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"Scott you are loved"

Posted by nefertiti on 04-27-05 at 09:15 AM
Scott I'm glad you still have the strength to perform as well as you do every week, I believe the judges have been consistently harsh on you. I hope the motives aren't stemming from your charge we don't know enough to make a judgement obviously the show didn't feel it would tarnish them and they have no problem booting people off. Judge him on that soulful voice or his performance. Scott keep your confidence up let me hear it in your performance don't give it to them easily I think your like the NBA (Fantastic)

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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Flairmarq on 04-27-05 at 10:40 AM
It does help that you mother and yourself commented about "being the average joe form the mid-west."

If his father is so disappointed in him, why is he on camera supporting Scott?

"The Simon of the Wabash Valley"

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by nailbone on 04-27-05 at 11:39 AM
Yes, Scott, you are loved.

But you are NOT my American Idol and it's time to go home.

New from Sigs by Syren!!

Keep lookin' up, cuz that's where it all is. o-

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Tahj on 04-27-05 at 01:01 PM
Dear Scott,

Every time you sing the vibrato in your voice is so strong that I'm sure you're about to go into convulsions. It's time for you to go before you hurt yourself.


Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by ginger on 04-27-05 at 01:17 PM
LAST EDITED ON 04-27-05 AT 01:20 PM (EST)

I agree with Nef. Scott IS like the NBA (to me).
Bloated, pitchy, and I have to watch WAAAY too much of it/him.

Please, Scott fans, please please please step away from the textmessaging and let us off the hook. I'm sure Scott will sell you CDs off a website if you want. There's bound to be a Scott and Willie Hung World Tour. Why make Hall and Oates and everyone else suffer?

Hearing how Scott is the Real Face of America depresses me more than you can imagine.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Tahj on 04-27-05 at 05:40 PM
I think that would turn into a Scott Hung Willie tour.

Moves courtesy of Syren

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Femme on 04-27-05 at 04:14 PM

I don't care for your voice. At all. It's shaky and weak and awkward. You have the makings of an okay singer (for a Karaoke bar) but no more than, say, my dad does.

Also, I'm sorry that I must disagree with you that you're an "Average Joe." Your singing truly is average, yes, but you are not the typical guy. Unmarried, with a baby, mysterious criminal charges in your police record, even having a record to begin with, and treating the early Hollywood audditions as a joke when you, of all people, really needed that break. That's not "average joe" material; it's classic "underachiever" stuff. You are lucky you have gotten this far. You certainly didn't earn it, and you certainly didn't deserve it after the Hollywood weirdness you layed out.


"RE: Scott you are loved Now What!!!!!!!!!!!!"
Posted by nefertiti on 04-27-05 at 10:01 PM
I guess all your negativity is breathing new life into Scott,Now
understand this the country has spoken Scott and Anthony are safe this week, so let this be a lesson instead of tearing someone down build up the one you believe in. Constantine will be alright he doesn't know it yet he's bigger than American Idol.
Look for his album before the year is out. Scott you have just showed the nay sayers what it is really all about, sing it with your heart own it, you big sexy you.

"Spoiler free zone"
Posted by Bebo on 04-27-05 at 10:54 PM
NO discussion of tonight's results outside of the thread on the General Discussion forum until after midnight.

And if you don't want to read basher posts, then this isn't the place for you. Unlike other forums, we allow posters to express both positive and negative opinions of reality show contestants - and you have no right to tell them not to. Please note the message at the top of each forum page, as well as our community guidelines, and abide by them.

"Post removed"
Posted by Bebo on 04-27-05 at 11:19 PM
Look, we welcome new posters here, but what part of "do not post results before midnight on this forum" did you think didn't apply to you? As a moderator, I'm telling you - do not post about tonight's show on this thread again until, after midnight. And read the community guidelines, please.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by lrlr1 on 04-27-05 at 11:08 PM
Scott, if the average Joe from the Midwest is a no-class weinie, then Average Joe, you are! Why didn't eou and the other weinie takB a clue from Big time classie bo? Wen asked to stand with the group he thought he belonged in, Bo stood in the middle. You and Constanweinie when asked the asked question, went and stood next to the 'winners', leaving Anthony and Vonzell to feel like 'losers'. That showed a compete lack of class. Even worse, when your weinie buddie was voted off, you grinned bigger than I've ever seen you grin. It was tactless as well as classless. Tacky. Tacky. Tacky. NO CLASS WEINIE-SCOTT!

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by seahorse on 04-28-05 at 00:27 AM
Obviously there are a lot of Scott lovers out there. It does make for interesting tv.

Handcrafted by RollDdice

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by NitroChick on 04-28-05 at 01:59 AM
Eh, Scott blows. He sounds atrocious and is so not 'average Joe' in my book. People, get a clue...STOP voting for the guy. Please!

I don't want to end up with another Rueben. His CD's just sat on the shelves. Anybody else left is loads better than Scott.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by TARugh on 04-28-05 at 05:37 AM
As much as I have poked fun at Scott, I must admit I am glad that America voted against Simon's thoughts on this one. His performance was not horrible, and perhaps an average joe is what we need to be an idol.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 04-28-05 at 11:58 AM
Scott is...

only an above average singer.
an angry thug who beats his "wife" (actually he doesn't even have the cojones to marry the mother of his child).
does NOT belong on this stage any more.

It is LUDICROUS that he is still in this competition. If Scott wins he will sell even fewer albums than Fantasia (proving once again that character DOES count) and may toll the doom of this show.

At least Red was a nice guy who couldn't sing. Scott is an unlikeable thug who can't sing.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Spidey on 04-28-05 at 12:59 PM
I agree with PRE. (Hey, stop laughing people, the world is full of unexplained mysteries)

Scott sucks. And, from what I hear, he also smells.

I was hoping the pictures of Scott's son would lose him votes from the Christian Average Joe Midwest. Inter-racial relationship and all that.

But I guess instead they figured his Baby-momma prolly deserved the ass-kicking he gave her, what with being uppity enough to date a white guy.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Melody on 04-28-05 at 01:21 PM
Or maybe all those "Christian Average Joe Midwest, Inter-racial relationship" stereotypes are played out.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by TARugh on 04-28-05 at 04:06 PM
He definitely smells. I'm sticking to my guns with the FABAN acronym

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by lrlr1 on 04-28-05 at 03:43 PM
Spidey, I am not sure if your post was over-the-top demented race-baiting or sly tongue-in-cheek. Which one?

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Bebo on 04-28-05 at 04:20 PM
Then let the mods handle it and don't respond on your own. That's how threads get off-topic.

Discussing racial issues is not against the guidelines, and commenting on a perceived double-standard isn't either. And it's a lot less provocative than a number of the discussions currently going on in other forums.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Spidey on 04-28-05 at 10:24 PM
Bebo's right, but just to clarify I wasn't trying to offend anyone, except maybe Scott voters. And even then just a little because they didn't sink as low as I thought they would.

I guess I was still a little sore about Constantine getting the boot while this ignoramus continues.

And to be honest, when I saw his child the thought did cross my mind that he might lose votes over it. And despite the fact that I despise watching him perform, I was saddened by that thought.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Bebo on 04-29-05 at 07:08 AM
It is a sad double standard - a female contestant with an out of wedlock child is criticized, while a male contestant with a child out of wedlock is held up as a loving father who loves his baby.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by PagongRatEater on 04-29-05 at 09:39 AM
Not by me - but it warn't no baby or lack of responsibility/integrity/charisma that cost Scott my vote.

Just the fact that this is a singing competition.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by LibraRising on 04-28-05 at 05:04 PM
If Scott doesn't win, take comfort in the fact that he'll always have work as long as Larry the Cable Guy needs an opening act.

Bow before the evil queen
How dare you insects come after ME!

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by lrlr1 on 04-29-05 at 02:58 AM
Thanks for clearing that up, Spidey. When you wrote 'his Baby-momma prolly deserved the #####-kicking he gave her, what with being uppity enough to date a white guy,' it sounded like race-baiting - & of the worst sort! -rather than a racial discussion to me. So glad to see it was just 'sly tongue-in-cheek'.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by Spidey on 04-29-05 at 09:59 AM
I'm flippant like that.

When in doubt, best bet is I'm being sarcastic.

"RE: Scott you are loved"
Posted by ginger on 04-29-05 at 03:06 PM
I'll bet you didn't really mean that. I'll be that was sarcasm right there, wasn't it?

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