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"what the heck? (epsiode 4)"

Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-25-04 at 10:22 PM
anyone else think this elimination made no sense??

the trial was cool, and i had to laugh at the nature walk and park ranger...and coffin cam, lol


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"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by dreamerbeliever on 03-26-04 at 01:05 AM
The elimination of Bonnie was a bummer. I think my ranking her number one was a death card. Maybe next time I'll give the honor to Tim I would have liked to have seen the home area girl win the cash. If the true goal for the Alts is to transform the contestants, then Bonnie was done. Sad part about this line of thinking is that the vile Tim will be the last man standing because he will never truly change.

Last weeks episode hooked me like Art hanging from the ceiling. Episode four was just as brilliant. Not only are the contestants doing the usual backstabbing, forming alliances, and getting on one anothers nerves, but also so are the Alts! Having five host of a reality show really does bring a whole new level of exciting dynamics.

Art versus Don! My favorite moment, loved it. I wanna see a pay per view battle royal cage match between these two. Maybe a Mad Mad Max Beyond Thunderdome match with weapons. Ending with Art driving a wooden steak threw Don for the victory. yeah!

Fiona wearing a black leather bikini top, lord have mercy! This was a very very umm very close second in my favorite moments. I had to clean off the rug dust from my tongue after it hit the floor. And god created woman ... thank you!

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by AugustGirl on 03-26-04 at 08:43 AM
I'm sorry to see Bonnie go, I really liked her. I don't see their logic in eliminating her, but I certainly hope Tim is the next to go.

a JSlice original. isn't she something?

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Swami on 03-26-04 at 10:25 AM
The dynamics and logic behind this elimination were very bizarre. I guess the contestants have to be sincere (since all the Alts are trying so hard to spot 'fake' playing) but not peak too soon, because then the Alts decide they are done with personal growth so far as the MMH is concerned. (Someone pointed that strange logic out below too.) What the heck kind of way is that to award $100,000 prize money on? She opened up first & best--give her the damn money!

I couldn't believe that no one stayed the course to prevent Tim from getting immunity! That was a strategic error on everyone's part!

Nichole could have outlasted him if she set her mind to it for sure! But maybe she has read the Alts well, and doesn't want to look like she is trying too hard?

I still hope they hang Tim from the ceiling by a hook up his ass!!! He is so nasty!

What is with Tim always wearing short pants? Hello? You're a man! You can wear long pants now and then. You are not some old style, Upper Crust British gentry type who is not allowed to wear long pants until puberty. Oh wait. You are still puerile. Excuse me--I forgot!

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 09:56 AM
I blame Asrai. There I was last night minding my own business and having a nice chat with Asrai when she mentions that Mad Mad House is on in 20 minutes. I wasn't familiar with it by name but when she mentioned the premise I remembered the commercials.

Asrai raved about it and so since I had nothing better to do last night (hubby is out of town again) I decided to watch.

Within 5 minutes I was hooked, within 10 minutes I knew who I liked and disliked regarding the contestants and then...the phone rang and I had to watch the rest of it without sound!

Since I can't tape it I'll have to work either Thursday or Tuesday late into my schedule to watch this show. It's addicting man and that's scary!

I'm digging on the Alts (cool thing to call them by the way) and while I'm reserving judgement on "the witch" I thought Avocado was a hoot and the others right nifty.

Since I couldn't hear during the trial, what was Tim saying to the primative Alt guy (sorry I didn't catch a lot of the names)? And was there someone else challenging him as well?

Asrai, you're evil. I just thought you should know.

--needs a little more evil in her life

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-26-04 at 09:59 AM
Tim was challenging Art to take off his clothes O_o

to see which of the two of them could stand out in the cold naked the longest or something...

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Swami on 03-26-04 at 10:09 AM
Yeah--then he he said 'Let's go at it, man to man' or something like that, I would have to check my tape. Art was pretty laid back and pointed out that he (Art) was not the one being tested.

You missed some nice "White Witch" magic in eps 1-3, Misto. Yesterday was the first time she wore black & talked about her dark side.

Can you name the Goddesses she invoked while in the circle with the other Alts? I am not familiar with their names, and can't even seperate one name from another when she chants them aloud. If I has the names I could--I dunno--google them or something.

Dook Sux

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Deonna on 03-26-04 at 10:26 AM
What the heck was going on with Fiona and Eric? It almost seem to me that Fiona was coming on to Eric with the bit about you are going to become romantically involved with a blond. Then she said something like don't be afraid of an older woman. Maybe it was edited to appear that way, but it struck me as strange at the time. Any thoughts anyone?


"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 11:41 AM
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-04 AT 11:42 AM (EST)

Can you name the Goddesses she invoked while in the circle with the other Alts? I am not familiar with their names, and can't even seperate one name from another when she chants them aloud. If I has the names I could--I dunno--google them or something.

Since I had the sound off I didn't hear her charge any goddesses. You mention that she was doing white stuff before and last night she mentioned the dark goddess.

If she was invoking the dark goddesses, they would most likely have been (but not necessarily because we each have different aspects and goddesses to which we relate):
Lilith, Kali, Cerridwen, Inanna, Hecate & Tiamet. There are many others as well, but those are the most commonly called when dealing with dark goddess issues.

I'm interested to know what others think of Fiona (besides being a hottie!) and her "witchness".

--invokes the dark goddess when she needs extra wisdom to see through deceit

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-26-04 at 11:45 AM
those sound like the ones (not sure about Inanna though - I think she invoked her in the GOOD goddess ceremony, which struck me as odd)

as far as Fiona goes? i don't like her. i find her to be more of a B-itch than a W-icth. she's probably still above Don, but i definitely like the other 3 alts better than her

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 12:12 PM
Inanna is the Queen of the Heavens, Erishkigel is the Queen of the Underworld. But they're the same Goddess. Shadows of each other. (kind of like the Father, Son, Holy Spirit trinity).

So you can use either name in either instance of dark goddess or light goddess. They're interchangable.

Is Don the vampire guy? He seems more I'm a goth dude than someone dedicated like Art or Avocado. Besides, a vampire name "Don"?


"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-26-04 at 12:19 PM
aaah, ok. i think i must have had her confused with some other goddess.

and LOL at your Don comments

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 12:46 PM
aaah, ok. i think i must have had her confused with some other goddess.

I know, we all look alike don't we?

--is saving up her comments for Tim

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by I_AM_HE on 03-26-04 at 01:24 PM
well it is quite easy to tell YOU from the rest of them misto

as for Tim...you know who he reminds me of? go ahead, guess. (just teasing for my summary () which will be up tonight, barring some unforseen circumstance)

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Swami on 03-26-04 at 01:17 PM
vampire name "Don"?

Plus, he eats pasta. Not sure what he uses for his red sauce, however.

Dook Sux

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 01:26 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-04 AT 01:27 PM (EST)

Plus, he eats pasta.

Well, Spike (from Buffy the Vampire Slayer for those who don't know)has a penchant for Blooming Onions and Wheatabix so a vampire named Don liking pasta doesn't sound too far fetched.

Not sure what he uses for his red sauce, however.

Italian blood sausage?

--misses Buffy

edited to fix a horrible spelling error

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by AZ_Leo on 03-26-04 at 10:48 AM
I would be willing to bet that SciFi will rerun the whole thing in a marathon some weekend in May. The finale is April 29 and they don't have their May schedule up but they have done similar things with their programming.

Posted by Asrai on 03-27-04 at 01:02 AM
Yay! I'm so happy you were able to catch the show! I absolutely love this show! If me being evil gets you to this forum and watching this show, then expect me to be bad from now on!

I seriously don't know why they booted Bonnie last night. Silly reasoning, I tell ya! It's a shame that these dimwits thought that Tim deserved to 'win' his little stand with Art. Blech! I hate Tim.

I'm kinda digging on Loanna now that she grew a pair and stood up to Tim. Not so much so that she'll top my ratings, but definately moving up! I also wish that Art would've knocked Don back into the night, as Don was being a big whiney baby. Wah!

I think I may have to change my ratings on these peeps, they are scurrying like roaches all over my previous list, I need to round them back up where they belong!

Sigpic crafted by the master himself, IceCat!

loves Misto <------this much------> for calling me evil! Mwuah!

"RE: Mistofleas!!!"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-27-04 at 09:57 AM
I've always suspected you had an evil streak in you but after you got me hooked (after just one viewing) on this show, I'm completely convinced of your not so hidden, evil agenda.

And for that I thank you!

--hearts asrai <-----this much-----> for also posting a "rate your fav" thread so she can catch up on stuff she's missed

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Deonna on 03-26-04 at 10:37 AM
I am sooooooooo disappointed by the elimination I don't know what to think. The Alts said they were looking for transformation but now they are sending a mixed message. It is almost is if they want people to change and grow, but not too fast or too slow.


Either that or they just prefer the cute 20 something’s verses the older then dirt people.

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Swami on 03-26-04 at 01:14 PM
verses the older then dirt people.

Hey! I resemble that remark, LOL!

Remembers when God was a little boy/girl.

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by mistofleas on 03-26-04 at 01:30 PM
LAST EDITED ON 03-26-04 AT 01:31 PM (EST)

Remembers when God was a little boy/girl.

Oh me too! He/She was the meglomaniacal one that kept turning my lunchbox into something called "the ark of the covenant".

--is being so silly today

edited because I should obviously not be trying to post while hungry

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Loree on 03-26-04 at 01:45 PM
If they won't change they criticize and boot them. If they change all they can they praise and then boot them. So to win the money they have to be changing on some very slow pattern to please everyone.

The trial reminded me of Big Brother when they made them stay in cages and move to smaller cages as they left and got down to less people. And of course Tim was the only one that felt so vulnerable that he had to remain till the end.

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by witless in seattle on 03-26-04 at 06:16 PM
That was a travesty of justice last nite. That money was to go to the person who was most open to change. By tossing Bonnie out they cheated her at the chance. The worst of them was safe and the best was booted for a reason..mumble mumble mumble...that didn't exactly get articulated last nite,

Shame on them. I smell hypocrisy. Go for the ratings, not for the so-called premise of the show. blech.

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by Swami on 03-26-04 at 07:36 PM
Welcome to the Board, witless in seattle! I agree with you completely.

I have my suspicions that the Alts are being steered to keep people who are likely to get naked on camera. Jamie & Nichole will (I predict). Noel already has. Eric probably would too. Bonnie? No way, she would be too concerned about her sons & their friends seeing her nekkie.

Tim getting immunity was a failure to think things through on the part of the other contestants. In other endurance contests in other shows, like Survivor, women totally excel in endurance. Any of the women could have outlasted Tim--they all quit too soon!

Please, Gawd, don't let Tim get naked on camera.

"RE: what the heck? (epsiode 4)"
Posted by SilverStar on 03-27-04 at 00:52 AM
Speaking of Noel naked, how cool was that of him after the fear he had about people seeing the scar on his stomach? I thought that was great! Noel is my favorite, and Bonnie would have been second. It was so sad that they eliminated her when just the night before (in the cage) she said that she was so enjoying getting to experience new things and she is doing things she never thought she would. Shame on the Alts for eliminating perhaps the one person who seems genuinely interested in accepting their lifestyles into hers! How pitiful.

Proud Member RBBRTFHLA/Greasy Food Division