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"Leah's Side Ponytail"

Posted by trshtvjnky on 03-11-04 at 01:39 PM
Love it or lose it?


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Messages in this discussion
"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by greeneyes on 03-11-04 at 02:24 PM
Is there really any question about it? Gotta LOSE IT! Side ponytails were out before the girls was even born.

However, I will settle for just having her voted out first. I just don't get the Paula and Randy love for her.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by arg2 on 03-13-04 at 11:52 PM
I agree with you about having her voted out first. I think Suze Vula...whatever sounded a heck of alot better than her. She should have been voted out in Hollywood. She's pretty, but her ponytail has to go and her voice could be better.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by arg2 on 03-14-04 at 00:00 AM
who the hell told her she could sing a song by Al Green????????????

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by ElroyJetson on 03-11-04 at 02:27 PM
Leave the ponytail, get rid of bLeah.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by niteowl on 03-11-04 at 02:39 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-12-04 AT 01:37 AM (EST)

Her head looked like an onion. Why do we all dislike her? Because she never accepts criticism graciously and makes a spoiled baby face. I'm more bugged by her clothes than her hair, think Bulgarian-Pop-Idol stylist is dressing her...

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by hunniebunns on 03-11-04 at 02:47 PM
I totaly agree about the clothes and I hated the ponytail on the side in the 80's and I hate them even more now...That being said, I liked Leah in the beginning but the more I hear her, I'm not so sure she's as good as they want us to think she is. Last night was horrible, of cours,e you could chalk that up to nerves, I guess...

"Lose it"
Posted by kiki_k on 03-11-04 at 02:53 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-11-04 AT 03:07 PM (EST)

the girl is stuck in an 80s time warp -- and, as someone pointed out above, she wasn't even born then. Next week, I fully expect to see a "Flashdance" off-the shoulder sweatshirt and legwarmers. It's a shame, too, because she is pretty and if she learned to take a bit of constructive criticism, could improve her voice (because it isn't there yet) and her annunciation. As she is now, though, I don't like her or her major "stage-mother" mom. And, I would quite bragging about mom being a so-called pop star in Bulgaria. First, who cares? My grandmother was an opera singer, but I can't carry a note. Second, anyone can just make that up -- it's not like we are going to check it out.

compliments of GeorgiaBelle

All happy families resemble one another, but each unhappy family is unhappy in its own way

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by nailbone on 03-11-04 at 02:57 PM
I think I may be the only one that I know that likes her.

But lose the side pony-tail.

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, and SB Video Historian o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by ginger on 03-12-04 at 03:54 PM
I don't hate her. After her first shaky moments she seems genuine and spontaneous. Let's see how grooming and different song genres treat her.

But the ponytail thing is just awful.

"Any government that would deny a gay man bridal registry is fascist." Margaret Cho

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by nailbone on 03-12-04 at 05:27 PM
Well, ya know that retro thing is going strong.

But she did look better in her earlier performances with her hair down.

OT Studmuffin of the Year '03, Prince of Passion, Royal Liaison to Illicit Activities, and SB Video Historian o-
Cool new sig courtesy of Jslice

"Lose Leah altogether"
Posted by goDAWful on 03-11-04 at 03:03 PM
Leah is just abominable in every respect. Seriously, she needs a good slapping. There's an empty seat at the meat packing factory with her name on it, and she should do us all a favour and get her no-talent ##### onto it, pronto.

Awful. Just hideous. Please, somebody make her stop.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by Bebo on 03-11-04 at 03:21 PM
Maybe she'd sing on-key if she got rid of it. For all we know, the pain from having her hair twisted too tight may be causing those jerky motions and screeching sounds.

But probably not.

Snarky, smart, S7 Anti-Bootee Champ

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by GuessItRains on 03-11-04 at 03:55 PM
Lose it. She should wear her hair in front of her face and mouth so we don't have to see her or hear her.

But failing that, let's just make sure she gets voted off next week so she can fade peacefully into Bulglivion.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by geg6 on 03-11-04 at 04:04 PM
I think I saw it in a magazine...the 80s have just come to Bulgaria and Leah and her "pop star" mom are always at the forefront of fashion in that paradise of all that is hot and trendy, Eastern Europe.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by managerr on 03-11-04 at 04:45 PM
My conspiracy theory is that Paula knows Leah's mom. Paula was probably popular when Leah's mom was a popular pop star. Since Paula has toured the world, you never know who she met up with...

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by greenmonstah on 03-12-04 at 07:47 AM

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by Madeira on 03-11-04 at 05:40 PM
After having to listen to her sing last night, I would be happy to snatch her bald-headed myself.

"It was the nicest side ponytail ever"
Posted by strid333 on 03-11-04 at 11:01 PM
But it was still a side ponytail. She should lose it. Even pigtails are better (although I don't think she is trying to pull a small town girl look).

Three is the perfect number.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by Texan62 on 03-11-04 at 11:25 PM
I don't care what her hair looks like! Please, just don't make me listen to her sing again!

Are Randy and Paula tone deaf? The girl is cute, but she can't sing at a professional level. She makes Julie D'Amato and Kim Caldwell look good. I guess she's just another Carmen Rasmussen (AKA - Goat Girl).

Is it just me, or does this group seem less talented than either Idol 1 or 2? Half of them should have been weeded out at the auditions. The red-headed kid murdered a Billy Joel tune. Leah can stay in tune. The talent pool this year doesn't seem to warrant a Top 12.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by Desert Trip on 03-12-04 at 02:01 AM
I am most certain that Randy and Paula were giving their 10% (charity) when they chose her. She HAS to be the mercy pick. I agree with the person who said PLEASE just make her STOP SINGING!

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by goDAWful on 03-12-04 at 11:43 AM
I think I nub you, Texan62.

"Lose it"
Posted by buckeyegirl on 03-12-04 at 08:52 AM
The side ponytail is almost as bad as Jennifer Hudson's dress was....

A Kyngsladye Original. RMMW!

"RE: Lose it"
Posted by leogirl_21 on 03-12-04 at 12:23 PM
Lost it! I think she would look much prettier if she straightened her hair and let it go loose.

"Lose it"
Posted by minitroll on 03-12-04 at 03:44 PM
That ponytail looks as bad as she sings. *shudder*

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by bystander on 03-12-04 at 03:48 PM
Lose it and lose her. Can't wait till she is the first voted off. When she talks its like she's high (not on life). I expect her to ask Randy if he has the munchies and wants to hit Micky D's for some fries with her.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by joannie on 03-12-04 at 05:04 PM
I think you guys are being a little hard on Leah. I think that she was just totally nervous. After she settled into her song, she sounded better. I think she does have potential, she just has to learn how to control her voice. But if she doesn't improve drastically by her next performance, she deserves to go...

Am I biased because Leah is a high-school student from my hometown? Perhaps. I AM rooting for her, even if I may be one of the few.

"I think it's a cutesie prop"
Posted by moonbaby on 03-12-04 at 06:50 PM
to distract everyone from her high-falutin' inflated diva attitude. When she's on, she's on but she hits an awful lot of clinkers in her tunes.

Posted by sorgee on 03-13-04 at 08:17 PM
Leah sounds almost EXACTLY like my dog when he is constipated.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by rulesr4losers on 03-13-04 at 08:47 PM
>Love it or lose it?

lose her! Take Paula away while your at it for picking that no talent.

"RE: Leah's Side Ponytail"
Posted by escapedude on 03-17-04 at 09:25 PM
Forget which one she was lol
