the auditions, and it would make him look like a fool if Constantine were to win. Yes, I'm one of those constant Constantine supporters and it broke my heart when they announced that he was leaving the show. Conspiracy theories and all, was there anyone who was not shocked when he was "voted off"? Every one in the theater and on the stage was in shock--except maybe Simon. If you are interested about Simon's comments, listen to the comments after Constantine's audition of "Crying". You'll see why he could not have Constantine win.

"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by Ellehcar71 on 05-16-05 at 12:37 PM
I don't recall Simon's early reactions to Constantine, but when they were making the choices for the final 24, it was Bo that Simaon didn't want. At that point, he was all for Constantine, and was rather grumpy about having to let Bo through.

At least this is how I remember it. I can't imagine there being any reason to cry "conspiracy" against Simon on this one.

"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-16-05 at 01:00 PM
Hi Ellehcar. Well, I wasn't using the word "conspiracy". I was saying it was Simon's strategy. It's not difficult to see Simon's feeling about Carrie. But the bottom line is, he's a professional and his main interest is unit sales. Carrie would create unit sales. So will Bo, but Carrie will likely create more. Just sayin.

I like Bo better than Carrie, btw.

"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by Ellehcar71 on 05-18-05 at 02:34 PM
Kahana - dang, I always forget to "reply with quote," so it is clear who I'm responding to. I was actually referring to the post directly above mine (Junene2, or something) about being a conspiracy theorist regarding Constantine's departure. She had posted a similar comment in another thread, and I just don't agree. Sorry 'bout that - I actually agree with you that Simon has made strategic comments along the way.

"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by geekboy on 05-16-05 at 03:18 PM
I, for one, was not shocked the week Constantine was voted off and i'll try to explain it here clearly.

Constantine was on one HUGE roll for 3-4 weeks if I recall...

"I think i love ou", "Funny Valentine", "Can't make you love me" and "Bohemian Rhapsody"

He was on a roll because he was making orignal, yet excellent, song choices and he was molding himself into something unique - a rock and roll singer reinterpreting songs that one wouldn't expect to come from a rock singer (barring Bohemain Rhapsody).

Then, on his boot week, he got up and did a 180 to his fans and picked a straight-ahead rock song "How You Remind Me' and he did a horrible job at singing it.

So you have all these Constantine fans he'd collected over the past month scratching their heads saying 'What the *&$% was that?'

He was the weakest that week, he alienated his fan base, and i wasn't shocked at all that he was voted out.

Simon had nothing to do with it. There was no conspiracy. It was very predictable. Voters vote week by week, not collectively (unless you are a carrie fan, but leave that for another topic)


"RE: Simon's Strategies"
Posted by kahanasunset on 05-16-05 at 04:40 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-16-05 AT 04:43 PM (EST)

Good points, geekboy. You're probably right about Constantine, but I still think the theory holds water. It's been discussed before - don't make me look it up. I'm not in the mood for yet another debate like I got into on the Apprentice board.

ETA: And neither is anyone else.