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Forum: DCForumID69
Thread Number: 168
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Original Message
"American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by bacon on 05-13-04 at 04:57 PM
As a white male, I know what hardships are all about. I can barely go to sleep at night knowing that I'm not thought of as many other people's equals. That being said, I can no longer sit back and ignore the total hypocricy that is going on over at American Idol. Obviously fairness was thrown out the window long ago! Take a look at that final three, will ya? Notice anything out of place? Yes! There is absolutely no males to be seen. In fact, there weren't even any males in the top four! It leads me to the conclusion that American Idol is obviously, horrendously, and completely sexist! Not only are there no males in the final four of the contestants, but the show is also hosted by a woman, Ryan Seacrest. Plus, the few males that are on the show, Simon and Randy, in no way provide any kind of smart criticism. They're made to look like morons next to the brilliant genius that is Paula Abdul. Straight up now tell me, American Idol! Is it going to be you and me together? Or are you just having fun?

Table of contents
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,mistofleas, 05:16 PM, 05-13-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Breezy, 05:58 PM, 05-13-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,AugustGirl, 07:31 PM, 05-13-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,brvnkrz, 07:51 PM, 05-13-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,AugustGirl, 08:52 AM, 05-16-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,zombiebaby, 07:48 PM, 05-13-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,mistofleas, 08:37 AM, 05-14-04
- BOYCOTT!,minkey, 00:21 AM, 05-14-04
- Winky Minkey!,zombiebaby, 08:59 PM, 05-19-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Ricky, 01:42 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,minkey, 01:43 PM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,qwertypie, 09:35 PM, 06-06-04
- Waah, waah, waah,Bebo, 08:50 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: Waah, waah, waah,AugustGirl, 12:40 PM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,joannie, 09:23 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,buckeyegirl, 10:10 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,bacon, 10:31 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,buckeyegirl, 11:19 AM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,skyhoneybear, 01:59 PM, 05-14-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,skyhoneybear, 02:05 PM, 05-14-04
- WHOA!,Wheezy, 08:41 PM, 05-17-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,nailbone, 04:41 PM, 05-17-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,bob_chester, 11:53 PM, 05-17-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,zombiebaby, 09:48 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,grit, 09:04 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Bebo, 09:18 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,zombiebaby, 09:47 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,mistofleas, 10:54 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Bebo, 12:26 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,bacon, 12:12 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Bebo, 12:27 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,grit, 04:09 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,zombiebaby, 04:45 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,grit, 05:00 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Bebo, 05:45 PM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,grit, 08:01 AM, 05-19-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,seahorse, 04:21 PM, 06-03-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,wildchickenhunter, 10:07 AM, 05-18-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,seahorse, 05:20 PM, 06-04-04
- RE: American Idol is Sexist!,Sagebrush Dan, 04:10 AM, 05-20-04
Messages in this discussion
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by mistofleas on 05-13-04 at 05:16 PM
I respectfully disagree with you Bacon.Whilst the show may be hosted by a woman and there are two women on the judging panel (Randy and Simon) there is a strong male representative in Paula. Take you token and be proud bacon!

--hearts bacon even though it's bad for her cholesterol
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Breezy on 05-13-04 at 05:58 PM
Straight up now tell me, American Idol! Is it going to be you and me together? Or are you just having fun? ROFLMAOIf it makes your feel any better, I think atleast one of those that you mentioned has a strap on tucked away in a drawer somewhere.
My first summary
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-13-04 at 07:31 PM
If it makes your feel any better, I think atleast one of those that you mentioned has a strap on tucked away in a drawer somewhere.*Someone* told me to come over here because Breezy made a funny. Well, the genius that is our Breezy made me break my "No AI" rule. I am ROTFLMAO!
I *heart* Breezy. And Bacon too!
Knockers? Where are you? I'm scared.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by brvnkrz on 05-13-04 at 07:51 PM
*running in from the kitchen*
Here I am Augie, I made it. You will be okay, you are no longer alone. Now was I lying? Isn't Breezy an absolute hoot.
This thread isn't a spoof is it?
if you don't have anything nice to say, come sit next to me.
CASH Wine gopher
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-16-04 at 08:52 AM
This thread isn't a spoof is it?This thread is not a spoof. If Bacon says it, it's the truth.
From Bacon's lips to God's ears. 
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-13-04 at 07:48 PM
Not only that but I think they hate redheads also! I heard Paula was banned from wearing an auburn wig. Not only that but have you noticed the lack of blondes? I think the judges are trying to stop blondes from even entering the competition! My proof-just look at how they treated Scooter Girl!
One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
"You don't need pants for the victory dance"
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by mistofleas on 05-14-04 at 08:37 AM
Not only that but I think they hate redheads also!Yeah! See? Notice how I'm not on the show?

--would rather be red on the head than have a poodle on her noodle
Posted by minkey on 05-14-04 at 00:21 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-14-04 AT 09:25 AM (EST)I'd like to give a toast to Bacon. 
edited for stupidity... Not that the post isn't stupid enough in its own right, but with a typo... Unforgivable!
"Winky Minkey!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-19-04 at 08:59 PM
Don't U just luv typos? at least you know how to use the caps lock!
One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
"You don't need pants for the victory dance"
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Ricky on 05-14-04 at 01:42 AM
As a white male, I know what hardships are all about. I can barely go to sleep at night knowing that I'm not thought of as many other people's equals.Right on Bacon. AI is just another example of The Man keeping us white male's down !
We didn't land on American Idol, American Idol landed on us !
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by minkey on 05-14-04 at 01:43 PM
Now maybe if you boys could dance...
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by qwertypie on 06-06-04 at 09:35 PM
Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!
La Vida es un Tango!
"Waah, waah, waah"
Posted by Bebo on 05-14-04 at 08:50 AM
Want some cheese to go with that whine?I've spent the entire season listening to Mr. Bebo complain about AI perpetuating stereotypes. If I hear him moan about the Fox network perpetuating the myth that redheaded pasty white males can't sing one more time, I'm going to throw something.
And now you're joining in the chorus. Well let me tell you mister, you only have yourself to blam. You see, for years you men have been judging women on our looks. We women have decided to turn the tables, and you know what? The producers cut all of the beefcake before the finals. They mistakingly thought that since neither of last season's final 2 males fit the traditional stud mold that we didn't need our eye candy. They were wrong.
Since I didn't have any cute butt cheeks or sexy dimples to vote for, I've been one of those folks who just sit on my couch after the show and watch '24'. Blam the men who've told us women to start playing by your rules - we have, and we're still waiting for our eye candy.
Have whip, will travel.
"RE: Waah, waah, waah"
Posted by AugustGirl on 05-14-04 at 12:40 PM
Since it's Firday, I blam the men too. They're just gellus us women folk aren't paying any attention to them anymore.
Like Bebo, I get my eye candy on '24'. How 'bout you?
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by joannie on 05-14-04 at 09:23 AM
bacon, thank you for making me laugh!
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 05-14-04 at 10:10 AM
Straight up now tell me, American Idol! Is it going to be you and me together? Or are you just having fun? That quote? was priceless.
But Bacon, weren't last years top 2 finalists both men? And the year before that there was that kid Justin..the girls just kicked butt this season...the only one who could really hold a tune was George.
"Outwit, Outplay and Outwhatever" ~Big Tom
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by bacon on 05-14-04 at 10:31 AM
First off, the verdict is still out on whether Clay Aiken is actually male. Secondly, Ruben Studdard may be a male and all, but he is in the upper crust of the male kingdom due to the fact that he reminds everyone of the Pillsbury Doughboy. Now who isn't going to vote for the Pillsbury Doughboy?
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 05-14-04 at 11:19 AM
LAST EDITED ON 05-14-04 AT 11:20 AM (EST)
Now who isn't going to vote for the Pillsbury Doughboy?
*giggle* Hadn't quite thought of it that way till now, it does explain alot...
"Outwit, Outplay and Outwhatever" ~Big Tom
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by skyhoneybear on 05-14-04 at 01:59 PM
That comment was uncalled for. Especially since the pillsbury dough boy is as white as bleached sugar and flour.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by skyhoneybear on 05-14-04 at 02:05 PM
Buckeye, where at in OH? Im in Dayton.

Posted by Wheezy on 05-17-04 at 08:41 PM
Set.tle. down. you dog, you cat.Yer makin' me noivus.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by nailbone on 05-17-04 at 04:41 PM
Preach ON, Brother Bacon!!
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice o-
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by bob_chester on 05-17-04 at 11:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 05-18-04 AT 00:13 AM (EST)The least they could do if they were going to vote out the men was to have some women with big ah .... "brains" lol
You guys remember that pretty Hawaii babe that had the big “brains” and was flirting with Simon? Simon voted yes (that look in his eyes and smile convinced me he was not gay) but Paula and Randy said no. Her voice was as good as anybody on the show this year. I think. LOL But who would care?
Anyway we got stuck with Camille and Jasmine.
I am sorry I just couldn't resist, but you know some hot babes that aren't jail bait, would at least increase the male audience. Sex sells, Paula should know that.
Edit to correct names
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-18-04 at 09:48 AM
Sex sells, Paula should know that.I'm guessing that is why she has not sold many records.
One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
"You don't need pants for the victory dance"
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by grit on 05-18-04 at 09:04 AM
We women are voting against the men to correct for years of second-hand citizenship at the hands of men. Men told us we should be "barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen". For many years we've been paid less than a man would be for doing the same job. Women had to wait decades before they were allowed to vote.Now it's time for us to rise up and vote against the men, make them feel the pain of being downtrodden just because of their sex.

"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-18-04 at 09:18 AM
Yet another reason I want to spend my 2 hours dialing 1-866-IDOLS-GRIT tonight.
Have whip, will travel.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-18-04 at 09:47 AM
*wondering if Bebo is barefoot right now!*
One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
"You don't need pants for the victory dance"
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by mistofleas on 05-18-04 at 10:54 AM
*wondering if Bebo is barefoot right now!*Since she's already got the pregnant part down, I'd imagine she is barefoot. Don't your feet swell to an outrageous size when you're about to give birth?

--waves at bebo and babybebo
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-18-04 at 12:26 PM
Not barefoot at the office, but damn, my feet are big.
Have whip, will travel.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by bacon on 05-18-04 at 12:12 PM
Barefoot and Pregnant in the kitchen, eh? Great idea! And could we please get rid of that whole "right to vote" thingy, too. I mean come on, i know it's hard enough for us men to fill out ballots. You gals must be having migraines!
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-18-04 at 12:27 PM
I mean come on, i know it's hard enough for us men to fill out ballots. That's because you all start laughing when you hear "hanging chad".
Have whip, will travel.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by grit on 05-18-04 at 04:09 PM
The only migraine I get when voting is from trying to decide which white male will do the least damage to our country.
The only reason a woman hasn't run for president yet is because we're all too busy being barefoot and pregnant in the kitchen...
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by zombiebaby on 05-18-04 at 04:45 PM
Carry my bra for me sister!
One more of J Slice's Awesome Creations!
Now suddenly wants to get of butt and campaign for Grit!
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by grit on 05-18-04 at 05:00 PM
Now I've got bebo and zombiebaby voting for me. If both of you live in Hawaii, that should be at least 2 million votes for me. Yay!
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Bebo on 05-18-04 at 05:45 PM
If I lived in Hawaii, do you think I would spend so much time inside on the computer?????
Have whip, will travel.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by grit on 05-19-04 at 08:01 AM
I just meant that those Hawaiian votes seem to go through a lot easier than my votes from NY...
It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt.
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by seahorse on 06-03-04 at 04:21 PM
You got that right.
©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by wildchickenhunter on 05-18-04 at 10:07 AM
Whats the old saying..."White men can't sing"?
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by seahorse on 06-04-04 at 05:20 PM
Speak for yourself. I am a legend in my own mind.
©Slice & Dice Chop Shop 2004
"RE: American Idol is Sexist!"
Posted by Sagebrush Dan on 05-20-04 at 04:10 AM
I feel your pain, brother, I feel your pain.CASH Secretary of Hospitality
Handcrafted by RollDdice
"the brilliant genius that is Paula Abdul" ROFLMAO