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"Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."

Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-05-04 at 08:05 PM
For the last couple of weeks I have been feeling more excited to view Mad Mad House than Survivor All-Stars. Don't get me wrong, I still love Survivor but A.S.S. has been a bit of a disappointment. So here are my Top Ten reasons of why Mad Mad House has been better viewing than Survivor A.S.S.

# 10 The Producers - The fact that I have absolutely no idea who produces Mad Mad House is a good thing! Since when has the executive producer of a show garnered the most fame? Riches and wealth yes but not face time in the media.

# 9 The Villains - It took Survivor until season seven to find it's ultimate villain with Johnny Fairplay. MMH found theirs in season one with Tim.

# 8 Fiona - She is the hottest woman ever to appear on a reality show! And that's the fact jack, in my humble opinion. The accent drives me about as wild as the black bikini top.

# 7 Product Placements - This hanging from hooks moment has been brought to by Home Depot. No there has been none of this horing. I'm pretty sure Art would have won the Tylenol Push threw the pain contest last week. MMH has not sold-out yet. I'm pretty sure the Jenga folks didn't have to pay to have them play.

# 6 Bonnie - I haven't rooted this hard for an old wise member of a tribe member since maybe Rodger or Jake. Bonnie getting the boot was very disappointing but it did make for great reality TV. Confusing and unexpected but great.

# 5 No Shii Ann - Okay so it's really not that great of a reason but I just loathe her and it's my list.

# 4 Entertainment Value - A.S.S. has been old and stale, like well an ars. About half of the A.S.S. episodes have been boring and predictable, while MMH has been fresh and new. Yes, there has been the usual alliance forming, back-stabbing, and emotional outburst that we have become accustom too from a reality boot off show. In the end however, it does not matter because the Alts control the fate of a contestant. An emotional break down may actually help a contestant and an alliance may in the end hurt someone's chances at the 100K.

# 3 The Alts - These five host all have very strong opinions and beliefs. They are over the top in many ways and can be extremely confrontational. This is what I love about them! There is no hidden agenda, just an in your face attitude. The contestants don't have to become what the Alts are but they do have to respect it.

# 2 No Quitters - No sign of the quit boat (yet).

# 1 Romber Effect - And the number one reason why Mad Mad House has a better entertainment value than A.S.S. - Rob and Amber are not making-out on this show!

Feel free to rip this Top Ten apart or create your own

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"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-06-04 at 01:15 AM
Well, I'd combine 8 and 9 (she's the real villain IMHO) but I completely agree otherwise (especially #1!). I'm loving MMH way more than A.S.S. and if Survivor wasn't like crack, I wouldn't even watch anymore.

- RMMNW!!!

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by mistofleas on 04-06-04 at 09:51 AM
HE, since I've just started watching MMH (and failed at that the last 2 times) can you tell me why you think Fiona is the villian?

--is an enquiring mind

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 04-06-04 at 05:20 PM
Misto, I am sure I_Am_He will eventually answer you but as the #1 supporter of Fiona around here I can understand why Fiona might be considered a villain by some. She is extremely confrontational! The goddess ritual with Loana was a great example. Loana was kind of hesitant to participate at first and Fiona said something to the effect of "good I don't want you to participate". She can be a bit more bitchy than witchy at times.

Okay I admit it; my liking Fiona is based more on lust than liking her as an individual. When a hotty is around, sometimes a man sees only the outer beauty and completely overlook the inner beauty or ugliness. Or maybe she has cast a spell upon me and I just can't help myself

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by Swami on 04-06-04 at 05:55 PM
To me, Fiona is sometimes bitchy without reason. She does not seem very perceptive of what is going on with the TOPs (like Art & ta'Shia seem to be). She is so fond of the "cute guy" Eric that she is totally oblivious to how well he has played her so far. For these reasons, I think she makes a lot of mistakes & misjudgements, but I think the word "villain" is overkill.

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-06-04 at 10:17 PM
yeah, villain isn't really the right word. just a capital-B witch

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by Gaelraven on 04-07-04 at 01:04 AM
That is a shame she is like that. Fiona is a author of a few Wiccan books. She should have a bit more respect. She does have a following outside this show.

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by mistofleas on 04-07-04 at 12:56 PM
Thanks for the insight guys, it helps me understand her a little more. The only thing I've really seen of her so far is when she purposely became dark goddessy (a.k.a. to some "a bitch) to test Eric. She does seem a little full of herself too.

--likes Art the best so far

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by I_AM_HE on 04-07-04 at 03:14 PM
the big thing that turned me off (although there have been a few small things as well) is what she did to Loana that dreamer mentioned above.

but i actually think her faults are what make her interesting for the show, maybe the most interesting in some ways

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by mistofleas on 04-07-04 at 03:51 PM
Loana is one of the TOP's right?

Damn, I really hate having missed so many episodes!

Ah well...I'll watch tomorrow and all will become clear, I just know it!

Thanks again.

--wonders what Don's "real" job is

"RE: Top ten reasons why MMH is better than A.S.S."
Posted by Silverado on 04-20-04 at 01:36 PM
I have to congratulate you on an awesome list. David Letterman-worthy, to be sure!