We were having this disucssion at work today that Paula was acting weird last night? Anyone else notice that? She seem to be on something.
There was something seriously wrong with her. She was more incoherent and repetitive than usual, and her eyes kept wandering. I kept asking myself how much crack she'd snorted before the show.
Thanks to RollDdice for a bitchslapping sig!
Paula's prescription drug problem has been an amusing sidelight on the show since Season One. As long as she doesn't drive herself to the gig.
Poor Simon. He kept having to peel her off his neck.
Simon didn't help matters by having his arm draped over the back of her chair for most of the night. What is with those two? I was really annoyed with all of their antics last night. Just be a judge. You're not the stars of the show - the performers are.
...from General Discussion to Individual forum.
http://news.yahoo.com/news?tmpl=story&u=/ap/20050318/ap_en_tv/people_abdul_4This happened in December. We thought she was just as loopy during the auditions also. Lots of unexplained things with that girl.
she's got to be on something.can we start taking bets/ running a pool on when she'll enter rehab?
I Say May 20th - is that during sweeps week?
Every time she opens her mouth, I mention to my husband that she must be on drugs or something. I'm glad others agree with me.
<she must be on drugs or something.Something has certainly damaged her brain celss. The gal can hardly string a sentence together.
Everyone is entitled to my opinion.
My sister is a makeup artist (and avid A.I. fan) who worked on Judge Joe Brown's set this week. The major talk among all the crew was Paula being drunk and drugged on the set of A.I., which shares 2 crew members, Tuesday night. (Personally I feel that it made the show MUCH more interesting, staged or real, and I hope the surprises continue). Just don't mess with Bo Bice.
I've noticed Paula slurring her words for quite sometime now. Wasn't sure if it was drugs or alcohol, or both!! dEFINITELY HAS TO BE SO.:}